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Appmdx 427 DEATH RATES Suburban Counties, California-UNITED STATES Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in One Year, 1969-1970. • iUnd rly ing au se Associated cause Under Infant deaths Une 1. I nfeat deaths 2 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 Cau end erd 2gndr dy8s. year WTIr Years Total 21 d--yaryer years 2- doa days All cruses . ............... 413.4 1720.0 1265.3 45.7 79.3 66.2 680.5 2982.4 2581.5 400.8 98.3 67.3 72 Infetive and parasitic 107.7 74.8 32.9 dseanses...................... 193 80.8 23.9 6.8 3.2 3.1 26.8 -,biai, ................. 006 3. 15. 9. 6. is;.00 6 Oir he1 disease .........009 1.9 9.C Other intestinal infectious " diseases ..... 000-005,007,008" Tuberculosis .......... 010-019-" Diphtheria ................ 032- Whooping tough ............ 033 0.6 3.0 3.0 - 89.7 62 . 7. Ttns................... 89. 2 . 7.2 29.9 17.9 12.0 -23.0 Septicemia ................ 038 6.2 055 .. Meases ................... " . . . Co nental yphili s.......090 -3 ".0 0. 3. Moniliei ................ 112 Hel*.inthias ......... 120-129 6 ; .... Other .........Rost of 000-136 10,6 38.9 6.0 32.9 3.2 3.1 3.0 11.4 0. 3. - 140-209 8.7 3.0 - 6.3 Malignant neoplasm .... - 06 30 - 3.0­ 3.0 - 3.0 ­ Neplaas , other .... 210-239 0.6 - 41.9 22.2 13.5 Nlutritionaldeficiecy ......... " - - - 21.2 41.9 Vitamin deficiec'y ....26C-'266 " . , . . , Protein-,-ln-trition ......267 " 18. 3. .0 5, 5.9. 12.0 Nutritiocal marasmus ......268 - I. 59 - 3. 59 1. Other ..................... 269 Endocrine and me~tabolic 1.0 5.0 12.0 3.0 9.0 3.2 3.1 diseases ......240-258,270-279 0.6 - - - - - - Deficiency anemias ..... 280.281 s Other disease of blood nd blood-frming - 2.1 0.6 3.0 3.0 - ­ - organs ................ 282-289 1.2 ­ diseases of con­ Inflasotor 3.1 6.0 4.1 38.9 32.9 6.0 6.3 12.0 6.0 - 11.2 tral nervous system ... 320-324 5.0 Other disease of nervous . . orsans ........310-315.330-389 , . ; . . . 5.0 12.0 - 1. Diseases of circulatory 7.2 syste ................ 390-458 1.2 3.0 - 3.0 3.2 - 18.1 56.8 9.0 47.9 9.5 1.0 161.5 98.7 62.8 25.4 5.2 101.7 3.2 41.7 lxeumnia and influenza. 470-486 26.8 122.6 20.9 Other diseases of respiratory - - 6.8 17.9 3.0 15.0 6.3 3.1 7tem ...... 460-466.49-519 1.9 9.0 - 9.0 iatv Digesso 2.1 14.9 56.8 32.9 23.9 3.2 4.1 .......520-177 5.6 20.9 15.0 6.0 @yet=a ......... .. Diseases of 8oulto-urivr 6.0 6. 31 3 .6 12.0 6.0 580629 0.6 3.0 3.0 8yst ................ 3030 Diseasesaof skin and sub-0. 30 - 30 ­ - - -0. cutaneous tissue ......680-709 Diseases of musculookeletal.­ sysem ,...,... ,,..... 710-738 472.6 379.9 92.7 3.2 344.0 242.3 101.7 22.2 122,4 107.1 13.5 Congenital iso-Les ........... 83.4 i7.4 65.8 47.9 17.9 6.3 4.1 2.5 12.0 12.0 - 7. NerTvous$Yet=s ........740-743 278.2 215.4 62.8 7. 34.2 140.6 89.7 50.9 6.3 6.2 62.3 Circulator yest= .... 746.747 3.0 - - 5.0 23.9 23.9 - - " Respirator :yet=n ........748 5.6 26.9 23.9 9.3 35.9 23.9 .12.0 - 3.1 8.1 35.9 23.9 12.0 - 1.0 Dgsiesse....7971 - 16.2 74.0 62.5 12.0 ­ 1.0 5.6 23.9 17.9 6.0 3.2 Gaito-uriver system . 752,753 4.4 20.9 17.9 3.0 3." 1 0 23.9 20.9 3.0 - ­ 1usculoskeletal system . 754-756 5.0 . . . . . . Dow's disease .......... 759.3 2.5 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.2 1.0 17.9 17.9 - 1. Other amalies ... 744,745.1, 6.0 3.2 - 4.4 5.0 20.9 15.0 757.758. Rset of 759 Certain perinatal. - 406.6 1953.3 1923.4 29.9 960.2 951.2 ­ causes ................ 760-778 199.9 9.0 3.2 1.9 9.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 - 3.0 ­ Symtoms ............... 780-789 1.2 " , 795 23.0 110.7 - 110.7 ­ Sudden death ............... - Othr ill-defind- conditions ........790-792796 0.6 - - hO I 3.01 29.9 131.7 125:9, .wI 23.; 9.0 15.0 6.;3 i External cases ......1800-999, 286.6 32.9

APPENDIX 3 LIVE B3IRTHS AND NEONATAL DEATHS BY BIRTH WEIGHT. UNITED STATES. 1950 AND 1960, Live births Neonatal deaths Weight in T1.0,3 months 1960 1950, 3 months 1960 grams No. % No. 2 No. Ratea No. Rate a Total 837,786 100.0 4,257,850 100.0 16,741 20.0 100.0 78,259 18.4 100.0 1000 or less 3,928 0.5 24,323 0.6 3,424 871.7 20.5 22,202 912.8 28.4 1001-1500 5,081 0.6 27,756 0.7 2,801 551.3 16.7 14,475 521.5 18,5 1501-2000 11,388 1.4 61,905 1.5 2,403 211.0 14.4 11,180 180.6 14.3 2001-2500 41,240 4.9 217,436 5.1 2,078 50.4 12.4 9,002 41.4 11.5 2500 or less 61,637 7.4 331,420 7.8 10,706 173.7 64.0 56,859 171.6 72.7 2501-3000 151,808 18.1 787,037 18.5 1,912 12.6 11.4 7,792 9.9 10.0 3001-3500 315,629 37.7 1,616,543 38.0 2,112 6.7 12.6 7,598 4.7 9.7 3501 or more 308,712 36.8 1,522,850 35.8 2,011 6.5 12.0 6,010 3.9 7.7 2501 or more 776,149 92.6 3,926,430 92.2 6,035 7.8 36.0 21,400 5.4 27.3 8 Deaths per 1,000 live births. Sources: Shapiro, S. and J. Unger. Weight at Birth and Its Effect on Survival of the ;cwborn. National Center for Health Statistics, Series 21, No. 3, Washington, D.C., 1905, Chase, H. C. Infant Mortality and Weight at Birth : 1960 United States Birth Cohort. American Journal of Public Health, September 1969. (Vol. 59, No. 9, pp. 1818-1828). The numbers of neonatal deaths were estimated from the data given. 428

APPENDIX 3<br />


AND 1960,<br />

Live births<br />

Neonatal deaths<br />

Weight in T1.0,3 months 1960 1950, 3 months 1960<br />

grams<br />

No. % No. 2 No. Ratea No. Rate a<br />

Total 837,786 100.0 4,257,850 100.0 16,741 20.0 100.0 78,259 18.4 100.0<br />

1000 or less 3,928 0.5 24,323 0.6 3,424 871.7 20.5 22,202 912.8 28.4<br />

1001-1500 5,081 0.6 27,756 0.7 2,801 551.3 16.7 14,475 521.5 18,5<br />

1501-2000 11,388 1.4 61,905 1.5 2,403 211.0 14.4 11,180 180.6 14.3<br />

2001-2500 41,240 4.9 217,436 5.1 2,078 50.4 12.4 9,002 41.4 11.5<br />

2500 or less 61,637 7.4 331,420 7.8 10,706 173.7 64.0 56,859 171.6 72.7<br />

2501-3000 151,808 18.1 787,037 18.5 1,912 12.6 11.4 7,792 9.9 10.0<br />

3001-3500 315,629 37.7 1,616,543 38.0 2,112 6.7 12.6 7,598 4.7 9.7<br />

3501 or more 308,712 36.8 1,522,850 35.8 2,011 6.5 12.0 6,010 3.9 7.7<br />

2501 or more 776,149 92.6 3,926,430 92.2 6,035 7.8 36.0 21,400 5.4 27.3<br />

8 Deaths per 1,000 live births.<br />

Sources: Shapiro, S. and J. Unger. Weight at Birth and Its Effect on Survival <strong>of</strong> the ;cwborn. National Center for Health<br />

Statistics, Series 21, No. 3, Washington, D.C., 1905,<br />

Chase, H. C. Infant Mortality and Weight at Birth : 1960 United States Birth Cohort. American Journal <strong>of</strong> Public<br />

Health, September 1969. (Vol. 59, No. 9, pp. 1818-1828). The numbers <strong>of</strong> neonatal deaths were estimated from<br />

the data given.<br />


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