Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com

Esoteric V10: July 1896 - Iapsop.com


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1897.) lb:W..\RDS AND PUNISII)JENTS. 405<br />

The object of all religious 11ystems based upon the laws of<br />

life has been to teach man the lesson of life, that he may be<br />

ahle to rise out of his present condition, whet·ein the life gained<br />

from lower organisms is lost through the sex and returns to the<br />

lower ordt>rs of creation. All theRe 11ystems ha\·e taught that,<br />

in the contt·ol of t.he ~~exnal fluitls is found the means of advancement<br />

at1R8, and death.<br />

1 f the system a~~similates ft·om the fol)d more life than is<br />

exhan11ted by tl1e physit~al aucl lllt'Utal t'ffnrts, aml if, through<br />

the process of ~onservaticm, this life htwomes rE>fined to a point<br />

whenl it can tw longt~•· he exhanstecl, this reserve Leing constantly<br />

addetl to, then life will he continnnns, tleath will be<br />

clwatt'd and the grave laughed at, fur life everla11ting will he<br />

attainecl. • Thill i11 indeecl a summary of the teat~hings of the<br />

llihle, ancl clonhtlt>llll of the 11et·iptm·e11 of other religions; for<br />

the tt·nth is ulwap; tl'llth, and that found in a heatht>n hook<br />

aucl tmth a11 Wt' t·ec•cive it ft·om the Ch .. istiau llihle are equally<br />

eli vine.<br />

This apparent digres111ion hom onr theme of "ltewards and<br />

PnniKlunentK" is ue

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