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FMS Aarau , Wettingen<br />

Aufnahmeprüfung 2013<br />

<strong>English</strong><br />

Name, Vorname:<br />

Zuletzt besuchte Schule:<br />

___________________________________<br />

___________________________________<br />

Hinweis:<br />

Alle Aufgaben sind direkt auf die Prüfungsblätter zu schreiben.<br />

Eintragungen mit Bleistift sind ungültig!<br />

Part A: listening<br />

25<br />

Part B: reading<br />

25<br />

Part C: use of <strong>English</strong><br />

25<br />

Part D: writing<br />

25<br />

Erreichte<br />

Punktzahl<br />

Total 100<br />

Note<br />

Datum:<br />

_______________________________<br />

Visum 1:<br />

Visum 2:<br />

_______________________________<br />


Part A Listening 1<br />

1 Complete the missing information.<br />

a) The City Film festival opens on _________________________ and ends<br />

on _________________________.<br />

b) The prize-winning categories are short film, _________________________<br />

and cartoons.<br />

c) The locations showing festival films are Gifford Road Cinema,<br />

_________________________ and for _________________________<br />

screening West Park.<br />

d) The guest speaker talks about the _________________________ of<br />

Marco Rossi who was a _________________________.<br />

e) The talk is followed by the film “_________________________”.<br />

f) For tickets you can call the number _________________________ or go<br />

online at _________________________.<br />

______ / 10 p<br />

2 Answer the questions in a full sentence.<br />

a) Why is there going to be a special programme at the City Film Festival this<br />

year?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

b) When does the box office open and close?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

1<br />

______ / 2 p

Part A Listening 2<br />

1 Read the sentences, and choose the best option: A, B or C, to complete<br />

the statements.<br />

a) This broadcast is about<br />

A the joys of swimming with sharks. O<br />

B the danger that sharks are to humans. O<br />

C the risk that sharks face. O<br />

b) The picture that the radio presenter talks about shows<br />

A a man or a woman with a shark. O<br />

B a man holding up a shark. O<br />

C the biggest shark that has ever been caught. O<br />

c) Faith Lapidus says<br />

A sharks are more dangerous for humans than<br />

humans for sharks.<br />

B more sharks have been killed by people than<br />

the other way round .<br />

C some people think it’s a good idea to catch<br />

dangerous sharks.<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

d) Activists for sharks think that these fish are valuable because<br />

A they clean the ocean from unhealthy fish. O<br />

B they help to increase the number of other fish. O<br />

C they show injured people the way to dry land. O<br />

e) The most shocking thing about “finning” is that<br />

A the fishermen make soup from the sharks. O<br />

B the sharks are killed before their fins are cut off. O<br />

C the fishermen cut off parts of the shark’s body<br />

while it is still alive.<br />

O<br />

f) The number of sharks that die as a result of “finning” is<br />

A 37 million. O<br />

B nearly 70 million. O<br />

C 30 to 70 million. O<br />

g) Shark fin soup is especially popular<br />

A at weddings in China. O<br />

B in the nation of Guam. O<br />

C at demonstrations in different parts of the world. O<br />

______ / 7p<br />


Part A Listening 2<br />

2 Tick the word that is used in each sentence.<br />

a) That person won a<br />

o fight o battle o conflict<br />

with what has been called one of the nature’s fiercest creatures.<br />

b) They know that studies show lightning and snakebites<br />

o kill o hurt o harm<br />

more people than do shark attacks.<br />

c) This protects other<br />

o beasts o creatures o beings<br />

and plants in the ocean.<br />

d) Wildlife activists<br />

o worry o fear o are afraid<br />

that some kinds of sharks are in danger of disappearing.<br />

e) Sharks grow and develop slowly and do not<br />

o turn out o produce o create<br />

many young.<br />

3 Label (beschrifte) the part of this shark which is called “fin”.<br />

______ / 5p<br />

______ / 1p<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

shark :<br />

approve:<br />

large sea fish with very sharp teeth<br />

think or say that sth. is good<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

Total part A<br />

/ 25<br />


Part B Reading 1<br />

1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or the<br />

text doesn’t say (D).<br />

a) Surfboards are almost always made of wood. _________<br />

b) Surfing recently became a professional sport. _________<br />

c) Captain Cook went surfing in Hawaii in 1778. _________<br />

e) Most surfboards in the 1950s and 60s were lighter than they are<br />

today.<br />

_________<br />

f) Most surfboards today are 2 meters long. _________<br />

g) Wax is essential for surfers. _________<br />

______ / 6 p<br />

2 Answer the questions about the text in full sentences.<br />

a) In what part of the world did surfing probably begin?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

b) What part of their body do surfers attach the cord to?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

c) Why do most beginners find it difficult to stand up on the board?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

d) What do surfers use wax for?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

e) What is a wetsuit?<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

f) What does Kelly Slater mean by “There’s no getting out?” Explain.<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

4<br />

______ / 6 p

Part B Reading 2<br />

1 Read the article about the British tabloid press.<br />

Seven parts have been removed from the text.<br />

Put the parts A – H back into the right gap 1-7 to complete the text.<br />

There is one extract you will not need (8).<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

E<br />

F<br />

G<br />

H<br />

When criticised for their actions, the tabloids state that the public has a right to<br />

know about anything and everything, but celebrities have no rights to privacy<br />

at all.<br />

You won’t find anything on changes in the stock market (Börse), but you can<br />

be sure to read if the prime minister’s wife has a lover.<br />

Tabloid papers were smaller and handier than normal newspapers, known as<br />

broadsheet.<br />

Maybe the reason is that we have enough news on the television, the radio<br />

and in the quality newspapers.<br />

But the content is only half the story. The real key to the tabloid newspaper is<br />

the style.<br />

When, in 1896, a new newspaper was produced in large numbers and at such<br />

low prices that ordinary people could buy it on every street corner, it was an<br />

instant success.<br />

And it’s enough to take a quick look trough a tabloid to see that many of these<br />

accusations are justified.<br />

This involves photographing them in embarrassing situations, gossiping about<br />

their private lives and generally making them look a bit silly.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

(not needed)<br />

5<br />

______ / 8 p

Part B Reading 2<br />

2 Read the following extract carefully, and decide which sentence a-c fits<br />

logically in the gap.<br />

The United Kingdom is the country with the biggest number of daily papers in<br />

Europe. ___________ Over 60% of all titles are tabloids.<br />

a) That’s why the tabloids are so popular there.<br />

b) One in two Britons buys a newspaper every morning.<br />

c) That means that an enormous number of trees are cut down.<br />

Answer: ______<br />

______ / 1p<br />

3 Summarize (fasse zusammen) in one sentence what each paragraph 1-4<br />

is about.<br />

(1) ______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

(2) ______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

(3) ______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

(4) ______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

______ / 4p<br />

Total part B<br />

_____ / 25<br />


Part C<br />

Lexical items and use of <strong>English</strong><br />

1 Complete the chart with an opposite adjective.<br />

a) easy ________________________<br />

b) better ________________________<br />

c) empty ________________________<br />

d) tall ________________________<br />

e) expensive ________________________<br />

f) dangerous ________________________<br />

g) wetter ________________________<br />

h) high ________________________<br />

______ / 4p<br />

2 Order the words to make a sentence.<br />

a) American / similar / very / are / <strong>English</strong> / British / and<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

b) can / pronunciation / <strong>English</strong> / quite / difficult / be<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

c) cause / some / in / differences / vocabulary / can / misunderstandings<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

d) understanding / or / British / travelers / problems / don’t / American / have /<br />

<strong>English</strong> / however<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

e) Reading / is / vocabulary / a / to / way / really / useful / learn<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

7<br />

______ / 5p

Part C<br />

Lexical items and use of <strong>English</strong><br />

3 Read the text below and underline the correct word for each space.<br />

Great inventions are ideas that can sometimes change the world. The invention of<br />

the radio has brought a) ___ places closer together, and the car had made it possible<br />

to b) ___ a long way. An invention might also be a better way of doing something – c)<br />

___ example, a tool to make a job easier or a new farming method. Many inventions,<br />

like musical instruments or sports equipment, have made life more comfortable or<br />

enjoyable. The range of inventions is enormous. Not d) ___ good idea leads to<br />

immediate e) ___, however. f) ___ the 15 th century, Leonardo da Vinci wrote down<br />

his idea for chains g) ___ were able to drive machines – but technology to produce<br />

these chains did not exist then. This shows that a great invention may be unworkable<br />

h) ___ a future development makes it possible.<br />

a) A far B absent C other D distant<br />

b) A reach B travel C transport D arrive<br />

c) A to B with C for D of<br />

d) A every B any C all D a<br />

e) A prize B success C win D victory<br />

f) A Between B At C During D Since<br />

g) A what B who C which D where<br />

h) A if B while C until D when<br />

______ / 4p<br />

4 For the verb in brackets use the past simple or the past continuous form.<br />

a) We (find) _________________ an old box in the garden while we (dig)<br />

_________________.<br />

b) I (break) _________________ my pen while I (write) _________________.<br />

c) Pat (turn on) _________________ the radio, but nothing (happen)<br />

_________________.<br />

d) When she (come) _________________ into the room, two boys (play)<br />

_________________ football.<br />

8<br />

______ / 4p

Part C<br />

Lexical items and use of <strong>English</strong><br />

5 Complete with some or any, much or many.<br />

a) Let’s buy ____________ sandwiches.<br />

b) How ____________ sandwiches would you like?<br />

c) I’m vegetarian, so I don’t want ____________ meat.<br />

d) Can I have ____________ cheese?<br />

e) How ____________ cheese do you want?<br />

f) Is there ____________ brown bread left?<br />

g) Would you like ____________ salad?<br />

h) Have you got ____________ tomatoes?<br />

______ / 4p<br />

6 Find the mistake in each sentence. Underline it and rewrite the sentence<br />

correctly.<br />

a) The love makes the world go round. __________________________<br />

b) Everything he wrote were wrong. __________________________<br />

c) Help! Call police! __________________________<br />

d) Jim enjoyed the holiday at Turkey. __________________________<br />

e) No one of the questions was easy. __________________________<br />

f) Those bags are there’s. __________________________<br />

g) Have you met mine brother? __________________________<br />

h) It’s quicker to go there by foot. __________________________<br />

______ / 4p<br />

Total part C<br />

_____ / 25<br />


Part D<br />

Writing<br />

A book review<br />

Write a review about a book you have enjoyed reading.<br />

Your text must include the following information about the book.<br />

- a short outline of what happens<br />

- what you think is interesting about it<br />

- what you think the best aspects are<br />

- who you would recommend it to and why<br />

Write 130 - 150 words.<br />

Please count your words.<br />


Part D<br />

Writing<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________<br />

Number of words ______<br />

Total part D<br />

_____ / 25<br />


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