Curriculum Vitae Osvaldo Cleger ocleger3@mail.gatech.edu Office ...

Curriculum Vitae Osvaldo Cleger ocleger3@mail.gatech.edu Office ...

Curriculum Vitae Osvaldo Cleger ocleger3@mail.gatech.edu Office ...


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<strong>Cleger</strong> 1<br />

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><br />

<strong>Osvaldo</strong> <strong>Cleger</strong><br />

<strong>ocleger3@mail</strong>.<strong>gatech</strong>.<strong>edu</strong><br />

<strong>Office</strong><br />

School of Modern Languages<br />

Georgia Institute of Technology<br />

Swann Building<br />

613 Cherry Street<br />

Atlanta, GA 30332-0375<br />

Tel: (404) 385-0193<br />

Education<br />

Ph.D., Hispanic Literature, University of Arizona, Aug 2009.<br />

Major: 18 th , 19 th , 20 th and 21 st Century Latin American Literature.<br />

Minors: 18 th , 19 th , 20 th and 21 st Century Spanish Literature, and Literary Criticism.<br />

M.A., New Mexico State University, May 2004.<br />

Major: Hispanic Literature.<br />

Bachelor of Arts, University of Havana, 1997.<br />

Major: History.<br />

Ph.D. Dissertation<br />

“El arte de narrar en la era de las blogoficciones” is an interdisciplinary approach to electronic<br />

narratives, in which I explore the impact that recent developments in technology are having on<br />

the literary field. Drawing on the work of theorists and scholars such as Jean Baudrillard, George<br />

Landow, Katherine Hayles, Janet Murray, Lev Manovich and Jay David Bolter, among others, I<br />

study how key narratological concepts acquire a new set of characteristics when implemented in<br />

an electronic environment. My working hypothesis is that in the new media culture that is<br />

currently emerging, the traditional ideas about authorship, textuality, fictionality, sequential<br />

structure, and readership are being challenged by tendencies toward anonymity, pseudonymity,<br />

collaborative authorship, hypertextual narrative structures, and the active involvement of the<br />

reader in the creative process. In one of the chapters, I apply these theoretical considerations to<br />

the critical reading of several blog-novels written by Argentinean author Hernán Casciari. The<br />

relevance of this study lies in the acknowledgement that electronic fictions are an emerging<br />

literary genre, which has its own identifiable features, and constitutes a cultural derivation of the<br />

information society in which we live today.

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Publications<br />

Published Books and Parts of Book<br />

Narrar en la era de las blogoficciones: literatura, cultura y sociedad de las redes en el siglo XXI.<br />

Mellen Press, 2010. Print.<br />

“Pantallas saturadas / cuerpos opacos: la ficción hipertextual en lengua española”. Leer<br />

hipertextos. Eds. Antonio Mendoza y J. M. De Amo. Barcelona: Universidad de<br />

Barcelona, 2012. 53-72. Print<br />

Amor y conocimiento en Cintio Vitier (Aproximaciones a su crítica). Havana, Casa Editora Abril,<br />

2002. Print. Awarded the 2000 “Calendario Award” of Literary Criticism. (written in<br />

collaboration with Patricia Ramos).<br />

“El Mercurio Peruano: la otra revista”. Mariátegui. R. E. y R. Parodi. Havana, Centro de<br />

Investigación y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello: 47-74. 2002. Print.<br />

Refereed Publications<br />

“Del caligrama al poema flash: la poesía visual se muda a la Internet”. Taller de Letras.<br />

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (forthcoming in Spring 2012).<br />

“Safo en el trópico: imagen post-victoriana del cuerpo en la poesía de Mercedes Matamoros”.<br />

Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. XLV.3 (2011): 551-570. Print.<br />

“El cuerpo de Ofelia: mito y erotismo del agua en la poesía de Dulce María Loynaz”. Caribe<br />

12.2 (2009-2010): 81-100. Print.<br />

“Ritos, revistas y modas femeninas (La irrupción en Cuba Republicana del arquetipo de la mujer<br />

moderna, 1902-1912).” Universidad de La Habana (254-255): 170-179. 2002. Print.<br />

“Primera estación martiana: Juan Marinello en la génesis del martismo”. Anuario del Centro de<br />

Estudios Martianos (21): 107-128. 1998. Print.<br />

Other Publications<br />

“Un caso curioso de criminología literaria: apostillas a la polémica entre Amaury Francisco<br />

Gutiérrez Coto y Antonio José Ponte”. Revista Vitral (69) 2005.<br />

“Cintio Vitier”. Revista de la Sociedad Cultural José Martí (5): 51-53. 2002.<br />

Translations<br />

“Presencia y figura (poesía francesa contemporánea)”. El Caimán Barbudo (308): 15-18. 2002.<br />

Creative Writings<br />

“Los balcones, el alba”. Writers Without Borders (7): 47. 2003.<br />

“El discurso del árbol: bajo un nogal”. Revista Arenas Blancas (1): 26. 2004.<br />

“Selection of poems”. De Liras (5): 13-15. 1998.

<strong>Cleger</strong> 3<br />

Keynote Addresses and Invited Lectures<br />

“Reading Latin American Hyperfiction: Towards an Interactive Narratology.” Keynote Address.<br />

Alabama Modern Language Conference, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, Feb 24,<br />

2012.<br />

“Pantallas saturadas / cuerpos opacos: la doble lógica de la inmediatez y la hipermediatez en la<br />

ficción hipertextual en lengua española”. Keynote Address. II Simposio internacional<br />

sobre perspectivas de investigación e innovación didáctica en formación receptora: leer<br />

hipertextos, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España, Sept 30, 2011.<br />

“Beyond the Printed Page: Understanding Hypertext Literature from the 1990s.” Invited lecture.<br />

William Conroy Honors Center Commons, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,<br />

NM, March 29, 2011.<br />

“Narrar en la era de las blogoficciones: la literatura y los medios en la era digital.” Invited<br />

lecture. Center for Latin American and Border Studies, New Mexico State University,<br />

Las Cruces, NM, March 28, 2011.<br />

Conference Papers<br />

“La estética del videojuego en Golpe de gracia, un hipermedia interactivo de Jaime Alejandro<br />

Rodríguez”. LASA 2012: Toward a Third Century of Independence in Latin America,<br />

May 23-26, San Francisco, California.<br />

“From Calligram to Flash-Poetry: the Technologizing of the Poem.” 83 rd Annual Convention of<br />

the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Nov 4-6, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia.<br />

“Train Man and Weblog de una mujer gorda: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Online Collective<br />

Narratives.” International Conference on Latin American Cybercultural Studies:<br />

Exploring New Paradigms and Analytical Approaches, May 19-20, 2011, The University<br />

of Liverpool, UK.<br />

“Hernán Casciari’s Weblog de una mujer gorda: the Feuilleton Meets the Web.” NeMLA 2011<br />

Convention, April 7-10, 2011, New Brunswick, New Jersey.<br />

“Los Wordtoys de Belén Gache: la poesía visual se muda a la Internet”. XXIX International<br />

Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, October 6-9, 2010, Toronto,<br />

Canada.<br />

“Buenos Aires: tango, bohemia y rock nacional”. XXXVIII Congreso Internacional del Instituto<br />

Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Independencias: memoria y futuro,<br />

Georgetown University, June 9-11, 2010, Washington D.C.<br />

“Virtual Communities and Collective Narratives: From Tokyo to Mercedes, Buenos Aires.” The<br />

4th International Conference & Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization,<br />

Brown University, June 3-6, 2010, Providence, RI.

<strong>Cleger</strong> 4<br />

“Más allá de la página impresa: aproximaciones a la ficción hipertextual en Latino América”.<br />

40th Anniversary Congress of the Canadian Association for Latin American and<br />

Caribbean Studies (CALACS), Concordia University, June 1-3, 2010, Montreal, Canada.<br />

“Etno-ciborgs y cibervatos: las performaces en la Red de Guillermo Gómez Peña”. 2010<br />

National Popular Culture & American Culture Conference, March 31 - April 3, 2010, St.<br />

Louis, Missouri.<br />

“Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y las políticas del cuerpo ausente”. 17th Annual Graduate and<br />

Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and<br />

Culture, University of Arizona, February 2007, Tucson, Arizona.<br />

“La poesía de Jesús Barquet: a propósito de su último libro”. 16th Annual Graduate and<br />

Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and<br />

Culture, University of Arizona, February 2006, Tucson, Arizona.<br />

“Mito y erotismo del agua en la poesía de Dulce María Loynaz”. First Symposium on Hispanic<br />

and Luso-Brazilian Languages, Literature & Linguistics, GRAPHSY, Georgetown<br />

University, October 2005, Washington D.C.<br />

“Safo en el trópico: imagen post-victoriana del cuerpo en la poesía de Mercedes Matamoros”.<br />

15th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian<br />

Literature, Language and Culture, University of Arizona, February 2005, Tucson,<br />

Arizona.<br />

“El Mercurio Peruano: la otra revista”. Taller Internacional “70 Aniversario de José Carlos<br />

Mariátegui”, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello,<br />

La Habana, October 2000.<br />

“Ritos, revistas y modas femeninas (la irrupción en Cuba Republicana del arquetipo de la mujer<br />

moderna, 1902-1912)”. Coloquio Internacional: Mujeres latinoamericanas y caribeñas,<br />

cultura popular tradicional y cultura de masas, Casa de las Américas, Programa de<br />

Estudios de la Mujer, La Habana, February 2000.<br />

“Las cubanas a la conquista del espacio público (1902-1912)”. Taller Científico: Nación y<br />

Sociedad en Cuba republicana: algunos problemas, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo<br />

de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello, La Habana, September 1999.<br />

“La primera estación martiana: Marinello en la génesis del marxismo”. Coloquio Internacional:<br />

Magisterio, cultura y proyección social en Juan Marinello, Memorial Juan Marinello, La<br />

Habana, November 1998.<br />

“Nacidos en los setenta: comentarios en torno a la última generación poética de la Isla”.<br />

Coloquio Nacional Palabra de los noventa, Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística, La<br />

Habana, October 1998.<br />

Teaching Experience<br />

Georgia Institute of Technology (July 2011 to present). Assistant Professor of Spanish at the<br />

Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, School of Modern Languages.<br />

Courses taught:

<strong>Cleger</strong> 5<br />

Spanish 4160 Identity, Memory and Migrations: Living in, on and off the Hyphen (1<br />

section) (This is a course on Latino Culture and Literature in the US)<br />

Spanish 3833 Hispanic Culture Through Film, Literature and the Arts (1 section)<br />

Spanish 3111 Composition I (3 section)<br />

Lafayette College (July 2009 to June 2011). Assistant Professor of Spanish at the Department of<br />

Foreign Languages and Literatures.<br />

Courses taught:<br />

Spanish 435: Identity, Memory and Migrations: Living in, on and off the Hyphen (1<br />

section)<br />

Spanish 428: From Hypertext to Blog-fictions: Mapping Current Trends in Electronic<br />

Literature (1 section)<br />

Spanish 314: Latin American Culture Through Film, Literature and the Arts (2 sections)<br />

Spanish 225: Business Spanish (1 section)<br />

Spanish 211: Advanced Composition (3 sections)<br />

Spanish 112: Intermediate Spanish (1 section)<br />

The University of Arizona (August 2004 to May 2009). Graduate Associate in Teaching at the<br />

Department of Spanish and Portuguese.<br />

Courses taught:<br />

• Spanish 450: Advanced Conversation and Writing Skills (1 section)<br />

• Spanish 449: Topics in Spanish American Literature: Fantastic Fictions of Latin<br />

America (1 section)<br />

• Spanish 350: Introduction to Literary Genres (3 section)<br />

• Spanish 330: Conversation (2 sections)<br />

• Spanish 325: Intermediate Spanish Grammar (1 section)<br />

• Spanish 251: Intermediate Spanish Language: “Spanish Composition through<br />

Literature” (2 sections)<br />

• Spanish 205: Intensive Spanish (2 sections)<br />

• Spanish 202: Fourth Semester Spanish Language (3 sections)<br />

• Spanish 201: Third Semester Spanish Language (2 sections)<br />

• Spanish 102: Second Semester Spanish Language (4 sections)<br />

• Traditions and Cultures 103: The Arts and Politics in Latin America (8 sections)<br />

Pima Community College (August 2005 to May 2009). Adjunct Faculty.<br />

Courses taught:<br />

• Spanish 202: Fourth Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)<br />

• Spanish 201: Third Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)<br />

• Spanish 102: Second Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)<br />

New Mexico State University (August 2002 to May 2004). Graduate Assistant in Teaching at the<br />

Department of Modern Languages.<br />

Courses taught:

<strong>Cleger</strong> 6<br />

• Spanish 212: Fourth Semester Spanish Language (4 sections)<br />

• Spanish 211: Third Semester Spanish Language (2 sections)<br />

• Spanish 112: Second Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)<br />

• Spanish 111: First Semester Spanish Language (2 sections)<br />

Latin American School of Medical Science (LASMS), Cuba (1999). Instructor of Latin<br />

American History.<br />

Felix Varela Center, Havana, Cuba (1996 to 1997). Instructor of Spanish and Lecturer in the<br />

Seminar “Cuba: Ethic and Society”.<br />

Museum Maximo Gómez, Havana, Cuba (1995 to 1996). Teaching Assistant of Italian Language.<br />

Courses taught:<br />

• First Semester Italian Language (multiple sections)<br />

Teaching Interests<br />

All levels of Spanish language courses, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century Latin American<br />

Literature and Culture, 20th and 21st century Spanish Literature, Poetry, Interdisciplinary<br />

Studies, Women Studies, Literary Theory, Cultural Studies, Hypertext Theory, Digital Narratives<br />

and Internet Culture.<br />

Relevant Work Experience<br />

New Mexico State University, Branson Library, Las Cruces, NM (May to August 2002). Library<br />

Assistant.<br />

Jose Marti National Library, Havana, Cuba (1998 to 2001). Librarian, Reading Promoter and<br />

Researcher.<br />

Juan Marinello Center for Research and Development of Cuban Culture, Havana (1999 to 2001).<br />

Assistant Researcher.<br />

Editorial Positions<br />

2006: Editorial Assistant, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. Volume 11.<br />

2005-2006: Member of the Editorial Board of Divergencias. Revista de estudios lingüísticos y<br />

literarios. Graduate Students Journal. The University of Arizona. Volumes 4:1, and 4:2.<br />

2004: Co-founder and Member of the Editorial Board of Arenas Blancas. Revista Literaria.<br />

Volume 1.<br />

Awards and Grants<br />

Graduate College Fellowship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2004 – Fall 2008.

<strong>Cleger</strong> 7<br />

Under-represented Graduate Student Travel Grant, The University of Arizona, Fall 2005.<br />

Graduate College Minority Fellowship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2004.<br />

Outstanding Teaching Assistant. Department of Modern Languages. New Mexico State<br />

University. May 2004.<br />

Southwest and Border Cultures Institute Award for the literary journal project, Arenas Blancas,<br />

New Mexico State University, 2003.<br />

Winner of the “Calendario Award” of Literary Criticism, for the essay Amor y conocimiento en<br />

Cintio Vitier, written in collaboration with Patricia Ramos. La Habana, 2000.<br />

Honorable mention by the “La Gaceta de Cuba Award”, for the selection of poems Variaciones<br />

del Aire. Havana, 1995.<br />

University Service and Memberships<br />

AP Exam Reader, Educational Testing Service, ETS, Fall 2010 – Present.<br />

Faculty Advisor: First-Year Students. Lafayette College, Fall 2010 – Fall 2011.<br />

Member: Diversity Committee. Lafayette College, Fall 2010 – Fall 2011.<br />

Member: Latin American and Caribbean Studies Advisory Committee. Lafayette College, Fall<br />

2010 – Fall 2011.<br />

Member: Julia Álvarez Planning Committee. Lafayette College, Spring 2010.<br />

Member: Modern Language Association (MLA).<br />

Member: Latin American Studies Association (LASA)<br />

Member: Electronic Literature Organization (ELO)<br />

Member: Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association (PCA/ACA)<br />

Member: Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS)<br />

Language Skills<br />

Spanish: native.<br />

English: near-native.<br />

French and Italian: excellent reading knowledge and fair speaking skills.<br />

Computer Skills<br />

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Abode Flash, After Effects, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Moodle,<br />

WebCT, D2L. Windows and Web Platforms.

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