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Chapter IX. Nutritional Deficiency 175 specified group (269), for which the overall rate was 431.9 per 100,000 population. With regard to infant mortality (under one year) for the 13 projects (Figure 87), nutritional marasmus and unspecified nutritional deficiency states accounted for most of these deaths. Only in the two projects of Recife and Cartagena were the rates for protein malnutrition in this age group relatively high-259.9 and 324.0 per 100,000 live births, resl)ectively. The rates for children aged one year and 2-4 years (Figure 88) were lower. In five projects (El Salvador, Recife, Cartagena, Cali, and Medellin) protein malnutrition mortality was particularly high in the second year of life, with the rates ranging from 220.4 to 616.3 per 100,000 population. In Cartagena more than half the nutritionail deficiency deaths in one-year-olds were due to this type. The clinical information for this latter city was of unusually good quality and this fact may account partially for the more frequent assignment to specific types there. Flo. 87. Mortality in Infancy from Specific Types of Nutritional Deficiency in 13 Projects. EILO PR -- u,AJAR PROVINCE sm a so pAmo 11610P&T Him CAii CI I i* PROTEIN MALNUTRITION DEATHS PER 100.000 LIVE 1I.1IS 0 600O o200100 2400 3000 3600 1 ..,J -' NUTRITIONA MAASMUS " -. . O.ER,NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY The detailed breakdown by type of nutritional deficiency is presented in Table 94 for 12 projects by three-month age groups in the first two years of life. Table 95 gives similar data for the El Salvador project in the first 5 years. These are reference tables designed to provide full information on the local situation in each project. Fia. 88. Mortality from Nutritional Deficiency, by Type, in Children One Year and 2-4 Years of Age in 13 Projects. DEAIHS PER 100,000 POPULATION BOLIVIAPROJ[C IL SALVADOR PROICT 0 500 1000 1500 0 SO I I YEAR 2.4 YEAR5 "...... r -­ RECIFE MNIDIIIO CHACOPROVINCI NIIIIRRIV SANJUANPROYINCI !111110 PWIO SIDPAULO KII6SIOM.S1I, ANhlWP CHILI PROJECT . 7 NUTRITIONAL OTHE NUTRITIONAL PROTEINMALNUTRITION MARASMUS DEFICIENCY

176 Patterns of Mortality in Childhood TAULF 94. Mortality, from Nutritional Deficiency, by Type, for Three-Month Age Groups Under 2 Years and for 2--4 Years in 12 Projects. SProtein Nutritional OhrProtein Nutritional Total malnutrition marasmus Ohr Total malnutrition marasmus Other Age group (267) (268) (200) (267) (2681 (260) No. Rate No. lRatclNo. R{ate No. Rate No. Rate No. _Rate No. RateiNo. R.,te ARGENTINA, Chaco Province ARGE'?NTINA, San Juan Province , Total .......... 061 860.7 3.1 44.3 90 125.0 531 691.4 6071 581.1 10 9.0] 177 169.4 419 401.1 0-2 months .... 121 687.5 1 5.7 17 96.6 103 585.2 192 821.9 - - 47 201.2 145 620.7 3-5 months .... 193 1,096.6 2 11..4 27 153.4 10,1 931.8 190 b 813.4 - - 7 286.8 123 520.5 (1-8 months .... 101 573.0 2 11,, 10 910.0 83 471.6 02 393.8 1 4.3 31 132.7 50 252.6 9-11 m~onths ... 70 3107.7 G 34.1 6 34.1 58 329.5 37 158..4 1 4.3 13 55.7 23 98.5 12-14 mont~s.. 53 3325. 1W 62.7 11 69.0 32 200.8 24 114.1 2 9.5 7 33.3 15 71.3 15- 17 mon ths.. 32 200,8 3 18.8 7 43.0 22 138.0 20 95.1 2 9.5 2 9.5 la 711.0 18-20 months.. . 21 131.7 5 31.4 2 12.5 14 87.8 13 61.8 - - 1 4.8 12 57,{0 21-23 months. 21 131.7 4 25.1 1 6.3 16 100.4 0 28.5 - - 2 0.5 4 19.0 2-4 years .. .... 41) 110.4 1 2.31 9 20'31 39 87.0 33 52.31 4 0.31 7 11.11 22 14.8 BIOLIVIA project BRAZIL, Recife Total .... .... 1,532 969,3 116i 73.4 176 11I1.4 1,240 78.1.6 1.079 1,355,01322 259.9 499 402.7 858 692.4 0-2 months ..... 224 .595.6 1 2.7 19 50.5 204 542.4 335 1,102.0 - -65 213.8 270 888.2 3-5 mnths ..... 1915 518.5 5 13.3 17 4 5.2 173 460.0 325 1,069.1 1 3.3 109 358.6 215 707.2 0-8nmonths ..... 105 438.7 4 10.6 22 58., 139 3619.6 233 766.4 31 102.0 102 335.5 100 328.9 9-11 months .... 187 497.2 13 3.0I 94 63.8 150 398.8 187 615.1 47 154.6 6,t 210.5 70 250.0] 12-14 months.. 182 538.3 231 68.0 24 7.0! 135 39!9.3 116 .132.5 .10 1419.1 37 138.0 39 145.4 15-17 months.. 1.11 417.0 24 71.0 1.14 .4. 103 30.1.6] 111 .413.9 39) 145A. 35 130.5 37 138.0] 18-20nmonths.. 112 331.3 8 23t.7 15 4.1.4 89 26"3.2 81 302.0 28 104.4 22 82.0 31 115.(] 21-23 months.. 73} 215.91 11 32.5 7 20. 7 55 162.7 46 171.5 2)3 85.81 9 33.-6 14 15a2.;2 2-4 years .,.. 253 284.7 27 30A. 4. 38.3t 192 216.0 245 355.1 11 163.8 56 8 .21 70 110.2 B1RAZIL. Riheirlo Prto BRAZIL, Sio lPaulo Total .... 405 400).0 31 37.6 113 137.0 261 316.4 1.313, .538.8 .58 23.8'299 122.7 053 391.0 0-2nmonths ..... 97 531.8 - - 24 131.6 73 400.2 .494 849.4 - - 82 141.0 412 708.4 3-S months ..... 112 614.0 - - 30 164.5 82 449.6 331 5)69. 1 2 3..4 102 175.4 227 390.3 0-8 m1onths. . . .. 57 312.5 1 5.5 23 126.,1 33 180.9 1561 268.2 6 10.3 51 87.7 98 168.5 0-11 months..,. 33 180.9 2 11.0 12 15.8 19 10.1.2 81 1:39.3 6 !10.3 20 3.1.4 55 94.6 12-14 months... 14 82.0 2 11.7 .1 231.1 8 40.9 611, 112.7 10 18.5 13 24.0 36 60.5 15-17 months. . - 16C 93.7 6 35.1 5 29.3 5 29.3 30 72.0 4 7A- 11 20.3 24 44.3 18-20 months.. . 12 70.3 3 17.6 1 5.9 8 .16.9 25 46(.2 8 1-1.8 1 1.8 16 29.6 21-23 months... 8 460 3 17.61- - 5 29.3 21 38.81 5 9." 1 1.8 15. 27.7 24yas...... 56_9.2 2 58.3 105 78.2 17 1 18 13'4 70 52.1 -- _CIIIE p~roject Col-.O1NIBIA, Cali Total .......... 6691, 322.0 20 9.6] 177 85.2 .169 225.7 5931, 586.0 130 128.5 138 136.4 323 319.2 0-2 months ..... 3-5Smonths ..... 200 , 2191 .458.9 - 502.5 1 - 30 2.3 731 68.8 167.5 170 142 390.1 325.8 59 , 9381 279.6 - 464.5 - - - 1.1 35 (36.4 165.9 45 62 213.3 203.8 0-8 months .... 101 231.8 1 2.3] 39 89.5 61 1.10.0 80 379.1 10 47..4 22 104.3 48 227.5 9-11 months.... 40 91.8 - - 7 16.1 33 75.7 69 327.0 Ifi 75.8 18 85. 3 35 165.9 12-14 months .. 38 94.4 5 12.4 7 17.-4 26 6-4.6 73 361.4 10 .19.,5 12 59A. 51 252.5 16-17 nmnths... 19 47.2 4 9.9 7 17.4 8 19.9 5 1 252..5 21 10.0 12 59 .. 18 89.1 18-20 months .. 13 32.3 2 5.0 3 7.5 8 19,.9 27 13:3.7 11 54.5 5 2i,8 11 54,.5 21-23 months .. .5 12.4 1 2.51 I 2.51 3 7.5 18, 89., , 9 4-1.6, 5 2, .1 19.8 2-4 years ....... 34 26.7 6 4.7 10 7.9 18 4.1 118 194A, 53 87.3 15 24. 4'9 80.7 C(IMBIAv Cartagena COLIOMBIIA, Medellin Total ....... 561 652.3 201 233.7 09 115.1 261 303.5 570t- 610.9 94 100.8 1017 114.7 3165 391.2 0-2 months ..... 59 329.6 - -- Ill. 78.2 .15 251.4 5511 283.5 - - 10 51.5 4,1 226.8 3-5 months. ..... 07 374.3 4 2-".3 M. 111.7 .13 2401.2 1011, 520.6 1 5.2 40 2!06v2 59 304.1 6-8 months ..... 74 413.4 19 106.1 18 100.6 317 206.7 86 4431.3 .t 20.6 20 103.1 f12 319.6 9- 11 mont ha .... 78 -,.35.8 35 105.5 12 67.0 31 173t.2 661, 340.2 3 15.5 18 92.8 44 226.8 12-14 monthsm.. . 88 511.6 44 255.8 : 1 64.0 331 191.9 6.5 349.5 14 75.3 7 37.6 44 230.6 15-17 months,... 48 270.1 29 16t8.6 34.9 13 75.6 36 193.5 9 1t8.4 5 26.9 22 118.3 18-20 months,.. 33 11)11,9 19 110.5 5 29.1 9 52.3 37 198.9 12 6.t.5 1 5,.4 24 129.0 21-23 months.,. 28 162.81 !,-1 81.4 13 17.4t 11 (14.0 16 8.0 6 1,' 2 10.81 8 43.0 2-4 years ....... 86 166.7 :17 7 1.7 01 19.4 39 75.6 1081- 192. 5 8 , .] 5 0 . JAMAICA, Kingston-St. Andrew IMEXICO, INonterrey Total .......... 376 201.9 58 31.7 83 45.3 228 124..4 1,428 655.,211 .10 6.1.2 282 129.4 1,006 401.6 0-2 months ..... 56 136.7 - - 10 24A. 46 112.3 351 662.1[ - - 5.1 10 1.9] 297 560.3 -5 m onths .... . 2 127 .0 - - 15 36 6 37 90.3 310 01.8 4 7.5 67 126 4 248 467.8 6-8 months ..... (14 156.2 12 2.9.3 I13 3 1.7 39 95v2 109 375.4 11 20.8 52 9,8.1 136 256.6 9-11 months .... 71 173.3 13 31.7 21 51.3 37 90.3 131 252.8 19 35.8 30 56.{] 85 160.3 12-14 mionths.. . 43 109.9 14 35.8 10 25.(6 19 48,61 75 ;66.6 16 35.15 10 22.2 49 108.8 15-17 months.. . 251, 63.9 7 17.0 6 115.3 11 28.11 7.1 164.4 20 44.4 15 33.3 39 86.6 18-20 months. .. 14 35.8 4 10.2 2 5.1 8 20.51 .52 115.5 15 33.3 8 17.8 29 64.4 21-23 months.. . 8 20.5 I 2.61 - - 7 17.1 46 102.2 12 26.71 7 15.51 27 00 2-4 years ....... 37 35.417 6.7 6 5.71 24 23.0 178 142.6 43 34.5 39 31.2 06 76.9 a Rates under I year of age per 100,000 live births; others per 100,000 population. b Includes death or deaths front 260-266.

Chapter IX. Nutritional Deficiency 175<br />

specified group (269), for which the overall<br />

rate was 431.9 per 100,000 population.<br />

With regard to infant <strong>mortality</strong> (under <br />

one year) for the 13 projects (Figure 87),<br />

nutritional marasmus and unspecified nutritional<br />

deficiency states accounted for most<br />

<strong>of</strong> these deaths. Only in the two projects<br />

<strong>of</strong> Recife and Cartagena were the rates for<br />

protein malnutrition in this age group relatively<br />

high-259.9 and 324.0 per 100,000<br />

live births, resl)ectively.<br />

The rates for children aged one year and<br />

2-4 years (Figure 88) were lower. In five<br />

projects (El Salvador, Recife, Cartagena,<br />

Cali, and Medellin) protein malnutrition<br />

<strong>mortality</strong> was particularly high in the second<br />

year <strong>of</strong> life, with the rates ranging<br />

from 220.4 to 616.3 per 100,000 population.<br />

In Cartagena more than half the nutritionail<br />

deficiency deaths in one-year-olds were due<br />

to this type. The clinical information for<br />

this latter city was <strong>of</strong> unusually good quality<br />

and this fact may account partially for<br />

the more frequent assignment to specific<br />

types there.<br />

Flo. 87. Mortality in Infancy from Specific<br />

Types <strong>of</strong> Nutritional Deficiency in 13 Projects.<br />

EILO PR --<br />


sm a<br />

so pAmo<br />

11610P&T<br />

Him<br />

CAii<br />

CI<br />

I<br />

i* PROTEIN<br />


DEATHS PER 100.000 LIVE 1I.1IS<br />

0 600O o200100 2400 3000 3600<br />

1<br />

..,J<br />

-'<br />



" -.<br />

.<br />



The detailed breakdown by type <strong>of</strong> nutritional<br />

deficiency is presented in Table 94 for<br />

12 projects by three-month age groups in<br />

the first two years <strong>of</strong> life. Table 95 gives<br />

similar data for the El Salvador project in<br />

the first 5 years. These are reference tables<br />

designed to provide full information on the<br />

local situation in each project.<br />

Fia. 88. Mortality from Nutritional Deficiency, by Type, in Children One Year<br />

and 2-4 Years <strong>of</strong> Age in 13 Projects.<br />




0<br />

500 1000 1500 0 SO<br />

I I YEAR 2.4 YEAR5<br />

"...... r -­<br />

RECIFE<br />





!111110 PWIO<br />


KII6SIOM.S1I, ANhlWP<br />


.<br />

7<br />



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