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Appendix 2 391 DEATH RATES Recife-BRAZIL Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970. Cause Underlying cause Associated cases Une nfant deaths Une nfant death dro 28 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 2-4 drI year years Years Torsia 2 dyrs- year years years Total 28 - days nodays 0104. All causes ..................... 2933.6 9121.7 3529.6 5592.1 1920.2 503.0 5792.9 16723.7 5111.8 11611.8 4545.1 1268.3 Infective and parasitic diseases ..... ................ 1556.8 4641.4 651.3 3990.1 1167.0 297.1 1109.7 2338.8 477.0 1861.8 L420.6 410.2 Anbiasi s................. 006 0 .8 3 .3 - 3.3 - 0 8 - - 1I Dinrrhal disease ... ...... 009[ 1023.3 3753.3 480.3 3273.0 343.0 50.71 523.0 1039.5 121.7! 917.8 727.1 198.6 Other intestinal Infectious diseases ..... 000-005,007.008 12.9 36.2 6.6 29.6 7.5 4.3 8.9 16.4 3.3 13.2 11.2 4.3 Tuberculosis .......... 010-019 50.8 59.2 - 59.2 78.3 34.8 23.4 29.6 - 29.6 26.1 18.6 Diphtheria ................ 032 23.4 29.6 ­ 29.6 59.7 5.08 - - - Whoping cough ............ 033 25.0 52.6 - 52.6 29.8 10.1 1.6 - - - 37 L.4 Tetanus ................... 037 23.4 88.8 72.4 16.4 2.9 - " Septicemuia ................ 038 22.6 75.7 59.2 16.4 14.9 1.4 162.2 575.7 253.3 322.4 48.5 18.8 570.5 165.2 7.3 13.2 13.2 3.7 5.8 M446162 ................... 055 320.4 427.6 3.3 424.3 17.8 72.4 23.0 49.3 - 1.6 6.6 - 6.6 Cogenital syphilis .......090 Mdoniliazis ................ 112 1.6 3.3 3.3 - 3.7 - 88.8 315.8 98.7 217.1 44.7 2.9 Ranlunthiases ......... 120-129 12.9 - - 37.3 8.7 279.2 302.6 - 302 .6 564.4 156.5 Other ......... Rest of 000-136 21.8 39.5 3.3 36.2 22.4 13.0 12.9 39.5 - 39.5 11.2 1.4 ali gnt e pl sm s.... 140-209 5.6 3.3 3.3 - 7.5 5.8 0 8 - - - 16L .. - - .... - - Neoplasmsj other .......210-239 3398.0 138.2 3259.9 L118.6 288.6 Nlutritional deficiency ......... i118.6 154.6 - 154.6 2013 66.7 1236.4 18 . " " itami~ndeficiency .... 26-266[ ... - Protein malnutrition ...... 267 85.5 75.7 - 75.7 160.3 58.0 174.3 184.2 - 8. 324.4 105.8 Nutritional marasmus ...... 268 31.5 72.4 - 72.4 41.0 8.7 371.2 1046.1 6.6 1039.5 [343.0 72.5 Other ..................... 269 1.6 6.6 - 6.6 - 690.8 2167.8 131.6 2036.2 451.2 110.2 Endocrine and metabolic diseases ...... 240-258,270-279 3.2 9.9 3.3 6.6 Deficiency artemias..... 2801281 - - " - 1.4 40.4 157.9 23.0 134.9 - 2.9 21.8 39.5 9.9 29.6 33.6 W. Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs ................ 282-289 7.3 23.0 3.3 19.7 3.7 1.4 75.9 134.9 3.3 131.6 119.3 30.4 Inflamtory diseases oftenutraI nervous system ... 320-324 33.9 72.4 9.9 62.5 41.0 13.0 40.4 111.8 13.2 98.7 26.1 13.0 Other diseases of nervous system and sense organs ........ 310-315.330-389 33.1 72.4 3.3 69.1 29.8 15.9 87.2 240.1 19.7 220.4 48.5 3L9 Diseases of circulatory - 2.9 81.5 171.1 3.3 167.8 100.7 31.9 @et= ....... ....... .. 3"0°58 2.4 3.3 - 3.3 871.7 677.6 2611.8 430.9 2180.9 L017.9 256.6 Pneumonia and Influenza. 470-486 288.1 194.1 234.9 42.0 1004.0 Other disease of respiratory system ........ 460-466,490-519 71.0 167.81 9.9 157.9 100.7 14.5 143.7 3.32.0 6.6 345.4 182.7 3L9 Diseassa of digstive system ...............530-577 13.7 42.8 19.7 23.0 11.2 1.4 84.7 230.3 36.2 194.1 48.5 31.9 Diseases of 8anitn-urinary system ....... ........ . 380-639 4.0 6.6 - 6.6 - .3 40.4 115.1 19.7 95.4 18.6 14.5 Disauseseof skin and subcutsuei| tissue .... .. 680-709 31.5 111.8 29.6 82.2 7.5 4.3 66.2 207.2 26.3 180.9 41.0 11.6 Diseases of musculooksleta1 system ................ 710-738 - ­ - 0.8 3.3 - 3.3 128.3 11.2 5.6 Cogenital aro"11ea ..... .... .. 97.7 365.1 1e0.9 184.2 14.9 8.7 71.0 266.4 138.2 6.5 23.0 6.6 16.4 3.7 Nervous syst" ........ 740-743 28.2 102.0 39.5 62.5 3.7 4.3 3.7 2.9 Circulatory systes .... 765.747 36.3 134.9 62.5 72.4 11.2 1.4 24.2 88.8 52.6 36.2 - - - - - - - - - - Respiratory sy#14a ........748 -i 1.4 9.7 36.2 23.0 13.2 3.7 Digstive system ...... 701-751 19.4 75.7 42.8 32.9 - 39.5 19.7 19.7 Conito-urinary, systax . 7530733 0.8 3.3 - 3.3 9.7 4.0 16.4 13.2 3.3 - 3.2 13.2 9.9 3.3 Musculnskeletal system. 756-758 - 1.4 14.5 52.6 13.2 39.5 - 2.9 Dmon' disease ..........759.3 3.2 9.9 - 9.9 Oteaomalies ... 74497430 13.2 - ­ 757.758. Rest of 739 5.6 23.0 23.0 - 3.2 13.2 Certain pariuatnl causes ............... 7 W077$ 585.1 2384.9 2371.7 13.2 - - 883.7 3602 0 3463.8 138.2 symptom .... .......... . 780-739 5.6 13.2 - 13.2 7.5 1.4 788.5 2697.4 263.2 2434.2 343.0 94.2 - " Sudden death ............... 795 4.0 16.4 9.9 6.6 - Other ill-defined onditions........790-792796 36.3 115.1 26.3 88.8 33.6 1~ " 6 " 8xternal causes ...... 1800-1999 35.5 46.1 1 13.2 132.9 159.7 20:131 16.1 46.1 39.5 6.6 14.9 2.9

0921) iPiiern N~ of Mortalit in Childhood DEATHS BRAZIL-Ribeiriio Pr~to, City of Ribeirflo Pr~to Underlying and Associated Causes of Death in Children Under 6 "Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970. Underlying cause Associated cause udr Infant deaths Udr Infant deaths Cause 5 Under 28 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 2-4 yas Total 28 days- year years years Total 28 do @- year years days moo." days .L Allicauses ..................... 464 400 223 177 34 30 933 773 339 434 82 78 LdoctLvo and parasitic dieases ...................... 172 138 27 ill t7 17 91 49 8 41 18 24 Assbrosia ................. 006 . . Diarrheal dis es . .........009 12; 11 -5 2 -2 9 -3 4" 2 4 5 2 6 2 2 4 10 9 Other Intestinal infectious diseases .....000-G05.007,008 2 2 1 1 - - - Tuberculosis ..........010-09 1 - - - - - Diphtheria ................ 032 - - - - Whoplug cough ............033 3 - - 3 Tetanus .................. . 037 ....­ S ptice ma ................ 038 3 3 2 1 14 12 5 Masles ................... 055 29 a - a 8 13 1 - - 7 1 1 Congenital syphilis .......090 - - - - - 3 2 - 2 1 Hondliosie ................ 112 1 1 - Il 6 6 1 5 Hoannthisses .........120-129 - - - - 19 2 - 2 Other. ....... Rest of 000-136 12 9 2 7 1 2 2 1 1 1; Mfalignantneoplasms .... 140-209 2 - - - I I I1 Neoplosmat other ....... , 210-239 . .. . . .- - - - Nutritional deficiency ......... 7 2 2 2 3 153 114 - 114 18 21 Vitamin deficiency ....260-266 .... - .- Protein manutrition ...... 267 6 1 2 3 10 5 Nutritional marasmus ......268 1 1 1 - - 43 32 - 32 6 5 Other ..................... 269 .. .- . 100 82 - 82 7 it Endocrine and metabolic diseases ......240-258,270-279 2 2 1 1 - - I It Deficiency anemias ..... 2809281 1 1 - - - 2 2 2 - Other diseases of blood AMd blod-forming or&ano ....... ........282-289 2 1 1 - 1 4 3 - 3 1 - Infu~ltory diseases8 of central nervous system ... 320-324 9 a 1 7 - 1 8 6 - 6 1 1 Other diseases of nervous system and @oes organs ........310-315,330-389 5 Diseases of circulatory 5 - 5 - 25 17 1 16 6 2 system ................ 390-458 1 1 - 1 - 15 10 - 10 3 2 P~neumoniand Influenza. 470-486i 41 31 12 19 9 1 147 110 30 80 17 20 Other diseases of respiratory system ........460-466,49-519 4 4 - 4 - 17 11 1 10 4 2 Diseases of digestive system ................ 520-577 3 3 1 2 - 12 10 4 6 2 - Diseases of sonits-urinary system ................ 580-629 1 1 - 1 - 7 7 - 7 - Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue ......680-709 3 2 1 1 1 7 7 1 6 - Diseases of nusculookoletol system ................ 710-738 . . . ... - - - - Congeital anomalies ........... 42 38 19 19 3 1 25 24 11 13 Nervous system ........740-743 7 7 3 4 - - I I - I Circulatory system .... 746,747 is 15 9 6 3 - 8 8 2 6 Respiratory system ........ 748 Digestive system ...... 749-751 10 . 10 . 4 . 6 . - .- - - 4 - 4 - 3 1 Genito-urinary system . 752,753 2 1 I - 1 4 4 2 2 M1asculookelstal system .754-756 2 2 2 - - - 4 4 3 1 Down's disease ..........759.3 3 3 1 2 - - 4 3 1 2 1 Other anomalies ... 744.745, 757,758, Rest of 759 .. . . . .. Certain per/natal causes ................ 760-778 159 1.59 159 - - - 274 274 269 5 symptoms ............... 780-789 - - .. .'. . . 25 ill 11 100 9 $ Sudden death ............... 795 1 1 1 ... Other ill-defined conditions ........790-792,796 - - - - - - t -- External Causes ......9800-3999 ,9. "3 1 2 2 4 18 17. 16­

Appendix 2 391<br />


Recife-BRAZIL<br />

Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children<br />

Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970.<br />

Cause <br />

Underlying cause <br />

Associated cases<br />

Une nfant deaths<br />

Une nfant death<br />

dro 28 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 2-4<br />

drI year years Years Torsia 2 dyrs- year years<br />

years Total 28 -<br />

days nodays 0104.<br />

All causes ..................... 2933.6 9121.7 3529.6 5592.1 1920.2 503.0 5792.9 16723.7 5111.8 11611.8 4545.1 1268.3<br />

Infective and parasitic<br />

diseases ..... ................ 1556.8 4641.4 651.3 3990.1 1167.0 297.1 1109.7 2338.8 477.0 1861.8 L420.6 410.2<br />

Anbiasi s................. 006 0 .8 3 .3 - 3.3 - 0 8 - - 1I<br />

Dinrrhal disease ... ...... 009[ 1023.3 3753.3 480.3 3273.0 343.0 50.71 523.0 1039.5 121.7! 917.8 727.1 198.6<br />

Other intestinal Infectious<br />

diseases ..... 000-005,007.008 12.9 36.2 6.6 29.6 7.5 4.3 8.9 16.4 3.3 13.2 11.2 4.3<br />

Tuberculosis .......... 010-019 50.8 59.2 - 59.2 78.3 34.8 23.4 29.6 - 29.6 26.1 18.6<br />

Diphtheria ................ 032 23.4 29.6 ­ 29.6 59.7 5.08 - - -<br />

Whoping cough ............ 033 25.0 52.6 - 52.6 29.8 10.1 1.6 - - - 37 L.4<br />

Tetanus ................... 037 23.4 88.8 72.4 16.4 2.9 -<br />

"<br />

Septicemuia ................ 038 22.6 75.7 59.2 16.4 14.9 1.4 162.2 575.7 253.3 322.4 48.5 18.8<br />

570.5 165.2 7.3 13.2 13.2 3.7 5.8<br />

M446162 ................... 055 320.4 427.6 3.3 424.3 <br />

17.8 72.4 23.0 49.3 - 1.6 6.6 - 6.6<br />

Cogenital syphilis .......090 <br />

Mdoniliazis ................ 112 1.6 3.3 3.3 - 3.7 - 88.8 315.8 98.7 217.1 44.7 2.9<br />

Ranlunthiases ......... 120-129 12.9 - - 37.3 8.7 279.2 302.6 - 302 .6 564.4 156.5<br />

Other ......... Rest <strong>of</strong> 000-136 21.8 39.5 3.3 36.2 22.4 13.0 12.9 39.5 - 39.5 11.2 1.4<br />

ali gnt e pl sm s.... 140-209 5.6 3.3 3.3 - 7.5 5.8 0 8 - - - 16L<br />

.. - - .... - -<br />

Neoplasmsj other .......210-239 <br />

3398.0 138.2 3259.9 L118.6 288.6<br />

Nlutritional deficiency ......... i118.6 154.6 - 154.6 2013 66.7 1236.4 <br />

18 . " "<br />

itami~ndeficiency .... 26-266[ ... -<br />

Protein malnutrition ...... 267 85.5 75.7 - 75.7 160.3 58.0 174.3 184.2 - 8. 324.4 105.8<br />

Nutritional marasmus ...... 268 31.5 72.4 - 72.4 41.0 8.7 371.2 1046.1 6.6 1039.5 [343.0 72.5<br />

Other ..................... 269 1.6 6.6 - 6.6 - 690.8 2167.8 131.6 2036.2 451.2 110.2<br />

Endocrine and metabolic<br />

diseases ...... 240-258,270-279 3.2 9.9 3.3 6.6 Deficiency artemias..... 2801281 - -<br />

" <br />

- 1.4 40.4 157.9 23.0 134.9 - 2.9<br />

21.8 39.5 9.9 29.6 33.6 W.<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> blood<br />

and blood-forming<br />

organs ................ 282-289 7.3 23.0 3.3 19.7 3.7 1.4 75.9 134.9 3.3 131.6 119.3 30.4<br />

Inflamtory diseases <strong>of</strong>tenutraI<br />

nervous system ... 320-324 33.9 72.4 9.9 62.5 41.0 13.0 40.4 111.8 13.2 98.7 26.1 13.0<br />

Other diseases <strong>of</strong> nervous<br />

system and sense<br />

organs ........ 310-315.330-389 33.1 72.4 3.3 69.1 29.8 15.9 87.2 240.1 19.7 220.4 48.5 3L9<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> circulatory<br />

- 2.9 81.5 171.1 3.3 167.8 100.7 31.9<br />

@et= ....... ....... .. 3"0°58 2.4 3.3 - 3.3 <br />

871.7 677.6 2611.8 430.9 2180.9 L017.9 256.6<br />

Pneumonia and Influenza. 470-486 288.1 194.1 234.9 42.0 1004.0<br />

Other disease <strong>of</strong> respiratory<br />

system ........ 460-466,490-519 71.0 167.81 9.9 157.9 100.7 14.5 143.7 3.32.0 6.6 345.4 182.7 3L9<br />

Diseassa <strong>of</strong> digstive<br />

system ...............530-577 13.7 42.8 19.7 23.0 11.2 1.4 84.7 230.3 36.2 194.1 48.5 31.9<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> 8anitn-urinary<br />

system ....... ........ . 380-639 4.0 6.6 - 6.6 - .3 40.4 115.1 19.7 95.4 18.6 14.5<br />

Disausese<strong>of</strong> skin and subcutsuei|<br />

tissue .... .. 680-709 31.5 111.8 29.6 82.2 7.5 4.3 66.2 207.2 26.3 180.9 41.0 11.6<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> musculooksleta1<br />

system ................ 710-738 - ­<br />

- 0.8 3.3 - 3.3<br />

128.3 11.2 5.6<br />

Cogenital aro"11ea ..... .... .. 97.7 365.1 1e0.9 184.2 14.9 8.7 71.0 266.4 138.2<br />

6.5 23.0 6.6 16.4 3.7<br />

Nervous syst" ........ 740-743 28.2 102.0 39.5 62.5 3.7 4.3 <br />

3.7 2.9<br />

Circulatory systes .... 765.747 36.3 134.9 62.5 72.4 11.2 1.4 24.2 88.8 52.6 36.2<br />

-<br />

-<br />

- - - - - - - -<br />

Respiratory sy#14a ........748<br />

-i 1.4 9.7 36.2 23.0 13.2 3.7<br />

Digstive system ...... 701-751 19.4 75.7 42.8 32.9<br />

- 39.5 19.7 19.7<br />

Conito-urinary, systax . 7530733 0.8 3.3 - 3.3 9.7<br />

4.0 16.4 13.2 3.3 - 3.2 13.2 9.9 3.3<br />

Musculnskeletal system. 756-758 <br />

- 1.4 14.5 52.6 13.2 39.5 - 2.9<br />

Dmon' disease ..........759.3 3.2 9.9 - 9.9 <br />

Oteaomalies ... 74497430<br />

13.2 - ­<br />

757.758. Rest <strong>of</strong> 739 5.6 23.0 23.0 - 3.2 13.2<br />

Certain pariuatnl<br />

causes ............... 7 W077$ 585.1 2384.9 2371.7 13.2 - - 883.7 3602 0 3463.8 138.2<br />

symptom .... .......... . 780-739 5.6 13.2 - 13.2 7.5 1.4 788.5 2697.4 263.2 2434.2 343.0 94.2<br />

- "<br />

Sudden death ............... 795 4.0 16.4 9.9 6.6 -<br />

Other ill-defined<br />

onditions........790-792796 36.3 115.1 26.3 88.8 33.6 1~ " 6 "<br />

8xternal causes ...... 1800-1999 35.5 46.1 1 13.2 132.9 159.7 20:131 16.1 46.1 39.5 6.6 14.9 2.9

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