Churchwardens' Accounts April 1659 - Hungerford Virtual Museum

Churchwardens' Accounts April 1659 - Hungerford Virtual Museum Churchwardens' Accounts April 1659 - Hungerford Virtual Museum
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Accounte of Richard Folwer and Thomas Bonnor Churchwardens for the p'ish church of Hungerford elected the 5 th day of Aprill for the year Anno Dom 1659 Receipts Ano Dom 1659 Imprimis receved of the ould Church-wardens ye 5 th of Aprill 04-13-04 Itm reed of the old Church-wardens the counterpart of the lease of the Church House the 5 th of Apriil 00-00-00 Item reed of John Waldron the 17 th of May one halfe years rent which was due the 25 th of March 03-18-02 Itm reed of John Waldron for the Church land ye 21th November which was due the 29 th of September 03-16-04 Itm reed of Mr Tull for halfe a years rent of the Church House the 29 th of Sept 02-00-00 Itm reed of Mr Stonas for breaking the Church ground the 9* of January 00-06-08 Itm reed of John Boone the 23 rd of April 1660 for halfe a years rent of the Church house which was due the 25 th day of March 1660 02-00-00 Itm reed of Mr Goddard of Newtowne for breaking the ground in the church 00-06-08 The sum is 17-01-02 Disbursements Ano Dom 1659 Imprimis pd to John Coxhead Constable the joyle money the 9 th of Aprill 00-09-09 Itm pd to John Savidge for clenling the church lannes ye 9 th of Aprill 00-10-00 Itm pd to Richard Ambros for keeping the bell roaps ye 11 th of Aprill 00-10-00 Itm given to Anne Bezer and Hestar her daughter ye 16* of Aprill 00-00-04 Itm given to William Medstoane ye 18 th of Aprill 00-00-02 It given to Thomas Whittingham ye 20 th of Aprill 00-00-03 It given to a pore man of Harfordsheere ye 20 th of Aprill 00-00-02 It pd to Ralph Mackrill for a warrant the 21th of Aprill 00-00-06 It given to Jane Williams the 26 th of Aprill 00-00-02 It given to William Day ye 17 th of May 00-00-03 It given to a pore man the 19 th of May 00-00-02 It given to a pore woman ye 25 th of May 00-00-04 It given to a pore woman ye 26 th of May 00-00-06 It given to Robert Hickman ye 18 th of June 00-00-02 It given to Mary Bradley ye 29 th of June 00-00-02 It given to to poore women ye 30 th of June 00-00-03 It pd to Edward Steenyes of Oakley for killing of two foxes in a wood of Mr Goddards ye 29 th of June 00-02-00 It given to Thomas Rich ye 1th of July 00-00-02 It pd to Richard Ambros for setting of strappes to the tennar & the other bell ye 8 th of July 00-01-06 It given to a pore travelar ye 8 th of July 00-00-02 It given to George Mills the 8 th of July 00-00-03 It pd to Joseph Sar Constable for the joyle money ye 8 th of June 00-09-09 It pd to William Knappe and Richard Ambros for trussing of fore bells ye 9 th of July 00-10-00

Accounte of Richard Folwer and Thomas Bonnor Churchwardens for the p'ish<br />

church of <strong>Hungerford</strong> elected the 5 th day of <strong>April</strong>l for the year Anno Dom <strong>1659</strong><br />

Receipts Ano Dom <strong>1659</strong><br />

Imprimis receved of the ould Church-wardens ye 5 th of <strong>April</strong>l 04-13-04<br />

Itm reed of the old Church-wardens the counterpart of the lease of the Church House<br />

the 5 th of Apriil 00-00-00<br />

Item reed of John Waldron the 17 th of May one halfe years rent which was due the<br />

25 th of March 03-18-02<br />

Itm reed of John Waldron for the Church land ye 21th November which was due the<br />

29 th of September 03-16-04<br />

Itm reed of Mr Tull for halfe a years rent of the Church House the 29 th of Sept<br />

02-00-00<br />

Itm reed of Mr Stonas for breaking the Church ground the 9* of January 00-06-08<br />

Itm reed of John Boone the 23 rd of <strong>April</strong> 1660 for halfe a years rent of the Church<br />

house which was due the 25 th day of March 1660 02-00-00<br />

Itm reed of Mr Goddard of Newtowne for breaking the ground in the church<br />

00-06-08<br />

The sum is 17-01-02<br />

Disbursements Ano Dom <strong>1659</strong><br />

Imprimis pd to John Coxhead Constable the joyle money the 9 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-09-09<br />

Itm pd to John Savidge for clenling the church lannes ye 9 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-10-00<br />

Itm pd to Richard Ambros for keeping the bell roaps ye 11 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-10-00<br />

Itm given to Anne Bezer and Hestar her daughter ye 16* of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-04<br />

Itm given to William Medstoane ye 18 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-02<br />

It given to Thomas Whittingham ye 20 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-03<br />

It given to a pore man of Harfordsheere ye 20 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-02<br />

It pd to Ralph Mackrill for a warrant the 21th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-06<br />

It given to Jane Williams the 26 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-02<br />

It given to William Day ye 17 th of May 00-00-03<br />

It given to a pore man the 19 th of May 00-00-02<br />

It given to a pore woman ye 25 th of May 00-00-04<br />

It given to a pore woman ye 26 th of May 00-00-06<br />

It given to Robert Hickman ye 18 th of June 00-00-02<br />

It given to Mary Bradley ye 29 th of June 00-00-02<br />

It given to to poore women ye 30 th of June 00-00-03<br />

It pd to Edward Steenyes of Oakley for killing of two foxes in a wood of Mr<br />

Goddards ye 29 th of June 00-02-00<br />

It given to Thomas Rich ye 1th of July 00-00-02<br />

It pd to Richard Ambros for setting of strappes to the tennar & the other bell ye 8 th of<br />

July 00-01-06<br />

It given to a pore travelar ye 8 th of July 00-00-02<br />

It given to George Mills the 8 th of July 00-00-03<br />

It pd to Joseph Sar Constable for the joyle money ye 8 th of June 00-09-09<br />

It pd to William Knappe and Richard Ambros for trussing of fore bells ye 9 th of July<br />


It given to three pore seamen ye 9 th of July 00-00-02<br />

It given to James Hall ye 9 th of July 00-00-04<br />

AniDom <strong>1659</strong><br />

Imprimis pd to Thomas Oram for Iron worke about the bells as by his bill appears the<br />

19* of July 00-06-04<br />

Itm given to Elinar Purkins and her to daughters ye 9 th of July 00-00-03<br />

Itm pd to Challices sone for killing a ffox in Mr Tapps ground at newtowne the 9 th of<br />

July 00-01-00<br />

Itm given to Gregry Orin ye 13 th of July 00-00-02<br />

Itm given to Timothy Lowe and John Turnar the 20 th of July 00-00-04<br />

It pd to Thomas Oram for altering the locke and making a key to the great doore of<br />

the Churche ye 23 rd of July 00-03-00<br />

It given to John More the 6 th of August 00-00-03<br />

It given to a pore man ye 6 th of August 00-00-02<br />

It given to a pore woman and to children the 6 th of August 00-00-03<br />

It given to Owin Joans ye 7 th of August 00-00-02<br />

It given to Mellthyan Joans ye 7 th of August 00-00-02<br />

It given to a pore man ye 23 rd of August 00-00-04<br />

It given to Thomas Nix ye 2d of September 00-00-02<br />

It given to Thomas Griffin ye 9 th of September 00-00-03<br />

It given to a marchent that had great losse at sea comeing with a letter of request the<br />

14 th of September 00-01-06<br />

It pd to Richard Ambros for ringing the lestar bell the 28 th of September 00-06-08<br />

It pd to William Duglie & Rich Ambros for worke about the bells the 30 th of<br />

September 00-01-02<br />

It pd to John Coxhed Josep Hidar for the joyle mony the ffirst of October 00-09-09<br />

It pd to Thomas Oram for making to iron pins waying 61b and a half ye 4 th October<br />

00-03-00<br />

It given to a pore man the 6 th of October 00-00-03<br />

It given to a wounded souldier which came from Irland & goeing to London ye 8 th of<br />

October 00-00-01<br />

It given to a pore man the 26 th of October 00-00-04<br />

It given to Joseph Whitland and John Browne the 27 th of October 00-00-06<br />

It given to John Bouks a wounded souldier the 31th of October 00-00-04<br />

It pd to Thomas Oram for iron worke aboute the great bell & mending of a key the 1th<br />

of November 00-01-00<br />

Thesumeis 01-18-02<br />

Imprimis given to Elinar Mason the 4 th of November having to children with her<br />

00-00-04<br />

Itm given to Elizabeth Robisson the 5 th of November 00-00-05<br />

Itm pd to Isack Ginkins for glassing the church windows the 5 th of November<br />

02-04-05<br />

Itm given to John Heafe and to children the 7 th of November 00-06-06<br />

Itm pd to Richard Ambros for ringing the 5 th of November 00-05-00<br />

Itm given to Thomas Lee the 8 th of November 00-00-03<br />

Itm pd to William Naldar for lime heare tilles & slats and gravel the 12 th of November<br />


Itm pd to William Naldar for 4 days and halfe worke for himselfe and his man ye 12 th<br />

of November 00-10-06<br />

Itm given to a pore woman named Elizabeth Hall the 17 th of November 00-00-03<br />

Itm given to John Perse the 18* of November 00-00-03<br />

Itm pd to William Knappe for one round bell wheele the 18 th of November 00-14-00<br />

Itpd then for Richard Ambros for helping William Knappe 00-01-00<br />

It pd to Richard Ambros for ringing the foure a cloke bell ye 18 th of November<br />

00-10-00<br />

It given to three seamen the 28 th of November 00-00-06<br />

It given to three seamen the 30 th of November 00-00-06<br />

It given to to seamen the 12 th of December 00-00-06<br />

It given to to pore women having a setivikat of their greate losse at seas the 21th of<br />

December 00-02-00<br />

It given to to seamen the 22 nd of December 00-00-06<br />

It given to a maimed souldier ye 26 th of December 00-00-06<br />

It given to to seamen the 26 th of December 00-00-06<br />

It given to 4 seamen 1st of January 00-01-00<br />

It given to a pore seaman the 7 th of January 00-00-02<br />

It given to a seaman the 9* of January 00-00-04<br />

It given to a seaman the 10 th of January 00-00-04<br />

It given to a pore sicke man the 11 th of January 00-00-03<br />

The sum is 05-01-10<br />

AnoDom <strong>1659</strong><br />

Imprimis pd to Isack Ginkins for glassing the north ile window the 13* of January<br />

01-01-01<br />

It given to a poore sicke man the 19 th of January 00-00-06<br />

It given to a seaman the 28 th of January 00-00-03<br />

It given to 3 seamen the 10 th of February 00-00-04<br />

It pd for the ringing the 23' of February when my Lord Moncke & the cittysenss ware<br />

agreed 00-10-00<br />

It given to a pore man which wase taken in Turkey the 9 th of March 00-<br />

00-04<br />

It given to James Williams a souldiar which wase taken by the Spaniards and suffered<br />

great losse as his setivikat did make it apeare the 10 th of March 00-01-00<br />

It given to a pore woman and three children which was taken by the Turks and<br />

suffered great losse the 12 th of March 00-01 -00<br />

It given to a man and 5 children which was surprised by the Spaniards in the night<br />

having their habitation burnt & the losse of all the 15 th or March 00-01-00<br />

It given to to pore women the one husband laying prisonar in Spaine & shee goeth<br />

about to begge mony to redeeme him & the others husband wasse killed the 15 th of<br />

March 00-01-00<br />

It given to Thomas Oram for worke about the bell ropes and keys and irons and worke<br />

about the pinakells the 19 th of March 00-05-06<br />

It given to 3 pore seafarn men taken prisnoar by the Spanish ships of warre the 19 th of<br />

March 00-00-06<br />

It given to a sequestered ministers wife that lived in Kent ye 21 st of March 00-00-06<br />

It given to Joseph Sar Constable for the gaole mony ye 24 th of March wch was due at<br />

twelftide seashions 00-09-09

Thesumeis 01-19-02<br />

Imprimis given to the daughters of Thomas Halle marchent which lost all by the<br />

shipwrake the 25 th of March 1660 00-00-09<br />

Itm given to a pore seafarn boy which wase taken at the seas the 27 th of March<br />

00-00-02<br />

Itm given to Ralfe Cornefieldf the 2d of <strong>April</strong> 00-00-03<br />

Itm given to a pore seaman the 4 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-00-04<br />

Itm given to a pore seaman travelling to the b 9 the 7 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-00-03<br />

It pd to Mr Curtis for keeping the regestur the 10 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-02-06<br />

It given to a man his wife and three children which came from the Ospitall in London<br />

the 17 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-00-06<br />

It given to to pore seamen which had bin taken in Turkey and had layne there a longe<br />

time & are nowe travelling whome the 17 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-00-06<br />

It pd to Thomas Sare for wood to heat the glaziers irons for the sowdering the leads of<br />

the church the 20 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-00-04<br />

It pd to Isaak Ginkins for sowdar & his worke the 26 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-04-00<br />

It pd to Jospeh Sare for this booke ye 23 rd of <strong>April</strong>l 00-06-09<br />

It pd to Mr Timothy Lukas for joints & nailes for the seats ye 24 th of <strong>April</strong> 00-02-00<br />

It pd to William Knappe for 10 yards & 1 foot of ballistars & doores at 4s 6d ye yard<br />

ye 24 th of <strong>April</strong> 02-08-06<br />

It pd to William Knappe for 3 yards and 1 foot of wainsket at 3s ye yard ye 24 th of<br />

<strong>April</strong> 00-11-04<br />

It pd to William Knappe for inlarging the seat which John Digges sitts in & for a<br />

newe binch for the seat ye 24 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-05-00<br />

It pd to Mr Timothy Lucas for nailes ye 24 th of <strong>April</strong>l 00-00-04<br />

It pd to William Knappe for nailes & mending the 4 th bell wheele ye 24 th of <strong>April</strong>l<br />

TheSumeis 04-11-02<br />

There remaines in my hands the sume of 0-09-04 paid to the Constable<br />

00-12-07<br />

04-14-11<br />

This account was taken & allowed by the minister & parishioners <strong>April</strong> 24 th 1660<br />

John Clarke

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