TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands

TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands
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310 IMPROVI:ID:NT OF TROP/GAL AND BUBTROP/OAL RANGELANDS they still retain. The businea communities have continued to proeper in the procea of liquidation of the capital of the natural resource bue, and their respODH has been a defeD8e of the existing system. The urban literate claues in the profeaiona and bureaucracy are, however, beginning to question the existing system and propound the need for a new order that will lead to suatainable resource use. Wherever there is an element of such a literate clua in the rural population, they, too, have called for new initiatives. Three such responses are worth further consideration here. Forestry Sector The forestry system has 110 far been dedicated to eliminating all privilegee enjoyed by the rural population and to serving the interests of the urban-industrial sector. A significant minority, howev~, is questioning this approach and attempting to inject new ways of managing the uncultivated lands to generate resources for the rural population. This has led to the development of the so-called social forestry programs and, very recently, the establishment of a national wasteland development board, which, in turn, has led to the afforeetation, for the first time, of minor forest lands in the Bedthi­ Aghanashini valleys, beginning in 198.. This afforestation has been supported by IIOme of the more properous and literate Havik fanners, but many others have opposed it. Neverthe1ea, there is growing acceptance of such programs both within the forestry eetabliahment and by the local population. Another remarkable innovation of the foresters has been the planting of several new "sacred groves" near major temples of the Bedthi-Aghanashini valleys. Applko Agltatlcm Some of the younger Havik farmers have organized a campaign against the policies of the forest department, deriving inspiration from the leadership of Sunderlal Bahuguna of the Chipko agitation in the Himalayas (Centre for Science and Environment, 1985). They have called for a complete cessation of all felling in reserve foresta. The forest bureaucracy has responded by attempting to drive a wedge between the literate, priestly caste ofHaviks and the illiterate, poorer castes, such as Naiks, by pointing to the extraordinary privileges of leaf manure forests enjoyed by the Haviks alone. The agitation has enjoyed a few succeues in fits and starta-aome fellings have been stopped-but has not acquired any broader support.

CHANGING PA'ITERN8 IN TH8 BEDTBI-AGHANASHINl VALLEYS 311 Ecodevelopment Movement Some of the other younger Havik farmers seriously committed to bringing in new technologiee to their calling have taken a managerial approach. They have insisted on better management of all uncultivated land, including the leaf manure forests, under their own control. They have joined with elements from scientific and technical communities, including this author, to promote more careful harvest from leaf manure forests, control ofgrazing, replanting of the degraded leaf manure and minor forest lands, and eo on. Initially, this movement startedexclusively with the more properous Havik farmers. However, realizing the importance of broadening the base of the movement, it is now actively attempting to include HaIakkis, Patg&r8, Naiks, and others in its fold (Prasad et aI., 1985). REfERENCES Buchanan. F. 1956. JOWTNJ 7'1lroufIa tJ&c NorlJtcm P,.,. 0/KGMI'G 1801-2. Nacarib Printen. K..war, Indi... C&lDpbeO. J. M. 1883. Bom6ar GudI..,.: KtIftIII'G. Goyemmen' Cen'ral Prell. Bomb..,. Indi... c.n're for Science and EnYironmen'. 1985. 7Yac SCat. O/Intlill" Enuirctnmcnt 11184-85: 77ac &«nul 0iIUm', Rqort. Cen're for Science and EnYironmen', New Delhi, Indi... Dharenrar, S. S. 1941. -The denuded condi'ion of 'he minor fora' in K..n..r.. cou'a1 'r..d.: i'. his'ory and ...cheme for iu regenera'ion.· Indian Forut.r 61:68-81. Gadgil, M., and K. C. Malho'ra. 1982. EcoIOlY of .. pu~ral cute: G..yli Dhangan of peninsular India. Human &01"" 10(1)101-143. Gadcil. M.• and K. C. M..lho'r... 1983. Ad..p'ive .ignific..nce of 'he Indian cas'e .,..'em: ..n ecolocical penpediYe. AnntJII 0/ Human Bioi"" 10:465-484. Gadcil. M., S. N. Prasad, and R. Ali. 19a. Fora' manapmen' in Indi..: .. cri'ical reYiew. Sociol Adam 33:121-155. Gadgil. M.• and K. C. Malho'ra. 1985. Ecology is for 'he people. SovtA Alian AntIropolo,iIt 6(1)1-14. Gadgil, M. 1985. Social ra'rain'. on reeource u'ilis..tion: the Indian experience. Pg. 135-154 in: 0uIC1n anti Oon,.~n: 7Yac Human Di"..ruion in Environmental PI""""". Croom Helm. London. England. Kane. I. 1961. Hindu Soeid,: an InUrprwttJlion. Decan CoO.... Pune. Indi... Prasad, S. N.• P. V. K., H. C. Sh..ra~andra, and M. Gadgll. 1919. On facton coyeming the distribu'ion of wild mamm.... in K..m..'ab. JoW"nlll 0/ Bom6ar NtJlional1IVCorr Soeid, 15(3):718-142. Prasad, S. N., M. S. Hedce. M. Gadgll. and K. M. Hedp. 1985. An experiment in eco-development in Utt..ra Kannad.. District of Karn..t..b..- SovlA Alian AntIropolo,ilt 6(1):13-83.


Ecodevelopment Movement<br />

Some of the other younger Havik farmers seriously committed<br />

to bringing in new technologiee to their calling have taken a managerial<br />

approach. They have insisted on better management of all<br />

uncultivated l<strong>and</strong>, including the leaf manure forests, under their own<br />

control. They have joined with elements from scientific <strong>and</strong> technical<br />

communities, including this author, to promote more careful<br />

harvest from leaf manure forests, control ofgrazing, replanting of the<br />

degraded leaf manure <strong>and</strong> minor forest l<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> eo on. Initially,<br />

this movement startedexclusively with the more properous Havik<br />

farmers. However, realizing the importance of broadening the base<br />

of the movement, it is now actively attempting to include HaIakkis,<br />

Patg&r8, Naiks, <strong>and</strong> others in its fold (Prasad et aI., 1985).<br />


Buchanan. F. 1956. JOWTNJ 7'1lroufIa tJ&c NorlJtcm P,.,. 0/KGMI'G 1801-2. Nacarib<br />

Printen. K..war, Indi...<br />

C&lDpbeO. J. M. 1883. Bom6ar GudI..,.: KtIftIII'G.<br />

Goyemmen' Cen'ral Prell.<br />

Bomb..,. Indi...<br />

c.n're for Science <strong>and</strong> EnYironmen'. 1985. 7Yac SCat. O/Intlill" Enuirctnmcnt<br />

11184-85: 77ac &«nul 0iIUm', Rqort. Cen're for Science <strong>and</strong> EnYironmen',<br />

New Delhi, Indi...<br />

Dharenrar, S. S. 1941. -The denuded condi'ion of 'he minor fora' in K..n..r..<br />

cou'a1 'r..d.: i'. his'ory <strong>and</strong> ...cheme for iu regenera'ion.· Indian Forut.r<br />

61:68-81.<br />

Gadgil, M., <strong>and</strong> K. C. Malho'ra. 1982. EcoIOlY of .. pu~ral cute: G..yli<br />

Dhangan of peninsular India. Human &01"" 10(1)101-143.<br />

Gadcil. M.• <strong>and</strong> K. C. M..lho'r... 1983. Ad..p'ive .ignific..nce of 'he Indian cas'e<br />

.,..'em: ..n ecolocical penpediYe. AnntJII 0/ Human Bioi"" 10:465-484.<br />

Gadcil. M., S. N. Prasad, <strong>and</strong> R. Ali. 19a. Fora' manapmen' in Indi..: ..<br />

cri'ical reYiew. Sociol Adam 33:121-155.<br />

Gadgil. M.• <strong>and</strong> K. C. Malho'ra. 1985. Ecology is for 'he people. SovtA Alian<br />

AntIropolo,iIt 6(1)1-14.<br />

Gadgil, M. 1985. Social ra'rain'. on reeource u'ilis..tion: the Indian experience.<br />

Pg. 135-154 in: 0uIC1n anti Oon,.~n: 7Yac Human Di"..ruion in<br />

Environmental PI""""". Croom Helm. London. Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Kane. I. 1961. Hindu Soeid,: an InUrprwttJlion. Decan CoO.... Pune. Indi...<br />

Prasad, S. N.• P. V. K., H. C. Sh..ra~<strong>and</strong>ra, <strong>and</strong> M. Gadgll. 1919. On<br />

facton coyeming the distribu'ion of wild mamm.... in K..m..'ab. JoW"nlll<br />

0/ Bom6ar NtJlional1IVCorr Soeid, 15(3):718-142.<br />

Prasad, S. N., M. S. Hedce. M. Gadgll. <strong>and</strong> K. M. Hedp. 1985. An experiment<br />

in eco-development in Utt..ra Kannad.. District of Karn..t..b..- SovlA Alian<br />

AntIropolo,ilt 6(1):13-83.

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