Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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A<br />

Fig. 2.142 Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata. A There are numerous small nodules dispersed throughout the omental surfaces. B One of multiple nodules<br />

composed of uniform smooth muscle cells in the peritoneum is illustrated.<br />

B<br />

rarely, if ever, do they recur after adequate<br />

excision {506}.<br />

Smooth muscle tumour<br />

Leiomyomatosis peritonealis<br />

disseminata<br />

Definition<br />

A benign entity in which numerous small<br />

nodules composed of smooth muscle<br />

are present in the peritoneal cavity.<br />

Synonym<br />

Diffuse peritoneal leiomyomatosis.<br />

Epidemiology<br />

This condition is rare and occurs in<br />

women predominantly in their late reproductive<br />

years.<br />

Clinical findings<br />

With few exceptions the patients are<br />

asymptomatic. The tumours are found<br />

incidentally at the time of laparotomy for a<br />

leiomyomatous uterus or during caesarean<br />

section. At the time of operation the<br />

surgeon is likely to be alarmed since this<br />

entity may be macroscopically indistinguishable<br />

from diffuse <strong>carcinoma</strong>tosis of<br />

the peritoneum. Intraoperative consultation<br />

is re q u i red to establish the diagnosis.<br />

Macroscopy<br />

The tumour typically consists of numerous<br />

small, grey-white nodules.<br />

Histopathology<br />

The tumours consist of multiple nodules<br />

of well diff e rentiated smooth muscle<br />

arranged in an intersecting pattern .<br />

Cases may occur in conjunction with<br />

endometriosis or muticystic mesothelioma,<br />

and a single case was associated<br />

with both conditions {3268}.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

The tumours may regress spontaneously,<br />

and conservative management is appropriate.<br />

Tumour of uncertain origin<br />

Desmoplastic small<br />

round cell tumour<br />

Definition<br />

A malignant peritoneal tumour of uncertain<br />

origin that shows divergent differentiation<br />

and is typically composed of nodules<br />

of small cells surrounded by a<br />

prominent desmoplastic stroma.<br />

ICD-O code 8806/3<br />

Epidemiology<br />

Desmoplastic small cell tumour (DSRCT)<br />

is an extremely rare malignancy that has<br />

a strong male predilection and occurs<br />

most commonly in adolescents and<br />

young adults (mean age 19 years) {984}.<br />

Histopathology<br />

H i s t o l o g i c a l l y, DSRCT consists of sharply<br />

c i rcumscribed aggregates of small<br />

epithelioid cells separated by fibrous stroma.<br />

The tumour cells typically are uniform<br />

with scanty cytoplasm, have indistinct cell<br />

b o rders, and small to medium-sized,<br />

round, oval or spindle-shaped hyperc h romatic<br />

nuclei. Mitotic figures are numero u s .<br />

I m m u n o h i s t o c h e m i s t ry indicates simultaneous<br />

divergent expression within the<br />

tumour including reactivity for epithelial<br />

(keratin, epithelial membrane antigen),<br />

neural (neuron-specific enolase) and<br />

muscle/mesenchymal (desmin) markers<br />

{ 9 8 4 } .<br />

Histogenesis<br />

These tumours are malignant neoplasms<br />

of uncertain histogenesis. Their location<br />

primarily in the peritoneum suggests a<br />

possible histogenetic relationship with<br />

mesothelium. The distinctive immunophenotype<br />

suggests multilineage {984,1038}.<br />

Somatic genetics<br />

DSRCT has a characteristic re c i p ro c a l<br />

c h romosome translocation t(11;22)(p13;<br />

q12) which results in the fusion of the<br />

Ewing tumour (E W S) gene and the Wilms<br />

tumour (W T 1) gene {900,903}. The re s u l t-<br />

ant chimeric E W S - W T 1 transcript produces<br />

a tumour-specific fusion protein that<br />

t u rns the W T 1 tumour suppressor gene<br />

into a dominant oncogene {2340}. As a<br />

result, cytogenetic analysis can be helpful<br />

in excluding the diagnosis of other ro u n d<br />

cell tumours.<br />

Genetic susceptibility<br />

No familial clustering has been described.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

Clinical criteria<br />

Multimodality therapy with induction<br />

c h e m o t h e r a p y, aggressive surgical<br />

debulking and external beam radiotherapy<br />

is advocated for the initial treatment of<br />

DSRCT. However, the prognosis is over-<br />

200 Tumours of the ovary and peritoneum

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