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Thesis-PDF - IAP/TU Wien


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have to be taken into account. Complexity 4 is a property of a system in its own<br />

right. It is even an essential ingredient of real systems, containing more than just<br />

a hand full of atoms.<br />

The philosopher Aristotle (384-322 b.C.) already knew that "The whole is<br />

more than the sum of its parts", intuitively pointing at the possible emergence of<br />

new phenomena when systems increase in size and in number of parts.<br />

It is for example well understood what happens when two atoms collide, but<br />

a very different matter trying to understand what happens when an atom collides<br />

with a whole cluster of atoms or even a surface of a solid. There can e.g. be atoms<br />

of different kinds, having different energy states, chemical bonds and the like. As<br />

one can imagine, the complications steeply rise in number and difficulty. The laws<br />

of particle interaction can only provide a first basis of an explanation how these<br />

things behave.<br />

How electrically charged atoms (ions) impact surfaces is for instance a very<br />

interesting but difficult question. There exists a variety of models trying to explain<br />

the mechanisms of energy transfer between ion and surface or the formation of ioninduced<br />

defects at the surface, but none can be easily applied to a specific problem.<br />

Possible applications include nanopatterning, surface alteration or doping, surface<br />

analytics, surface cleaning, surface sputtering and more ([3], [4]).<br />

In the world of nanoscale objects, new systems with only nuclei, electrons<br />

and photons can be devised endlessly. The newly acquired freedom and ability<br />

to manipulate the small also comes at a price - the need to understand at least<br />

in part the complexity that these real systems exhibit. Additionally, other effects<br />

such as quantum mechanical ones become important at this small scale, or the<br />

high surface to volume ratio of small objects assigning new importance to many<br />

of the common physical effects 5 otherwise too tiny to make a difference.<br />

As bottomline, citing Peter Wolynes, a biophysicist at the University of Illinois,<br />

"The new frontier about which we know nothing is how to describe complex<br />

systems far from equilibrium in a unified way. [...] Such systems range from<br />

sand piles to biological cells to computers, but it is not clear whether or how the<br />

principles of statistical mechanics apply to them.". The more sophisticated our<br />

nanotechnological creations become, the more thorough understanding of complex<br />

systems is needed. Every bit of acquired knowledge potentially unlocks new ways<br />

to look at things, new possibilities to interact and experiment, new challenges to<br />

4 There is some difficulty (and complexity) in the definition of the term "Complexity" itself.<br />

An attempt to classify and define its different facets can e.g. be found in [5].<br />

5 For example combustion engines do not work anymore at this scale, chemical energy must<br />

be turned directly into mechanical energy without using intermediary heat. Gold turns red when<br />

present in form of very small particles. Particles under a certain size are able to pass unhindered<br />

through cell membranes, e.g. to target disease sites. Defectless nanostructured materials can be<br />

built orders of magnitude stronger than what is available today (e.g. carbon-nanotube enforced<br />

matrix materials)<br />


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