Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien

Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien

Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien


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- Force curves provide detailed information on viscoelastic properties of the<br />

material. They record the response of the material to forces applied by the<br />

cantilever tip.<br />

Force curves<br />

Force curves are an excellent tool to investigate the viscoelastic properties of a material<br />

at the nanoscale. The main elements of a force curve are shown in Fig. 3.10.<br />

A force curve is made by pressing and releasing the cantilever against and from the<br />

surface. The material responds through small deformations to the exerted forces.<br />

For a hard material the deformation stays small, the lowering of the cantilever<br />

base corresponds to the bending of the cantilever tip in the opposite direction (as<br />

in Figs. 3.11, 3.13). Soft materials show higher compliance and materials with<br />

adhesive properties bend the cantilever towards the surface upon retraction (Figs.<br />

3.14, 3.15).<br />

Figure 3.10: A selection of information that can be gained from a force<br />

curve graph. The red curve corresponds to the lowering of the cantilever, the<br />

blue to its retraction. Values on the abscissa correspond to the height of the<br />

cantilever base, ordinate values correspond to the measured displacement of<br />

the cantilever tip. Image adapted from [69].<br />

The information of a force curve can also be represented in a force-distance<br />

graph, showing the deformation of the contacted surface area as a function of the<br />

applied cantilever force. The forces also can be pulling forces, if the cantilever<br />

is held back during retraction e.g. on adhesive surfaces and while performing<br />

molecular recognition. For a single protein that unfolds while one end is attached<br />

to the surface and the other is being pulled by the cantilever, this graph is called<br />

a force extension profile. The steplike character of such a curve is characteristic of<br />

how the protein unfolds under a pulling load. A force extension profile of a single<br />


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