TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands

TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands

TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands


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-tlevap: Ovina et Caprina,· Atlu du Mt1I'OC: no~ aplictJAvu (Comit6 de<br />

G'ographie du Maroc, Section X -Geographi. Economique, Elevage, Pluche<br />

No. 40a; Rabat: Comit6 d. G'ocraphie du Maroc, 1954), p. 54; <strong>and</strong> E. LaoUlt.<br />

"'L'habitation ch.. lee tranlhumutl du Maroc Central: I. La tente et Ie douar.·<br />

Bupm. X:246 (1930).<br />

8. Ren6 Raynal. -r.a terre et l'homme en Haute Moulouya.· pp. 487-500.<br />

pointl out the reeulu of French interference that retul'ed in the led.ntari..tion<br />

of mOlt of the Ma'qil Arabi on 'heir agricultural holdinp in the Moulouya. In<br />

the cue of the Ait Mesaaoud ud the Ait Boupemu, two IUbtribea of the<br />

Ma'qil Arabi, herdl declined from over 200.000 Iheep at the h.ight of p..toral<br />

movemenu to 45,000 today. See also, idem -O'placementl rKenti et actuels<br />

d.. populationa du Bauin de la Moulouya (Maroc Oriental).· Oompte, Rendtu<br />

du 0",."., intemtltionol de GI"".ltic, Liabonne, 1949 (Liabonne: 1952), 1V:67-SO.<br />

7. See Pierre Birod <strong>and</strong> Jeu Dreec:h. La MetIiI.l'f'GJ'tJ. " Ie MOfICfto­<br />

Orient (Paria: PlWHl UniTerai'airet de France, 1953-1956). 1:436-439; <strong>and</strong><br />

Jeu Despoia, L'A/riquc du Nord (Paria: PlWHl Univeraitairel de France, 1949),<br />

pp.52·58.<br />

8. Jeu C'l'rier, -La tranuumuce dana Ie May.n·Atl...• Bupcn.<br />

VlI:53-68 (He p. 55) (1927).<br />

9. E. LaoUit. -L'habitation ch.. lea tranlhumanu du Maroc Central I,<br />

La tente et Ie douar,· Bupln. X:151·253 (1930) POintl out, the term G1I4fMr<br />

meant a lpecific geographic region, but it carriee with h numeroUi other<br />

connotationl auch .. .mall "illap. ielda, graling for uimala, etc.<br />

10. For the Upper Moulouya, tee Raynal, -r.a terre et l'homme en Hau'e<br />

Moulouya,· pp. 489-490.<br />

11. Jean C616ri.r, -La montagne au Maroc (Euai de d6finition e' de<br />

clauification),· Bupln. XXV:l09-180 (1938).<br />

12. C616rier, -La tranlhumance danl Ie Mayen-Atl..,· p. 56; ud LaoUlt,<br />

"'L'habitation, I.· pp. 152-153.<br />

13. See J. Martin et at., GIOf"IPltie du Maroc (Paria: Hatierj Casablanca.:<br />

Librairie Nationale. 1984). p. 123, map on p. 120. Alto valuable are Birot<br />

ud Dreec:h, La MetIiI.rnJrIl• •t " Morm-Orimt, 1:436-439; <strong>and</strong> Deepoia. Jean.<br />

L'A/riqvA du Non!., pp. 86-95.<br />

14. C616rier, -r.a tranahumuce danl Ie Mayen.Atlu.· p. 64.<br />

15. Raynal, -r.a terre et l'homme en Haute Moulouya,· p. 491; <strong>and</strong><br />

C'16rier, -r.a tranahumance danl Ie Moyen-Atlu.· p. 64.<br />

18. For the cleareet ud mOlt conciae account of the yearly cycle, He Jean<br />

C'16rier. Maroc (L'union fran~aiaej Paria: Edition, Berger-Levraul'. 1948), p.<br />

90. Alto extremely valuable ia the map <strong>and</strong> Ichematic repreaen'a'ion in Joly.<br />

AClCII du Maroc, p. 26. ud the route deacriptionl in the new clauic article by<br />

C'16rier, -r.a 'ranahumuce dana Ie Mayen-Atlas,· pp.64·87. A more general<br />

work treating the Ma'qil Arabi it Susanne Nouvel, NO'ffI4du " ,Identai,.. CIU<br />

Maroc (Parit: Emile LaroH. 1919).17.LaoUlt, -L'habitation...I.· p. 241.<br />

18. C616rier. -La 'ranahumance dane Ie Moyen-Atlas,· p. 65; <strong>and</strong> Martin<br />

et aI., GI"".Iti. du Maroc. p. 129.<br />

19. LaoUit. "'L'habitation••.I,· p. 243.<br />

20. C'16rier. -r.a tranahumance danl Ie Mayen-Adas.· p. 65.<br />

21. Ibid.• p. 66.<br />

22. Wa.lter B. Harrie, -The Nomadic Berbera of Central Morocco.· Geofl'GPhic41<br />

JournollX:639 (1897); ud Nouvel. NO'ffI4du eC ,Identai". CIU Maroc, pp.<br />


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