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Appendiz 2 385 DEATH RATES Rural Departments, San Juan Province-ARGENTINA Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970. Underlying cause Associated cause nfant deaths Under Infant deaths Cause years 5 Total Under 28 dsa 28 a- year 1 years 2-4 years 5 Total Under 28 do?#l- 28 year 1 years 2-4 All causes ..................... 2403.8 9449.1 3960.5 5488.6 941.0 218.7 4510.1 17983.4 7692.3 10291.1 L678.0 346.9 Infective and parasitic diseases ...................... 929.5 3471.9 790.0 2681.9 487.5 109.4 625.0 2505.2 1070.7 1434.5 226.8 45.2 Amebiasis ................. 006 - - Diarrheal - - disease.........009 - - - 679.9 - 2889.8 - 644.5 ­ 2245.3 170.1 15.1 295.3 1122.7 301.5 821.2 Other 158.7 intestinal 26.4 infectious diseases .0. 000-005.007.008 4.6 20.8 - 20.8 - - Tuberculosis 2.3 - - ..........010-019 - 11.3 20.6 - 10.4 - 10.4 Diphtheria 11.3 26.4 .............. 6.9 10.4 - 032 - 10.4 - 7.5 - - - - Whooping - cough ............ - - 033 - 29.8 - 72.8 ­ - 72.8 56.7 3.8 2.3 - - Tetanus ................... - 11.3 - 037 2.3 10.4 10.4 - ­ - - Septicemia - - - ................ - - 038 22.9 93.6 93.6 - - 3.8 Meales 82.4 ................... 374.2 270.3 055 104.0 - 125.9 - Congenital 207.9 syphilis - 207.9 238.1 .......090 52.8 6.9 6.9 - 31.2 10.4 20.8 - - - 11.3 7.5 ­ 2.3 10.4 - oniliesis ................ 10.4 - ­ 112 6.9 31.2 31.2 - - - Ealmiathiase 226.6 987.5 .........120-129 499.0 488.6 - 34.0 - 3.8 - - -3.8 Other .........lest of 000-136 29.8 104.0 - 104.0 11.3 7.5 - ­ - - - - Malignant neoplasms .... 140-209 Neoplasms, other .......210-239 2.3 - - - - 3.8 - - - - - ­ - - - - - - - - - - Nutritional deficiency ......... 89.3 301.5 10.4 291.1 79.4 11.3 659.3 2494.8 176.7 2318.1 317.5 75.4 Vitamin deficioncy ....260-266 - - - - - Protein - malnutrition 2.3 ......267 10.4 16.0 - 10.4 10.4 - ­ - 10.4 34.0 11.3 2.3 Nutritional - ­ marasmue - ......268 11.3 ­ 71.0 280.7 - 280.7 45.4 - 160.3 Other 654.9 ..................... 20.8 634.1 269 34.0 15.1 2.3 10.4 10.4 - - - 494.5 1429.5 155.9 1673.6 272.1 60.3 endocrine and metabolic diseases ...... 240-258,27-279 ­ - - - - - Deficiency anmas ..... 4.6 280,281 20.8 10.4 10.4 - - ­ - - - - 16.0 72.8 62.4 10.4 - Other - diseases of blood and blood-forming organs ................ 282-289 2.3 - - - 11.3 - 57.2 228.7 - Inflmmatory 228.7 diseases 22.7 of central nervous system ... 320-324 52.7 187.1 - 187.1 11.3 15.1 52.7 176.7 10.4 166.3 45.4 3.8 Other 7.5 diseses of nervous system and sense organs ........310-315330-389 18.3 72.8 ­ 72.8 3.8 75.5 270.3 Diseases 52.0 218.3 of circulatory 1L3 22.6 system ................ 390-458 6.9 10.4 - 10.4 Pneumonia 11.3 3.8 and influensa. 61.8 470-486 207.9 409.8 20.8 187.1 1746.4 22.7 499.0 18.9 1247.4 90.7 11.3 636.4 2214.1 706.9 1507.3 453.5 Other 94.3 diseases of respiratory system ........460-466,490-519 130.5 478.2 10.4 467.8 102. 7.5 125.9 478.2 31.2 447.0 56.7 15.1 Diseases of digestive systm ................ 520-577 18.3 72.8 10.4 62.4 Diseases 3.8 148.8 of genito-urinary 592.5 52.0 540.5 68.0 7.5 system .............. 580-629 4.6 10.4 - 10.4 3.8 34.3 114.3 10.4 104.0 45.4 - Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue ......680-709 4.6 20.8 - 20.8 - 38.9 166.3 62.4 104.0 11.3 - Diseases of musculokeletal system .............. 710-738 - ­ - - - - - - - - - Congenital anomalies ........... 82.4 322.2 114.3 207.9 22. 11.3 38.9 145.5 41.6 104.0 34.0 - Nervous system ........740-743 22.9 72.8 52.0 20.8 11. 7.5 Circulatory 2.3 system 10.4 .... 10.4 746.747 - - - 18.3 72.8 20.8 52.0 Respiratory 3.8 16.0 systle 62.4 - ...... 748 62.4 11.3 - - - - - - - - Digestive - - ye ......749-751 36.6 166.3 41.6 124.7 - Cnito-urinary 4.6 system 20.8 . 752,753 10.4 2.3 10.4 11.3 ­ Musculoskeletal - system. 754-756 - - - - 2.3 Down's 10.4 10.4 discs - ­ .......... 79.3 2.3 10.4 - 10.4 13.7 41.6 10.4 31.2 Other 22.7 ­ anomalies ... 74,745, 757,758, Rest of 759 ­ - - - - - - - Certain parinatal causes ................ 760-778 547.2 2484.4 2484.4 - Symptoms ............... 780-789 1057.7 4802.5 4.6 4729.7 20.8 72.8 - 20.8 828.8 3316.0 602.9 Sudden 2713.1 death ............... 317.1 795 56.6 36.6 166.3 31.2 135.1 - - - Other ill-defined conditions ........ 790-792,796 9.2 41.6 10.4 31.2 external causes 2.3 ...... 10.4 - 800-8999 10.4 54.9 41.6 - 41.6 124. 33.9 45.8 166.3 52.0 114.3 45. ­

­ ­ 186 .Patten of Mortality in:Childhood DEATHS BOLIVIA-La Piu Underlying and Associated Causes of.Death in Children Under Two-Year Period, 1968-1970. 5 Years, by Age Group, in Undrlyin cause Associated cause Infant deathe Under Infat deaths 28 1 2-4 5 Under 28 1 2-4 Cause Under years Total day 28 d -f year ytars Year yearsTotal 28 days- 1 year yeats days dot.days mos. &I1causes ................. .., 4115 2685 1049 1636 899 531 4898 2841 1046 1795 1371 686 Infective and parasitic 108 727 607 315 555 239 58 181 194 122 diseases ...................... 1757 835 - I - . 1 1 I - Amabiasis ................. 006 2 - - 81 510 319 101 434 17; 20 153 17; 91 Diarheal disease .........009 1011 591 Other intestinal infectious 3 1 - I - " 11 5 1 4 3 1 diseases ..... 000-005.007,008 1 6 11 1 10 19 34 18 1 - Tuberculosis ..........010-019 64 11 - ­ - - - - - - Diphtheria ............... 032 - - .1 27 14 14 1 whooping cough ........... 033 57 29 2 - Tetanus ................... 037 " -- 3 ­ 18 4 41 40 33 7 1 Septicamia .............. 038 22 22 554 151 1 150 246 157' 10 - 1 4 5 Sass.................. 055 I - ­ - 1 Congenital syphilis .......090 3 3 V 2 - I ­ 5 1 1 - - 35 21 5 16 9 Honiliasis ................ 112 1 ­ 1 - 1 - - 10 -- 4 6 elaminthisses .........120-129 1 3 5 3 1 1 Other .........Rest of 000-136 31 21 18 5 8 - - - 1 7 1 Malignantneoplaesms .... 140-209 ­ - - 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 Neoplasms, other ....... 210-239 36 35 12 1414 710 66 644 468 236 Nutritional deficiency ......... 69 1 21 - - - - - - - Vitamin deficiency .... 260-266 - ­ 15 8 75 13 13 44 Protein malnutrition ......267 33 10 10 18 1 19 5 3 143 58 2 56 54 31 Nutritional marsmus ......268 28 20 575 187 8 6 - 6 1 1 1196 639 64 370 Other ..................... 269 Endocrine and metabolic 1 2 2 1 1 diseases ...... 240-258,270-279 1 1 ­ - 5 4 3 1 Deficiency anemiass .....280,281 - - Other diseases of blood end blood-forming 4 2 - 2 1 1 12 6 - 6 3 3 organs ................ 22-289 Infl-matory diseases of cen- 16 6 3 13 12 5 33 19 3 8 tral nervous system ... 320-324 33 16 Other dieseass of nervous system and sense *6 6 6 2 6 23 9 2 7 8 organs ........310315,33-389 14 - Diseases of circulatory 9 7 - 7 1 1 17 9 1 8 4 4 system ................ 390-458 285 180 94 1138 571 118 453 370 197 Pneumonia and influens, .470-486 1171 897 612 Other diseases of respiratory 25 62 1 28 16 17 13 86 17 29 system ........460-466,490-519 141 99 Diseases of digestive 6 32 20 8 12 7 5 system .............. 520-577 28 18 7 11 4 Diseases of genito-urinary 1 2 17 7 7 10 system ................ 580-629 3 o Diseases of skin and sub­ - 11 7 4 3 2 2 10 10 8 2 - cutaneous tissue ......680-709 Diseases of musculoskeletal " " " system .............. 710738 -" 1 32 26 21 5 4 2 Congenitel anomalies ........... 50 47 27 20 2 8 7 3 4 - I - - - - Nervous system ........740-743 Circulatory system ....746,747 16 157 1 7 5 - 3 3 3 - - Respiratory system ........748 - - - 7 7 6 24 24 16 8 Digestive system ......749-751 2 3 5 3 3 2 " Genito-urinary system . 75 ,75 1 - ­ " - 2 2 1 1 Husculoskeletal system .754-756 1 - 85 1 Dan's disease .......... 759.3 1 Other anomalies ... 744,745, 757,758, Rest of 759 . . . . Certain perinatel 710 , 710 .697 13 ­ 5 ­ 548 548 543 ­ causes ................ 760-778 2 - 820 466 .60 406 273 81 Symptoms .............. 780-789 12 11 9 I 1 -- - - - Sudden death ............ 795 14 13 3 10 Otfierill-defined . - " ­ conditions .. 790-792796 165 114 42 72 25 26 ­ 2 3 4 Esternal causes . 800-9991" 77 24 "7, 1 7 16 37 12 5 1

Appendiz 2 385<br />


Rural Departments, San Juan Province-ARGENTINA<br />

Death Rates from Underlying and Associated Causes in Children<br />

Under 5 Years, by Age Group, in Two-Year Period, 1968-1970.<br />

Underlying cause <br />

Associated cause<br />

nfant deaths Under Infant deaths<br />

Cause<br />

years 5<br />

Total Under 28 dsa 28 a- year 1 years 2-4 years 5 Total Under 28 do?#l- 28 year 1 years 2-4<br />

All causes ..................... 2403.8 9449.1 3960.5 5488.6 941.0 218.7 4510.1 17983.4 7692.3 10291.1 L678.0 346.9<br />

Infective and parasitic<br />

diseases ...................... 929.5 3471.9 790.0 2681.9 487.5 109.4 625.0 2505.2 1070.7 1434.5 226.8 45.2<br />

Amebiasis ................. 006 - -<br />

Diarrheal<br />

- -<br />

disease.........009 - - -<br />

679.9 -<br />

2889.8 -<br />

644.5<br />

­<br />

2245.3 170.1 15.1 295.3 1122.7 301.5 821.2<br />

Other<br />

158.7<br />

intestinal<br />

26.4<br />

infectious<br />

diseases .0. 000-005.007.008 4.6 20.8 - 20.8 - -<br />

Tuberculosis<br />

2.3 - -<br />

..........010-019 <br />

- 11.3<br />

20.6<br />

-<br />

10.4 - 10.4<br />

Diphtheria<br />

11.3 26.4<br />

..............<br />

6.9 10.4 -<br />

032 -<br />

10.4 - 7.5<br />

- - - -<br />

Whooping -<br />

cough ............<br />

- -<br />

033 -<br />

29.8 -<br />

72.8 ­<br />

- 72.8 56.7 3.8 2.3 - -<br />

Tetanus ...................<br />

- 11.3 -<br />

037 2.3 10.4 10.4 - ­ - -<br />

Septicemia<br />

- - -<br />

................ - -<br />

038 22.9 93.6 93.6 - - 3.8<br />

Meales<br />

82.4<br />

...................<br />

374.2 270.3<br />

055<br />

104.0 -<br />

125.9 <br />

-<br />

Congenital<br />

207.9<br />

syphilis<br />

- 207.9 238.1<br />

.......090<br />

52.8<br />

6.9<br />

6.9<br />

-<br />

31.2 10.4 20.8<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

11.3 7.5<br />

­ 2.3 10.4 -<br />

oniliesis ................<br />

10.4 - ­<br />

112 6.9 31.2 31.2 - - -<br />

Ealmiathiase 226.6 987.5<br />

.........120-129<br />

499.0 488.6<br />

-<br />

34.0<br />

-<br />

3.8<br />

- - -3.8<br />

Other .........lest <strong>of</strong> 000-136 29.8 104.0 - 104.0 11.3 7.5 - ­ - - - -<br />

Malignant neoplasms .... 140-209<br />

Neoplasms, other .......210-239<br />

2.3<br />

-<br />

- - - 3.8 - - - - - ­<br />

- - - - - - - - - -<br />

Nutritional deficiency ......... 89.3 301.5 10.4 291.1 79.4 11.3 659.3 2494.8 176.7 2318.1 317.5 75.4<br />

Vitamin deficioncy ....260-266 - - - - -<br />

Protein -<br />

malnutrition 2.3<br />

......267<br />

10.4<br />

16.0<br />

-<br />

10.4<br />

10.4 - ­<br />

- 10.4 34.0 11.3 2.3<br />

Nutritional<br />

- ­<br />

marasmue -<br />

......268<br />

11.3 ­<br />

71.0 280.7 - 280.7 45.4 - 160.3<br />

Other<br />

654.9<br />

.....................<br />

20.8 634.1 269<br />

34.0 15.1<br />

2.3 10.4 10.4 - - - 494.5 1429.5 155.9 1673.6 272.1 60.3<br />

endocrine and metabolic<br />

diseases ...... 240-258,27-279 ­ - - - - -<br />

Deficiency anmas .....<br />

4.6<br />

280,281<br />

20.8 10.4 10.4 -<br />

-<br />

­<br />

- - - - 16.0 72.8 62.4 10.4 -<br />

Other -<br />

diseases <strong>of</strong> blood<br />

and blood-forming<br />

organs ................ 282-289 2.3 - - - 11.3 - 57.2 228.7 -<br />

Inflmmatory<br />

228.7<br />

diseases<br />

22.7<br />

<strong>of</strong> central<br />

nervous system ... 320-324 52.7 187.1 - 187.1 11.3 15.1 52.7 176.7 10.4 166.3 45.4<br />

3.8<br />

Other<br />

7.5<br />

diseses <strong>of</strong> nervous<br />

system and sense<br />

organs ........310-315330-389 18.3 72.8 ­ 72.8 3.8 75.5 270.3<br />

Diseases<br />

52.0 218.3<br />

<strong>of</strong> circulatory<br />

1L3 22.6<br />

system ................ 390-458 6.9 10.4 - 10.4 <br />

Pneumonia<br />

11.3 3.8<br />

and influensa.<br />

61.8<br />

470-486<br />

207.9<br />

409.8<br />

20.8 187.1<br />

1746.4<br />

22.7<br />

499.0<br />

18.9<br />

1247.4 90.7 11.3 636.4 2214.1 706.9 1507.3 453.5<br />

Other<br />

94.3<br />

diseases <strong>of</strong> respiratory<br />

system ........460-466,490-519 130.5 478.2 10.4 467.8 102. 7.5 125.9 478.2 31.2 447.0 56.7 15.1<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> digestive<br />

systm ................ 520-577 18.3 72.8 10.4 62.4<br />

Diseases<br />

3.8 148.8<br />

<strong>of</strong> genito-urinary<br />

592.5 52.0 540.5 68.0 7.5<br />

system .............. 580-629 4.6 10.4 - 10.4<br />

3.8 34.3 114.3 10.4 104.0 45.4 -<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> skin and subcutaneous<br />

tissue ......680-709 4.6 20.8 - 20.8 - 38.9 166.3 62.4 104.0 11.3 -<br />

Diseases <strong>of</strong> musculokeletal<br />

system .............. 710-738 - ­ - - - - - - - - -<br />

Congenital anomalies ........... 82.4 322.2 114.3 207.9 22. 11.3 38.9 145.5 41.6 104.0 34.0 -<br />

Nervous system ........740-743 22.9 72.8 52.0 20.8 11. 7.5<br />

Circulatory<br />

2.3<br />

system<br />

10.4<br />

....<br />

10.4<br />

746.747 <br />

- - -<br />

18.3 72.8 20.8 52.0 <br />

Respiratory<br />

3.8 16.0<br />

systle<br />

62.4 -<br />

...... 748<br />

62.4 11.3 -<br />

- - - - - - -<br />

Digestive - -<br />

ye ......749-751 36.6 166.3 41.6 124.7 -<br />

Cnito-urinary<br />

4.6<br />

system<br />

20.8<br />

. 752,753<br />

10.4<br />

2.3<br />

10.4<br />

11.3 ­<br />

Musculoskeletal -<br />

system. 754-756 - - - - 2.3<br />

Down's<br />

10.4 10.4<br />

discs<br />

- ­<br />

.......... 79.3 2.3 10.4 - 10.4 13.7 41.6 10.4 31.2<br />

Other<br />

22.7 ­<br />

anomalies ... 74,745,<br />

757,758, Rest <strong>of</strong> 759 ­ - - - - - - -<br />

Certain parinatal<br />

causes ................ 760-778 547.2 2484.4 2484.4 -<br />

Symptoms ............... 780-789<br />

1057.7 4802.5<br />

4.6<br />

4729.7<br />

20.8<br />

72.8<br />

- 20.8 828.8 3316.0 602.9<br />

Sudden<br />

2713.1<br />

death ...............<br />

317.1<br />

795<br />

56.6<br />

36.6 166.3 31.2 135.1 - - -<br />

Other ill-defined<br />

conditions ........ 790-792,796 9.2 41.6 10.4 31.2<br />

external causes<br />

2.3<br />

......<br />

10.4 -<br />

800-8999<br />

10.4<br />

54.9 41.6 - 41.6 124. 33.9 45.8 166.3 52.0 114.3 45.<br />


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