October 2010 - International Association of Fire Chiefs

October 2010 - International Association of Fire Chiefs

October 2010 - International Association of Fire Chiefs


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EMS Section Executive Board<br />

<strong>October</strong> <strong>2010</strong> Conference Call Agenda<br />

Monday 25 <strong>October</strong>, 1400 ET<br />

In Attendance: <strong>Chiefs</strong> Becker, Brown, Croom, Ludwig, Metro, Sinclair and Lucian Deaton, Ken LaSala<br />

Minutes:<br />

Section Business<br />

Government Relations New Hire<br />

LaSala noted the new hire in Government Relations who will start 17 November. The section board<br />

applauded his appointment.<br />

EMS Section Budget for 2011 process<br />

Chief Brown opened the discussion with the group. Group agreed to role the current budget over to<br />

2011 pending the adopting <strong>of</strong> a formal budget at the next strategic planning meeting. The draft will be<br />

presented to the section board at the strategic planning meeting for formal approval. Deaton will<br />

identify the FRM <strong>2010</strong> final net.<br />

2011 Strategic Planning Meeting dates<br />

Chief Ludwig asked for dates in February 2011 from the group. Location TBA.<br />

Recent Meetings<br />

NASEMSO meeting review<br />

<strong>Chiefs</strong> Croom and Becker attended the annual meeting. Chief Croom noted the group reaffirmed in<br />

resolution their support <strong>of</strong> accreditation <strong>of</strong> paramedic programs. Both chiefs also attended the<br />

concurrent National Registry meeting. Of note, Randy Kuykendall was named NASEMSO president for<br />

<strong>2010</strong>-11, and is the EMS Director from Colorado. Chief Croom was able to meet with Kuykendall to<br />

discuss areas <strong>of</strong> coordination and partnership going forward.

ACEP Meeting review<br />

Group discussed having a board member speak with their board in a liaison capacity to identify areas <strong>of</strong><br />

coordination and partnership going forward.<br />

Upcoming Meetings<br />

NAESMP annual meeting, 14-16 January.<br />

Chief Ludwig will be on the NEMSAC call Tuesday 26 <strong>October</strong><br />

15-17 December NEMSAC / FICEMS meeting in Washington, D.C.<br />

Section Projects<br />

FRM 2011 Program Planning Committee 13 <strong>October</strong> call review<br />

Chief Sinclair explained the recent work <strong>of</strong> the FRM Program Planning Committee. Work on finalizing<br />

federal speakers and keynotes nears completion. Pre-con on rescue being developed. Show brochure in<br />

final draft.<br />

IAFC/IAFF <strong>Fire</strong> Based EMS Seminar Curriculum meeting (Oct 7-8) review<br />

The group discussed the seminar structure. The audience will be invitee fire chiefs and their union<br />

presidents. Group discussed an Overview <strong>of</strong> topics to be presented during the two day session.<br />

Assignments review, projected dates for presentations. Chief Sinclair will provide an email regarding<br />

individual assignments and will provide coordination for this project.<br />

Mary Beth Michos researching options for conference support. IAFC Conferences and Marketing will<br />

contact Chief Sinclair on development week <strong>of</strong> 25 <strong>October</strong>.<br />

Medical Directors Handbook September meeting<br />

Chief Ludwig explained the September meeting efforts. The draft writers are completing their work and<br />

it will be sent to the national EMS organizations for peer review. Publication date will be in 2011.<br />

IACP Alzheimer’s patient response project Advisory Board<br />

Deaton explained the advisory board effort by IACP. Group agreed that the person suggested for<br />

participation should have a passion for these types <strong>of</strong> patients. Nurse Paramedic Roxie Barnes has done<br />

previous work on related issues with the section. Chief Mike McEvoy suggested as well.

Helicopter EMS<br />

Chief Metro highlighted his work with the Air Law Enforcement <strong>Association</strong> (ALEA) to bring a single voice<br />

for public safety helicopters to Washington. Chief Metro noted Recent meetings with the FAA and the<br />

NTSB which resulted in a positive change <strong>of</strong> positions. The public safety group will comment on the<br />

newly released FAA negotiated rule making proposals on safety initiatives.<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> Safety project to ACEP<br />

Section working to ensure fire service based EMS included in the effort. Deaton to reach out to SHS to<br />

learn <strong>of</strong> their involvement.<br />

Legislative report from IAFC Government Relations – Ken LaSala<br />

LaSala highlighted comments to CMS due 16 November and will work with Chief Sinclair on next steps.<br />

LaSala will work with Chief Metro on FAA comments due in January.<br />

LaSala highlighted recent EPA proposed standards that will affect public safety vehicles and will work<br />

with the section going forward. Work with Pierce, FAMA and the IAFC Apparatus Maintenance Section<br />

ongoing.<br />

New/Old Business<br />

IAFC Elections 2011<br />

Under the authority granted by Section 10 <strong>of</strong> the EMS Section Bylaws, the EMS Section Executive Board<br />

voted unanimously to endorse – as a board – the candidacy <strong>of</strong> Chief Bill Metcalf for IAFC 2 nd Vice<br />

President.<br />

The board noted his previous service on the EMS Section Board; current section membership; his long<br />

time support for fire service based EMS; and the members <strong>of</strong> the IAFC EMS Section. The Section has<br />

previously supported Chief Metcalf when he ran successfully for IAFC Treasurer. The board noted that<br />

this is not a position against Chief Dave Daniels – who is also running for 2 nd Vice President – but rather<br />

support for a past executive board member <strong>of</strong> the EMS Section.<br />

Motion to endorse the candidacy <strong>of</strong> Chief <strong>of</strong> Chief Bill Metcalf for IAFC 2 nd Vice President was formally<br />

raised by Chief Croom, seconded by Chief Brown. The vote was unanimous.

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