Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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Miscellaneous tumours and tumour-like<br />

conditions of the ovary<br />

L.M. Roth<br />

A. Tsubura<br />

M. Dietel<br />

H. Senzaki<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

A group of benign and malignant ovarian<br />

tumours of diverse or uncertain origin.<br />

ICD-O codes<br />

Small cell <strong>carcinoma</strong>,<br />

hypercalcaemic type 8041/3<br />

Small cell <strong>carcinoma</strong>,<br />

pulmonary type 8041/3<br />

Large cell neuroendocrine<br />

<strong>carcinoma</strong> 8013/3<br />

Adenoid cystic <strong>carcinoma</strong> 8200/3<br />

Basal cell tumour 8090/1<br />

Hepatoid <strong>carcinoma</strong> 8576/3<br />

Malignant mesothelioma 9050/3<br />

Gestational chorio<strong>carcinoma</strong> 9100/3<br />

Hydatidiform mole 9100/0<br />

Ovarian wolffian tumour 9110/1<br />

Wilms tumour 8960/3<br />

Paraganglioma 8693/1<br />

Myxoma 8840/0<br />

Small cell <strong>carcinoma</strong>,<br />

hypercalcaemic type<br />

tumour has spread beyond the ovary at<br />

the time of initial laporatomy.<br />

Histopathology<br />

On histological examination the tumours<br />

typically grow diff u s e l y, but they may form<br />

small islands, trabeculae or cords. They<br />

f requently form follicle-like spaces that<br />

almost always contain eosinophilic fluid,<br />

and nuclei show easily discernible nucleoli.<br />

Foci of either benign or malignant<br />

mucinous epithelium are present in 10-<br />

15% of the cases. Ty p i c a l l y, the cells of<br />

the tumour contain scant cytoplasm, but<br />

in approximately one-half of cases a component<br />

of large cells with abundant<br />

eosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclei containing<br />

prominent nucleoli is present.<br />

I m m u n o p ro f i l e<br />

Small cell <strong>carcinoma</strong>s generally stain for<br />

epithelial membrane antigen but not for<br />

inhibin {2376}. Variable staining of the<br />

neoplastic cells for vimentin, cytokeratin<br />

and epithelial membrane antigen is<br />

observed {46}.<br />

Cytometric studies<br />

Flow cytometric studies of paraff i n -<br />

embedded tissue has demonstrated that<br />

the neoplastic cells are diploid {755}.<br />

Electron microscopy<br />

E l e c t ron microscopic examination has<br />

shown an epithelial appearance to the<br />

neoplasm consisting of small desmosomes<br />

and, in some cases, tight junctions<br />

{695}. Dilated granular endoplasmic re t i c-<br />

ulum containing amorphous material is<br />

characteristically present within the cytoplasm<br />

{695,696}. Few or no neuro s e c re t o-<br />

ry granules have been identified.<br />

D i ff e rential diagnosis<br />

Because of the young age of the patients<br />

and the presence of follicle-like spaces in<br />

the neoplasm, the diff e rential diagnosis<br />

includes juvenile granulosa cell tumour.<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

An undiff e rentiated <strong>carcinoma</strong> that is usually<br />

associated with paraendocrine hypercalcaemia<br />

and is composed primarily of<br />

small cells.<br />

Clinical features<br />

This neoplasm typically occurs in young<br />

women and is associated with paraendocrine<br />

hypercalcaemia in appro x i m a t e l y<br />

t w o - t h i rds of patients {3204}. Most of the<br />

patients presented with abdominal<br />

swelling or pain related to their tumour;<br />

h o w e v e r, one patient had a neck exploration<br />

for presumed parathyroid disease<br />

with negative results before the ovarian<br />

tumour was discovered {3204}.<br />

M a c r o s c o p y<br />

The tumours are usually large and predominantly<br />

solid, pale white to gray masses.<br />

Necrosis, haemorrhage and cystic<br />

degeneration are common.<br />

Table 2.08<br />

Comparison of small cell <strong>carcinoma</strong> of the hypercalcaemic type with juvenile granulosa cell tumour.<br />

Small cell <strong>carcinoma</strong>, hypercalcaemic type<br />

Stage I in 50% of cases<br />

Highly malignant<br />

Hypercalcaemia in two-thirds of cases<br />

Never estrogenic<br />

Scant or non-specific stroma<br />

Follicles often contain mucicarminophilic<br />

basophilic secretion<br />

Nuclei hyperchromatic<br />

Prominent nucleoli<br />

Mitoses frequent<br />

Usually epithelial membrane antigen positive<br />

Juvenile granulosa cell tumour<br />

Stage I in greater than 97% of cases<br />

Usually non-aggressive<br />

Hypercalcaemia absent<br />

Usually estrogenic<br />

Fibrothecomatous stroma common<br />

Follicles rarely contain mucicarminophilic<br />

basophilic secretion<br />

Rounded euchromatic nuclei,<br />

Indistinct nucleoli<br />

Mitoses variable<br />

Epithelial membrane antigen negative<br />

Tumour spread and staging<br />

In approximately 50% of the patients the<br />

Alpha-inhibin negative<br />

Alpha-inhibin positive<br />

182 Tumours of the ovary and peritoneum

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