TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands

TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands TheImprovement ofTropical and Subtropical Rangelands
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208 IMPROVEMENT OF TROPIOAL AND SUBTROPICAL RANGBLANDS Heiser, R. B. and W. G. H....ll. 1985. Impl'09'ement of the IJ'UIlU and other .honlrau prairie .peci•• Pp. 171-177 in~and Sdlded Papcn /'ru.ntttl III flu UtA Annual AI..... 0/ flu Societ, lor Rang. AltlJ'l/lftMmL SocielJ for Ranp Manacement, DenTer, Colorado, USA. Le Houc\rou, H. N. 1958. £Colosie, phytolociolocie, et produdiviW de l"olivier en Tunisie meridionale. Seri. B, IV(1):7-72. Le Hodrou, H. N. 1972. L'eeolocia vegetale nella regione medikrraJle&. Pane I: I faUori cUmatici. MinmHI BiologiCA 1(3):123-134. Le Hodrou, H. N. 1974. Principlu, MIlt1aotII, and 7'WIniquu 1M' Rtm,. MtIJ'I/If.­ """' and Fodder l'rofIuditm in flu M• ."..... Buin, 2nd ed. Food and Acricuhure Orcanill&tion of the United Natiou, Rome, Ualy. Le Hodrou, H. N. 1977. The grauland. of Africa: clauilcation, produdion, evolution and development outlook. pp. 9G-116 in~0/ flu X111IA GraNlarul Oongrea. Akademie Verlac, Berlin, German Democratic Republic. Le Houc\rou, H. N., ed. 1980. Brow. in AfriCA: 7Yac 0urrmI Stili. 0/ Knowl. International LiT..lock Centre for Africa, Addil Ababa, Elhiopia. Le Hodrou, H. N. 1984. Rain UN efliciency: a unifying concept in arid land ecololY. JtJ1II'M1 0/ Aritl Bnuironmmtl 7:213-247. Le Hodrou, H. N. 1985. Forap and fuel planb in the arid lone of Nonh Africa, the Near and Middle Eut. Pp. 117·141 in PlGnU/or Aritl LantJ., G. E. Wicbn., J. R. Gooden, and D. V. Field, ed•• Georp Allen and Unwin, London, England. Le Houc\rou, H. N. 1986. Salt tolerant planb of economic nlue in the Medikrranean Buin. In~01 flu RuCGrCIa lor DcwlOJ""Cnt ScmiMr OI'll'fIf'GI' and IbcIfrom Sah A6_ttl LaN!., E. G. BarreU-Lennard, C. V. Malcolm, and W. R. Stern, ed•• Ellevier Publilhen, The Hague, Netherland•• Le Hodrou, H. N. and J. R. Norwine. 1988. The EcoclimatololY of South Texu. pp. 417-443 in Aritl 1An4I: 7bdor tMtl 7bmorrow, E. E. Whitehead, C. F. Hutchiuon, B. M. Timmerman, and R. G. Varady, edt. W..tview Pren, Boulder, Colorado, USA. Le Hodrou H. N. and G. F. Popov. 1981. An EcoclifJlalic OItlMificaliOl'l 0/ IntmropictJl AfriCA. Plant Production Paper No. 31, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nation., Rome, Italy. Mann, H. S. and S. K. Suena. 1980. KIaIljri Pro,opU cinmJrio) in flu Indian Du.rt: 1tI Rol. in Agrolol'Ufr'l. CAZRI Monograph No. 11, Central Arid Zone ae..arch In.titute, Jodhpur, India. McAnhur, E. D., B. L. Welch, and D. L. Nellon. 1985. Developing improTed cultivan of .agebruh.. and other CompOlitae .hrube. Pp. 178-187 in Proceeding, and Sdcctlltl P.cr1 P,..cnt.tI III flu 88tI& Annual AI.... 01 tJu Socid¥ lor B4n,. MCII'IIIf.""nt. Society for Range Manapment, DenTer, Colorado, USA. McKell, C. M. 1975. Shrube and forbe for improvement of ranpland•• Pp. 62·75 in rmprowtl Rang. Plantl, R. S. Campbell and C. H. Herbel, edt. Society for Range Management, DenTer, Colorado, USA. McKell, C. M., J. P. Blaildell, and J. R. Goodin, ed•• 1972. Wildland SIaruN­ Tlacir BiolOW anti Utililtalion. USDA Forest Service General Technical Repon INT·1. Intermountain Fore.t and Ranp Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Depanment of Acricuhure, Olden, Utah, USA.

CRITERlA FOR PLANT SELEOTlON 209 Mouon, S. B. and J. N. Da...ia. 1985. Prosreu in the improvement ofl.lec:ted -.tern Nonh Am.rica rOACeOUI Ihrub.. pp. 291-209 in 1'roctctingI and Sallded P..,., Prumtttl III 1M 88IIa Annual Medin, 01 1M Soeietw lor Rang, AltIII4Imwrt. Soci.t, for Ranp Manapm.nt, Den....r, Colorado, USA. National Academy of Sci.nce8. 1979. Th1pical Le,uma: RuotftC. lor 1M 1Wurc. National Academy of Sciencel, Wuhincton, D.C., USA. National of Sci.nce8. 1980. FirttDood Grop.: SJnj and 7hc 8pcciu lor Encrn Protludion. National Academy Preu, Wuhinpn, D.C., USA. Puternak, D., Y. Ben-nov, and M. Foni. 1979. Irrilalion olOrop and Ornamental Plta'ltI citA S. Wat.,. Research and Development Authority, Ben Gurion Uni....nit, of the Ne....., Beer-Shen, Israel. Plummer, A. P., D. R. ChriateDHn, and S. B. MonlOn. 1968. Rutonn, Bi, Game Rang. in UtaIL. Publication No. 68. Utah Diviaion of Fiah and Game, Salt Lab Cit" Utah, USA. PraU, D. J. and M. D. Gwynne. 1971. Rangeland MtIII4IImcnt GI'Ul Ecol"" in Eut Afriu.. Hodder and Stouehton, London, England. Rumbaugh, M. D. and C. F. ToWDMlld. 1985. Range legume ..lection and breeding in North America. In ProewIi"" and Salldttl P".,." Prucntttl at 1M UIJ& A.-.aI Medin, 01 flu SocitCJ /or,. Alancag.mcnI. Society for Range Manapment,, Colorado, USA. Smts, H. C. and J. R. CarllOn. 1985. Genetic impronment of laltbush (A'"Pu canace",) and other Chenopodl. pp. 190-200 in ProetttIinp GI'Ul Sclcdttl Paper. Prutnlttl at flu UIJ& A.-.aI AI..., 01 flu Socidv /or Rang. AlIII'IGfI"'I'II Societ, for Ranp Manapment, Den....r, Colorado, USA. U.S. Depanment of State. 1982. ProucJin" 01 flu U.S. BnI", COn/rmlCI on Biolofietll Diver.,. U.S. Publication No. 9262. U.S. Department of State, Wuhinpn, D.C., USA. Valentine, J. F. 1979. Ratte Dcwlopmenll and I"."..,.,.,..., 2nd ed. Brigham Young Uni....nit, P....., PfOYO, Utah, USA. Vogel, K. P., C. L. DeWald, H. J. Gon, and F. A. Hukinl. 1985. Improvement of switcherUl, indiangrUl, and .utern gr&magr&ll: current Itatul and future. pp. 15D-170 in 1'roctctingI and Salldttl P".,." Pruml«l at 1M UIJ& A.-.aI AI..., 01 flu Soeietw lor,. MCll'lllfmwrt. Society for Range Manapment, nen....r, Colorado, USA. Voigt, P. W. 1975. Improving palatabUit, of rang. plantl. pp. 23-49 in I"'f'rovd" PIGnII, R. S. Campbell and C. H. H.rbel, edt. Society for Range Manapment, nen....r, Colorado, USA. Voight, P. W. and W. Oabl. 1985. Longrulel, dropeeedl, and other delen and nbtropical gruIeI. pp' 178-187 in ~ and Saleded P".,.r. Prumtttl at tJac UIJ& Annual Aledin, 01 tJac Soei", lor 1l4nIc MIII'IGfImcnl. Soci.ty for Range Managem.nt, Den....r, Colorado, USA. Wright, L. N. 1975. Improving ranp grail. for prmination and Medling eltablilhment under It..... en...ironmenu. In I".",.".,. Rang, Planb, R. S. Campbell and C. H. Herbel, edt. Society for Ranp Manapment, Denver, Colorado, USA.


Heiser, R. B. <strong>and</strong> W. G. H....ll. 1985. Impl'09'ement of the IJ'UIlU <strong>and</strong> other<br />

.honlrau prairie .peci•• Pp. 171-177 in~<strong>and</strong> Sdlded Papcn<br />

/'ru.ntttl III flu UtA Annual AI..... 0/ flu Societ, lor Rang. AltlJ'l/lftMmL<br />

SocielJ for Ranp Manacement, DenTer, Colorado, USA.<br />

Le Houc\rou, H. N. 1958. £Colosie, phytolociolocie, et produdiviW de l"olivier<br />

en Tunisie meridionale. Seri. B, IV(1):7-72.<br />

Le Hodrou, H. N. 1972. L'eeolocia vegetale nella regione medikrraJle&. Pane<br />

I: I faUori cUmatici. MinmHI BiologiCA 1(3):123-134.<br />

Le Hodrou, H. N. 1974. Principlu, MIlt1aotII, <strong>and</strong> 7'WIniquu 1M' Rtm,. MtIJ'I/If.­<br />

"""' <strong>and</strong> Fodder l'rofIuditm in flu M• ."..... Buin, 2nd ed. Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Acricuhure Orcanill&tion of the United Natiou, Rome, Ualy.<br />

Le Hodrou, H. N. 1977. The graul<strong>and</strong>. of Africa: clauilcation, produdion,<br />

evolution <strong>and</strong> development outlook. pp. 9G-116 in~0/ flu X111IA<br />

GraNlarul Oongrea. Akademie Verlac, Berlin, German Democratic Republic.<br />

Le Houc\rou, H. N., ed. 1980. Brow. in AfriCA: 7Yac 0urrmI Stili. 0/ Knowl.<br />

International LiT..lock Centre for Africa, Addil Ababa, Elhiopia.<br />

Le Hodrou, H. N. 1984. Rain UN efliciency: a unifying concept in arid l<strong>and</strong><br />

ecololY. JtJ1II'M1 0/ Aritl Bnuironmmtl 7:213-247.<br />

Le Hodrou, H. N. 1985.<br />

Forap <strong>and</strong> fuel planb in the arid lone of Nonh<br />

Africa, the Near <strong>and</strong> Middle Eut. Pp. 117·141 in PlGnU/or Aritl LantJ., G.<br />

E. Wicbn., J. R. Gooden, <strong>and</strong> D. V. Field, ed•• Georp Allen <strong>and</strong> Unwin,<br />

London, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Le Houc\rou, H. N. 1986. Salt tolerant planb of economic nlue in the Medikrranean<br />

Buin. In~01 flu RuCGrCIa lor DcwlOJ""Cnt ScmiMr OI'll'fIf'GI'<br />

<strong>and</strong> IbcIfrom Sah A6_ttl LaN!., E. G. BarreU-Lennard, C. V. Malcolm, <strong>and</strong><br />

W. R. Stern, ed•• Ellevier Publilhen, The Hague, Netherl<strong>and</strong>••<br />

Le Hodrou, H. N. <strong>and</strong> J. R. Norwine. 1988. The EcoclimatololY of South<br />

Texu. pp. 417-443 in Aritl 1An4I: 7bdor tMtl 7bmorrow, E. E. Whitehead,<br />

C. F. Hutchiuon, B. M. Timmerman, <strong>and</strong> R. G. Varady, edt. W..tview<br />

Pren, Boulder, Colorado, USA.<br />

Le Hodrou H. N. <strong>and</strong> G. F. Popov. 1981. An EcoclifJlalic OItlMificaliOl'l 0/<br />

IntmropictJl AfriCA. Plant Production Paper No. 31, Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture<br />

Organisation of the United Nation., Rome, Italy.<br />

Mann, H. S. <strong>and</strong> S. K. Suena. 1980. KIaIljri Pro,opU cinmJrio) in flu Indian<br />

Du.rt: 1tI Rol. in Agrolol'Ufr'l. CAZRI Monograph No. 11, Central Arid<br />

Zone ae..arch In.titute, Jodhpur, India.<br />

McAnhur, E. D., B. L. Welch, <strong>and</strong> D. L. Nellon. 1985. Developing improTed<br />

cultivan of .agebruh.. <strong>and</strong> other CompOlitae .hrube. Pp. 178-187 in<br />

Proceeding, <strong>and</strong> Sdcctlltl P.cr1 P,..cnt.tI III flu 88tI& Annual AI.... 01 tJu<br />

Socid¥ lor B4n,. MCII'IIIf.""nt. Society for Range Manapment, DenTer,<br />

Colorado, USA.<br />

McKell, C. M. 1975. Shrube <strong>and</strong> forbe for improvement of ranpl<strong>and</strong>•• Pp.<br />

62·75 in rmprowtl Rang. Plantl, R. S. Campbell <strong>and</strong> C. H. Herbel, edt.<br />

Society for Range Management, DenTer, Colorado, USA.<br />

McKell, C. M., J. P. Blaildell, <strong>and</strong> J. R. Goodin, ed•• 1972. Wildl<strong>and</strong> SIaruN­<br />

Tlacir BiolOW anti Utililtalion. USDA Forest Service General Technical Repon<br />

INT·1. Intermountain Fore.t <strong>and</strong> Ranp Experiment Station, Forest Service,<br />

U.S. Depanment of Acricuhure, Olden, Utah, USA.

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