Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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Mean ages of 21 and 38 years and<br />

median ages of 33 and 50 years have<br />

been re p o rted in the two largest series<br />

{2882,3215}.<br />

Clinical features<br />

The tumours are functional in 40-60% of<br />

cases, most often estrogenic, but occasionally<br />

androgenic or rarely both.<br />

R a re l y, the tumour produces pro g e s t i n s .<br />

Clinical manifestations include isosexual<br />

pseudopre c o c i t y, menometro r r h a g i a ,<br />

amenorrhea, hirsutism, <strong>breast</strong> atro p h y,<br />

clitoral hypert rophy and hoarseness.<br />

Cases with menstrual disturbances or<br />

postmenopausal bleeding may show<br />

hyperplasia or adeno<strong>carcinoma</strong> of the<br />

endometrium. A peritoneal decidual<br />

reaction may be seen. Patients with<br />

S e rtoli cell tumour may have elevated<br />

levels of serum estrogen, pro g e s t e ro n e<br />

and luteinizing hormone. Rare l y, the<br />

tumour may cause hypertension due to<br />

renin pro d u c t i o n .<br />

M a c r o s c o p y<br />

These are unilateral neoplasms, and the<br />

ovaries are involved with equal fre q u e n-<br />

c y. They range in size from 1-28 cm with<br />

an average of 7-9 cm. They are well circumscribed,<br />

solid neoplasms with a<br />

smooth or lobulated external surface, a<br />

fleshy consistency and a yellow-tan sectioned<br />

surface. Areas of haemorrhage<br />

and/or cystic degeneration may be seen<br />

in larger tumours. Rare examples are<br />

totally cystic or are solid with fibro s i s<br />

and ossification.<br />

H i s t o p a t h o l o g y<br />

A variety of tubular arrangements characterize<br />

Sertoli cell tumours. The tubular<br />

p a t t e rn is either open or closed (with<br />

p a i red cell arrangements) and simple or<br />

complex. Simple tubules are surro u n d-<br />

ed by a basement membrane and may<br />

contain a central hyaline body. Complex<br />

tubules form multiple lumens often filled<br />

with hyaline bodies and surrounded by<br />

a thick basement membrane that may<br />

coalesce to form hyalinized are a s .<br />

D i ffuse and pseudopapillary pattern s<br />

may be seen. In some tumours, cells<br />

distended by intracytoplasmic lipid are<br />

dominant in a pattern known as "folliculome<br />

lipidique". The Sertoli cell tumours<br />

that occur in women with the Peutz-<br />

Jeghers syndrome may have abundant<br />

eosinophilic cytoplasm, termed the<br />

oxyphilic variant {852}. The nucleus is<br />

Fig. 2.81 Sex cord tumour with annular tubules in a case not associated with the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. A<br />

complex annular tubular pattern consists of pale cells arranged around multiple hyaline bodies.<br />

typically oval or spherical with a small<br />

nucleolus. The cytoplasm is clear or<br />

lightly vacuolated, stains for lipid are<br />

positive, and glycogen may be demonstrated.<br />

Mitotic figures are usually<br />

scanty (9 mitotic figures per 10 high power<br />

fields may be seen in tumours fro m<br />

younger women. The neoplasm may<br />

contain rare Leydig cells, but lacks the<br />

primitive gonadal stroma characteristic<br />

of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours.<br />

I m m u n o p ro f i l e<br />

S e rtoli cell tumours are variably positive<br />

for keratins, vimentin and alpha-inhibin.<br />

CD99 and calretinin are positive in<br />

about 50% of cases. The tumours are<br />

negative for epithelial membrane antigen.<br />

E l e c t ron micro s c o p y<br />

A diagnostic feature of Sertoli cell<br />

tumour is the presence of Charc o t -<br />

Böttcher (CB) filaments and Spangaro<br />

bodies. These bodies re p resent aggregates<br />

of intracytoplasmic micro f i l a m e n t s<br />

of varying sizeand are not present in<br />

e v e ry cell or every tumour. CB filaments<br />

have been found most frequently in the<br />

complex tubular variant, the so-called<br />

sex cord tumour with annular tubules<br />

( S C TAT ) .<br />

D i ff e rential diagnosis<br />

S e rtoli cell tumours must be distinguished<br />

from struma ovarii, carc i n o i d<br />

and endometrioid <strong>carcinoma</strong> (see section<br />

on endometrioid carc i n o m a ) .<br />

Phenotypic females with the andro g e n<br />

insensitivity syndrome (AIS) may be<br />

i n c o r rectly diagnosed as having a<br />

S e rtoli cell tumour of the ovary if the synd<br />

rome has not been diagnosed pre o p-<br />

eratively {2498}. On the other hand,<br />

S e rtoli cell tumours can occur in the<br />

testes of patients with AIS. While most<br />

a re benign, rare malignant Sertoli cell<br />

tumours have been re p o rted in this setting<br />

{3165}.<br />

Somatic genetics<br />

T h e re is little information on chro m o s o-<br />

mal abnormalities in these tumours. An<br />

extra isochromosome 1q was seen in<br />

one tumour {2208}.<br />

Genetic susceptibility<br />

A variety of Sertoli cell phenotypes<br />

including SCTAT {2599}, oxyphilic {852}<br />

and lipid rich (folliculome lipidique) variants<br />

have been described in patients<br />

with the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS),<br />

an autosomal dominant disease with a<br />

p ropensity for <strong>breast</strong>, intestinal and<br />

gynaecological neoplasia.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

These tumours are typically benign. In<br />

the rare forms that behave clinically in<br />

an aggressive fashion, infiltration of the<br />

ovarian stroma, extension beyond the<br />

o v a ry and intravascular extension may<br />

be seen. Cytological atypia and a high<br />

Sex cord-stromal tumours 157

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