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Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien

Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien


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into fully functional chloroplasts again as soon as enough light becomes available.<br />

But even with its chloroplasts Euglena is not fully photoautotroph - it cannot<br />

synthesize vitamin B12. The alga can therefore be used to prove the occurrence<br />

of vitamin B12.<br />

4.3.6 Vacuole<br />

Under the Reservoir, Euglena possesses a contractile vacuole, that can excrete<br />

water that diffused into the cell interior in the sweet water regime. The concentration<br />

of osmotically active elements within the cell is higher than in the sweet water<br />

surrounding (a hypertonic regime). The cell wall is a semipermeable membrane,<br />

letting pass water molecules but not bigger ones. The concentration gradient<br />

between inside and outside is heading towards an equilibrium and must be counteracted<br />

by the vacuole that acts as a pump. 15 The vacuole surrounds the bases<br />

of the flagella. It is limited by a unit membrane and, when full has a diameter of<br />

5µm. It pulsates rhythmically, every 20-30 seconds it discharges.<br />

This is an example of natural nanotechnology that controls precisely in which<br />

environment the processes should run. Encapsulation plays an important role, as<br />

certain functions have to be constrained to a subdomain, where environmental<br />

conditions are guaranteed to be stable within certain limits.<br />

4.4 Technical Applications<br />

Each of the subsystems exhibits a range of properties desirable in technical applications.<br />

Photoreceptor<br />

As one of the most interesting nanotechnological elements in Euglena, the high<br />

yield of photons means a good sensing performance, thermal stability and tunable<br />

wavelengths. Conversion of electrical into chemical energy.<br />

A natural fit as application could be a data storage system. A disk coated by a<br />

layer of photoreceptor protein could be written on by activation and deactivation of<br />

individual chromophore proteins (repeatable). Laser light of the right wavelength<br />

could be used for the switching and the low thermal deactivation as well as the<br />

simple photocycle make it suited for this task.<br />

15 The hypertonic solution has the lower osmotic pressure of two fluids. It also describes a cell<br />

environment with a lower concentration of solutes than the cytosol of the cell. In a hypertonic<br />

environment, osmosis causes a net flow of water into the cell, that can lead the cell to swell and<br />

even burst.<br />


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