Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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A<br />

Fig. 2.76 Poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour. A Heterologous elements consisting of mucinous glands are intimately associated with primitive gonadal<br />

stroma. B A nodule of primitive gonadal stroma is composed of poorly differentiated spindle-shaped cells with apoptotic bodies.<br />

B<br />

Clinical features<br />

Signs and symptoms<br />

O n e - t h i rd of patients are virilized, and<br />

others may have estrogenic manifestations.<br />

Androgenic manifestations<br />

include amenorrhea, hirsutism, bre a s t<br />

a t ro p h y, clitoral hypert rophy and<br />

hoarseness, whereas estrogenic eff e c t s<br />

include isosexual pseudoprecocity and<br />

m e n o m e t rorrhagia. One-half of the<br />

patients have no endocrine manifestations,<br />

and the symptoms are non-specific.<br />

Patients with poorly diff e re n t i a t e d<br />

neoplasms are slightly more likely to<br />

p resent with androgenic manifestations.<br />

About 10% of cases have tumour rupt<br />

u re or ovarian surface involvement, and<br />

4% have ascites {3217}.<br />

I m a g i n g<br />

A solid, cystic or solid and cystic mass<br />

may be identified on ultrasound, computed<br />

tomography or magnetic re s o-<br />

nance imaging.<br />

M a c r o s c o p y<br />

Over 97% of SLCTs are unilateral. They<br />

may be solid, solid and cystic or, rare l y,<br />

cystic. The size ranges from not<br />

detectible to 35 cm (mean 12-14 cm).<br />

Poorly diff e rentiated tumours are larger.<br />

Solid areas are fleshy and pale yellow,<br />

pink or gre y. Areas of haemorrhage and<br />

n e c rosis are frequent, and torsion and<br />

i n f a rction may be seen.<br />

Tumour spread and staging<br />

About 2-3% of tumours have spre a d<br />

beyond the ovary at pre s e n t a t i o n<br />

{ 3 2 1 7 } .<br />

H i s t o p a t h o l o g y<br />

In well diff e rentiated SLCTs, Sertoli cells<br />

a re present in open or closed tubules<br />

and lack significant nuclear atypia or<br />

mitotic activity {3216}. There is a delicate<br />

fibrous stroma in which Leydig<br />

cells may be found in small clusters.<br />

In tumours of intermediate differentiation,<br />

cellular lobules composed of hyperchromatic<br />

spindle-shaped gonadal stromal<br />

cells with poorly defined cytoplasm are<br />

separated by oedematous stroma. These<br />

merge with cords and poorly developed<br />

tubules of Sertoli cells, some with atypia.<br />

With better differentiation of Sertoli cell<br />

elements, the distinction between the<br />

stromal and Sertoli cell components is<br />

more easily made. Leydig cells are found<br />

in clusters at the periphery of the cellular<br />

lobules or admixed with other elements.<br />

They may be vacuolated, contain lipofuscin<br />

or rarely have Reinke crystals. Mitotic<br />

figures average 5 per 10 high power<br />

fields. Mitotic figures are rare among the<br />

Leydig cells, which also lack cytological<br />

atypia.<br />

In poorly diff e rentiated tumours, a sarcomatoid<br />

stroma resembling primitive<br />

gonadal stroma is a dominant feature ,<br />

and the lobulated arrangement of SLCT<br />

of intermediate diff e rentiation is absent.<br />

Occasional tumours contain bizarre<br />

nuclei. The mitotic activity in the Sert o l i<br />

and stromal elements is variable with a<br />

mean of over 20 per 10 high power<br />

f i e l d s .<br />

I m m u n o p ro f i l e<br />

Positivity is seen for vimentin, keratin<br />

and alpha-inhibin with differing intensity<br />

of expression between sex cord and<br />

s t romal areas. Rare l y, positivity for<br />

epithelial membrane antigen may be<br />

seen. Positivity for estrogen and pro g e s-<br />

t e rone receptors may also be seen in a<br />

minority of cases.<br />

G r a d i n g<br />

S L C Ts are subdivided into well diff e re n-<br />

tiated, intermediate and poorly diff e re n-<br />

tiated forms based on the degree of<br />

tubular diff e rentiation of the Sertoli cell<br />

component (decreasing with incre a s i n g<br />

grade) and the quantity of the primitive<br />

gonadal stroma (increasing with<br />

i n c reasing grade). Leydig cells also<br />

d e c rease with increasing grade.<br />

H e t e rologous elements and/or a re t i f o rm<br />

p a t t e rn may be seen in all but the well<br />

d i ff e rentiated variant.<br />

Somatic genetics<br />

Analysis of six SLCTs has shown limited,<br />

if any, loss of heterozygosity with 10<br />

polymorphic DNA markers that have<br />

shown high rates of loss of hetero z y g o s-<br />

ity in a variety of tumours. Three of these<br />

w e re assessed for clonality by examining<br />

the DNA methylation pattern at a<br />

polymorphic site to the androgen re c e p-<br />

tor gene. The Leydig cells in these thre e<br />

cases were all polyclonal in contrast to<br />

the cells from a pure Leydig cell tumour<br />

that were monoclonal. These findings<br />

suggest that the Leydig cells in SLCTs<br />

a re reactive cells of ovarian stromal origin<br />

and not a neoplastic component of<br />

the tumour {1902}. Trisomy 8 was re p o rted<br />

as the sole karyotypic abnormality in<br />

a SLCT that metastasized {1756}.<br />

154 Tumours of the ovary and peritoneum

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