Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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A<br />

Fig. 2.77 A Retiform Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour. Note the retiform spaces surrounded by oedematous stroma<br />

at the periphery of a cellular nodule. B Keratin stains the retiform areas and shows limited staining of<br />

adjacent sex cord areas and stroma.<br />

B<br />

Fig. 2.78 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour with retiform<br />

elements. The sex cord areas stain strongly for<br />

inhibin with weaker staining in retiform areas.<br />

Genetic susceptibility<br />

A familial occurrence of SLCTs in association<br />

with thyroid disease has been<br />

re p o rted {1344} with occasional re p o rt s<br />

of other families since then. The thyro i d<br />

a b n o rmalities are usually adenomas or<br />

nodular goitres. Autosomal dominant<br />

inheritance with variable penetrance<br />

has been suggested as the method of<br />

genetic transmission. SLCT has been<br />

re p o rted in association with cervical sarcoma<br />

botryoides in three cases {1026}.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

The mortality from SLCTs as a group is<br />

low and is confined to those of interm e-<br />

diate and poor diff e rentiation. Poor diff<br />

e rentiation, tumour rupture and hetero l-<br />

ogous mesenchymal elements were<br />

identified as features correlating with<br />

the development of metastases {302,<br />

2459}. In one large series none of the<br />

well diff e rentiated tumours, 11% of<br />

those of intermediate diff e rentiation and<br />

59% of those that were poorly diff e re n t i-<br />

ated behaved in a clinically malignant<br />

fashion {3217}. Presentation with stage<br />

II or higher disease is also associated<br />

with a poor outcome. However, tumours<br />

without any apparent poor pro g n o s t i c<br />

factors may behave in an aggre s s i v e<br />

fashion {1903}.<br />

Sertoli-Leydig tumour with<br />

heterologous elements<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

A SLCT that contains either macro s c o p-<br />

ic or histological quantities of a tissue<br />

not re g a rded as intrinsic to the sex cord -<br />

s t romal category. Such elements<br />

include epithelial (mostly mucinous)<br />

and/or mesenchymal tissues (most<br />

commonly chondroid and rhabdomyoblastic)<br />

and tumours arising from these<br />

e l e m e n t s .<br />

Clinical features<br />

The presence of heterologous elements<br />

does not alter the presentation, but 20%<br />

of patients have a slightly raised serum<br />

a l p h a - f e t o p rotein (AFP) due in some<br />

cases to hepatocytes as a hetero l o g o u s<br />

e l e m e n t .<br />

M a c r o s c o p y<br />

P a rt or the entire cystic component of a<br />

SLCT may be mucinous in type; howeve<br />

r, heterologous elements are only<br />

occasionally diagnosed macro s c o p i-<br />

c a l l y.<br />

H i s t o p a t h o l o g y<br />

H e t e rologous elements are seen in<br />

a p p roximately 20% of SLCTs. They<br />

occur only in those of intermediate or<br />

poor diff e rentiation or in re t i f o rm<br />

tumours but are not identified in well-diff<br />

e rentiated tumours. Heterologous mesenchymal<br />

elements occur in 5% of<br />

S L C Ts and usually consist of cart i l a g e ,<br />

skeletal muscle or rhabdomyosarc o m a .<br />

They may be admixed with the sex cord<br />

a reas of the tumour or present as disc<br />

rete areas. Both cartilage and skeletal<br />

A<br />

Fig. 2.79 A Sertoli cell tumour, simple tubular pattern. Note the hollow and obliterated tubules in cross section. B Sertoli cell tumour, complex tubular pattern. Islands<br />

of Sertoli cells are arranged around multiple round hyaline bodies.<br />

B<br />

Sex cord-stromal tumours 155

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