Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC

Invasive breast carcinoma - IARC


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A<br />

B<br />

Fig. 2.67 Fibroma. A The sectioned surface shows a white fibrous tumour. B The neoplasm is composed of spindle-shaped cells with abundant collagen. C Oedema<br />

is striking in this fibroma associated with Meigs syndrome.<br />

C<br />

a n d rogenic manifestations {3252}.<br />

Patients with the rare variant of<br />

luteinized thecoma associated with<br />

s c l e rosing peritonitis present with<br />

abdominal swelling, ascites and symptoms<br />

of bowel obstruction {520}.<br />

M a c r o s c o p y<br />

Thecomas may be small and non-palpable,<br />

but they usually measure 5-10 cm.<br />

The sectioned surface is typically solid<br />

and yellow, occasionally with cysts,<br />

haemorrhage or necrosis. Typical thecomas<br />

are almost invariably unilateral;<br />

only 3% are bilateral. Luteinized thecomas<br />

associated with sclerosing peritonitis<br />

are usually bilateral.<br />

H i s t o p a t h o l o g y<br />

Typical thecomas are characterized by<br />

cells with uniform, bland, oval to spindle<br />

shaped nuclei with abundant, pale, vacuolated,<br />

lipid-rich cytoplasm. Individual<br />

cells are invested by reticulin. Mitoses<br />

a re absent or rare. Rare l y, the nuclei<br />

may be large or bizarre {3210}. The<br />

f i b romatous component commonly contains<br />

hyaline plaques and may be calcified.<br />

Extensively calcified thecomas<br />

tend to occur in young women {3194}.<br />

R a re l y, thecomas include a minor component<br />

of sex cord elements {3211}.<br />

Luteinized thecomas contain lutein<br />

cells, individually or in nests, in a backg<br />

round often more fibromatous than thecomatous.<br />

Oedema and microcyst formation<br />

may be striking.<br />

I m m u n o p ro f i l e<br />

Thecomas are immunoreactive for<br />

vimentin and alpha-inhibin {482,562,<br />

1 4 9 9 , 1 8 1 6 , 2 1 8 1 , 2 2 1 1 } .<br />

Somatic genetics<br />

Trisomy and tetrasomy 12 have been<br />

demonstrated in tumours in the thecom<br />

a - f i b roma group by karyotypic analysis<br />

and fluorescence in situ hybridization<br />

{1635,1653,2221,2635,2862}. This<br />

c h romosomal abnormality is not, howeve<br />

r, specific to tumours in this gro u p<br />

since it has also been found in some<br />

benign and borderline epithelial<br />

tumours, as well as in occasional granulosa<br />

cell tumours {2209,2221}.<br />

Prognosis and predictive factors<br />

R a re l y, a typical or luteinized thecoma<br />

with nuclear atypia and mitotic activity<br />

may metastasize {1819,3074,3252},<br />

although most cases re p o rted as "malignant<br />

thecomas" are probably fibro s a rc o-<br />

mas or diffuse granulosa cell tumours.<br />

Patients with luteinized thecomas associated<br />

with sclerosing peritonitis may<br />

experience small bowel obstruction,<br />

and several have died of complications<br />

related to peritoneal lesions, but there<br />

has been no re c u r rence or metastasis of<br />

the ovarian lesion {520}.<br />

Fibroma and cellular fibroma<br />

D e f i n i t i o n<br />

F i b romas are stromal tumours composed<br />

of spindle, oval or round cells<br />

p roducing collagen. In cellular fibro m a s<br />

the cells are closely packed, collagen<br />

is scanty, and the mitotic rate is<br />

i n c re a s e d .<br />

Fig. 2.68 Cellular fibroma. The tumour is cellular but shows no cytological atypia and has a low mitotic rate.<br />

E p i d e m i o l o g y<br />

F i b romas account for 4% of all ovarian<br />

tumours. They are most common in middle<br />

age (mean 48 years) {709}; less than<br />

10% occur before age 30, and they<br />

occur only occasionally in childre n<br />

{ 3 2 8 } .<br />

150 Tumours of the ovary and peritoneum

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