THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein Shemaryahu ...

THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein Shemaryahu ... THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL Moshe H. Goshen-Gottstein Shemaryahu ...
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Introduction Wutz, Transkriptionen F. Wutz, Die Transkriptionen von der Septuaginta bis zu Hieronymus (Texte und Untersuchungen zur vormasoretischen Grammatik des Hebraischen ¨ II, P. Kahle Ed.), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1933 Yeivin, Aleppo Codex I. Yeivin, The Aleppo Codex of the Bible: A Study of Its Vocalization and Accentuation (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1968) [Hebrew] Yeivin, Babylonian idem, The Hebrew Language Tradition as Reflected in the Babylonian Vocalization (2 vols.; The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Jerusalem, 1985) [Hebrew] Yeivin, Ohel Hayyim . idem, Ohel Hayyim: . A Catalogue of Hebrew Manuscripts of the Manfred and Anne Lehman Family, Vol II: Biblical Manuscripts (New York: The Manfred and Anne Lehman Family Foundation, 1990) Ziegler J. Ziegler, ed., Ezechiel (Vetus Testamentum Graecum Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. vol. 16, pars 1; Gottingen: ¨ Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1952; 2nd edition 1977) Zimmerli W. Zimmerli, Ezechiel (BKAT 13/1–2; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1969) Zipor, ZAW 103 M. A. Zipor, “Ezechiel 16,7,” ZAW 103 (1991) 99–100 ABBREVIATIONS AJSLL BETL BKAT CATSS DJD ETL HUBP IDBSup JBL JJS JNSL JQR Leshonenu PTS ScrHier Shnaton STDJ VT ZAW American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium Biblische Kommentar: Altes Testament Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint/Scriptural Study Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses Hebrew University Bible Project Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: Supplementary Volume (ed. K. Crim et al.; Nashville: Abingdon, 1976) Journal of Biblical Literature Journal of Jewish Studies Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages Jewish Quarterly Review Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects (Hebrew) Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project Scripta Hierosolymitana Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Hebrew) Studies on the Texts from the Desert of Judah Vetus Testamentum Zeitschrift fur ¨ die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft xlviii

APPENDIX Open and Closed Sections In the present edition sections in the Hebrew manuscripts were recorded in the apparatuses according to the type of the sources. In Apparatuses II and III the siglum § indicates an interval functioning as a marker of a new sense unit, without differentiating between types of intervals (i.e. whether “open” or “closed” sections, in masoretic terms). Such intervals were recorded only in instances in which there was no correspondence between ` and other manuscripts, that is when an interval was present in a manuscript but lacking in `, or when present in ` but lacking in a given manuscript. In Apparatus IV sections are treated differently, because the affiliation of a masoretic codex (e.g. to the Ben Asher tradition) depends – among other factors – on the (dis)agreement in reference to sections. Therefore in this apparatus sections were recorded with the indication “closed” (q) or “open” (t). The following table presents an overview of the material. It includes all intervals, specifying “open” and “closed” types, in all extant sources: Judean Desert scrolls, recorded in Apparatus II; the complete manuscripts and Geniza fragments, recorded in Apparatus III; and the manuscripts recorded in Apparatus IV. * As a rule, a blank cell indicates a lacuna in the manuscript, and means that it could not be determined whether a “closed” or “open” section is involved. Lack of a section is marked by the symbol > (or ]. Corrections in section markings are indicated by the sigla used in apparatus IV: a single apostrophe marks the original or prima manus reading; a double apostrophe marks the corrected or secunda manus reading. Thus e.g. "t 'q means that the manuscript originally had a closed section, but later was corrected to an open section. Doubtful readings, which usually are due to the poor preservation of a manuscript, or cases in which the nature of the correction could not be defined, are marked by a question mark (?). The symbols used in the table: t dgezt dyxt open section (a blank interval, followed by a text at the beginning of a new line) q dnezq dyxt closed section (a blank interval in the middle of a line followed by a text) ^ weqt rvn`a dwqt, a section within a verse ' prima manus (before a correction) " secunda manus (after a correction) ? dubious reading * The table of sections in MSS recorded in apparatus IV is justified to the right, like the apparatus itself. xlix

Introduction<br />

Wutz, Transkriptionen<br />

F. Wutz, Die Transkriptionen von der Septuaginta bis zu Hieronymus (Texte und<br />

Untersuchungen zur vormasoretischen Grammatik des Hebraischen ¨ II, P. Kahle Ed.),<br />

Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1933<br />

Yeivin, Aleppo Codex<br />

I. Yeivin, The Aleppo Codex of the Bible: A Study of Its Vocalization and Accentuation<br />

(Jerusalem: Magnes, 1968) [Hebrew]<br />

Yeivin, Babylonian<br />

idem, The Hebrew Language Tradition as Reflected in the Babylonian Vocalization (2<br />

vols.; The Academy of the Hebrew Language: Jerusalem, 1985) [Hebrew]<br />

Yeivin, Ohel Hayyim .<br />

idem, Ohel Hayyim: . A Catalogue of Hebrew Manuscripts of the Manfred and Anne<br />

Lehman Family, Vol II: Biblical Manuscripts (New York: The Manfred and Anne Lehman<br />

Family Foundation, 1990)<br />

Ziegler<br />

J. Ziegler, ed., Ezechiel (Vetus Testamentum Graecum Auctoritate Academiae<br />

Scientiarum Gottingensis editum. vol. 16, pars 1; Gottingen: ¨ Vandenhoeck und<br />

Ruprecht, 1952; 2nd edition 1977)<br />

Zimmerli<br />

W. Zimmerli, Ezechiel (BKAT 13/1–2; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag,<br />

1969)<br />

Zipor, ZAW 103<br />

M. A. Zipor, “Ezechiel 16,7,” ZAW 103 (1991) 99–100<br />


AJSLL<br />

BETL<br />

BKAT<br />

CATSS<br />

DJD<br />

ETL<br />

HUBP<br />

IDBSup<br />

JBL<br />

JJS<br />

JNSL<br />

JQR<br />

Leshonenu<br />

PTS<br />

ScrHier<br />

Shnaton<br />

STDJ<br />

VT<br />

ZAW<br />

American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature<br />

Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium<br />

Biblische Kommentar: Altes Testament<br />

Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint/Scriptural Study<br />

Discoveries in the Judaean Desert<br />

Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses<br />

Hebrew University Bible Project<br />

Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: Supplementary Volume (ed. K. Crim et al.;<br />

Nashville: Abingdon, 1976)<br />

Journal of Biblical Literature<br />

Journal of Jewish Studies<br />

Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages<br />

Jewish Quarterly Review<br />

Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects (Hebrew)<br />

Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project<br />

Scripta Hierosolymitana<br />

Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (Hebrew)<br />

Studies on the Texts from the Desert of Judah<br />

Vetus Testamentum<br />

Zeitschrift fur ¨ die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft<br />


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