Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien

Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien

Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien


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a vibration isolation table, the TableStable TS 150, to actively damp vibration<br />

frequencies of 0.7 − 1000 Hz by up to 40 decibel.<br />

The force signal generated at the photodetector diode was sampled at 5 MHz<br />

bandwidth and all further signal conditioning and processing (i.e. filtering) done<br />

digitally under software control. For controlling the AFM, the software "Igor Pro"<br />

was used (see below).<br />

Measurement method<br />

Olympus AC 240 TS-E cantilevers with a resonance frequency between 61 and 77<br />

kHz in air and a spring constant of 1.2 to 2.5 N/m were used for imaging. The<br />

data acquisition for most of the presented images was performed at the slowest<br />

possible rate of 0.1 Hz as it rendered the most details. Various attempts have<br />

been made for scanning under liquid, but the results were falling short of those of<br />

ambient AFM imaging. A number of problems have been identified, such as the<br />

difficulty to firmly attach cells to the surface under liquid, the cell surface motion<br />

even when attached to the substrate, and several problems related to the instability<br />

of cantilever resonance frequency and deflection drift. For the experiments under<br />

liquid another Olympus cantilever (around 13 kHz resonance frequency) with a<br />

low force constant was used.<br />

For the mode of operation mostly used in the experiments, the intermittent<br />

contact mode, the driving frequency of the cantilever is an important parameter.<br />

For the Olympus AC 240 TS-E a typical setting is resumed here:<br />

Driving Frequency: 58,595 kHz (the frequency at which the cantilever is oscillated.<br />

Setting it about 5% lower than the cantilever’s resonance frequency achieves<br />

good sensitivity for surface measurements),<br />

Piezo Voltage: 1,044 V (a relative measuring unit, related to the voltage needed<br />

to oscillate the cantilever),<br />

Amplitude: 1 V (this corresponds to the voltage measured at the photodiode<br />

receiving the laser beam reflected from the cantilever. 1 Volt on the photodiode<br />

corresponds to the set target amplitude of the cantilever that should be achieved),<br />

Q: 56,8 (the Q-factor, a measure for the quality of the cantilever. It based onto<br />

the shape of the resonance curve, and amongst other things takes into account the<br />

proportion of peak height and width at half height. Values range from about 10<br />

to 200 where higher is better.)<br />

AFM software<br />

The software used to operate the AFM at the Institut für Allgemeine Physik in<br />

Vienna is IgorPro by Wavemetrics. All standard AFM techniques are available<br />

through the IgorPro user interface that is open for customized routines and userdefined<br />

functions. Direct access of all important controller in- and outputs also<br />


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