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Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien

Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien


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Investigated structures are e.g. genetic material, membranes or enzymes. The<br />

power behind wet nanotechnology derives from the actual existence of functioning<br />

nanomachines - living systems. No proof of concept is needed, these structures<br />

interact already successfully on the nanometer-scale.<br />

2.2.3 Computational Nanotechnology<br />

Computational Nanotechnology is a prerequisite for designing and testing complex<br />

nanostructures. The predictive and analytical power of simulations is an important<br />

ingredient to success in nanotechnology. For example, in order to know what an<br />

enzyme will be able to do, its 3D-structure must be determined. How its shape<br />

emerges from a sequence of amino acids is one goal of protein folding simulations.<br />

To predict this is highly desirable as it helps to understand how enzymes work,<br />

what defects are caused by misfolding or even for designing functional enzymes 4 .<br />

At the same time such efforts are very resource intensive. 5<br />

Computational nanotechnology may help to combine wet and dry nanotechnology,<br />

selecting from their strengths while avoiding their weaknesses. It can also<br />

help to reduce the development times of such systems.<br />

It is thinkable that advances made in nanotechnology do not only lay the<br />

basis for new discoveries but will also contribute to the pace of advancement in<br />

nanotechnology itself. E.g. the development of nanoelectronics yielding higher<br />

computing power should have considerable effect on the ability to better describe<br />

and develop the next generation of nanoelectronics. 6<br />

4 Such protein molecular machines are quite contrary to the ideas of diamond/carbon/metallic<br />

molecular manufacturing, which is predicated on rigidity/stability and absence of corrosive solvents.<br />

A cooled down protein machine becomes at a certain point too rigid to work. Such a<br />

machine works because because its non-bonding interactions are weak and a warm, wet environment<br />

where Brownian motion is omnipresent and aids the internal logic of conformational<br />

change of the molecule.<br />

5 The computational power required is sometimes so high that with today’s supercomputers<br />

these are hardly treatable problems. For the protein folding problem there exist initiatives to<br />

involve the public. One example is the Folding@Home project, where a Stanford research group<br />

works on the theory and simulations of how proteins, RNA, and nanoscale synthetic polymers<br />

fold. The Folding@Home project uses distributed computing, i.e. private personal computers<br />

that are given instructions over the Internet work on pieces of a simulation in parallel. Everyone<br />

with an internet connection can take part by downloading a client program that will collect<br />

simulation assignments and run them whenever the computer processor would otherwise be in<br />

an idle state. Special algorithms are used in order to break up calculations, distribute the<br />

workload and then combine them again in order to act like a single, very fast computer. The<br />

project is currently using about 2 million processors with a total computational power of 920<br />

Teraflops (1 Teraflop designates a trillion floating point operations per second). In comparison,<br />

the most performant supercomputer as of today, the "BlueGene/L", only reaches about 300<br />

teraflops. ([20], [21], [22])<br />

6 A bold idea advocated by some researchers (e.g. R. Kurzweil, see [23]) is that our ability to<br />

build tools that enhance our ability to build tools follows the trend of a generalized Moore’s law.<br />


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