curriculum vitae - Ivan Allen College - Georgia Institute of Technology

curriculum vitae - Ivan Allen College - Georgia Institute of Technology

curriculum vitae - Ivan Allen College - Georgia Institute of Technology


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CHIN 2002 Intermediate Chinese II 15 students<br />

Fall 2008 CHIN 3813 Special Topics: 10 students<br />

Advanced Chinese II<br />

CHIN 2001 Intermediate Chinese I 7 students<br />


Summer 2009 CHIN 4699 Undergraduate Research Thomas Hazzard<br />


1. Chinese LBAT Recruiting, Development, Co-Directing, and Teaching<br />

a. Taking full responsibility for Chinese LBAT 2011 Recruiting. Successfully<br />

recruited 26 students (record high), including 6 ROTC students and 4 non-GT students;<br />

worked with my colleague to extend the program from 6 weeks to 8 weeks, <strong>of</strong>fering an<br />

additional, optional 2-week program in Qingdao; developed and led the cultural and<br />

business sites visits and other extracurricular activities in Qingdao; upgraded the LBAT<br />

website and made it more informative and resourceful; GT Chinese Classes Promotion<br />

Presentations; GT Study Abroad Fair; Chinese LBAT Information Session and Dinner.<br />

b. Took full responsibility for Chinese LBAT 2009 Recruiting. Successfully recruited<br />

11 students (record high); GT Chinese Classes Promotion Presentations; GT Study<br />

Abroad Fair; Chinese LBAT New Year Dinner.<br />

2. Curriculum Development at <strong>Georgia</strong> Tech<br />

a. Developed and Improved LBAT Curriculum in 2011: set up a framework to operate<br />

a big, expanding program; recruited, supervised, and coordinated with 5 local teachers;<br />

revamped the syllabi <strong>of</strong> the three courses CHIN 3691, 3692, and 3693 for the Shanghai<br />

program, adopted two most widely-used textbooks; implemented “Language Pledge,”<br />

which required students to speak Mandarin during the program period in Shanghai.<br />

b. Developed and Improved LBAT Curriculum in 2009: added a one-on-one individual<br />

conversation session; coordinated with the host institution to <strong>of</strong>fer three free cultural<br />

courses in Taiji, Chinese cooking, and martial arts; organized interactions with the host<br />

SJTU students, local families and residents; integrated classroom learning with field<br />

trips and site visits; designed and conducted student questionnaires, etc.<br />

c. Fall 2008-present: Developed and taught two new 4 th -year Chinese courses (approved<br />

by the IUCC in September 2009): CHIN 3813/4003 “Advanced Chinese II:<br />

Contemporary China” and CHIN 4813/4004 “Advanced Chinese III: Contemporary<br />

China.” Introduced the textbook, Anything Goes: An Advanced Reader <strong>of</strong> Modern<br />

Chinese by Princeton University Press; developed a <strong>curriculum</strong> with a good balance<br />

between heritage learners and non-heritage learners; integrated a wide range <strong>of</strong><br />

C.V., Jin Liu 2

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