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Appendiz, 411 DEATH RATES MedellIn-COLOMBIA Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1988-1070. Underlying cause Associated cause Infant deaths Un~r Infant deaths Cadser Under2 1 2- 3 Under 28 1 24 Ca years Undr 28 year years years Total 28 days- year years days os. days mos.-" All ,lsa .................... 1444.8 4762.9 1974.2 2788.7 1252.7 341.1 2616.3 8355.7 3433.0 4922.7 2586.0 605.4 Infective and paraitic diseases ...................... 630.2 1773.2 170.1 1603.1 795.7 171.4 405.1 881.4 299.0 582.5 618.3 164.3 Amabia. ................006 18.2 30.9 - 30.9 26.9 10.7 7.5 - - - 26.9 3.6 Diarrheal disease .........009 446.9 1489.7 118.6 1371.1 440.9 82.1 146.8 288.7 36.1 252.6 263.4 57.1 Other intestinal infectious diseases .....000-005,007,008 10.7 46.4 - 46.4 5.4 - 19.3 30.9 - 30.9 32.3 10.7 Tuberculosis .......... 010-019 16.1 5.2 5.2 37.6 12.5 10.7 5.2 - 5.2 10.8 12.5 Diphtheria ................ 032 3.2 -- 5.4 1.1 - 1.8 Ihooping cough ............ 033 3.2 15.5 - 15.5 - - - - Tetanus ................... 037 1.1 5.2 3.2 Septicemia ................ 038 8.6 41.2 36.1 5.2 - - 116.8 453.6 257.7 195.9 80.6 10.7 measles ................... 055 95.4 87.6 - 87.6 247.3 46.4 3.2 - - - 10.8 1.8 3.2 15.5 - 15.5 - - Congenital syphilis ....... 090 3.2 15.5 10.3 5.2 - - Ionliasis ................ 112 - - 17.1 56.7 5.2 51.5 21.5 1.8 helminthissea ......... 120-129 6.4 21.5 3.6 77.2 25.8 - 25.8 172.0 62.5 Other .........Rest of 000-136 17.1 36.1 36.1 16.1 10.7 2.1 5.2 - 5.2 - 1.8 - halignent neoplasm .... 140-209 8.6 - - 5.4 12.5 2.1 - ­ 3.6 - - 1.8 1.1 5.2 5.2 - - - Neoplasam, other .......210-239 1.1 ­ 532.7 1469.1 20.6 1448.5 693.5 148.2 Nutritional deficiency ......... 78.2 118.6 5.2 113.4 134.4 44.6 Vitamin deficiency ....260-266 - - - - - 4.3 15.5 5.2 10.3 - 1.8 Protein malnutrition ......267 47.2 25.8 - 25.8 107.5 33.9 53.6 15.5 ­ 15.5 112.9 46.4 16.1 67.0 - 67.0 10.8 - 98.6 386.6 - 386.6 69.9 7.1 Nutritional maramis ......268 269 15.0 25.8 5.2 20.6 16.1 10.7 376.4 1051.5 15.5 1036.1 510.8 92.9 Other ..................... Endocrine and metabolic diseases ......240-258,270-279 4.3 10.3 - 10.3 5.4 1.8 11 5.2 - 5.2 - ­ - - 9.6 36.1 20.6 15.5 5.4 1.8 Deficiency anemias .....280.281 - - - Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs ................ 282-289 2.1 5.2 - 5.2 5.4 - 11.8 15.5 - 15.5 26.9 5.4 Inflammatory diseases of central nervous system ... 320-324 20.4 82.5 5.2 77.3 5.4 3.6 21.4 56.7 10.3 46.4 21.5 8.9 Other diseases of nervous system and sense 46.1 92.8 92.8 80.6 17.9 organe .i.... 310-315.330-389 21.4 46.4 - 46.4 26.9 10.7 i2asee of circulatory - - 56.8 144.3 10.3 134.0 48.4 28.6 system ............... 390-458 3.2 15.5 15.5 ­ 1391.8 278.4 1113.4 532.3 96.4 neumonia and influenza .470-486 110.4 422.7 103.1 319.6 64.5 16.1 453.4 Other diseases of respiratory system ........ 460-466.490-519 55.7 211.3 5.2 206.2 37.6 7.1 26.8 56.7 - 56.7 32.3 14.3 Diseases of digestive System ................ 520-577 6.4 15.5 5.2 10.3 10.8 1.8 43.9 82.5 15.5 67.0 64.5 23.2 Diseases of genito-urinary system ................ 580-629 5.4 25.8 - 25.8 - - 40.7 87.6 - 87.6 64.5 16.1 Diseases of skin and sub­ - - 26.8 92.8 - 92.8 21.5 5.4 cutaneous tissue ......680-709 10.7 51.5 - 51.5 Diseases of musculokeletsl system ................ 710-738 1.1- - 5.4 2.1 10.3 10.3 - ­ 92.8 159.8 48.4 14.3 Congenital anomalies ........... 95.4 355.7 134.0 221.6 64.3 14.3 70.7 252.6 20.6 10.3 - ­ 25.8 25.8 10.8 3.6 6.4 Nervous system ........ 740-743 15.0 51.5 30.9 7.1 21.4 61.9 30.9 30.9 10.8 10.7 Circulatory system .... 746,747 34.3 134.0 46.4 87.6 10.8 - - - 1.1 5.2 - 5.2768 Respiratory system. 748 - - ­ 46.4 10.8 - 15.0 72.2 25.8 46.4 - - Digestive system ......749-751 23.6 103.1 56.7 - ­ - - 10.8 - 1.1 - - 5.4 Cenito-urinery system . 752,753 2.1 4.3 15.5 - 15.5 5.4 ­ 3.2 5.2 - 5.2 10.8 ­ Husculoskeletal system .754-756 5.2 41.2 10.8 1.8 17.1 51.5 10.3 41.2 21.5 3.6 Down's disease .......... 759.3 12.9 46.4 Other anomalies ... 744,745, 4.3 15.5 5.2 10.3 5.4 ­ 757,758, Rest of 759 4.3 15.5 - 15.5 - 1.8 Certain perinatal 1515.5 1500.0 15.5 - - 553.1 2659.8 2567.0 92.8 - - Causeas................ 760-778 315.1 - 5.4 1.8 288.3 953.6 92.8 860.8 295.7 51.8 Symptom ............... 780-789 2.1 - - - - - ­ 30.9 10.8 - Sudden death ............... 795 17.1 67.0 36.1 1.8 Other ill-defined conditions ........ 790-792.796 1.1 1.8 15.5 30.9 75.3 50.0 22.5 61.9 20.6 41.2 32.3 5.4 External causes ...... 800-999 54.7 46.4

412 Patternsof Mortality in Childhood SDEATHS EL SALVADOR--San Salvador Underlying and Associated Causes of Death in Children Under 5-Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970. Underlying cause Associated cause Infant deaths Und Infant deaths Cause 5 Under 28 1 2-4 5 inder 28 1 2-4 years Ttl 2 deys year years years Total 28 days- year years das 11 ye 1 days . day mos. Alcauses .................... 2738 2094 722 1372 398 246 5007 3658 1239 2419 857 492 Infective end parasitic diseases ..................... 1584 1148 161 987 276 160 638 335 97 238 179 124 Amebiasl ................. 006 65 38 - 38 20 7 10 4 - 4 4 2 Diarrbeal disease. ........009 1240 961 105 856 184 95 293 161 18 143 87 45 Other intestinal infectious diseases .....000-005,007,008 34 28 7 21 5 1 21 9 1I 8 9 3 Tuberculosie......... 010-019 7 3 - 3 - 4 5 1 - 1 1 3 Diphtheria ................ 032 19 1 - 1 5 13 - - - - - Whooping cough ............ 033 13 8 - 8 4 1 3 1 - 1 1 Tetanus ................... 037 17 17 16 1 - - - - - - - 1 Septicemia ................ 038 31 31 25 6 - - 120 99 68 31 13 8 easles ................... 055 127 46 1 45 55 26 2 - Congenital syphilis .......090 6 6 4 2 - - 3 1 - - 1 1 2 1 - Hoilissis ................ 112 3 3 1 2 - - 47 36 10 26 10 1 Relninthisses .........120-129 10 - - - 2 8 127 19 - 19 50 58 Other ........ eEstof 000-136 12 6 2 4 1 5 7 4 - 4 1 2 Malignant neoplasas .... 140-209 3 - - - 2 1 1 - - - - I Neoplasms, other .......210-239 - - - - - - - - - - - - Nutritional deficiency ......... 91 29 - 29 44 18 927 568 22 546 218 141 Vitamin deficiency .... 260-266 - - - - - - - - - - - - Protein malnutrition ......267 53 9 - 9 29 15 115 14 - 14 51 50 Nutritional marassue ......268 36 18 - 18 15 3 202 128 2 126 52 22 Other ..................... 269 2 2 - 2 - - 610 426 20 406 115 69 Endocrine and metabolic diseases ...... 240-258,270-279 4 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 - - Deficiency anamias .....280.281 - - - - - - - - - Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs .............. 282-289 2 1 - 1 - 1 88 54 3 51 18 16 Inflimtory diseases of central nervous system ... 320-324 19 14 2 12 4 1 36 24 6 18 9 3 Other diseases of nervous system Nd sense organs ....... 310-315,330-389 Diseases of circulatory 16 6 - 6 6 4 39 24 10 14 8 7 syetem ................ 390-458 1 - - - - 1 92 68 4 64 14 10 Pneumonia and influenza. 470-486 223 194 47 147 18 11 757 555 164 391 137 65 Other diseases of respiratory eyetet ....,,. 460-466,490-519 118 89 4 85 23 6 72 48 2 46 i8 6 Diseases of digestive system .............. 520-577 8 4 1 3 2 2 136 101 20 81 24 11 Diseasee of 8enito-urinary systm ................ 580-629 - - - - - - 26 13 1 12 9 4 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tisue ......680-709 11 9 4 5 1 1 37 29 7 22 5 3 Diseases of msculokeletal system .............. 710-738 - - - - - - - - - - ongenital ancmalise ........... 105 92 47 45 4 9 69 62 31 31 4 3 Nervous eyet .. .. 740-743 35 32 23 9 1 2 13 11 9 2 1 1 Circulatozy system .... 746,747 36 30 13 17 1 5 24 21 7 14 1 2 lespiratoty system ........748 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 1 - - - Digestive system ...... 749-751 21 20 10 10 - 1 7 5 2 3 2 Cenito-urinary system . 752,753 1 1 - 1 - - 5 5 4 1 - Musculoskeletal system . 754-756 2 2 - 2 - - 4 4 4 - - Down's disease .......... 759.3 7 5 - 5 1 1 15 15 4 11 - - Other anomalies ... 744,745, 757.758, Rest of 759 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - Certain perinatal causes..............760-778 446 446 443 3 -824 824 802 22 - - Syptoms .............. 780-789 3 3 1 2 - 1246 938 66 872 213 95 Sudden death ............... 795 12 11 3 8 - - - - - - Other ill-defined conditions ........ 790-792,796 57 36 7 29 9 12 - - - - - ZEten l causes ......8800-8999 35 11 2 9 6 18 16 12 3 9 1, 3

412 <strong>Patterns</strong><strong>of</strong> Mortality in Childhood<br />


EL SALVADOR--San Salvador<br />

Underlying and Associated Causes <strong>of</strong> Death in Children Under<br />

5-Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970.<br />

Underlying cause<br />

Associated cause<br />

Infant deaths Und Infant deaths<br />

Cause 5 Under 28 1 2-4 5 inder 28 1 2-4<br />

years Ttl 2 deys year years years Total 28 days- year years<br />

das 11<br />

ye 1<br />

days .<br />

day mos.<br />

Alcauses .................... 2738 2094 722 1372 398 246 5007 3658 1239 2419 857 492<br />

Infective end parasitic<br />

diseases ..................... 1584 1148 161 987 276 160 638 335 97 238 179 124<br />

Amebiasl ................. 006 65 38 - 38 20 7 10 4 - 4 4 2<br />

Diarrbeal disease. ........009 1240 961 105 856 184 95 293 161 18 143 87 45<br />

Other intestinal infectious<br />

diseases .....000-005,007,008 34 28 7 21 5 1 21 9 1I 8 9 3<br />

Tuberculosie......... 010-019 7 3 - 3 - 4 5 1 - 1 1 3<br />

Diphtheria ................ 032 19 1 - 1 5 13 - - - - -<br />

Whooping cough ............ 033 13 8 - 8 4 1 3 1 - 1 1<br />

Tetanus ................... 037 17 17 16 1 - - - - - - -<br />

1<br />

Septicemia ................ 038 31 31 25 6 - - 120 99 68 31 13 8<br />

easles ................... 055 127 46 1 45 55 26 2 -<br />

Congenital syphilis .......090 6 6 4 2 - - 3 1 -<br />

-<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

-<br />

Hoilissis ................ 112 3 3 1 2 - - 47 36 10 26 10 1<br />

Relninthisses .........120-129 10 - - - 2 8 127 19 - 19 50 58<br />

Other ........ eEst<strong>of</strong> 000-136 12 6 2 4 1 5 7 4 - 4 1 2<br />

Malignant neoplasas .... 140-209 3 - - - 2 1 1 - - - - I<br />

Neoplasms, other .......210-239 - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Nutritional deficiency ......... 91 29 - 29 44 18 927 568 22 546 218 141<br />

Vitamin deficiency .... 260-266 - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Protein malnutrition ......267 53 9 - 9 29 15 115 14 - 14 51 50<br />

Nutritional marassue ......268 36 18 - 18 15 3 202 128 2 126 52 22<br />

Other ..................... 269 2 2 - 2 - - 610 426 20 406 115 69<br />

Endocrine and metabolic<br />

diseases ...... 240-258,270-279 4 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 - -<br />

Deficiency anamias .....280.281 - - - - - - - - -<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> blood<br />

and blood-forming<br />

organs .............. 282-289 2 1 - 1 - 1 88 54 3 51 18 16<br />

Inflimtory diseases <strong>of</strong> central<br />

nervous system ... 320-324 19 14 2 12 4 1 36 24 6 18 9 3<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> nervous<br />

system Nd sense<br />

organs ....... 310-315,330-389<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> circulatory<br />

16 6 - 6 6 4 39 24 10 14 8 7<br />

syetem ................ 390-458 1 - - - - 1 92 68 4 64 14 10<br />

Pneumonia and influenza. 470-486 223 194 47 147 18 11 757 555 164 391 137 65<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> respiratory<br />

eyetet ....,,. 460-466,490-519 118 89 4 85 23 6 72 48 2 46 i8 6<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> digestive<br />

system .............. 520-577 8 4 1 3 2 2 136 101 20 81 24 11<br />

Diseasee <strong>of</strong> 8enito-urinary<br />

systm ................ 580-629 - - - - - - 26 13 1 12 9 4<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> skin and subcutaneous<br />

tisue ......680-709 11 9 4 5 1 1 37 29 7 22 5 3<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> msculokeletal<br />

system .............. 710-738 - - - - - - - - - -<br />

ongenital ancmalise ........... 105 92 47 45 4 9 69 62 31 31 4 3<br />

Nervous eyet .. .. 740-743 35 32 23 9 1 2 13 11 9 2 1 1<br />

Circulatozy system .... 746,747 36 30 13 17 1 5 24 21 7 14 1 2<br />

lespiratoty system ........748 1 - -<br />

- 1 - 1 1 1 - - -<br />

Digestive system ...... 749-751 21 20 10 10 - 1 7 5 2 3 2<br />

Cenito-urinary system . 752,753 1 1 - 1 - - 5 5 4 1 -<br />

Musculoskeletal system . 754-756 2 2 - 2 - - 4 4 4 - -<br />

Down's disease .......... 759.3 7 5 - 5 1 1 15 15 4 11 - -<br />

Other anomalies ... 744,745,<br />

757.758, Rest <strong>of</strong> 759 2 2 1 1 - - - - - - - -<br />

Certain perinatal<br />

causes..............760-778 446 446 443 3 -824 824 802 22 - -<br />

Syptoms .............. 780-789 3 3 1 2 - 1246 938 66 872 213 95<br />

Sudden death ............... 795 12 11 3 8 - - - - - -<br />

Other ill-defined<br />

conditions ........ 790-792,796 57 36 7 29 9 12 - - - - -<br />

ZEten l causes ......8800-8999 35 11 2 9 6 18 16 12 3 9 1, 3

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