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The role of the freshwater shrimp Caridina nilotica<br />

(Roux) in the diet of the major commercial fish species<br />

in Lake Victoria, Tanzania<br />

Y. L. Budeba ab ; I. G. Cowx c<br />

a Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, Kyela, Tanzania<br />

b TAFIRI, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania<br />

c <strong>Hull</strong> International Fisheries Institute, University of <strong>Hull</strong>, England<br />

Online Publication Date: 01 October 2007<br />

To cite this Article: Budeba, Y. L. and Cowx, I. G. (2007) 'The role of the freshwater<br />

shrimp Caridina nilotica (Roux) in the diet of the major commercial fish species in<br />

Lake Victoria, Tanzania', <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Management</strong>, 10:4, 368 - 380<br />

To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/14634980701703876<br />

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14634980701703876<br />


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The role of the freshwater shrimp Caridina nilotica<br />

(Roux) in the diet of the major commercial fish species<br />

in Lake Victoria, Tanzania<br />

Y. L. Budeba 1† and I. G. Cowx 2∗<br />

1 Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute,P.O. Box 98 Kyela, Tanzania.<br />

2 <strong>Hull</strong> International Fisheries Institute, University of <strong>Hull</strong> HU6 7RX, England<br />

† Current address: TAFIRI, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania<br />

∗ Corresponding author: i.g.cowx@hull.ac.uk<br />

The major commercial fish species of Lake Victoria at the present time are Lates niloticus, Oreochromis<br />

niloticus and Rastrineobola argentea. The contribution of Caridina nilotica in their diet was studied in<br />

the Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria between March, 1999 and January, 2002. Stomach samples were<br />

collected during routine bottom trawl surveys in Tanzania. The results show that haplochromines dominate<br />

the diet of Nile perch, followed by C. nilotica, R. argentea, juvenile Nile perch, fish remains and other<br />

prey. Caridina nilotica predominance in diets decreased as size of the Nile perch increased, as this species<br />

switched to haplochromines. Larger perch also feed on their own juveniles. The importance of C. nilotica<br />

in the diet of L. niloticus wasrelatively greater in deeper water than that in shallower stations.<br />

The diet of O. niloticus was predominantly algae followed by C. nilotica, dagaa, Chaoborus, Odonata<br />

and others. O. niloticus has shifted its diet from strictly herbivory to a more omnivorous diet, feeding<br />

opportunistically on the most available food material.<br />

The overall diet of R. argentea waspredominantly copepods, followed by Chaoborus, Cladocera, C. nilotica,<br />

Chironomids and insects. In the present food web, C. nilotica is an important food source for the fish<br />

stocks of Lake Victoria. The sustainability of the fisheries of Lake Victoria depends among other things on<br />

the abundance and availability of C. nilotica.<br />

Keywords: Feeding habits, Nile perch, Nile tilapia, dagaa<br />

Introduction<br />

Currently, the main commercial fish species of<br />

Lake Victoria are Lates niloticus, Oreochromis<br />

niloticus, Rastrineobola argentea and the haplochromine<br />

cichlids (Budeba, 2003). The diet of<br />

L. niloticus has been the subject of many detailed<br />

studies (Ligtvoet and Mkumbo, 1990; Mkumbo<br />

and Ligtvoet, 1992; Ogutu Ohwayo, 1985, 1990a,<br />

1990b; Hughes, 1986; Ogari and Dadzie, 1988;<br />

Owili, 1999). Their results indicate that its food<br />

preference has changed from haplochromine cichlids<br />

to C. nilotica, R. argentea, juvenile L. niloticus<br />

and insects. In the research undertaken so far, the<br />

importance of C. nilotica in the diet of the main<br />

fish species has received little attention (Budeba,<br />

2003).<br />

The objective of this paper is to assess the spatial<br />

and temporal importance of C. nilotica in the<br />

diet of various size classes of the major commercial<br />

fish species in the Tanzanian waters of Lake<br />

Victoria.<br />

368<br />

<strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Management</strong>, 10(4):368–380, 2007. Copyright C○ 2007 AEHMS. ISSN: 1463-4988 print / 1539-4077 online<br />

DOI: 10.1080/14634980701703876

Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380 369<br />

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Materials and methods<br />

Study area<br />

The Tanzanian part of Lake Victoria is usually divided<br />

into three sampling zones (A, B, C) (Figure 1).<br />

Zone A stretches from Kome and Buhiru islands in<br />

the southwest, and northeastwards to the south west<br />

of Ukerewe island, including the Speke and Mwanza<br />

Gulfs. Zone B starts from the Tanzania-Kenya border<br />

southwards to the north west of Ukerewe Island.<br />

Zone C covers the Kagera waters from Rubafu Bay<br />

on the Tanzania-Uganda border southwards to Kome<br />

Island, including the Emin Pasha Gulf. These three<br />

zones were sampled over 14-day periods, on a quarterly<br />

basis.<br />

Sampling programme<br />

The diet study was conducted between March,<br />

1999 and January, 2002. Fish stomachs were collected<br />

during routine quarterly bottom trawl surveys<br />

in each of the three sampling zones. Trawling was<br />

done during the daytime for a period of fourteen<br />

days per area per month, using RV Lake Victoria Explorer,<br />

(length 17 m; 250 H.P.). The catch was sorted<br />

into commercial categories. Depending on the size<br />

of the catch, from one or two hauls, specimens of<br />

Nile perch, Nile tilapia, dagaa and haplochromines<br />

were dissected on a daily basis for sex/maturity<br />

and dietary analysis. Entire guts were removed and<br />

individual stomachs examined separately. For the<br />

stomach analysis, the points method (Hynes, 1950;<br />

Figure 1. Map of Lake Victoria with the sampling zones of the Tanzanian sector.

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370 Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380<br />

Figure 2. Monthly composition of the diet of Lates niloticus, March 1999–January 2002 (sample sizes are shown on top of the bars).<br />

Hyslop, 1980) was used to determine the contribution<br />

of each prey item to the diet (Figure 2). The<br />

food items were identified to the generic level and<br />

awarded points proportional to the total number of<br />

points awarded to the stomach. Stomach fullness<br />

was noted before opening the gut. Each stomach was<br />

awarded an index of fullness ranging from 0 (empty)<br />

to 1 (full). The contribution of each prey item was estimated<br />

as a fraction of the fullness in decimal points.<br />

To determine changes in diet with size, the points<br />

awarded to each prey type were summed within each<br />

10 cm length category. Monthly geographical variations<br />

in the diet were similarly assessed.<br />

R. argentea has no distinct stomach. Its Z-shaped<br />

intestine forms three equal loops in the body cavity<br />

(Wanink, 1998). Of these, only the anterior loop was<br />

removed and its content flushed into a Petri dish<br />

which was then examined under a low-power stereo<br />

microscope.<br />

In order to assess the temporal and spatial variations<br />

in the diets of all species, data from each zone<br />

were grouped by month. Within each zone, the data

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Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380 371<br />

Figure 3. Composition of the diet of different length groups of Lates niloticus, March 1999–January 2002.<br />

were also grouped into depth ranges. For practical<br />

purposes, L. niloticus were grouped into 10 cm size<br />

classes.<br />

Results<br />

Lates niloticus<br />

A total of 4263 stomachs of L. niloticus were<br />

examined. This species feeds on a wide variety of<br />

organisms, 18 of which were identified. They can be<br />

divided into haplochromines (47.8%), C. nilotica<br />

(38.6%), dagaa (7.5%), juvenile Nile perch (2.3%),<br />

fish remains (2.0%) and other prey items (2.5%). C.<br />

nilotica showed consistent seasonal variation in all<br />

three zones (Figure 2).<br />

In zone A, the overall diet of Nile perch was<br />

predominantly haplochromines (60.2%), followed<br />

by C. nilotica (29.2%), dagaa (4.0%), juvenile Nile<br />

perch (1.6%), fish remains (1.8%) and unidentified<br />

other items (3.4%). In zone B, C. nilotica (53.6%)<br />

dominated, followed by haplochromines (35.6%),<br />

dagaa (8.5%), juvenile Nile perch (3.7%), fish remains<br />

(0.8%) and other items (1.8%). In zone C,<br />

C. nilotica dominated as well (42.6%), followed by

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372 Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380<br />

Figure 4. Diet of Lates niloticus by water depth, March 1999–January 2002.<br />

haplochromines (27.5%), dagaa (13.8%), juvenile<br />

perch (2.5%), fish remains (3.7%), and other items<br />

(1.7%). C. nilotica was more important during the<br />

dry season (June – September); when they were absent,<br />

haplochromines formed the alternative food for<br />

the Nile perch.<br />

Changes in diet with size of Nile perch differed<br />

between zones (Figure 3). Diets of fish below 20 cm<br />

TL were always dominated by C. nilotica. Juveniles<br />

of its own species contributed only 14% in stomachs<br />

above 100 cm TL in zone A, against 61.5% in zone<br />

B and 80% in zone C.<br />

There was marked variation in the contribution<br />

of C. nilotica to the diet of Lates niloticus with depth<br />

(Figure 4). At depths below 10 m in zone A, haplochromines<br />

predominated, followed respectively by<br />

C. nilotica, dagaa and juvenile Nile perch.<br />

Oreochromis niloticus<br />

A total of 616 stomachs of O. niloticus were examined.<br />

Its diet was predominantly algae (65.0%),<br />

C. nilotica (17.0%), dagaa (8.5%), Chaoborus<br />

(5.3%), Odonata (1.5%) and others (2.8%). The<br />

latter component was made up of bivalves, plant

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Figure 5. Monthly composition of the diet of Oreochromis niloticus, June 1999–January 2002.<br />

material, shells, oligochaeta, haplochromines, Barbus,<br />

and zooplankton. The diet showed temporal and<br />

spatial variations over the study period (Figure 5).<br />

There was a slight increase in the contribution of C.<br />

nilotica with increased predator length (Figure 6).<br />

In the 1–10 m depth range, the diet of O. niloticus<br />

consisted of algae (65.3%), C. nilotica (15.7%),<br />

dagaa (9.1%) and Chaoborus (5.6%). At 11–20 m<br />

depths, the diet was predominantly algae (71.9%)<br />

and C. nilotica (20.8%). Three items dominated<br />

the food at 21-30 m depth: algae (38.9%), C.<br />

nilotica (34.9%) and dagaa (16.7%). The contribution<br />

of C. nilotica to the diet increased from<br />

shallow to deep-water stations, as algae decreased<br />

(Figure 7).<br />

Rastrineobola argentea<br />

A total of 638 stomachs of R. argentea were examined.<br />

The overall diet was composed of copepods<br />

(36.1%), Chaoborus (30.8%), Cladocera (17.0%),<br />

C. nilotica (11.4%), Chironomid larvae (4.6%) and<br />

insects (2.6%). The contribution of C. nilotica fluctuated<br />

per month, but generally in low proportions<br />

(Figure 8). C. nilotica occurrence was relatively<br />

higher in stomachs of larger fishes in each of the<br />

three sampling areas (Figure 9). Diet composition<br />

varied little with water depth (Figure 10). Copepoda,<br />

Chaoborus, Cladocera and C. nilotica were<br />

the main items caught at all depths. The contribution<br />

of C. nilotica was relatively higher in the deep<br />

and offshore water stations than in the shallow and<br />

inshore water stations (Figure 10).<br />

Discussion<br />

Diet and feeding pattern of Nile perch<br />

Nile perch was introduced in Lake Victoria<br />

in 1954 (Fryer, 1960). At first, it was predominantly<br />

feeding on haplochromines, which were the<br />

most abundant species (Gee, 1964, Hamblyn, 1966;<br />

Okedi, 1971). Kudhongania and Cordone (1974)<br />

reported 83% of the ichthyomass to be of haplochromine<br />

cichlids. The abundance of Caridina<br />

nilotica stocks was low at the time, and it was consumed<br />

mainly by Schilbe, Mormyrus, Barbus and<br />

Brycinus (Corbet, 1961). After the L. niloticus boom<br />

in the Mwanza Gulf, which started in 1983, the haplochromine<br />

cichlids virtually disappeared (Witte et<br />

al., 1992) and by 1986 large quantities of C. nilotica<br />

were observed.<br />

C. nilotica was reported to be an important prey<br />

for L. niloticus in Lakes Albert and Turkana where<br />

L. niloticus is endemic (Hamblyn, 1966; Gee, 1969),<br />

and contributes significantly to the diet of L. niloticus<br />

in Lake Chad (Hopson, 1972).<br />

Lates niloticus, being an opportunistic predator,<br />

quickly adapted its feeding habits, starting<br />

with zooplankton and then switching to insects,<br />

C. nilotica and finally to fish (Ogari and<br />

Dadzie, 1988; Ligtvoet and Mkumbo, 1990; Ogutu-<br />

Ohwayo, 1990a, 1990b; Mkumbo and Ligtvoet,<br />

1992; Hughes, 1992; Mkumbo et al. 1996; Lowe-<br />

McConnell, 1997; Agullo, 1999; Owili, 1999).<br />

Owili (1999) reported that zooplankton is important<br />

in the diet of L. niloticus of 1–3 cm TL and<br />

that C. nilotica becomes dominant from 4 cm TL<br />

onwards. Ogari and Dadzie (1988) reported that

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374 Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380<br />

Figure 6. Composition of the diet of different size groups of Oreochromis niloticus.<br />

zooplankton, and especially Cladocerans, Chironomids,<br />

Copepods and Povilla adusta comprised the<br />

food of L. niloticus below 5 cm TL. As very small<br />

fish were not present in the trawl samples, no zooplankton<br />

was found in L. niloticus stomachs. The<br />

dominance of juvenile Nile perch in the catches<br />

(Mkumbo and Ezekiel, 1999; Mkumbo et al., 2005;<br />

Mkumbo, 2002; Mkumbo et al., 2002) reflects their<br />

availability as prey for the larger Nile perch.<br />

Over the past three decades the abundance of C.<br />

nilotica in Lake Victoria has increased tremendously<br />

(Budeba, 2003). The present study shows that C.<br />

nilotica has become the dominant prey for L. niloticus<br />

especially for fish up to 60 cm TL (Figure 2).<br />

The present dominance of haplochromine cichlids<br />

in the stomachs of L. niloticus above 60 cm<br />

TL reflects the recovery of the haplochromine cichlids<br />

and the return to their former role when they<br />

were the most abundant species in the lake. They<br />

formed an important by-catch in the dagaa catches<br />

at Igombe beach (Budeba, 2003). From 1991 on,<br />

Seehausen et al. (1997) reported a recovery of the<br />

zooplanktivores Yssichromis pyrrhocephalus and Y.<br />

laparogramma in the Mwanza Gulf. In Speke Gulf,

Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380 375<br />

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Figure 7. Diet composition of Oreochromis niloticus by water depth, June 1999–January 2002.<br />

Witte et al. (2000) reported that Y. laparogramma<br />

comprised 64% of the weight of the catch of the lift<br />

net fishery targeting dagaa, while 33% consisted of<br />

R. argentea and 3% of juvenile Nile perch.<br />

Fish may switch to other prey in response to<br />

changes in their relative abundance (Murdoch and<br />

Oaten, 1975). In Zone A, Nile perch feed mostly on<br />

haplochromines, which appear to be more abundant<br />

(Witte et al., 2000; Budeba, 2003), while in zones B<br />

and C where haplochromine abundance appears to<br />

be low, they feed predominantly on C. nilotica. The<br />

size range of L. niloticus feeding mostly on C. nilotica<br />

appears to have increased from 1–50 cm TL in<br />

the past to 60 cm TL at present. This change in food<br />

selection with increased predator size is in agreement<br />

with the findings of Ogari and Dadzie (1988)<br />

in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria and Hamblyn<br />

(1966) in Lake Albert, who found that invertebrates<br />

dominated in the stomachs of L. niloticus below 60<br />

cm TL, and that fish above 60 cm TL were piscivorous.<br />

The majority of L. niloticus caught in the<br />

Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria were 5–45 cm<br />

TL in size (Mkumbo and Ezekiel, 1999; Mkumbo<br />

et al., 2005; Mkumbo et al., 2002). The whole Nile<br />

perch stock therefore predominantly feeds on C.<br />

nilotica.<br />

Figure 8. Composition of the diet of Rastrineobola argentea July 1999–September 2001.

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376 Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380<br />

Figure 9. Prey items in the diet of Rastrineobola argentea by size group, June 1999 to September 2001.<br />

Diet and feeding pattern of Nile tilapia<br />

Oreochromis niloticus, which used to be a strictly<br />

herbivorous fish feeding on a variety of algae and<br />

higher plant materials, has diversified its diet to C.<br />

nilotica, zooplankton, R. argentea and Chaoborus<br />

larvae. This confirms the trophic plasticity of the<br />

species (Lowe-McConnell, 1958). The switch from<br />

a strictly herbivorous to a more generalist diet reflects<br />

the ecological changes that have occurred in<br />

the lake. The anaerobic environment in Lake Victoria<br />

favoured the flourishing of C. nilotica and<br />

other micro-invertebrates (Hecky, 1993; Mwebaza-<br />

Ndawula, 1998; Mwebaza-Ndawula et al., 1999;<br />

Budeba, 2003). In the present study, blue-green algae,<br />

green algae and diatoms formed the dominant<br />

food of O. niloticus. The relative contribution of C.<br />

nilotica was, however, also important. O. niloticus is<br />

a shallow water fish, which prefers to live in aquatic<br />

macrophytes like papyrus (Cyperus papyrus), lake<br />

bottom grass-beds and even underneath the water

Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380 377<br />

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Figure 10. Prey items in the diet of Rastrineobola argentea by water depth.<br />

hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes mat. The same areas<br />

are used by C. nilotica as feeding grounds as<br />

well as nursery habitats. It is probable that this habitat<br />

overlap is responsible for the feeding relationship<br />

between these organisms. In Ugandan waters,<br />

Balirwa (1998) reported detritus and insects, especially<br />

chironomid larvae to be the most important<br />

food items of O. niloticus. Njiru (1999) found insects<br />

as the dominant food of O. niloticus followed<br />

by algae, fish, higher plant material, zooplankton,<br />

C. nilotica, bivalves and oligochaeta in the Kenyan<br />

part of the lake. On the other hand, Owili (1999)<br />

reported phytoplankton and zooplankton to be the<br />

most important food items in the Kenyan waters but<br />

this was for fish below 10 cm in length.<br />

The present study indicated seasonal variations<br />

in the contribution of C. nilotica to the diet of O.<br />

niloticus (Figure 5). These may reflect variations in<br />

the abundance of both C. nilotica (Budeba, 2003)<br />

and its zooplankton food in the lake (Wanink, 1989,<br />

1998; Mwebaza-Ndawula, 1998). In the dry season,<br />

Caridina nilotica tends to migrate away from the<br />

shallow inshore waters to the deep offshore waters to<br />

breed and comes back during rainy season (Budeba,<br />

2003). Sample sizes in some months are rather<br />

small.<br />

The introduction of O. niloticus in 1961 (then<br />

restricted to very shallow littoral waters) caused a<br />

strong competition for food with the phytoplanktivorous<br />

haplochromines (Moreau et al., 1993). A<br />

wider food spectrum is one of the factors which enabled<br />

O. niloticus to be successful in Lake Victoria<br />

(Fryer and Iles, 1972).<br />

Diet of Rastrineobola argentea<br />

Although Rastrineobola argentea is one of the<br />

most important prey items of L. niloticus, itmanages<br />

to co-exist with it in Lake Victoria, even in<br />

the absence of haplochromines cichlids. R. argentea<br />

has replaced the zooplanktivorous haplochromines<br />

cichlids in Lake Victoria (Goldschmidt et al., 1993).<br />

In the daytime, R. argentea feed on zooplankton,<br />

which concentrates near the bottom of the lake.<br />

They migrate to the surface at night. The zooplankton<br />

community of Lake Victoria is dominated<br />

by cyclopoid copepods (Branstrator et al., 1996;<br />

Mwebaze-Ndawula, 1998; Wanink, 1998; Omondi,<br />

1999; Owili, 1999; Budeba, TAFIRI, Dar-es-Salaam<br />

personal observations). During the nights, with<br />

many emerging Chaoborus and chironomids at the<br />

surface, R. argentea catches these insects (Wanink<br />

et al., 1989). In the dry season, zooplankton and C.<br />

nilotica tend to migrate for breeding from the shallow<br />

inshore waters to deep offshore waters. In case<br />

of oxygen depletion in the lower water column, adult<br />

R. argentea concentrate just above the deoxygenated<br />

layer during the daytime (Wanink, 1998). The same<br />

area is occupied by C. nilotica during thermal stratification<br />

(Budeba, 2003).<br />

The present study identified six food items of<br />

R. argentea, i.e. C. nilotica, Cladocera, Copepoda,<br />

Chaoborus, insects and chironomids. These results<br />

are in agreement with Wanink (1988, 1989, 1998)<br />

and Hoogenboezem (1985) in the Mwanza Gulf of<br />

Lake Victoria, but differ somewhat from Kenyan<br />

and Ugandan parts of Lake Victoria. Owili (1999)<br />

reported the dominance of Cladocera and absence

378 Budeba and Cowx / <strong>Aquatic</strong> <strong>Ecosystem</strong> <strong>Health</strong> and <strong>Management</strong> 10 (2007) 368–380<br />

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of C. nilotica in the diet of R. argentea in Kenyan<br />

waters of Lake Victoria. Mwebaza-Ndawula (1998)<br />

reported the absence of C. nilotica in the stomachs<br />

of R. argentea in the northern part of Lake Victoria.<br />

The contribution of C. nilotica to the diet of R.<br />

argentea shows seasonal variation without defined<br />

trend. This can be attributed both to the seasonal<br />

fluctuations in R. argentea abundance as reflected<br />

in the commercial catches (Budeba, 2003), and to<br />

seasonal variations in the abundance and availability<br />

of its key food C. nilotica and other macroinvertebrates.<br />

The contribution of C. nilotica to the diet of R.<br />

argentea was found to increase with fish size. Juvenile<br />

R. argentea hide in shallow waters, especially in<br />

aquatic weeds such as water hyacinth (E. crassipes),<br />

papyrus (C. papyrus), and Ceratophyllum; feeding<br />

on insects, which are more abundant there. As the<br />

fish increase in size, C. nilotica and Chaoborus become<br />

important as food. Later, R. argentea becomes<br />

truly pelagic and moves offshore. Even here, it tends<br />

to hide near the bottom in the daytime and comes to<br />

the surface at night. C. nilotica shows exactly these<br />

same diel migrations.<br />

In order to assess the possible impact of prey<br />

switching on dagaa, Wanink (1998) established the<br />

energy content of different prey types in function<br />

of their size. He observed that stomachs filled with<br />

prawns contain 15 times more energy than those<br />

with zooplankton. The energy content of C. nilotica<br />

is 20.34 J mg −1 for unberried and 28.01 J mg −1 for<br />

berried ones (Hart, 1981; Wanink, 1998; Budeba,<br />

2003).<br />

Conclusions<br />

In the present food web, C. nilotica is an important<br />

food source for the fish stocks of Lake Victoria.<br />

Therefore the fisheries of Lake Victoria, and their<br />

sustainability, depends among other things, on the<br />

abundance and availability of C. nilotica in the lake.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This paper formed part of Yohana Budeba’s PhD<br />

research on the role of Caridina nilotica in the Lake<br />

Victoria fisheries, Tanzanian waters. We express our<br />

sincere thanks to the European Union for funding<br />

this study through the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research<br />

Project II. We thank the Director General of<br />

TAFIRI for institutional support. Thanks also go<br />

to the crew members of RV Victoria Explorer for<br />

data collection, handling and analysis and to my collegues<br />

for moral support during this study.<br />

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