Social Media for Attractions - IAAPA

Social Media for Attractions - IAAPA

Social Media for Attractions - IAAPA


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<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Attractions</strong><br />

<strong>IAAPA</strong> ASIA 2012<br />

Charles Read

<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong>: What’s the big deal?<br />

<strong>Social</strong> media: What’s the big deal?<br />

ROI = Engagement<br />

Best Practice

<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong>: What’s the big deal?<br />


Allows any outsider free access to the<br />

family.<br />

Exchange of twaddle between foolish<br />

women.<br />

Idle conversations and an inappropriate<br />

invasion of the household.<br />

Fosters inappropriate contact from people<br />

of the lower classes.<br />

Encourages indiscretions between<br />

unsupervised women and strange men.

<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong>: What’s the big deal?<br />

It’s increasingly the way that people communicate...<br />

Example: Most tweeted events in 2011<br />

10 Death of Osama Bin Laden: 5,106 tweets per second<br />

7 Japanese earthquake: 5,530 tweets per second<br />

1 Beyonce Reveals Baby Bump: 8,868 tweets per second<br />

Until December 9th ...<br />

Castle in the Sky: 25,088 tweets per second !!!

ROI?<br />

<strong>Social</strong> media is word of<br />

mouth on digital steroids<br />

The ROI is to be in business in<br />

5 years time….

ROI?<br />

Some statistics from US theme parks – ignore social media at<br />

your peril!<br />

•Visitors with internet access from 76% to<br />

81% from 2008 to 2010, but…<br />

•The number of people who post a blog<br />

about their theme park experience has<br />

gone from 22% to 48% from 2008 to 2010<br />

•Number of visitors who went to park<br />

website prior to going to the park has<br />

gone from 21% to 42% from 2008 to<br />

2010, and…<br />

•Those who posted about their most<br />

recent trip exhibited greater spending<br />


ROI?<br />

7 Drive traffic to website<br />

6 Disseminate in<strong>for</strong>mation & knowledge<br />

5 Chance to monitor feedback, opinions from audience<br />

4 Increase brand awareness, raise profile<br />

3 Build community and relationships<br />

2 Extend audience outreach<br />

1 Engage and interact with audience - ENGAGEMENT

ROI?<br />

Size Spend Popularity<br />

BUT investment and popularity have little<br />

relationship to engagement!<br />

“It’s easy to spend money badly by going to experts”<br />

Martin Grimes, Manchester Art Gallery

Best Practice<br />

As with all new <strong>for</strong>ms of communication or technology, it’s<br />

important to learn how to use them properly.<br />

1. Get a strategy?<br />

2. It’s all about the brands?<br />

3. Communication<br />

4. Be future orientated

Best Practice - Strategy<br />

Must be created in line with overall<br />

strategy:<br />

•What are you trying to do?<br />

•Who are you trying to reach?<br />

•How does this relate to the broader<br />

audience strategy?<br />

•How will you know you have been<br />

successful?<br />

•What methods best measure this success?<br />

•Can you find comparative data?<br />

•What insights are you gaining?

Best Practice - Strategy<br />

Don’t think of social media in isolation<br />

•Don’t think about digital as something separate<br />

– must fit into overall strategy <strong>for</strong> the company.<br />

•Define online targets and map to overall<br />

business objectives – where does it fit in?<br />

•Don’t <strong>for</strong>get your website – most traffic comes<br />

from here – invest in SEO<br />

•Build links between the web team and your<br />

marketing department

Best Practice - Strategy<br />

Don’t <strong>for</strong>get to analyse the stats<br />

Adopt Google Analytics reporting. This should cover basic health checks, user<br />

segments and goal definition.<br />

How to measure success?<br />

• Set objectives<br />

• Select metrics <strong>for</strong> social media<br />

which relate to these outcomes<br />

• Benchmark of the current<br />


Best Practice - Brands<br />

Which social media brand?

Best Practice - Brands<br />

Facebook v LinkedIN <strong>for</strong> Blooloop<br />

• 2 minutes average visit<br />

• > 6 minutes average visit, and ……<br />

• > 8 minutes average visit<br />

Our Facebook<br />

Friends also<br />

like……<br />

McDonalds 403 likes<br />

Rihanna 350 likes<br />

Pringles 298 likes<br />

Weekends 200 likes<br />

Being tickled 65 likes

Best Practice - Brands<br />

• Decide which social media channels you will<br />

concentrate on - follow your target<br />

audience<br />

• Don’t bite off more than you can chew –<br />

decide which ones you can reasonably<br />

concentrate on<br />

• Make sure you reserve your name on the<br />

others <strong>for</strong> later……..

Best Practice - Brands<br />

Reserve your name…….<br />

Congrats! @OceanPark celebrates record breaking<br />

weekend attendance, guest satisfaction an all time high.<br />

Thanks! Was a great weekend, didn’t realise was a<br />

record. Glad to achieve all time high ;)

Best Practice - Brands<br />

Make sure you understand the rules <strong>for</strong> each brand<br />

“Martin instilled in me my core values, both as a person and leisure professional, as<br />

well as infecting me with my passion <strong>for</strong> our business.”<br />

Martin instilled in me my core values, both as a person and leisure<br />

professional, as well as infecting me

Best Practice – Brands - China<br />

Note: China’s social media scene is different from anywhere else. Not copies but growth<br />

of own brands.<br />

“You don’t understand China<br />

social media if you don’t<br />

understand Sina Weibo”

Best Practice – Brands - China<br />

Why is social media so popular in China?<br />

•The sheer size of the Chinese territory is a limit to keeping longdistance<br />

relationships - China is the only country in the world where<br />

people say they have more friends online than offline<br />

•Restricted availability of in<strong>for</strong>mation on traditional media<br />

“Strangers With Experience”<br />

Chinese Netizens trust reviews and insights<br />

on social media three times more than a<br />

recommendation from an acquaintance in<br />

a bar.

Best Practice – Brands - China<br />

Who are the Netizens and what do they like?<br />

Who are the Netizens?<br />

•73% of China’s online population (80% of online hours) are aged 35 and under<br />

•By 2015, internet penetration will reach almost 40% of China’s vast rural population<br />

What do the Netizens like?<br />

•70% of Chinese Internet Users use <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong> Networks (US: 46%)<br />

•48% of Internet Users upload Video (US: 19%)<br />

•42% of Internet users use Microblog (US: 21%)<br />

Participation of Chinese Internet users in social media:<br />

• 55% own or visit blogs<br />

• 47% have a page on one or more social networking site (SNS)<br />

• 25% write 10 or more posts on <strong>for</strong>ums, blogs or SNS every day<br />

• 92% visit social media pages at least 3 times a week<br />

• 27% have pages on 5 or even more different social networks

Best Practice – Brands - China

Best Practice - Communication<br />

• Think of it as a conversation<br />

and not a sales pitch<br />

• Be consistent – true to your<br />

brand<br />

• Ask <strong>for</strong> testimonials and<br />

feedback<br />

• Make sure you can trust the<br />

individuals who are<br />

promoting your brand<br />

• Consider synchronising<br />

social media accounts

Best Practice - Communication<br />

Manage bad news

Best Practice - Communication<br />

Manage bad news - An example of social media in action – Sentosa<br />

Dear Fans, Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure will be undergoing enhancement works from 10<br />

August onwards. We anticipate that the attraction will reopen in early 2012 with enhancements<br />

that will greatly increase its current capacity. We will also take this opportunity to carry out<br />

annual maintenance works concurrently. We'd like to thank everyone <strong>for</strong> your support <strong>for</strong> the<br />

attraction. Lennard Chan and 66 others like this.<br />

Thanks <strong>for</strong> the update RWS, a bit short on notice. At least we know be<strong>for</strong>e making any bookings!<br />

Unfair <strong>for</strong> Annual pass member.. one more place I cannot go..<br />

RWS create a refurb schedule and put it online so people actually know in advance when an<br />

attraction will be down! It's not brain surgery!!<br />

I suppose the works could be good, the last 3 times I tried to ride it, it broke down.<br />

Aghh. Just planning to go to USS again, when is Trans<strong>for</strong>mers opening?<br />

Hi resort world sentosa, do we get compensation like food vouchers etc?<br />

Your notice is way too short....yes agree to some vouchers giving out soon....<br />

Trans<strong>for</strong>mers later this year I think although you never know <br />

Yup, waiting <strong>for</strong> trans<strong>for</strong>mers too, but it will surely take some time next year

Best Practice - Communication<br />

Manage bad news - Deal with trolls

Best Practice - Communication<br />

Manage bad news - Deal with trolls

Best Practice - Communication<br />

Don’t post anything you might regret later<br />

Don’t say anything<br />

online that you<br />

wouldn’t want<br />

plastered on a<br />

billboard with your<br />

face on it<br />

“There is no<br />

delete button on<br />

the internet”<br />

Eric Schmidt, executive<br />

chairman Google

Best Practice – The Future<br />

Keep up with trends, follow your customers<br />

3 trends to watch<br />

•Mobile<br />

•Pinterest<br />

•Augmented Reality

Best Practice – The Future? Pinterest<br />

• Buyers referred from Pinterest are 10% more likely to buy something.<br />

• Pinterest projected to account <strong>for</strong> 40% of all social media driven<br />

purchases<br />

• <strong>Social</strong> media driven revenue:<br />

• Facebook clear leader with over 80%, BUT<br />

• Pinterest = 1% in Q4 2001, = 17% Q1 2012!!<br />

• Twitter from 10% to 1% in same period<br />

• Daily unique visitors to Pinterest:<br />

• Jan 2012 = 2 million<br />

• Mar 2012 = 4 million!!<br />

• Average time per visit 14.2 minutes<br />

• Jan 2012 - 80% women, March 2012 - 72% women<br />

• Over 20% of Facebook users are on Pinterest daily

Best Practice – The Future? Pinterest

Best Practice – The Future? Pinterest

Best Practice – The Future? AR<br />

The future: Augmented Reality<br />

"Today, many of us assume that there exists a separation between our<br />

online and offline lives. The advent of social media began to blur that<br />

divide, but augmented reality has the potential to shatter it completely."

Best Practice – The Future? AR<br />

Pinwheel allows users to leave photos,<br />

videos and text at any location they<br />

want.<br />

At the moment, smartphone users see<br />

most of this tagging as pins on a map of<br />

their vicinity.<br />

Increasingly, it is becoming possible to<br />

see the digital notes that people leave<br />

behind superimposed over the world as<br />

graphics - or "augmented reality" (AR).<br />

But at the moment you need a mobile<br />

and the right app…….

Best Practice – The Future? AR<br />

The seamless integration of the physical and digital worlds……..<br />

Google and Apple developing augmented reality glasses that can overlay digital in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

onto the physical world.<br />

Google announced its headset will be worn like glasses displaying video, graphics and text.

In Summary<br />

Never lose sight of the<br />

fact that the most<br />

important thing to do<br />

is the same as ever:<br />

focus on delivering <strong>for</strong><br />

your customers and to<br />

behave ethically.

In Summary<br />

<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Media</strong> - what’s the<br />

big deal?<br />

<strong>Social</strong> media is<br />

increasingly how your<br />

customers communicate<br />

Your brand is no longer<br />

under your control – it’s<br />

being shaped by your<br />

customers and you need<br />

to be part of the<br />

conversation<br />

Thank you……

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