UNITED NATIONS United Nations Interim Administration Mission In ...

UNITED NATIONS United Nations Interim Administration Mission In ... UNITED NATIONS United Nations Interim Administration Mission In ...


UNITED NATIONS United Nations Interim Administration Mission In Kosovo Field Operations Unit Returns Section NATIONS UNIES Mission d’Administration Intérimaire des Nations Unies au Kosovo Field Operations Unit Consolidated Report on Returns Weekly Report 25 November – 1 December 2006 PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA REGION • MWG Prishtinë/Priština approves CP Novi Badovac/Badofc e Re in rushed manner Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings Prishtinë/Priština Municipal President, in his opening remarks of MWG of 30 November, commented on demonstrations organised by “Vetevendosje” movement on the occasion of “Flag Day”, the Albanian national holiday. He stated that in democratic society everybody has right to express their disappointment and to protest, but destroying property is not acceptable anywhere in the world. The IDP representatives complained because they did not receive materials for the meeting. UNMIK MR and MAP criticized MRO because of this regular neglect and urged him to compile with rules and procedures accepted in the past. The main point on the agenda was discussion on CCK funded Concept Paper for Novi Badovac/Badovc e Re. It should be recalled that this project involves construction of 70 houses for internal IDPs and vulnerable families from non-Albanian communities. A Task Force consisting of all relevant actors including MRO and MCO conducted several meetings with this topic, amending and finalising the project which was unanimously adopted by the forum. However, local authorities have started with obstruction and “silent boycott” of this project, as demonstrated by the refusal to include this CP in the agenda of MWG for almost two months. The MAP expressed his disagreement with this project, stating that urban return should be priority of the Municipality and that this will just create one more minority enclave in Kosovo. The MAP did not even allow MWG members to discuss this document. He just concluded that MWG had approved the CP and further action should be taken by municipal bodies for land allocation. This caused a very confusing situation among the MWG members and called into question the genuine will of Municipality to proceed. At the end, this delay put in the danger this project considering that construction season for this year is over and funds were provided by Serbian Government and its National Investments Plan for 2006. The UNDP reported that 2 houses (1 K/S and 1 Ashkali) are under reconstruction in the Prishtinë/Priština Municipality and that one more case is approved in Moravska street (Roma family). They also announced their Community Development Project that will assist health and education facilities with necessary equipment. Selection of beneficiaries will be done by committee consisting of MCO, MRO, Municipal directors of health and education and UNDP. MWG Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje was held the session on 30 November 2006 under the chairmanship of Deputy Municipal President. The fact that group have not been in session since June negatively affected the return process in FK/KP municipality. To make things even worse, Serbian MRO resigned two months ago and his position remains vacant. In spite of this, MWG did not discuss any crucial issue, but rather focused mainly on cleaning of orthodox cemeteries in Dobri Dub/Dobër Dub and Nakarade. IDP representative from Nakarade indicated her disappointment with municipal officials who promised more than 3 times that cemeteries will be cleaned but no action has been taken so far. UN and Municipal representatives explained that they communicated to KPC request for EOD in cemeteries. This idea was accepted by IDPs who did not any objection related to KPC involvement in the EOD cleaning. After the KPC confirmation that sites are free of mines, municipal utilities department will start with removing of weeds and bushes. Representative of Ashkali community reported about 12 families recently returned to FK/KP. Two of them returned from Serbia proper, 1 from Macedonia, 4 families were returned by force from abroad and 5 came from Plemetina camp. UNHCR reported that they will not be able to distribute firewood for vulnerable families this year due to budget cuts. KND (Kosovo Nansen Dialogue) representative briefed the group about their dialogue activities in the area highlighting their multiethnic street project. The representative of Roma community stated that several IDP families currently displaced in Subotica expressed their will to return. Therefore, he proposed Go & Inform Visit to this town with aim to start process and inform IDPs about available assistance. Go&Inform Visits/Go&See Visits DRC is going to organise GSV to Dobri Dub/Dobër Dub on 7 & 8 of December. This is second GSV to this place in very short time following the successful visit conducted on 20 & 21 November. Thirteen K/S beneficiaries are foreseen to attend this visit but total number will be known after “scout mission” scheduled for 1 December. OSCE representatives used an opportunity to invite all actors for the Workshop on Return that is going to take place in Ohrid (FYRM) from 5 to 8 December. Aim of the seminar is to mobilize municipal authorities and international agencies in preparing of draft municipal return strategies for 2007.

<strong>UNITED</strong> <strong>NATIONS</strong><br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> <strong><strong>In</strong>terim</strong><br />

<strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Mission</strong><br />

<strong>In</strong> Kosovo<br />

Field Operations Unit<br />

Returns Section<br />

<strong>NATIONS</strong> UNIES<br />

<strong>Mission</strong><br />

d’<strong>Administration</strong><br />

<strong>In</strong>térimaire des <strong>Nations</strong><br />

Unies au Kosovo<br />

Field Operations Unit<br />

Consolidated Report on Returns<br />

Weekly Report 25 November – 1 December 2006<br />


• MWG Prishtinë/Priština approves CP Novi Badovac/Badofc e Re in rushed manner<br />

Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings<br />

Prishtinë/Priština Municipal President, in his opening remarks of MWG of 30 November, commented on demonstrations<br />

organised by “Vetevendosje” movement on the occasion of “Flag Day”, the Albanian national holiday. He stated that in<br />

democratic society everybody has right to express their disappointment and to protest, but destroying property is not<br />

acceptable anywhere in the world. The IDP representatives complained because they did not receive materials for the<br />

meeting. UNMIK MR and MAP criticized MRO because of this regular neglect and urged him to compile with rules and<br />

procedures accepted in the past. The main point on the agenda was discussion on CCK funded Concept Paper for Novi<br />

Badovac/Badovc e Re. It should be recalled that this project involves construction of 70 houses for internal IDPs and<br />

vulnerable families from non-Albanian communities. A Task Force consisting of all relevant actors including MRO and<br />

MCO conducted several meetings with this topic, amending and finalising the project which was unanimously adopted by<br />

the forum. However, local authorities have started with obstruction and “silent boycott” of this project, as demonstrated by<br />

the refusal to include this CP in the agenda of MWG for almost two months. The MAP expressed his disagreement with<br />

this project, stating that urban return should be priority of the Municipality and that this will just create one more minority<br />

enclave in Kosovo. The MAP did not even allow MWG members to discuss this document. He just concluded that MWG<br />

had approved the CP and further action should be taken by municipal bodies for land allocation. This caused a very<br />

confusing situation among the MWG members and called into question the genuine will of Municipality to proceed. At the<br />

end, this delay put in the danger this project considering that construction season for this year is over and funds were<br />

provided by Serbian Government and its National <strong>In</strong>vestments Plan for 2006. The UNDP reported that 2 houses (1 K/S and<br />

1 Ashkali) are under reconstruction in the Prishtinë/Priština Municipality and that one more case is approved in Moravska<br />

street (Roma family). They also announced their Community Development Project that will assist health and education<br />

facilities with necessary equipment. Selection of beneficiaries will be done by committee consisting of MCO, MRO,<br />

Municipal directors of health and education and UNDP.<br />

MWG Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje was held the session on 30 November 2006 under the chairmanship of Deputy<br />

Municipal President. The fact that group have not been in session since June negatively affected the return process in<br />

FK/KP municipality. To make things even worse, Serbian MRO resigned two months ago and his position remains vacant.<br />

<strong>In</strong> spite of this, MWG did not discuss any crucial issue, but rather focused mainly on cleaning of orthodox cemeteries in<br />

Dobri Dub/Dobër Dub and Nakarade. IDP representative from Nakarade indicated her disappointment with municipal<br />

officials who promised more than 3 times that cemeteries will be cleaned but no action has been taken so far. UN and<br />

Municipal representatives explained that they communicated to KPC request for EOD in cemeteries. This idea was<br />

accepted by IDPs who did not any objection related to KPC involvement in the EOD cleaning. After the KPC confirmation<br />

that sites are free of mines, municipal utilities department will start with removing of weeds and bushes.<br />

Representative of Ashkali community reported about 12 families recently returned to FK/KP. Two of them returned from<br />

Serbia proper, 1 from Macedonia, 4 families were returned by force from abroad and 5 came from Plemetina camp.<br />

UNHCR reported that they will not be able to distribute firewood for vulnerable families this year due to budget cuts. KND<br />

(Kosovo Nansen Dialogue) representative briefed the group about their dialogue activities in the area highlighting their<br />

multiethnic street project. The representative of Roma community stated that several IDP families currently displaced in<br />

Subotica expressed their will to return. Therefore, he proposed Go & <strong>In</strong>form Visit to this town with aim to start process and<br />

inform IDPs about available assistance.<br />

Go&<strong>In</strong>form Visits/Go&See Visits<br />

DRC is going to organise GSV to Dobri Dub/Dobër Dub on 7 & 8 of December. This is second GSV to this place in very<br />

short time following the successful visit conducted on 20 & 21 November. Thirteen K/S beneficiaries are foreseen to attend<br />

this visit but total number will be known after “scout mission” scheduled for 1 December.<br />

OSCE representatives used an opportunity to invite all actors for the Workshop on Return that is going to take place in<br />

Ohrid (FYRM) from 5 to 8 December. Aim of the seminar is to mobilize municipal authorities and international agencies in<br />

preparing of draft municipal return strategies for 2007.

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Municipal Working Groups and Task Force Meetings<br />

At Štrpce/Shtërpcë MWG of 1 December, the MAP informed that minority population is visiting the market in the city.<br />

Discussing the returns of minority community, he said that the return process in Štrpce/Shtërpcë municipality is completed,<br />

repeating previous MRO's statement that more houses were built in Štrpce/Shtërpcë than existed before the conflict. He<br />

mentioned difficult situation of a hundred Serb IDP families from Ferizaj/Uroševac are still displaced in Štrpce/Shtërpcë.<br />

Gornja Bitinja/Biti e Epërme Albanian village representative accused MAP for being against the returns and said that<br />

majority of people have not returned and complained about the road conditions in the village. The MAP replied that he was<br />

not against the return and said that he would invite both Serb and Albanian representatives to discuss the situation in the<br />

village and added that attempts were made to find a donor for road reconstruction. UNMIK Hub representatives said that<br />

MWG members should be present during the meeting proposed by the MAP. Mercy Corps reported that six returnee<br />

families were assisted with food and non-food items. MRO informed that she will prepare draft of MRS 2007 and will<br />

forward it to all stakeholders before next MWG scheduled for 26 January 2007.<br />

At the Ferizaj/Uroševac MWG held on 1 December, NGO CARE informed that 16 out of 40 Serbs who returned to<br />

Talinovc/Talinovac were present in the village while the others had gone to join their families for the festive season.<br />

Bablak/Babljiak village leader said that USAID through a local NGO Partners Kosova had donated 7,500 euros toward the<br />

development of a multi ethnic library in the village and OSCE had also expressed interest to assist in the library project.<br />

Mercy Corps reported that 14 Serb families were interested in returning to Ferizaj/Uroševac town. UNDP said that out of 8<br />

families who wish to return to town and were assessed, 4 had been pre-approved for reconstruction while 3 have property<br />

disputes. The Serb leader of Softaj village thanked CARE for organizing a 3 - day GSV to their village and reported that<br />

their hosts accommodated them well at Talinovc/Talinovac village. The Serb village leader said that 16 people were ready<br />

to return to Nikadim/Nekodim village while Serb village leader of Upper and Lower Nerodime asked MWGR to speed up<br />

the return of 194 Serb families (630 members) to the village. The Additional Vice President requested that RAE community<br />

members who wish to return be include in the returns process The Municipal Returns Officer asked for contribution to the<br />

development of concept paper for Doganaj/Nikodim/Nekodim village. The villager leader of Talinovc/Talinovac asked the<br />

municipality to have regular transportation available while Bablak/Babljak village leader requested that Serbs be<br />

transported to Ferizaj/Uroševac town every Wednesday to do their weekly shopping.<br />

The MAP chaired the Viti/Vitina MWG on 28 November and informed that the Municipality remains committed to the return<br />

process. Hhowever, without funding support from <strong>In</strong>ternational organizations returns will not be possible. According to him,<br />

failure of Zhiti/Žitinje and Podgorc/e projects discouraged approval of funds for other locations in Viti/Vitina and he<br />

appealed to IDPs from those villages to display will and courage to return to their reconstructed houses, and thus pave the<br />

way and encourage return to other locations in the municipality. UNHCR representative suggested individual return<br />

supported by UNDP, however, proposal was not favored by either MAP nor IDP representatives, as they both advocate<br />

organized return as more sustainable option. Gušica/Gushicë IDP representative presented several requests which include<br />

quicker returns, increase of multiethnic dialogue and provision of funds for cleaning of cemeteries. Grmovo/Gërmovë IDP<br />

representative expressed his dissatisfaction regarding the return process citing that majority of Grmovo/Gërmovë IDPs are<br />

still living in collective centers under very bad conditions.<br />

At the Task Force Bostane/Bostan, Prekovce/Prekoc, Izvor held on 27 November, the main point on agenda included<br />

the often - discussed problem of electricity connection to one reconstructed house in Bostane/Bostan which seems to be<br />

near solution. The UNDP SPARK informed that ICMC will donate three thousand euros for this purpose, while the rest is<br />

expected to be covered by UNDP and KEK.<br />

At the Novo Brdo/Novobërdë MWG held 27 November, the MROs reported on the status of the four reconstructed<br />

houses that were completed but remain unoccupied due to lack of one or more basic conditions that include furniture,<br />

water, sewerage, or electricity connection. Two houses lack furniture, while two other are still not connected to water and<br />

electrical supply network. Both municipality and international organizations are joining their efforts in resolving the<br />

problems. MWG participants discussed the Bostane/Prekovce/Izvor Concept Paper which will include new list of potential<br />

beneficiaries that was submitted at the previous MWG by the IDP representative. New potential returnees are being<br />

assessed by UNHCR and their agencies in Serbia proper.<br />

Go&<strong>In</strong>form Visits/Go&See Visits<br />

On November 27, UNHCR and DRC organized a one-day GSV to Koretin village in Kamenicë/Kamenica Municipality for 7<br />

Serb IDPs displaced in Serbia proper. <strong>In</strong>itially the visit was planned for 10 IDPs. IDPs together with representatives from<br />

other agencies visited their properties, church and graveyard. The Deputy Municipal Assembly President, who chaired the<br />

debriefing session, encouraged IDP to return to their place of origin, but the idea was not shared by IDPs. Deputy MAP

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also indicated the intention of the municipality to conduct a survey among the IDPs in the near future with the<br />

purpose of assessing their needs and to provide the necessary return assistance. IDPs also raised issue of rights of former<br />

workers of SOE-s; the Deputy MAP referred them to KTA.<br />


• The empty houses in Svinjarë/Svinjare considered for rental scheme – the owners to be consulted<br />

Dialogue <strong>In</strong>itiatives<br />

On 30 November, UNMIK Zveçan/Zvecan visited the Svinjarë/Svinjare IDP representatives to express concern over the<br />

prospect of uninhabited houses over the coming winter. The possibility of incorporating the houses under a rental scheme<br />

was put forward as an idea to avoid vandalism and weather induced damages. Although expressing discontent to such a<br />

proposal, the IDP representatives promised to consult with the Svinjarë/Svinjare IDP community and relay their reactions<br />

accordingly. The IDP representatives were again adamant in stating that the quality of housing reconstruction is not up to<br />

standard, and no IDP will sign for any signature of completion prior to an independent expert assessment conducted by K-<br />

Serbs.<br />

The Mitrovicë/Mitrovica "Multiethnic Business Trip to Istanbul" project has been successfully completed. The 40 business<br />

people (one bus: 16 K-Serbs, 16 K-Albanian, 3 K-Bosniaks, 3 K-Roma, 2 K-Turkish) returned on 30 November after a 5<br />

day trip. The participants travelled together, stayed in the same hotel, interacted, established business contacts; purchased<br />

equipment, tools, materials, and explored possibilities with new business ideas & partners. The trip was organized as a<br />

result of UNMIK's efforts to support economic development. The project was self-financed (all paid for themselves), and an<br />

UNMIK officer facilitated the trip.<br />

Last week two new transformers were installed in the Bosniak Mahalla (Mitrovicë/Mitrovica K-Albanian residential area<br />

north-east of the Main Bridge) significantly improving the power situation in this sensitive area which experienced severe<br />

power outages last winter. On 27 November, one part of the Bosniak Mahalla was without electricity as a result of<br />

considerable overloading of the transformer. UAM urged the community leaders from Bosniak Mahalla to persuade all<br />

residents not to excessively use electricity as this will cause further deterioration of the electrical supply.<br />


• The MWG in Rahovec/Orahovac will start functioning in the new form<br />

Municipal Working Groups and Task Force meetings<br />

On November 30, there was an MWG in Dragash/Dragaš chaired by the Deputy President, who reported that one of<br />

Ankara’s municipalities recently made a visit to Dragash/Dragaš municipality during which both municipalities adopted a<br />

decision to become Sister Municipalities aimed at strengthening ties in business and cultural areas. Four cases of Gorani<br />

IDPs have been approved for housing reconstruction by UNDP. The housing reconstruction is planed to start early 2007.<br />

Swiss Caritas is actively involved in Dragash/Dragaš municipality improving the infrastructure, sewage and water supply<br />

system, construction of houses and community development through various programs. The Swiss Caritas programme<br />

is supported by municipality with 34.000 Euro. The ICMC reported that they will facilitate the returns of four families to<br />

Gora area currently displaced in Macedonia. MRO said that he has received a request from 7 IDPs for return.<br />

On 29 November MWG meeting was held in Klinë/Klina chaired by the MAP. The MRO informed that another displaced<br />

family has been returned; and the municipal contractors are helping the family in minor repairs of the flat. MWG agreed<br />

with UNHCR proposal for minority education (K/Serbs) as point of agenda for next MWG. DCA Klinë/a encouraged the<br />

municipality to provide mobile health care services K/Serb in all returns locations. There was no participation in the meeting<br />

from the K/Serb IDP’s representatives.<br />

Go&<strong>In</strong>form Visits/Go&See Visits<br />

On 1 December the RCRU attended the GSV Debriefing that was organized for five IDPs (original group of 11) from<br />

Muzhevin/Muzevine village in Istog/k municipality. The IDPs visited their properties, cemetery and church. The IDPs<br />

expressed their concern over the poor conditions in the cemetery and disappointed to see vandalized graves. They<br />

requested to fence the graveyard. Since there was no participation from the receiving community representatives, the IDPs<br />

were curious to know receiving community opinion regarding their returns to the village. DRC informed the IDPs that the<br />

receiving community has no objection upon their return. However, DCA advised IDPs that MWG, Municipal Assembly and<br />

Municipal Committees should be used as a proper forum to raise their concerns.<br />

RCRU meetings

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On November 29, RCRU met with MRO in Rahovec/Orahovac municipality and discussed the issue of MWG meetings<br />

on return and reintegration. The MRO stated that the municipality is ready to convene an MWG with the newly formed<br />

standing committee on returns and reintegration. The committee is made up of 7 Serbs, 7 Albanians and one Roma. There<br />

has not been an MWG since the summer. The MRO hopes that with new leadership in the Ministry of Returns and<br />

Communities support for returns to Zocište/Zoqisht might return to the agenda. The MROs proposed the creation of a new<br />

Directorate for Returns and Community. This, according to him, would make it easier to implement the MRS in the<br />

municipality. This proposal could be raised at the next MWG by the MRO. Seven new MCOs’ were recruited, four in Velika<br />

Hoca/Hoqa e Madhe and three in Upper Orahovac, all of them of Serb ethnicity. The main seat of the MCOs is currently<br />

located in Velika Hoca/Hoqa e Madhe. Their basic duties are mainly consisting of administrative work, cashier, registrar,<br />

administrative clerk etc. The former MCO from Velika Hoca/Hoqa e Madhe said that people in Velika Hoca/Hoqa e Madhe<br />

are more fearful after the Flag Day in Pristina on November 28 and they are afraid that crowds may turn against them.<br />

RCRU also visited Smaq/Smac village (Prizren Municipality). The long awaited sewage connections to the main sewage<br />

pipeline are finally completed by UNDP SPARK for the 8 Serbs and 3 Albanian houses. The project was completed under<br />

UNDP RRR programme in December 2004.<br />

RCRU was informed by DCA Malisheve/Malishvo that municipality has recruited new MRO. However; the MLGA does not<br />

agree with this recruitment until the ongoing downsize exercise completion.<br />

RCRU Peje/Pec met with two IDP families requesting to facilitate their return to Gorazhdevc/Gorazdevac and<br />

Bellopolje/Belopolje in Peje/Pec municipality. The families are currently displaced in Serbia. They need house<br />

reconstruction to return, both cases were referred to UNDP/SPARK –IR for the reconstruction of the houses.<br />

Forthcoming activities:<br />

05 December 06 Security meeting Vrbovac, Viti/Vitina (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region)<br />

06 December 06 1200hrs TF Urban Prishtinë/Priština (Prishtinë/Priština Region)<br />

07 December 06 TF Urban Ferizaj/Uroševac (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region)<br />

07 December 06 TF Talinoc/Talinovac Ferizaj/Uroševac (Gjilan/Gnjilane Region)<br />

07 December 06 1100hrs MCR Coordination mtg with MCOs/MROs, Germija Building Prishtine/Pristina<br />

08 December 06 GSV Dobri Dub Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje (Prishtinë/Priština Region)<br />

08 December 06 0930hrs GSV Debriefing mtg Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje (Prishtinë/Priština Region)<br />

Head/Field<br />

Operations Unit<br />

Gjilan/Gnjilane<br />

Region<br />

Prishtinë/Priština<br />

Region<br />

For more information please contact:<br />

Mr Cornelius Nolen<br />

Mr Robert Ngangue<br />

Ms Aleksandra Witkowska<br />

nolen@un.org<br />

ngangue@un.org<br />

witkowska@un.org<br />

Prizren Region Mr Muhammad Hayat hayatm@un.org<br />

Pejë/Peć Region Mr Denis Begolli begollid@un.org<br />

Mitrovicë/Mitrovica<br />

Region<br />

Ms Karin Oliver<br />

oliverk@un.org<br />

038 504 604<br />

ext. 7613<br />

038 504 604<br />

ext. 7625<br />

038 504 604<br />

ext. 6414<br />

038 504 604<br />

ext. 8009<br />

038 504 604<br />

ext. 3071<br />

038 504 604<br />

ext. 7359

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