Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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Sex cord-like, neuroectodermal and<br />

neuroendocrine tumours, lymphomas<br />

and leukaemias<br />

F. Nogales<br />

F.A. Tavassoli<br />

Sex cord-like tumours<br />

Definition<br />

Tumours of the uterine corpus that closely<br />

resemble some true ovarian sex cord<br />

tumours.<br />

Epidemiology<br />

Among these rare tumours the most<br />

numerous are the sex cord-like tumours<br />

{511}, which closely resemble some true<br />

ovarian sex cord tumours.<br />

Histopathology<br />

These are diagnosed only when they are<br />

not found within otherwise classical<br />

endometrial stromal or smooth muscle<br />

tumours. Histologically, sex cord elements<br />

are represented by trabecular ribbons<br />

and nodules or isolated cells with<br />

luteinized or foamy cytoplasm that are<br />

histologically and immunohistochemically<br />

identical to ovarian steroid-producing<br />

cells, being strongly positive for alphainhibin,<br />

calretinin and CD99 {167,<br />

1521,1808}. They may be capable of horm<br />

o n e - s e c reting activity {2034}. They<br />

have a prominent epithelial component<br />

that can be tubular, retiform {3247} or<br />

glomeruloid. They also show frequent<br />

positivity for cytokeratins, vimentin,<br />

smooth muscle actin and, occasionally,<br />

epithelial membrane antigen (EMA)<br />

{930}.<br />

Neuroectodermal tumours<br />

Definition<br />

A variety of tumours of the uterine corpus<br />

that show neuro e c t o d e rmal diff e re n t i a t i o n .<br />

Epidemiology<br />

D i ff e rent types of neuro e c t o d e rm a l<br />

tumours are found in the uterus. When<br />

p u re, they usually present in young<br />

patients {1188}; however, when mixed<br />

with <strong>carcinoma</strong> or carc i n o s a rcoma they<br />

a re usually found in older women {638,<br />

931,2710}. Recently, peripheral primitive<br />

neuro e c t o d e rmal tumour/Ewing<br />

tumour has been re p o rted in both young<br />

{1597} and postmenopausal patients<br />

{ 2 7 1 0 } .<br />

Histopathology<br />

Well diff e rentiated variants with an<br />

appearance similar to low grade astrocytoma<br />

{3201} should be diff e re n t i a t e d<br />

from non-neoplastic fetal parts implanted<br />

in the endometrium following abortion.<br />

Most often, the tumour cells differentiate<br />

into neuroblastic, neuroepithelial, glial<br />

and neuronal elements {1188}.<br />

Peripheral primitive neuro e c t o d e rm a l<br />

tumour/Ewing tumour shows a characteristic<br />

immunophenotype positive for neuron-specific<br />

enolase, vimentin and CD99<br />

as well as the presence of EWS/FLI-1<br />

fusion transcripts.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

All neuroectodermal tumours except the<br />

well diff e rentiated astrocytic form s<br />

behave in a highly malignant fashion.<br />

Melanotic paraganglioma<br />

Definition<br />

A tumour morphologically identical to<br />

paraganglioma, but functionally producing<br />

mainly melanin pigment instead of<br />

neuroendocrine granules.<br />

Epidemiology<br />

Only two examples of melanotic paraganglioma<br />

have been described in the<br />

uterus in women 31 and 46 years of age<br />

{2866}.<br />

Macroscopy<br />

Both were incidental findings in uteri<br />

removed for unrelated benign lesions.<br />

The larger lesion was 1.5 cm and<br />

appeared as a black pigmented lesion<br />

on macroscopic examination; the other<br />

was a histological finding.<br />

Histopathology<br />

Both lesions were well circ u m s c r i b e d<br />

and composed of large nests of round or<br />

angulated polygonal cells with abundant<br />

clear or granular pale eosinophilic cytoplasm.<br />

Both cases had psammoma bodies,<br />

and large amounts of coarse melanin<br />

A<br />

Fig. 4.56 Sex cord-like tumour. A Trabecular pattern is prominent. B The neoplasm shows a cord-like pattern.<br />

B<br />

Sex cord-like, neuroectodermal and neuroendocrine tumours, lymphomas and leukaemias 255

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