Sept 15 2005.indd - International Association of Fire Chiefs

Sept 15 2005.indd - International Association of Fire Chiefs

Sept 15 2005.indd - International Association of Fire Chiefs


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<strong>Fire</strong> & emergency service news from the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong><br />

I A F C<br />

<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005<br />

Volume 19 Number <strong>15</strong><br />

$3.50 per issue<br />

inside<br />

‘<strong>Chiefs</strong> on the Exhibit Floor’<br />

Page 3<br />

Postcards from Denver<br />

Page 4-5<br />

New Web site features<br />

Page 6<br />

next issue<br />

Our hearts go out to all those<br />

affected by the massive destruction<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hurricane Katrina. Watch the<br />

next issue for response from our<br />

members. In the meantime, find<br />

out the latest about recovery and<br />

assistance at www.fema.gov.<br />

from the<br />

president<br />

By Chief Bill<br />

Killen<br />

I am<br />

honored to<br />

share my<br />

vision and<br />

priorities<br />

with you, the<br />

membership<br />

<strong>of</strong> this great<br />

leadership organization. The 2005<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>-Rescue <strong>International</strong> was,<br />

in all ways, the best conference<br />

and exposition that we have<br />

had since I have been a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> the IAFC. And it was great<br />

to meet and talk with so many<br />

members and attendees, to hear<br />

your opinions and concerns, and<br />

to prepare for the coming year. I<br />

would be remiss if I did not make<br />

special notation <strong>of</strong> the warm and<br />

welcoming hospitality <strong>of</strong> Chief<br />

Larry Trujillo <strong>of</strong> the Denver <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Department, the City <strong>of</strong> Denver<br />

and the surrounding Denver Metro<br />

Area <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong>. We certainly have<br />

an exciting year ahead <strong>of</strong> us and it<br />

started in Colorado!<br />

I am prepared to work with each<br />

<strong>of</strong> you and the overall IAFC team to<br />

continue to implement the IAFC’s<br />

Strategic Plan and to specifically<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>-Rescue <strong>International</strong> 2005<br />

Denver hosts conference to remember<br />

Heather Green for IAFC<br />

Workers prepare for thousands <strong>of</strong> attendees <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>-Rescue <strong>International</strong> to flood the massive exhibit hall <strong>of</strong> the Colorado Convention<br />

Center in Denver. It opened to conference goers on Friday, Aug. 12, following the general session’s keynote address by football hall-<strong>of</strong>famer<br />

Terry Bradshaw. Check out highlights <strong>of</strong> FRI throughout this issue and watch the next issue to find out all about our award winners.<br />

See you in Dallas next year!<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>fighternearmiss.com launches nationally<br />

By John B. Tippett Jr.<br />

A ceremonial ribboncutting<br />

marked the<br />

T<br />

he National <strong>Fire</strong> Fighter Near-<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficial launch <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Miss Reporting System marked<br />

Near-Miss Reporting<br />

its <strong>of</strong>ficial national launch in a<br />

ceremonial ribbon cutting at <strong>Fire</strong>-<br />

System. Pictured from<br />

left: Danielle Cagan<br />

Rescue <strong>International</strong> on Friday, Aug.<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>man’s Fund<br />

Heritage, Author Dennis<br />

12, 2005.<br />

Smith, Immediate<br />

The system, accessible on the Web at<br />

IAFC Past President<br />

www.firefighternearmiss.com, opens<br />

Chief Bob DiPoli,<br />

this voluntary, confidential reporting<br />

Linda Connell <strong>of</strong><br />

system to fire service members in every<br />

NASA/Aviation Safety<br />

department throughout the United<br />

States.<br />

“It really is your system now,” said<br />

Reporting System and<br />

U.S. <strong>Fire</strong> Administrator<br />

R. David Paulison.<br />

Pleas see ‘It’s about teamwork,’ Page 2<br />

Linda Connell, director <strong>of</strong> NASA/<br />

Aviation Safety Reporting System.<br />

“Your contributions to it will be what<br />

makes firefighting safer every day.”<br />

The National <strong>Fire</strong> Fighter Near-<br />

Miss Reporting System is modeled<br />

after the system used for 30 years by<br />

pilots and others involved with the<br />

aviation industry. That system has been<br />

“amazingly effective,” said Connell, who<br />

is a member <strong>of</strong> the task force that helped<br />

create the system for the fire service.<br />

“We have made changes based on one<br />

report,” she said at the press conference.<br />

“Volume helps us recognize patterns,<br />

but one report is an indication <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tip <strong>of</strong> the iceberg.”<br />

To date, more than 300 reports<br />

have already been filed at www.<br />

firefighternearmiss.com, including<br />

those filed during a three-month pilot<br />

test that included 38 fire departments<br />

across the country. Reports are not<br />

posted until all information identifying<br />

a reporter and the reporter’s department<br />

has been removed.<br />

The response from fire chiefs has<br />

Please see ‘Near-Miss,’ Page 2

F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T<br />

It’s all about teamwork<br />

Continued from Page 1<br />

address several goals that complement that plan during the 12 months I have the<br />

privilege <strong>of</strong> serving as your president<br />

In this column, I will address three <strong>of</strong> these goals especially important<br />

to take the IAFC—the premier fire service leadership organization—to an<br />

even higher level <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism and service. They’re also key in our<br />

continuing focus on making our communities and fire service personnel safer.<br />

The three goals that I will be focusing on are:<br />

❖ Reaching out to establish working relationships and partnerships with<br />

associations and organizations to assist us in promoting fire and life safety as<br />

well as homeland security;<br />

❖ Doing even more to lead the fire service and provide information and<br />

programs that will continue the reduction <strong>of</strong> firefighter deaths and injuries, so<br />


❖ Expanding our excellent work with the Congress to maintain the highest<br />

level <strong>of</strong> funding and support for the Assistance to <strong>Fire</strong>fighters Grant, the SAFER<br />

Act, the Wildand-Urban Interface grants and other programs vital to funding<br />

and supporting America’s fire service.<br />

Everyone likes to talk about “thinking out <strong>of</strong> the box,” and that has been a<br />

good guiding philosophy for the fire service. Now it’s time to get out <strong>of</strong> the box<br />

and establish partnerships with non-fire organizations that can help the IAFC<br />

provide greater fire and EMS protection from threats <strong>of</strong> fire, natural disasters,<br />

acts <strong>of</strong> terrorism.<br />

Your IAFC team is at work on this first goal and has already initiated<br />

contact with several organizations to discuss matters <strong>of</strong> mutual concern. These<br />

organizations include the League <strong>of</strong> United Latin American Citizens, the<br />

National Urban League, the American <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> Retired Persons (AARP),<br />

the National <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> Home Builders, the National <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> Realtors,<br />

the National Parent Teachers <strong>Association</strong>, the National Education <strong>Association</strong><br />

and the National Child Safety Council.<br />

The second goal is to maintain our strong focus on leadership and methodologies<br />

to eliminate and reduce fires and other hazards, thereby reducing the incidents<br />

that lead to firefighter deaths and injuries. Our IAFC team developed and is<br />

aggressively promoting the National <strong>Fire</strong> Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System<br />

and is dedicated to determining how to further reduce firefighter deaths and<br />

injuries through analysis and evaluation <strong>of</strong> near-miss events.<br />

Our IAFC team’s government relations staff is the lead for our third goal.<br />

They’re continuing to work with Congress to maintain appropriate funding<br />

and support for the Assistance to <strong>Fire</strong>fighters Grant, the SAFER Act, Wildland-<br />

Urban Interface grants and the National <strong>Fire</strong> Academy as well as other legislative<br />

issues <strong>of</strong> importance and concern to our membership. You can be sure that I will<br />

be working closely with the Board and our staff to represent the interests <strong>of</strong> our<br />

members to Congress and the Administration on these issues.<br />

I want to stress why I use the term “team” when laying out goals for the<br />

coming year. I cannot accomplish anything by myself. The management and<br />

leadership <strong>of</strong> the IAFC is a team function and our mission is a team mission,<br />

not an individual one. Your president cannot accomplish very much without<br />

the support <strong>of</strong> the membership, the board <strong>of</strong> directors, the divisions, sections,<br />

committees and the IAFC staff.<br />

At the FRI general session, keynote speaker Terry Bradshaw specifically brought<br />

that idea home. He didn’t win football games or national championships—the<br />

Pittsburgh Steelers won those games as a TEAM. And I will do my best to bring<br />

those same principles to the IAFC.<br />

We have proven that we can meet and exceed our goals and objectives when we<br />

work together, as one. Leading the fire service is our responsibility and I know<br />

that we will do whatever it takes to get the job done<br />

I am honored to have been elected to lead the “IAFC Team” for 2005-06 and,<br />

with your assistance and guidance, WE will continue to succeed as the premier<br />

fire service leadership organization in the world.<br />

IAFC President Bill Killen is Chief <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Fire</strong> & Emergency Services<br />

Department at the Holston Army Ammunition Plant (HSAAP/WSI) in<br />

Tennessee.<br />

Near-Miss Reporting System<br />

launches nationally<br />

Continued from Page 1<br />

been “overwhelming,” according to<br />

chairman <strong>of</strong> the Near-Miss task force,<br />

acclaimed author and former firefighter,<br />

Dennis Smith. “We know chiefs will<br />

embrace this,” he said, noting that the<br />

system’s challenge will be to get all fire<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficers and firefighters on board.<br />

“It is the spark and leadership <strong>of</strong><br />

fire chiefs to carry this forward and<br />

the participation <strong>of</strong> firefighters who<br />

understand that near-miss reporting<br />

can save lives that will make a<br />

difference.<br />

“Safety is a science,” Smith said. “If<br />

you have a number that is consistent<br />

year after year as we do, with about<br />

100 firefighter deaths every year, you<br />

know there is something wrong.”<br />

Smith, a former Bronx, N.Y.,<br />

firefighter who wrote “Report from<br />

Ground Zero” and “Report from Engine<br />

Co. 82” was also founder <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong>house<br />

magazine. As such, he was invited to<br />

give a keynote address at the National<br />

Fallen <strong>Fire</strong>fighters Foundation’s annual<br />

memorial service.<br />

“As editor <strong>of</strong> a magazine that covers<br />

the fire service, I was aware <strong>of</strong> the<br />

numbers,” he said. But at the NFFF<br />

ceremony, he handed to families <strong>of</strong><br />

fallen firefighters flags that had flown<br />

above the Capitol. He saw their faces<br />

“and suddenly the numbers I watched<br />

year after year became extraordinarily<br />

dramatic to me.”<br />

When IAFC Executive Director<br />

Garry Briese called Smith to see if he<br />

would participate in the formation <strong>of</strong><br />

a near-miss system, Smith said he did<br />

not hesitate.<br />

“We resolved to create this system<br />

and we did it,” he said.<br />

Now it is up to the fire service to<br />

put it to use, said several at the press<br />

conference, which was led by then-<br />

IAFC president Chief Bob DiPoli<br />

(Ret.).<br />

U.S. <strong>Fire</strong> Administrator R. David<br />

Paulison also spoke, noting that as <strong>of</strong><br />

noon on the day <strong>of</strong> the launch “we<br />

already have 69 firefighter fatalities this<br />

year.” But the system is a hopeful one,<br />

he said. “This is not about fatalities.<br />

It’s about preventing fatalities.”<br />

Danielle Cagan, director <strong>of</strong><br />

community relations for <strong>Fire</strong>man’s<br />

Fund Heritage, also spoke at the press<br />

conference. “We can’t think <strong>of</strong> a better<br />

use <strong>of</strong> our funds,” she said. “We are<br />

proud to be a part <strong>of</strong> this.”<br />

The system is funded by grants<br />

from the Department <strong>of</strong> Homeland<br />

Security’s Assistance to <strong>Fire</strong>fighters<br />

Grant Program and<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>man’s Fund<br />

Insurance Company<br />

and is supported by<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>fighterCloseCalls.<br />

com in mutual dedication to firefighter<br />

safety and survival.<br />

About the system<br />

The system’s slogan “Prevent an<br />

Injury. Save a Life.” sets the tone for<br />

firefighters <strong>of</strong> all ranks to contribute<br />

to a “national fire service kitchen<br />

table” where lessons learned in one fire<br />

station can be shared with the whole<br />

fire service community.<br />

Near-miss reporting is designed to<br />

interrupt the error chain that leads<br />

to disasters by elevating a firefighter’s<br />

situational awareness and knowledge<br />

base. The system is confidential, nonpunitive,<br />

secure and voluntary.<br />

Reports may be filed electronically<br />

by visiting www.firefighternearmiss.<br />

com or by completing a paper version<br />

<strong>of</strong> the report. One <strong>of</strong> the system’s<br />

hallmarks is that it provides reporters<br />

with a list <strong>of</strong> similar reports so the<br />

reporter can benefit from the lessons<br />

learned from others.<br />

More than 200 reports were filed<br />

during the pilot test; a number that<br />

exceeded expectations. Visits by<br />

IAFC staff to several <strong>of</strong> the 38 pilot<br />

departments not only stimulated<br />

additional reports, but also provided<br />

anecdotal success stories about the<br />

system.<br />

Deputy Chief Steve Mormino <strong>of</strong><br />

the South Farmingdale Volunteer <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Department said, “When I introduced<br />

the program to my department, I was<br />

met with wide-eyed stares, enthusiasm<br />

and attention. I was amazed how the<br />

firefighters were so interested and<br />

how intense the feedback questions<br />

were that came from them. Sure<br />

there was some skepticism,” he said,<br />

“but as the introduction continued,<br />

their skepticism quickly changed to<br />

enthusiasm and a concerted effort to<br />

help reduce firefighter fatalities.”<br />

For more information, visit www.<br />

firefighternearmiss.com. You can<br />

also e-mail nearmiss@iafc.org, or call<br />

703/273-98<strong>15</strong> ext. 364.<br />

John B. Tippett Jr. is a project<br />

manager for the IAFC and a<br />

battalion chief with Montgomery<br />

County (MD) <strong>Fire</strong> and Rescue<br />

Services.<br />

2 IAFC On Scene/<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005

Special report:<br />

<strong>Chiefs</strong> on the Exhibit Floor<br />

“What will you take back to your department or community from <strong>Fire</strong>-Rescue<br />

<strong>International</strong> 2005?” That was the question On Scene put to several attendees<br />

checking out the sprawling exhibit hall at the Colorado Convention Center in<br />

Denver. Here’s what a few had to say. Look for more comments in upcoming<br />

issues. Interviews by Jule Gardner; photos by Nhu Mai Le.<br />

“<br />

I liked a lot <strong>of</strong> the workshops, especially the one<br />

that dealt with generational challenges between<br />

the x’s and the y’s. We’re struggling with that in<br />

our department, with everyone having different<br />

values and different ideas <strong>of</strong> the fire service.<br />

”<br />


—Pat Berkel, Division Chief, Training<br />

Glendale (AZ) <strong>Fire</strong> Department<br />


“<br />

I thought the workshop on risk management<br />

was good and it’s so important right now. With<br />

volunteers, they’re leaving wherever they are and<br />

going to fight the fire. And the fire is the same fire,<br />

whether you’re career or volunteer. You can do your<br />

own local training, but the perspective you get here<br />

has been really helpful.<br />

”<br />

“<br />

I always come for the (exhibit) show. I like to<br />

capitalize on the technology the private sector<br />

has to <strong>of</strong>fer. I also enjoyed the Afterburners’<br />

presentation. To be honest, I’d like to see more<br />

workshops address operational issues. That’s my<br />

background.<br />

”<br />

—Jeffrey N. Bullock, <strong>Fire</strong> Chief<br />

Largo (FL) <strong>Fire</strong> Rescue<br />

—Raj Gupta, Chief<br />

Middlebush Volunteer <strong>Fire</strong> Department, Inc.<br />

IAFC approved to join<br />

Combined Federal Campaign<br />

By Judy Kirk<br />

The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong><br />

<strong>Chiefs</strong> is proud to announce it has<br />

been approved as a participant in the<br />

Combined Federal Campaign, the onthe-job<br />

fund-raising drive for federal<br />

and postal employees and the military.<br />

The campaign takes place every fall.<br />

This year it is from <strong>Sept</strong>. 1 through Dec.<br />

<strong>15</strong>. Employees receive a pledge card and<br />

“catalog” that lists all eligible charities.<br />

They can give by having a small<br />

donation deducted from each paycheck,<br />

or by making an immediate gift <strong>of</strong> cash<br />

or check.<br />

“I’m delighted that the IAFC has<br />

been approved,” said Chief Bill Killen,<br />

IAFC president. “CFC is like a stamp<br />

<strong>of</strong> approval for nonpr<strong>of</strong>its. I know<br />

the program well and I think it’s an<br />

excellent opportunity for our members,<br />

especially those in the federal sector.”<br />

Killen worked for several years as the<br />

CFC coordinator for the U.S. Naval<br />

Facility Emergency Command. In<br />

order to get approval, the IAFC had to<br />

submit an application, documenting<br />

10 accountability standards, including<br />

low operating overhead cost and an<br />

active and responsible governing body.<br />

If you are a federal employee or work<br />

for the post <strong>of</strong>fice or military, please<br />

support the IAFC and encourage<br />

your co-workers to do so. Our CFC<br />

number is 1044. The CFC is very<br />

efficient, spending less than 9 percent<br />

on expenses, such as printing materials,<br />

training volunteers and auditing<br />

contributions. Thus, nearly all your<br />

gift will go directly to support IAFC<br />

programs.<br />

Your support <strong>of</strong> IAFC directly helps<br />

fire departments better protect our<br />

communities and respond to fires,<br />

terrorist attacks, hazardous material<br />

spills, natural disasters and rescue<br />

missions. The IAFC is connected<br />

to every fire department in every<br />

community.<br />

Since 1873, we have been dedicated<br />

to supporting our nation’s first<br />

responders. So if you are a federal<br />

employee or work for the post <strong>of</strong>fice or<br />

military, please support the IAFC.<br />

Judy Kirk is a development<br />

specialist with the IAFC.<br />

Rally Tally winners announced<br />



“<br />

We’re going to tell everyone that we’ll see them<br />

next year in Dallas. Really, the conference has<br />

covered all <strong>of</strong> our needs. We were here to look at<br />

CAF (Compressed Air Foam) units and lightweight<br />

pants and jackets and we’ve had really good<br />

information. The department will probably end up<br />

purchasing from one <strong>of</strong> the vendors.<br />

”<br />

—Frances Smart, partner <strong>of</strong> Assistant <strong>Fire</strong> Chief Jim Smart<br />

Tia Juana (CA) <strong>Fire</strong> Department<br />

“<br />

The seminars have been nothing but fantastic<br />

and I’m completely happy with the conference.<br />

I’ve been a member since 1972 and haven’t missed<br />

many <strong>of</strong> these. It’s the best show for your bucks<br />

and this year, this has been a fantastic city to go to.<br />

I’ve heard nothing but good things.<br />

”<br />

—Barry Sens, <strong>Fire</strong> Commissioner<br />

Pittsford (NY) <strong>Fire</strong> District<br />


Linda S. Reineke/Riverview Photography<br />

Congratulations to all <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Chiefs</strong>’ Rally<br />

winners. Pictured (left to right): Donald<br />

R. Oliver, Keith E. Hoyle (also pictured at<br />

right with the grand prize, a 2005 Harley-<br />

Davidson® <strong>Fire</strong>fighter Special Edition<br />

FLHTCUI Electric Glide® Ultra Classic®<br />

Motorcycle), IAFC Immediate Past President<br />

Robert A. DiPoli and Elizabeth “Bett” J.<br />

Clark. The winners’ names, announced at<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>-Rescue <strong>International</strong> in Denver, were entered into the drawing once for every new<br />

member they recruited from July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2005. Hoyle received the grand<br />

prize. Oliver was awarded a deluxe Mardi Gras package for four at the Hilton New<br />

Orleans Riverside and Clark received a one-week vacation package for six people on<br />

Lake Winnipesauke, New Hampshire.<br />

IAFC On Scene/<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005<br />


Postcards from<br />

Photos by Linda S. Reineke/Riverview Photography unless otherwise indicated<br />

Heather Green for IAFC<br />

4 IAFC On Scene/<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005

Denver: FRI 2005<br />

Heather Green for IAFC<br />

IAFC On Scene/<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005<br />


IAFC announces new Web site features<br />

The IAFC plans to unveil<br />

improvements to its Web site at<br />

www.iafc.org.<br />

New benefits will include discussion<br />

forums, an online member directory<br />

and an enhanced job board. In<br />

addition, members can now renew<br />

their memberships online and new<br />

members can join online.<br />

Discussion Forums<br />

You asked for it and we responded.<br />

Our new forums will allow members<br />

to share information and ideas about<br />

various topics with other leaders in the<br />

fire service. From securing grants to<br />

recruiting tips, members can post and<br />

reply to discussions and find answers<br />

to the issues facing their departments.<br />

Look for this new member benefit by<br />

clicking the Members Only link on<br />

the right-side navigation bar.<br />

Member Directory<br />

Our new site will <strong>of</strong>fer a built-in search<br />

feature where members can locate each<br />

other by name, geographic location,<br />

department type or population size.<br />

Looking for advice from a fellow<br />

volunteer chief <strong>of</strong> a small department<br />

in the Midwest? Type in those search<br />

criteria and a list <strong>of</strong> members will<br />

Check out improvements<br />

to our Web site and<br />

connect with chiefs<br />

around the world. New<br />

discussion forums,<br />

directory searches and an<br />

enhanced job board will be<br />

at the fingertips <strong>of</strong> members<br />

at www.iafc.org.<br />

display. Look for this new member<br />

benefit by clicking the Members Only<br />

link on the right-side navigation bar.<br />

Enhanced Job Board<br />

Members will be able to post their<br />

résumé and pr<strong>of</strong>ile online into a<br />

database that is fully searchable by<br />

recruiters. Look for this new member<br />

benefit by clicking the Job Board link<br />

on the left-side navigation bar.<br />

While the look <strong>of</strong> the site will<br />

not change significantly, additional<br />

improvements are being made to its<br />

navigation, making it more user-friendly.<br />

We are confident our members will find<br />

the added features extremely beneficial.<br />

As always, you can continue to turn<br />

to the IAFC Web site for breaking<br />

news, government relations issues,<br />

publications and other resources on<br />

the most pressing issues facing the<br />

fire service. You can help the IAFC<br />

continue to improve the quality and<br />

content <strong>of</strong> the Web site by sending your<br />

comments, concerns and questions to<br />

webmaster@iafc.org.<br />

Important Change<br />

Log in to the members-only section<br />

by clicking on the Members Only link<br />

located on the right side menu bars.<br />

Then enter your member number and<br />

password. If you have difficulty signing<br />

in, call IAFC member services toll-free<br />

at 866/385-0911.<br />

What does your<br />

card get you?<br />

Exclusive member benefits<br />

❖ Recognition. Displaying the IAFC<br />

logo on your vehicle or wearing your<br />

pin lets others know you are a leader<br />

in the fire service. If you need either<br />

replaced contact Member Services at<br />

membership@iafc.org.<br />

❖ Information. We provide you<br />

with up to the minute information<br />

through Member Alerts and members<br />

only access to our Web site. This<br />

information requires that we have your<br />

current e-mail address. If your e-mail<br />

has changed please be sure to notify<br />

Member Services at 866/385-9110.<br />

❖ Visit firefighternearmiss.com<br />

to submit an incident or search<br />

the reporting system to share with<br />

members <strong>of</strong> your department. Turn<br />

near-miss experiences into lessons<br />

learned for everyone in the fire service<br />

community. ✠<br />

6 IAFC On Scene/<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005

C L A S S I F I E D S<br />


The Borough <strong>of</strong> Carlisle, Pennsylvania (population 18,000) seeks a proven<br />

fire service pr<strong>of</strong>essional to lead and oversee the operations <strong>of</strong> the borough’s<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Department. Carlisle is a historic community located in south central<br />

Pennsylvania. The Borough has a rich heritage <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional local government<br />

and was recognized in 2004 as “Community <strong>of</strong> the Year” by the Pennsylvania<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce.<br />

This position involves managerial and administrative work in the direction <strong>of</strong><br />

all regular and volunteer fire function duties within Carlisle Borough. Applicants<br />

should possess a comprehensive knowledge <strong>of</strong> modern firefighting and fire<br />

prevention methods, thorough knowledge <strong>of</strong> the <strong>International</strong> Building Code<br />

and fire prevention regulations, the ability to coordinate mandated fire training<br />

programs for volunteers and pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff, thorough knowledge <strong>of</strong> fire safety<br />

regulations, demonstrated ability to plan, coordinate, and direct firefighting<br />

and fire prevention activities, the ability to maintain discipline and promote<br />

morale, skill to develop annual budgets for the department, the ability to develop<br />

cooperative relations with the public and successfully work with and serve a<br />

diverse local community and ability to use sound judgment in emergencies.<br />

This position reports to the Borough Manager on a day-to-day basis. The<br />

Borough’s fire functions are performed by four fire companies primarily<br />

comprised <strong>of</strong> volunteers, although each station has paid personnel to supplement<br />

the volunteers.<br />

Applicants should possess a Bachelor’s degree in <strong>Fire</strong> Science, Public<br />

Administration or a related field. Preference will be given for a four-year degree<br />

from the National <strong>Fire</strong> Academy or Executive <strong>Fire</strong> Officer Program. Five years<br />

progressive experience with a fire department with at least two years as either<br />

the assistant/deputy or chief position required. Salary level $52,000-$81,000.<br />

Resumes with letters <strong>of</strong> interest must be received no later <strong>Sept</strong>ember 30, 2005<br />

to: Carlisle Borough, Attn: Personnel Director, 53 West South Street, Carlisle,<br />

Pennsylvania 17013. Faxes and emails will not be accepted. EOE. For additional<br />

community information visit our Web site: www.carlislepa.org.<br />


City <strong>of</strong> Redmond, WA<br />

Salary - $7,296-$8,732 per month<br />

The City <strong>of</strong> Redmond, the vibrant high<br />

tech capital <strong>of</strong> the scenic Pacific Northwest,<br />

is seeking a creative, forward-thinking<br />

chief <strong>of</strong>ficer to join a departmentwide<br />

effort to create a new vision<br />

for Redmond’s <strong>Fire</strong> Department.<br />

Responsibilities include fire<br />

prevention, emergency management,<br />

public education, fleet and building<br />

maintenance, capital improvements,<br />

budgeting and labor/management<br />

relations. The successful candidate<br />

will be a proven leader and consensusbuilder<br />

comfortable working locally<br />

and regionally; effective at initiating<br />

and managing change at all levels <strong>of</strong><br />

the organization; a strong oral and<br />

written communicator who listens<br />

well and values diverse perspectives;<br />

a successful manager with strong<br />

organizational and analytical<br />

skills; and a committed fire service<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional with a proven record <strong>of</strong><br />

success and service to the community.<br />

For application information, access<br />

www.redmond.gov or call 425/556-<br />

2121. Position closes at 5 p.m. on <strong>Sept</strong>.<br />

23, 2005.<br />



Massachusetts’ Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong><br />

Services, located in Stow, seeks<br />

applicants for a new position, Director<br />

<strong>of</strong> Emergency Response and Homeland<br />

Security. The Director reports to the<br />

Deputy <strong>Fire</strong> Marshal and is responsible<br />

for leading all emergency response and<br />

homeland security planning, initiatives<br />

and operations, including managing<br />

the Division <strong>of</strong> Hazardous Materials<br />

Response, Special Operations and<br />

Emergency Planning/Exercises and<br />

coordinating the Commonwealth’s<br />

NIMS training/response. Ten years<br />

<strong>of</strong> emergency response experience<br />

preferred. Salary Range: $48,478.04-<br />

$99,250.54. Application Deadline:<br />

<strong>Sept</strong>ember 30, 2005. Send resume,<br />

application and cover letter to:<br />

DFS/HR<br />

P.O. Box 1025<br />

State Road, Stow, MA 01775.<br />

For additional information see http://<br />

www.mass.gov/dfs/admin/jobs/index.<br />

htm.<br />

I A F C<br />

Volume 19, Number <strong>15</strong><br />

IAFC On Scene is read by 12,400 highly qualified fire chiefs and company <strong>of</strong>ficers with a<br />

pass-on rate <strong>of</strong> six to eight additional readers for every subscriber. To advertise, please<br />

call (703) 273-98<strong>15</strong> ext. 307 or e-mail Editor Jule Gardner at jgardner@iafc.org.<br />

IAFC Executive Director<br />

Garry L. Briese, CAE<br />

Communications Director<br />

Jennifer A. Ashley, CAE<br />

Editor/Communications Manager<br />

Jule Gardner<br />

IAFC Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<br />

Bill Killen, President<br />

Jackie Gibbs, <strong>Fire</strong> & Life Safety Section<br />

James Harmes, First Vice President Luther L. Fincher Jr., Metro <strong>Chiefs</strong> Section<br />

Steven P. Westermann, Second Vice President<br />

Bob DiPoli, Immediate Past President<br />

Julian Taliaferro, Treasurer<br />

Larry J. Grorud, Great Lakes Division<br />

Don Warden, Canadian Division<br />

William Walton Jr., Eastern Division<br />

Ken Riddle, EMS Section<br />

Richard Carrizzo, Missouri Valley Division<br />

Roger Bradley, New England Division<br />

Jack K. McElfish, Southeastern Division<br />

Jerry S. Bower, Southwestern Division<br />

Fred Windisch, VCOS<br />

Timothy Riley, Western Division<br />

Roger Bradley, Director-at-Large<br />

IAFC On Scene (ISSN 0893-3936) is an <strong>of</strong>ficial publication <strong>of</strong> the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong>. Our goal for this newsletter is to provide fire and emergency services managers with<br />

information to help them make timely and appropriate decisions. The opinions expressed in the newsletter<br />

are those <strong>of</strong> the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the <strong>of</strong>ficial position <strong>of</strong> the association.<br />

The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong>, organized in 1873, is dedicated to the advancement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fire service. Its mission statement: Provide leadership to career and volunteer chiefs, chief fire <strong>of</strong>ficers and<br />

managers <strong>of</strong> emergency service organizations throughout the international community through vision,<br />

information, education, services and representation to enhance their pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism and capabilities.<br />

Questions about material in this issue should be directed to the editor at: 703/273-98<strong>15</strong> ext. 307. The<br />

IAFC main number is 703/273-0911; fax 703/273-9363.Unless otherwise noted, all material in<br />

IAFC On Scene is copyright 2005 by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong>.<br />

A N N O U N C E M E N T S<br />

New Skills and Drills DVD series available<br />

The IAFC, NFPA and Jones and Bartlett<br />

publishers have released a new DVD series,<br />

“Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> Fighter Skills: Skills<br />

and Drills.” This action packed eightvolume<br />

DVD series provides detailed, stepby-step<br />

instruction on the most critical and<br />

fundamental firefighter skills. The DVD<br />

series captures real-life scenes to teach<br />

firefighting students and firefighters how to<br />

perform each skill correctly and <strong>of</strong>fers helpful<br />

information, tips and pointers designed<br />

to facilitate progression through practical<br />

examinations <strong>of</strong> real-life emergencies.<br />

Preview clips from the DVD series online at http://fire.jbpub.com. IAFC<br />

members receive a discounted rate for the “Skills and Drills” DVD series; contact<br />

Jones and Bartlett Publishers to order: call 800/832-0034; fax 978/443-8000;<br />

e-mail info@jbpub.com; or visit http://firefighter.jbpub.com.<br />

Online registration open for VCOS symposium<br />

Register now for Symposium in the Sun 2005, the only national symposium for<br />

leaders <strong>of</strong> volunteer and combination fire departments.<br />

The seventh annual conference <strong>of</strong> IAFC’s Volunteer & Combination Officers<br />

Section will be at the Sheraton Sand Key in Clearwater Beach, FL, will be held<br />

Nov. 10-13. You can register online at www.iafc.org/vcos/index.asp or call<br />

703/273-0911 for more information.<br />

IAFC On Scene/<strong>Sept</strong>. <strong>15</strong>, 2005<br />


Warren E. Isman grant winners recommend hazmat conference<br />

By Sacha Dick<br />

The City <strong>of</strong> Cleveland Division<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> Hazardous Materials<br />

Team, recipients <strong>of</strong> the Warren E.<br />

Isman Educational Grant, used the<br />

grant to send three <strong>of</strong> its members<br />

to the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong>’ (IAFC) <strong>International</strong><br />

Hazardous Materials Response Teams<br />

Conference.<br />

The annual conference was held<br />

June 2-4 in Hunt Valley, MD.<br />

The Cleveland team was chosen<br />

among nine applicants to receive the<br />

$5,000 grant, awarded by the National<br />

<strong>Fire</strong> Protection <strong>Association</strong> (NFPA) to<br />

a fire, police or other publicly funded<br />

hazmat team seeking specialized<br />

training.<br />

The team must demonstrate excellent<br />

leadership and communications skills<br />

and be trained in compliance with<br />

NFPA 472, Standard for Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

Competence <strong>of</strong> Responders to<br />

Hazardous Materials Incidents, and<br />

NFPA 473, Standard for Pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

Competence <strong>of</strong> EMS Personnel<br />

Responding to Hazardous Materials<br />

Incidents.<br />

The Cleveland team applied for<br />

the first time after learning about<br />

the existence <strong>of</strong> the grant from other<br />

members <strong>of</strong> their department who are<br />

Plans for the 2006 <strong>International</strong> Hazardous Materials Response<br />

Teams conference are already underway. It will be held<br />

June 1-4, 2006, at the Baltimore Marriott Hunt Valley Inn in Hunt<br />

Valley, MD. Please check www.iafc.org for more information.<br />

also members <strong>of</strong> the IAFC.<br />

The three who attended the<br />

conference were: Capt. George Erker,<br />

Lt. Greg Lightcap and First Grade<br />

<strong>Fire</strong>fighter John Zupanc. All three<br />

later said they were impressed with the<br />

conference’s exhibits and sessions, as<br />

well as the extensive knowledge <strong>of</strong> and<br />

open dialogue with innovators in the<br />

hazardous materials field.<br />

The team has realized immediate<br />

benefits from attending the conference,<br />

including great ideas for training<br />

younger and inexperienced hazmat<br />

members in research materials and<br />

rapid risk assessment as well as<br />

increased knowledge in general. They<br />

also said they’ve been able to update<br />

Emergency Action Plans in need <strong>of</strong><br />

review based on what they learned at<br />

the conference.<br />

The three attendees took their<br />

knowledge home and presented it to<br />

more than 30 others on their hazmat<br />

team and in their immediate fire station,<br />

Station 13. The information will also be<br />

disseminated department-wide.<br />

The team feels the long-term<br />

benefits from the educational<br />

opportunities and response techniques<br />

and procedures will be a benefit not<br />

only to the department, but also to the<br />

community, and conference attendees<br />

encourage other departments to look<br />

at the Warren E. Isman grant as an<br />

opportunity.<br />

“The world is a safer place for having<br />

afforded us the opportunity to share in<br />

this experience,” Capt. Erker said.<br />

The City <strong>of</strong> Cleveland Division <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Fire</strong> has approximately 950 members.<br />

The hazardous materials team is a joint<br />

Hazardous Materials Specialist and<br />

Hazardous Materials <strong>Fire</strong> Prevention<br />

Unit. IAFC Member Chief Paul<br />

Stubbs is the chief.<br />

The grant was initiated by the IAFC<br />

following the death <strong>of</strong> Chief Warren<br />

E. Isman in 1991. Chief Isman was<br />

the former chief <strong>of</strong> Fairfax County,<br />

VA, past president <strong>of</strong> the IAFC,<br />

senior instructor for the University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Maryland <strong>Fire</strong> Services Extension<br />

Program, authored three fire-related<br />

textbooks and served as chair <strong>of</strong> the<br />

IAFC Hazardous Materials Committee<br />

and the NFPA Technical Committee<br />

on Hazardous Materials.<br />

Sacha Dick is a director <strong>of</strong><br />

programs for the IAFC.<br />

I A F C<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>Chiefs</strong><br />

4025 Fair Ridge Drive<br />

Fairfax, VA 22033-2868<br />


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