Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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distinguishes this tumour from the<br />

Krukenberg tumour. All of the re p o rt e d<br />

cases are benign.<br />

Sertoli-stromal cell tumours<br />

Fig. 2.73 Well differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell<br />

tumour. The tumour shows well developed tubules<br />

lined by Sertoli cells and aggregates of Leydig cells.<br />

nous or oedematous tissue. The cellular<br />

a reas contain prominent thin-walled<br />

vessels with varying degrees of sclerosis<br />

admixed with both spindle and<br />

round cells, the latter may re s e m b l e<br />

luteinized theca cells or show perinuclear<br />

vacuolization.<br />

Histochemical studies show the activity<br />

of stero i d o g e n e s i s - related enzymes<br />

{1575,2537} and immunoreactivity for<br />

desmin and smooth muscle actin, as<br />

well as vimentin {419,1419,2512,2637}.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

The tumour is benign, and there have<br />

been no re c u r rent cases.<br />

Signet-ring stromal tumour<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

A rare stromal tumour composed of<br />

signet-ring cells that do not contain<br />

mucin, glycogen or lipid {697,2332,<br />

2 6 0 5 , 2 8 1 1 } .<br />

Clinical findings<br />

This tumour occurs in adults and is hormonally<br />

inactive.<br />

M a c r o s c o p y<br />

M a c roscopically the tumours, may be<br />

both solid and cystic or uniformly solid.<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

Tumours containing in pure form or in<br />

various combinations Sertoli cells, cells<br />

resembling rete epithelial cells, cells<br />

resembling fibroblasts and Leydig cells<br />

in variable degrees of diff e re n t i a t i o n .<br />

ICD-O codes<br />

S e rtoli-Leydig cell tumour gro u p<br />

Well diff e re n t i a t e d 8631 / 0<br />

Of intermediate diff e re n t i a t i o n 8631/1<br />

With heterologous elements 8634 / 1<br />

Poorly diff e re n t i a t e d 8631 / 3<br />

With heterologous elements 8634 / 3<br />

R e t i f o rm 8633 / 1<br />

With heterologous elements 8634 / 1<br />

S e rtoli cell tumour, NOS 8640 / 1<br />

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour<br />

g r o u p<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

Tumours composed of variable pro p o r-<br />

tions of Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and in<br />

A<br />

Fig. 2.74 T1 weighted MR image of a Sertoli-Leydig<br />

cell tumour that fills the abdomen.<br />

the case of intermediate and poorly diff<br />

e rentiated neoplasms, primitive<br />

gonadal stroma and sometimes hetero l-<br />

ogous elements.<br />

S y n o n y m<br />

A n d ro b l a s t o m a .<br />

E p i d e m i o l o g y<br />

S e rtoli-Leydig cell tumours (SLCTs) are<br />

r a re, accounting for

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