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Appendix . 401 DEATH RATES Sherbrooke-CANADA Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1970-1971. tinder Underlying cause Associated cause -- Infant deaths 1 -4 Under natdah Cause 5 Under 28 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 2-4 years Total 28 d ayl year yars years Total 28 da y s dsjsoot daysa . yeer years All causes .................. 407.4 1826.8 1349.4 477.3 117.6 71.5 531.5 2628.2 2156.7 471.4 100.0 36.6 Infectiva and parasitic diseases ...................... 7.7 23.6 5.9 17.7 5.9 3.5 13.2 47.1 17.7 29.5 11.8 3.5 Amebiais ............... 006 - - - - - - - - - - Diarrheal disease .........009 3.3 11.8 - 11.8 - 1.7 3.3 11.8 - 11.8 5.9 Other intestinal infectious diseases ..... 000-005,007,008 - - - . . Tuberculosis ..........010-019 .. ... . Diphtheria ................ 032 -. . . ... . 1.1 - - Whooping cough ............ 033 .. Tetanus ................. 037 ..-.. Septicemia .............. Hassles ................... 038 1.1 5.9 5.9 - - - 8.8 35.4 17.7 17.7 5.9 1.7 055 1.1 - " 5.9 - - - - - - Congenital syphilis .......090 - - - - - - - - - - - Honiliais ................ 112 - - - - - - - - Helminthiases .........120-129 - - . . . . Other .........Rest of 000-136 2.2 5.9 - 5.9 - 1.7 - - - Nalignant neoplasms .... 140-209 12.1 5.9 - 5.9 17.6 12.2 - - - Neoplasms. other .......210-239 1.1 5.9 5.9 - - - Nutritional deficiency ......... - - - - - - 13.2 35.4 35.4 23.5 3.5 Vitamin deficiency .... 260-266 - - - - - - - - - - - Protein malnutrition ......267 - - - - - - - Nutritional marasmus ......268 - - 4.4 5.9 5.9 11.8 1.7 Other ..................... 269 - - - 8.8 29.5 29.5 11.8 1.7 Endocrine and metabolic diseases ......240-258.270-279 5.5 29.5 5.9 23.6 1.1 5.9 5.9 Deficiency anemias .....280,281 - - - - 1.1 5.9 5.9 - Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs ................ 282-289 - - - - 3.3 17.7 - 17.7 - - Inflamtory diseases of central nervous system ... 320-324 2.2 - - - 5.9 1.7 12.1 53.0 23.6 29.5 - 3.5 Other diseases of nervous system and sense organs ........310-315.330-389 5.5 5.9 - 5.9 11.8 3.5 3.3 5.9 - 5.9 - 3.5 Diseases of circulatory system ................ 390-458 1.1 - - - 5.9 - 17.6 82.5 11.8 70.7 11.8 - Pneumonia and influenza. 470-486 28.6 135.5 29.5 106.1 5.9 3.5 36.2 135.5 29.5 106.1 23.5 10.5 Other diseases of respiratory system ........460-466,490-519 6.6 23.6 - 23.6 11.8 - 2.2 11.8 - 11.8 - - Diseases of digestive system ................ 520-577 5.5 23.6 17.7 5.9 - 1.7 6.6 23.6 17.7 5.9 5.9 1.7 Diseases of genito-urinary system ................ 580-629 - - - - - - 3.3 5.9 5.9 - 5.9 1.7 Diseases of akin and subcutaneous tissue ......680-709 2.2 11.8 - 11.8 - - - - - - - - Diseases of musculoskeletal system ................ 710-738 - - - - - - - - - - - - Congenital anomalies ........... 115.3 577.5 383.0 194.5 17.6 7.0 93.3 477.3 371.2 106.1 5.9 5.2 Nervous system ........ 740-743 40.6 212.1 153.2 58.9 - 1.7 Circulatory system .... 746,747 41.7 218.0 129.6 88.4 5.9 - 7.7 47.2 35.4 253.4 35.4 200.4 - 53.0 - - 1.7 - Respiratory system ........ 748 - - - - - - 8.8 47.1 41.2 5.9 - - Digestive system ...... 749-751 11.0 58.9 23.6 35.4 - Cenito-urinary system . 752,753 6.6 35.4 35.4 - - - - 9.9 7.7 47.1 35.4 35.4 29.5 11.8 5.9 - 5.9 1.7 - Husculoskeletal system .754-756 6.6 29.5 29.5 - - 1.7 2.2 Down's disease ..........759.3 5.5 5.9 - 5.9 11.8 3.5 7.7 5.9 41.2 5.9 11.8 - 29.5 - - 1.7 - Other anomalies ... 744,745. 757,758. Rest of 759 3.3 17.7 11.8 5.9 - - 2.2 11.8 11.8 - - - Certain perinatal causes ................ 760-778 166.9 895.7 895.7 - - - 310.8 1667.6 1661.8 5.9 - - Symptoms .............. 780-789 - - - - - - .5 17.7 - 17.7 5.9 1.7 Sudden death .............. 795 6.6 35.4 - 35.4 - - - - - - - - Other ill-defined conditions ........790-792,796 - - - . - - - - - - - - - External causes ...... 1800-999 40.6 53.0 5.9 47.1 35.3 38.4 8.8 35.4 11.8 23.6 5.9 1.7 . 1.7

402 Patterre of Mortality in Childhood DEATHS CHILE--Santiago Underlying and Associated Causes of Death in Children Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970, Cause Under 5 years Underlying cause - Infant -Under deaths Under 28 Total 28 days dals- 1 1 year - 24 years - 5 yars - Associated cause - Infant - deaths - Under 28 Tot 28 d s- days e ., 1 year 2-4 years All causes .................... 2489 2207 1094 1113 149 133 3983 3635 1913 1722 211 137 Infective and parasitic diveases ...................... 541 577 A biasis ................006 - Diarrheal disease ......... 009 486 Other intestinal infectious diseases .....000-005.007.008 32 Tuberculosis .......... 010-019 7 Diphtheria ................ 032 2 Whoopio cough ............ 033 4 Tetanus ................. 037 - Septicemia ............. 038 60 Nasles ................. 055 20 Congenital syphilis .......090 6 oniliasis ................ 112 .. elainthiases .........120-129 Other .........Restof 000-136 24 Malignant neoplass .... 140-209 Neoplass, other .......210-239 Nutritional deficiency ......... Vitamin deficiency .... 260-266 Proteinmalnutrition ......267 Nutritional marasms ......268 Other ..................... 269 Endocrine and metabolic diseases ......240-258,270-279 Deficiency anemias ..... 280,281 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs ................ 282-289 Infllmatory diseases of central nervous system ...320-324 Other diseases ofnervous system and sense organs ........310-315,330-389 Diseases of circulatory system ................ 390-450 Pneumonia and influena. 470-486 Other diseases of respiratory system ........460-466,490-519 Diseases of digestive system .............. 520-577 Diseases of 8enito-urinary system ................ 580-629 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue ......680-709 Diseases of musculoskeletal system ................ 710-738 Congenitel anomalies ........... Nervous System ........740-743 Circulatory system ....746,747 Respiratory system ........748 Digestive syetem ......749-751 Genito-urinary system . 752,753 Iusculaskeletel system. 754-756 Down's disease .......... 759.3 Other anomalies ... 744,745, 757.758,Rest of 759 Certain perinatal causte ................ 760-778 8ywtm ............... 780-789 luddendeath ............... 795 Other ill-defined conditions ........790-792,796 External causes ...... 800-999 21 5 51 11 36 4 10 - 64 39 403 92 15 9 12 3 184 44 64 1 34 2 10 15 14 781 2 48 3 106 450 30 3 4 - 58 9 6 17 2 1 36 1 32 3 7 - 48 25 - 372 81 12 8 12 1 155 35 55 1 33 - 9 11 11 781 2 47 3 37 125 - 65 7 - - - 45 - 4 4 - - - - - - 1 - - 9 - 76 3 7 1 10 1 74 18 22 1 17 - 6 3 7 772 - 5 - , 10 452 39 - - 385 27 23 - 3 - 1 1 4 . -.... 13 1 9 5 2 - . . 13 4 2 1 36 1 32 3 - 6 - 39 25 296 78 5 7 2 - 81 17 33 - 16 - 3 8 4 9 2 42 3 27 1 2 10 7 3 - 2 - 8 6 21 7 2 1 - - 15 5 5 - 1 1 2 - - 1 34 25 - 9 2 3 1 . 1 6 - . - 3 441 - 202 4 6 - ... 0 209 2 4 7 7 18 2 1 5 3 1 1 1 - - 8 8 - 10 4 1 - - 2 14 4 4 - 1 1 - 3 1 - - - - 35 538 3 7 120 408 7 15 1 s0 63 69 551 92 41 42 34 - 130 15 52 3 17 4 6 28 5 1408 424 - - 62 405 - 177 4 2 - 0 202 2 7 - 7 - 1 458 3 1 99 355 7 8 14 44 48 41 484 73 37 36 32 - 111 9 47 3 15 3 6 24 4 1408 384 - - 44 182 - 51 1 - - 126 - - 4 - - 19 - 19 6 7 - 13 4 5 167 4 7 2 7 - 62 7 23 3 11 1 2 11 4 1374 38 - 16 - 223 - 126 3 2 - - 76 2 4 3 7 - I 439 3 1 99 336 1 1 14 31 44 36 317 69 30 34 25 - 49 2 24 - 4 2 4 13 - 34 346 - 2; 18 - 16 - 1 - - 56 13 39 - 2 - 2 7 16 37 15 2 3 2 - 13 4 3 2 - - 3 I - 27 - 11 18 - 9 - 3 - 24 2 8 14 - 5 1 4 8 12 30 4 2 3 - - 6 2 2 - I - 1 - - 13 -

Appendix . 401<br />


Sherbrooke-CANADA<br />

Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children<br />

Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1970-1971.<br />

tinder<br />

Underlying cause<br />

Associated cause<br />

-- Infant deaths 1 -4 Under natdah<br />

Cause 5 Under 28 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 2-4<br />

years Total 28<br />

d ayl<br />

year yars years Total 28<br />

da y s<br />

dsjsoot<br />

daysa<br />

.<br />

yeer years<br />

All causes .................. 407.4 1826.8 1349.4 477.3 117.6 71.5 531.5 2628.2 2156.7 471.4 100.0 36.6<br />

Infectiva and parasitic<br />

diseases ...................... 7.7 23.6 5.9 17.7 5.9 3.5 13.2 47.1 17.7 29.5 11.8 3.5<br />

Amebiais ............... 006 - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Diarrheal disease .........009 3.3 11.8 - 11.8 - 1.7 3.3 11.8 - 11.8 5.9<br />

Other intestinal infectious<br />

diseases ..... 000-005,007,008 - - - . .<br />

Tuberculosis ..........010-019 .. ... .<br />

Diphtheria ................ 032 -.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

...<br />

. 1.1 - -<br />

Whooping cough ............ 033 ..<br />

Tetanus ................. 037 ..-..<br />

Septicemia ..............<br />

Hassles ................... 038 1.1 5.9 5.9 - - - 8.8 35.4 17.7 17.7 5.9 1.7<br />

055 1.1 -<br />

" 5.9 -<br />

-<br />

- - - -<br />

Congenital syphilis .......090 - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Honiliais ................ 112 - - - - - - - -<br />

Helminthiases .........120-129 - - . . . .<br />

Other .........Rest <strong>of</strong> 000-136 2.2 5.9 - 5.9 - 1.7 - - -<br />

Nalignant neoplasms .... 140-209 12.1 5.9 - 5.9 17.6 12.2 - - -<br />

Neoplasms. other .......210-239 1.1 5.9 5.9 - - -<br />

Nutritional deficiency ......... - - - - - - 13.2 35.4 35.4 23.5 3.5<br />

Vitamin deficiency .... 260-266 - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Protein malnutrition ......267 - - - - - - -<br />

Nutritional marasmus ......268 - - 4.4 5.9 5.9 11.8 1.7<br />

Other ..................... 269 - - - 8.8 29.5 29.5 11.8 1.7<br />

Endocrine and metabolic<br />

diseases ......240-258.270-279 5.5 29.5 5.9 23.6 1.1 5.9 5.9<br />

Deficiency anemias .....280,281 - - - - 1.1 5.9 5.9 -<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> blood<br />

and blood-forming<br />

organs ................ 282-289 - - - - 3.3 17.7 - 17.7 - -<br />

Inflamtory diseases <strong>of</strong> central<br />

nervous system ... 320-324 2.2 - - - 5.9 1.7 12.1 53.0 23.6 29.5 - 3.5<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> nervous<br />

system and sense<br />

organs ........310-315.330-389 5.5 5.9 - 5.9 11.8 3.5 3.3 5.9 - 5.9 - 3.5<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> circulatory<br />

system ................ 390-458 1.1 - - - 5.9 - 17.6 82.5 11.8 70.7 11.8 -<br />

Pneumonia and influenza. 470-486 28.6 135.5 29.5 106.1 5.9 3.5 36.2 135.5 29.5 106.1 23.5 10.5<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> respiratory<br />

system ........460-466,490-519 6.6 23.6 - 23.6 11.8 - 2.2 11.8 - 11.8 - -<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> digestive<br />

system ................ 520-577 5.5 23.6 17.7 5.9 - 1.7 6.6 23.6 17.7 5.9 5.9 1.7<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> genito-urinary<br />

system ................ 580-629 - - - - - - 3.3 5.9 5.9 - 5.9 1.7<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> akin and subcutaneous<br />

tissue ......680-709 2.2 11.8 - 11.8 - - - - - - - -<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> musculoskeletal<br />

system ................ 710-738 - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Congenital anomalies ........... 115.3 577.5 383.0 194.5 17.6 7.0 93.3 477.3 371.2 106.1 5.9 5.2<br />

Nervous system ........ 740-743 40.6 212.1 153.2 58.9 - 1.7<br />

Circulatory system .... 746,747 41.7 218.0 129.6 88.4 5.9 -<br />

7.7<br />

47.2<br />

35.4<br />

253.4<br />

35.4<br />

200.4<br />

-<br />

53.0<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1.7<br />

-<br />

Respiratory system ........ 748 - - - - - - 8.8 47.1 41.2 5.9 - -<br />

Digestive system ...... 749-751 11.0 58.9 23.6 35.4 -<br />

Cenito-urinary system . 752,753 6.6 35.4 35.4 - -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

9.9<br />

7.7<br />

47.1<br />

35.4<br />

35.4<br />

29.5<br />

11.8<br />

5.9<br />

-<br />

5.9<br />

1.7<br />

-<br />

Husculoskeletal system .754-756 6.6 29.5 29.5 - - 1.7 2.2<br />

Down's disease ..........759.3 5.5 5.9 - 5.9 11.8 3.5 7.7<br />

5.9<br />

41.2<br />

5.9<br />

11.8<br />

-<br />

29.5<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1.7<br />

-<br />

Other anomalies ... 744,745.<br />

757,758. Rest <strong>of</strong> 759 3.3 17.7 11.8 5.9 - - 2.2 11.8 11.8 - - -<br />

Certain perinatal<br />

causes ................ 760-778 166.9 895.7 895.7 - - - 310.8 1667.6 1661.8 5.9 - -<br />

Symptoms .............. 780-789 - - - - - - .5 17.7 - 17.7 5.9 1.7<br />

Sudden death .............. 795 6.6 35.4 - 35.4 - - - - - - - -<br />

Other ill-defined<br />

conditions ........790-792,796 - - - . - - - - - - - - -<br />

External causes ...... 1800-999 40.6 53.0 5.9 47.1 35.3 38.4 8.8 35.4 11.8 23.6 5.9 1.7<br />

.<br />


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