Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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Tumours unassociated with PJS form<br />

masses of simple and complex tubules<br />

separated by sparse fibrous stro m a .<br />

Extensive hyalinization may develop.<br />

The neoplastic cells may spill over<br />

beyond the confines of the tubules and<br />

infiltrate the surrounding stroma. Mitotic<br />

f i g u res occasionally exceed 4 per 10<br />

high power fields and rarely exceed 10<br />

per 10 high power fields. Areas of well<br />

d i ff e rentiated Sertoli cell tumour characterized<br />

by elongated solid tubules<br />

and/or microfollicular granulosa cell<br />

tumour are often present. Calcification<br />

of the hyaline bodies is typically found in<br />

over half of the tumours associated with<br />

P J S .<br />

E l e c t ron micro s c o p y<br />

Ultrastructural assessment has shown<br />

C h a rcot-Böttcher filaments in several<br />

cases {2882}. While not re q u i red for<br />

diagnosis, their presence confirms the<br />

identification of the sex cord component<br />

as Sertoli cells.<br />

H i s t o g e n e s i s<br />

Although there is ultrastructural evidence<br />

supporting diff e re n t i a t i o n<br />

t o w a rds Sertoli cells in SCTAT, the histological<br />

and clinical features are suff i-<br />

ciently distinctive to merit its classification<br />

as a specific form of sex cord - s t romal<br />

tumour.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

All PJS-associated tumourlets have<br />

been benign. Up to 25% of SCTATs that<br />

occur in the absence of the PJS have<br />

been clinically malignant. Tumours with<br />

an infiltrative growth pattern and mitotic<br />

f i g u res beyond the usual 3-4 per 10 high<br />

power fields are more likely to recur or<br />

otherwise behave aggre s s i v e l y. It is difficult,<br />

however, to predict the behaviour<br />

of individual cases. Some tumours produce<br />

müllerian inhibiting substance<br />

and/or alpha-inhibin, and these tumour<br />

markers may be useful in monitoring the<br />

course of disease in those cases<br />

{1091,2304}. Recurrences are often late<br />

and may be multiple. Spread thro u g h<br />

lymphatics may result in regional and<br />

distant lymph node involvement.<br />

Somatic genetics<br />

G e rmline mutations in a gene encoding<br />

s e r i n e - t h reonine kinase have been identified<br />

in a SCTAT associated with PJS<br />

but not in sporadic cases {548}.<br />

Fig. 2.83 Steroid cell tumour. The tumour is composed of large polygonal cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm<br />

containing lipofuscin pigment.<br />

A<br />

Fig. 2.84 A Steroid cell tumour composed of large polygonal cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. B Tumour<br />

cells show intense cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for alpha-inhibin.<br />

G y n a n d r o b l a s t o m a<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

A tumour composed of an admixture of<br />

well diff e rentiated Sertoli cell and granulosa<br />

cell components with the second<br />

cell population comprising at least 10%<br />

of the lesion.<br />

Clinical features<br />

An extremely rare tumour, gynandro b-<br />

lastoma generally occurs in young<br />

adults, though it may be encountered in<br />

a wide age range {96,432,1820,1996}.<br />

Nearly all tumours present in stage I and<br />

may have either estrogenic or androgenic<br />

manifestations. Variable in size,<br />

they may be massive (up to 28 cm) with<br />

a predominantly solid sectioned surf a c e<br />

showing a few cysts.<br />

B<br />

H i s t o p a t h o l o g y<br />

Well formed hollow tubules lined by<br />

Sertoli cells are generally admixed with<br />

rounded islands of granulosa cells growing<br />

in a microfollicular pattern. Variation<br />

from this typical histology with a juvenile<br />

granulosa cell pattern or an intermediate<br />

or poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell<br />

tumour with or without heterologous elements<br />

has been reported {1820}. The<br />

tumours are alpha-inhibin positive.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

Almost all tumours are stage I at initial<br />

p resentation and clinically benign. It is<br />

i m p o rtant to mention the components of<br />

the tumour in the diagnosis, in part i c u l a r<br />

whether the granulosa cell component<br />

is of adult or juvenile type and also the<br />

subtype of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour.<br />

Sex cord-stromal tumours 159

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