Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional

Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional


CHAPTER 10 ■ BATTERIES INCLUDED 239 Table 10-8. Some Important Functions in the re Module Function compile(pattern[, flags]) search(pattern, string[, flags]) match(pattern, string[, flags]) split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0]) findall(pattern, string) sub(pat, repl, string[, count=0]) escape(string) Description Creates a pattern object from a string with a regexp Searches for pattern in string Matches pattern at the beginning of string Splits a string by occurrences of pattern Returns a list of all occurrences of pattern in string Substitutes occurrences of pat in string with repl Escapes all special regexp characters in string The function re.compile transforms a regular expression (written as a string) to a pattern object, which can be used for more efficient matching. If you use regular expressions represented as strings when you call functions such as search or match, they have to be transformed into regular expression objects internally anyway. By doing this once, with the compile function, this step is no longer necessary each time you use the pattern. The pattern objects have the searching/matching functions as methods, so, string) (where pat is a regexp written as a string) is equivalent to (where pat is a pattern object created with compile). Compiled regexp objects can also be used in the normal re functions. The function searches a given string to find the first substring, if any, that matches the given regular expression. If one is found, a MatchObject (evaluating to true) is returned; otherwise None (evaluating to false) is returned. Due to the nature of the return values, the function can be used in conditional statements, such as if, string): print 'Found it!' However, if you need more information about the matched substring, you can examine the returned MatchObject. (More about MatchObjects in the next section.) The function re.match tries to match a regular expression at the beginning of a given string. So match('p', 'python') returns true, while match('p', '') returns false. (The return values are the same as those for search.) ■Note The match function will report a match if the pattern matches the beginning of a string; the pattern is not required to match the entire string. If you want to do that, you have to add a dollar sign to the end of your pattern; the dollar sign will match the end of the string and thereby “stretch out” the match.

240 CHAPTER 10 ■ BATTERIES INCLUDED The function re.split splits a string by the occurrences of a pattern. This is similar to the string method split, except that you allow full regular expressions instead of only a fixed separator string. For example, with the string method split you could split a string by the occurrences of the string ', ' but with re.split you can split on any sequence of space characters and commas: >>> some_text = 'alpha, beta,,,,gamma delta' >>> re.split('[, ]+', some_text) ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta'] ■Note If the pattern contains parentheses, the parenthesized groups are interspersed between the split substrings. As you can see from this example, the return value is a list of substrings. The maxsplit argument indicates the maximum number of splits allowed: >>> re.split('[, ]+', some_text, maxsplit=2) ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma delta'] >>> re.split('[, ]+', some_text, maxsplit=1) ['alpha', 'beta,,,,gamma delta'] The function re.findall returns a list of all occurrences of the given pattern. For example, to find all words in a string, you could do the following: >>> pat = '[a-zA-Z]+' >>> text = '"Hm... Err -- are you sure?" he said, sounding insecure.' >>> re.findall(pat, text) ['Hm', 'Err', 'are', 'you', 'sure', 'he', 'said', 'sounding', 'insecure'] Or, you could find the punctuation: >>> pat = r'[.?\-",]+' >>> re.findall(pat, text) ['"', '...', '--', '?"', ',', '.'] Note that the dash (-) has been escaped so Python won’t interpret it as part of a character range (such as a–z). The function re.sub is used to substitute the leftmost, nonoverlapping occurrences of a pattern with a given replacement. Consider the following example: >>> pat = '{name}' >>> text = 'Dear {name}...' >>> re.sub(pat, 'Mr. Gumby', text) 'Dear Mr. Gumby...' See the section “Using Group Numbers and Functions in Substitutions” later in this chapter for information on how to use this function more effectively.


Table 10-8. Some Important Functions in the re Module<br />

Function<br />

compile(pattern[, flags])<br />

search(pattern, string[, flags])<br />

match(pattern, string[, flags])<br />

split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0])<br />

findall(pattern, string)<br />

sub(pat, repl, string[, count=0])<br />

escape(string)<br />

Description<br />

Creates a pattern object from a string with<br />

a regexp<br />

Searches for pattern in string<br />

Matches pattern at the beginning of string<br />

Splits a string by occurrences of pattern<br />

Returns a list of all occurrences of pattern<br />

in string<br />

Substitutes occurrences of pat in string with repl<br />

Escapes all special regexp characters in string<br />

The function re.compile transforms a regular expression (written as a string) <strong>to</strong> a pattern<br />

object, which can be used for more efficient matching. If you use regular expressions represented<br />

as strings when you call functions such as search or match, they have <strong>to</strong> be transformed in<strong>to</strong><br />

regular expression objects internally anyway. By doing this once, with the compile function,<br />

this step is no longer necessary each time you use the pattern. The pattern objects have the<br />

searching/matching functions as methods, so, string) (where pat is a regexp<br />

written as a string) is equivalent <strong>to</strong> (where pat is a pattern object created<br />

with compile). Compiled regexp objects can also be used in the normal re functions.<br />

The function searches a given string <strong>to</strong> find the first substring, if any, that matches<br />

the given regular expression. If one is found, a MatchObject (evaluating <strong>to</strong> true) is returned;<br />

otherwise None (evaluating <strong>to</strong> false) is returned. Due <strong>to</strong> the nature of the return values, the function<br />

can be used in conditional statements, such as<br />

if, string):<br />

print 'Found it!'<br />

However, if you need more information about the matched substring, you can examine<br />

the returned MatchObject. (More about MatchObjects in the next section.)<br />

The function re.match tries <strong>to</strong> match a regular expression at the beginning of a given string.<br />

So match('p', 'python') returns true, while match('p', '') returns false. (The<br />

return values are the same as those for search.)<br />

■Note The match function will report a match if the pattern matches the beginning of a string; the<br />

pattern is not required <strong>to</strong> match the entire string. If you want <strong>to</strong> do that, you have <strong>to</strong> add a dollar sign <strong>to</strong> the<br />

end of your pattern; the dollar sign will match the end of the string and thereby “stretch out” the match.

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