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• _J..,~ ..<br />

All the News of<br />

All the Pointes Every<br />

Thursday Morning<br />

rosse<br />

Complete<br />

News Coverage of All the Pointes<br />

ews<br />

F1orne of the<br />

News<br />

VOL. 27 - No. 48<br />

Entered as second Class Matter at<br />

The Post Office at Detroit, Mich.<br />


_.00 Per Year<br />

IOc Per Copy<br />

,,28 Pages - Two S"ctions - Section On.<br />


of the<br />

WEEK<br />

As Compiled by the<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />

Seven Went to<br />

------------------------4<br />

I<br />

GPMotion Picture Neighborhood<br />

C<br />

.l E Club Starts<br />

DUnCl xpresses New Building<br />

I 0,'pinions of Cod~, $300,000 Structure To Re..<br />

_________ ....J/ 'v place Former Heedquar ..<br />

Thursday. November 24 ters On Waterloo<br />

A $1.1 BILLION CUTBACK I ------ I C'<br />

in the federally aided highway Compiles Open, Letter to Focus Attention of Residents n Ity<br />

program has been ordered by On Shortcomings of Regulations Imposed Ground breakt'ng for the<br />

President Johnson. This amounts BY_ F"' I m ~ucE._rs P d<br />

new Net'ghborhood Club<br />

to a 25 percent cutback. This --- ---<br />

reduction for the current fisca'i The Grosse Pointe Motion Picture and Television building in Waterloo ave.<br />

year is part of the President's Council has compiled an Open Letter to all residents of nue between Neff and St.<br />

program to cut at least $3 bil. The Pointe, expressing its views on the adoption of a Clair, was held at 9:30<br />

lion from funJs appropriated new movi6 code. The letter in full follows. Tuesday morning, Novemby<br />

Cor.bress. The reduction is :II II< "'~. ber 29. The ceremony was<br />

zxpected in the nation. to affect every state The Motion Pkture Producers tt d d b C ff' . I<br />

f. a en e y ity 0 lela s,<br />

• • '" Asso:iation has adopted a new Vauda 1sRaid the Board of Trustees of<br />

SECRETARY OF DEFENSE mOVlecode. Great, you say. . . - I , the Neighborhood Club as<br />

Robert S. McNamara announced now perhaps we'll be able to D T well as the volunteers and<br />

that he expects a new military take the family to the mwrl e :;, amage t,.,O members of the board o~<br />

again. Not necessarily<br />

manpower cut of about 300,000 Police described an accident on East Jefferson sengers in one car and the driver and lone occupant the MPPA is one of the few in-I P k H the Thrift Shop.<br />

less than last year's 900,000: avenue between Fisher and Lincoln roads, last Friday of the other, that causE~d the collision, were taken to dustries to incorporate self'im-I ar 0mes Land given to the Npighbor.<br />

This will apply to both draft- night, as "the messiest" they had even seen. These Bon Secours Hospital, wpere four of them are still posed regulations, but, we fear, hood Club in IS41 by the late<br />

ees and enlistments. He said are the cars that figured in the accident. Six pas- patients. with ulterior motives. It'is eVi-I'C W--0 . Dexter M, Ferry Jr., and until<br />

that we were reaching a level- , dent that, for the most part, au~e. ant.o~ estruchon now used as a parking lot, is<br />

ing.off point. I this new code's primary pur. In Llvmg, Dmlng Roooms the site of the new building. It<br />

'"· · S H t N H- h S hIP · t Ch G. is scheduled to open in the win-<br />

THE FEDERAL GOVERN- even ur ew 19 C 00 ro]ec orus J,v,es pose is tQ forestall legislation And Kitchens ter of 1967 and will take the<br />

MENT voiced official approval th ...t would certainly put tighter place of the former clubhouse<br />

of the auto indU6try prices. It In Jefferson Pretty Close to Sch eduIe Yule CORee'rt limits films. At on least, the it distribution appears that of The per son ,or p ersons, VIh' ICh St 00d across the str<br />

eel.<br />

said that the new 1967 models " the producers, are aware of who broke into the resi- David E. Burgess, Mayor of<br />

justifieQ an average $55-a.car 3 C C h PTA C I I d Th· S da grassroots movements seeking dence of Ira Latimer, 1346 the Cit.y of Gros;;e Pointe, comincrea3e<br />

because of built - in • ar ras ounci Is nforme IS 'un Y more meaningful movies than Kensington, did not take a mented: "When the Neighborsafety<br />

features. Taken as a have been available. thing, although every room hood Club was forced to move,<br />

whole, the prices of 1967 autos it carried on its recreational<br />

are only approximately two. Head-On Collision Follows Discussion On Middle, School And Showing Of Film- To Present Christmas Pro- Examination of the code reo in the house haa been com- activities in the school~ and<br />

tenths of one percent higher Sideswiping', Four Of t' P d d A Co II AI F I P n A d' veals that it is far from ade. pletely ransackect, but the churches and realized the need<br />

than 1966 mode'ls after allow. s rIp ro uce t rne so eature gram n arce s u 1- quate. They announce that some culprit did leave a trail of of a central club house for our<br />

ance for quality changes. Injured Still In Bon Second Meeting Of Group torium 3:30 O'clock films will now be labeled, "Sug- wanton destruction, accord- teen youth. I am delighted that<br />

• • '" Secours Hospital --------- gested for Mature Audiences." ing to Park Police Chief now the City of Grosse Pointe<br />

FridaYt November 25 The second meeting of the Grosse Pointe PTA Coun- The Grosse Pointe Com- If the advertising space is limit- Arthur Louwers. will have a Center comparable<br />

SIX HOURS after he was: Seven persons were taken cil of the 1966-1967 school year was held Monday eve. munity Chorus will start ed, it may be designated only A neigh,bor of the LHtimer to those in other communities."<br />

knocked unc~)Dscious and taken I to Bon Secours Hospital ning, November 28. Chaired by president Charles Par- the Christmas season Sun- as "SMA." Actually this means fami,ly called police at 11:15 .Contemporary Structure<br />

to a .Lake Ene. cottage a;-.d held 'I with injuries on Friday, cells, the session was scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Exhi- day afternoon, December 4, little or nothing. How this clas- p.m. on Tuesilay, November 22, I SInce the sale of the old dl!b.<br />

captIve, a WIDd~or teen _ager November 25 fol1o'~ing &n bition Room of the Central l.ibrary. at 3:30 o'clock with its 14th sification is determined, is not to re-port that a rear door had house and play field to the<br />

escaped from a kIdnaper Thur"'-j'd '.'. .',>----- . A ' "spelled out. The code is rampant been found open. Pol , um't Board of Education, Mrs. James<br />

day. Ian Berks, 17, son of Dr. ., ac ~t en t th at Clt y P0IIce, Main topics of discussion were~ nnual Christmas Progra, m Wle 'th h d" gmg gr.ammar, such as crews were di""""t~~~ .... to in. F.. McClelland Jr, and the Buildand<br />

Mrs. Gerald Berks of 3510 r saId was one of the worst a progress report on the con. the beginning of the 1968-196l' in the. auditorium of Par- "undue ... excessive .. : with hrhoo~Club for the use 9 f aU<br />

nant aIr. over the Ne~ York ' II --- vited to att~nrl. ' I II • II ,., the Pomtes,"<br />

metropolItan area. ThIs alert G A-d db P Ii . For additional 'info fon 1- ------<br />

reqU!red residents to use auto- 'n Park Streets arages ley 0 ce call 886~710: ' rma I 'IAs Counc;lman :n GP Park BITI'EN BY GUINEA PIG<br />

mobIles only when necessary,' II II The Wayne County Board of<br />

maintain minimum tempera- ------- . . A ~eport was made to the City Ea-a-ANT--D-R-IV-ER ---~-_.---- Health called City Police to retures<br />

in buildings heated by oil Three Par k juveniles who was llO~ dlSC~ose~, J? end 1 n g Police on Thursday, November William C. Oddy of 806 Three I Doelle, as councilman of fi- port that Mrs, Mary Berger, 789<br />

or coal, e~~in~te aM open .fi~es had gonc up and down side further mvestIga~on In the mat- 24, that a teenage girl was lying Louis A. Zeizig, 47, of 4121 Mile drive, resigned from the nance. Lo!aine, ,had been bitt.cn by a<br />

and curtail 11leJ!leratvr actIvIty. streets and in t 0 garages and ter, but the boys parents were on the ground on the corner of Harvard, ticketed on S'!tJ,day, Park council on Monday, No- A successor to fill Oddy's gumea pIg, Officer Will I a m<br />

• '" • senselessly damaged car equip. informed. that they are liab!e Cadieux' and Jefferson. Officer November 27, by Woods police vember 28, with th£ resigna- unexpired term, which runs to Plumb took the report, which<br />

A TWO-STORY LANSING ment, "just for something to fo~ all damages caused by thelI' for driving through a red light tion taking effect immediately. April 1967, is expected to be sidted that Mrs. Berger was<br />

HOME was leveled and six ~r- do;' were arrested by Par k chIld:-en. . Donald Ludlow reported to the at the Mack-Bournemouth inter- He has held this post since named by the maror at the bitten on the left index finger<br />

sons were injured 'when a gas police on Wednesday, Novem. ChIef Louwers saId the boys scene and found the young girl section, was given a second 1002. / next regular meeting flf the while feedL:I

~~J~<br />

Thursd<br />

.•---<br />

~-"~ Page Two<br />

: -------------~------<br />

~ ,<br />

t<br />

t • • •İ+II•<br />

,<br />

I,<br />

t<br />

I<br />

•<br />

i\<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

,<br />

John Adams was chosen the<br />

nation's second President by<br />

the slim margin of three elec.<br />

toral votes, 71 to 68.<br />


What 8 £!De'world this would<br />

be if others could only see us as<br />

we see ot::'selves.<br />

M_ •..I.!__ I lit It's Ka utica I But Nice<br />

I~ -We've Got It.<br />

~gif14-<br />




Wltb Hidden Hood<br />

(Water proof)<br />

• His lordship Jewelry,<br />

Natical Charm Bracelets • Boat<br />

• Nautical LaMps Supplle.<br />

• BI.oculan<br />

• Sperry Topslder<br />

Safety Boat Shoos<br />

• Dockley's Spredro18<br />

(eft} cour.. plotter)<br />

• Ship's Bell Clocks and Barolll.ters<br />

the ship'. wheel, inc.<br />

19605 Mack Ave.<br />

Open Doily 9.9, 'til Christmas; Sot., 'tiJ 6 TU 2-1340<br />

Damage Cars<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

merits of affiliation with the<br />

:~~@ :;::t~ state and nation,l branches of<br />

f@ (ji the Parent.Teacher~ Association.<br />

tm .::)) President Parcells was directed<br />

)@! The' jff to obtai~ a speaker from the<br />

~:;.*~\ ;;;;;:~~: state<br />

Other styles<br />

in tie or zip . . .<br />

18.95<br />

18.95 & 21.95<br />

GROSSE<br />

POINTE<br />

NE~lS<br />

Movie Council Raps Code<br />

(CGntmued from Page 1) (CcDtiDued from Page 1) pressure the theater manager •<br />

he had seen tampering with his responsibility shOl;Jld be 8S. to show wha~ they want, ~ot<br />

automobile parked in front of sumed by the movie people for what the neighborhood which<br />

his house. t~o~e who lack pare~tal super. they serve may waLt!<br />

Police car crews were dig. VISIOn, for the gUIdance of center II BelpIDg!<br />

atched to the area to search young adults, the uneducated, T fill th 'd f t.<br />

P . t II f 1.. lib" th . 0 e VOl 0 ma mees,<br />

for the juvemles. e c., a 0 Wlliom ~y eIr .<br />

I Det James LaPratt c a m e product. We have SOCialguard. the Grosse Pointe Motion Plcupon<br />

. two of the youDg6ters, ians to Icheek w~ere p~re~ts ture Counell and the Grosse<br />

who fled when the officer ap- may b~ ~eglectful, I:e., drinking Pointe War Memorial is co-sponpro<br />

ached. One boy climbed and drlvmg r~gulatlons, he~th soriDg a daytime mowie for<br />

ovel' a fence and into an alley standard reqUIreme~ts. Certam. youngsters iD our community.<br />

behind a Beaeonsfield property, ~y, mental and emotIonal health On Wednesday, December 28,<br />

and es-caped. The second boy 15 ~f(ected, to ~he detrim.ent of "The Outlaw Stallion" plus car •<br />

did not quite make it because society many. hmes, by a ~on- toons will be shown at the Fries<br />

he was apprehended by the stant diet o! V1o~ence,sex, crime Auditorium at 10, 1 and 3 p.m. \<br />

detective. and obsce.mty Via movies, books Ticket d()nation of 50e will hF.lp<br />

At the Park station, where or magazmes. defray expenses. If this pUot<br />

he was questioned by LaPratt~ Don't Want Legislation venture is successful more ma-<br />

~e arre8~ boy confessed to We do Dot propose censorship tiDees will be forthcoming. The<br />

hiS p~rt In the property de. by legislation. It is better, of 33 area sc~ools and c:hurches<br />

s~ction, and gave the detec. course, to exercise discretion who comp~se the ,Motion Pic.<br />

tlve the na~es o~ the lads wh~ and m~1'81 courage by choice. ~e C~ncil. are de~cated to<br />

had be~n With h1Dl: Th~ boys We encourage creativity with s~lmulating mterest m better<br />

co~paD1ons were ji)!ckeGup at good taste and sensitivity. films.. '<br />

their homes. All three adInltted The Code of the Motion Pic.<br />

they were responsible for the The apparent box office. sue. me Association states that' it<br />

wanton delStruction, ''because cess of recently sensational, "Is desigDed to ke~p in closer<br />

they wanted something to do," profane. films. sh(luld frighten harmony with the meres, the<br />

''The three boys are lucky ~s. Buymg a ticket to a. ques. culture, ~he moral sense and the<br />

they were not shot by one of tionable movie supports It. We expectations of our society."<br />

toe h 0 m e 0 w n e r 8," Chief will probably get more films of We commend this declaration<br />

LouweT'S said. ('The two boys this kiDd. lJow abject has our but it i, only the beginniDg:<br />

are also lucky they were not way of ~e become? Is this With inherent restrictions in enshot<br />

at while climbing over the what we, the public, really want forcing the Code it will be diffence.<br />

to lee iD our leisure time? ficult fOf this gr~UP to make an<br />

"Of the number of cars dam- In our own Grosse PoiDte impact on the iDdustry as a<br />

aged by the youngsters, ~mr.area, there Is a declining avail. whole. ~t us hoPf! ~he8.e ma~r<br />

one owner called the police, ability of matinees for children prOducers, by showmg mtegrlty<br />

Chief Louwers. said. "It was Two local theater manager~' -----------<br />

only through a search of the have told us that they, do not<br />

area, and by the boys' confes. ~re to appeal to' juvenile audi~<br />

sion, that it was made known ences, We have been iDformed<br />

how many cars were involved. that when a first.run movie is<br />

The pa.rents of the b~ys are booted, the manager must show<br />

responSl?le for the actions of it at all performances. He may<br />

thelT ehlldr'en under state Law, not substitute with a film more<br />

a,nd . th~;efore must make res- suitable for youngsters or he<br />

titution, he added. will be unable to secure first-<br />

------ run films. Thus, the dIstributors<br />

PTA Council<br />

office for the next meet-<br />

%] Zertnatt /'W~iing of the group, January 23,<br />

~~~t1<br />

I tW<br />

1967.. .<br />

l# The meetmg was adjourned<br />

~~IColorful, authentic emblems of the famous Swiss ftl at 9:45 p.m.<br />

@1 and Austrian ski resorts. Silicone treated for tm ELECTED TO BOARD<br />

water repellency, full ptle lining. Safety tread Joseph T. Leonard of Hill.<br />

design. Illustrated: black or loden sh~g, . . . crest road has been elected to<br />

the Board of Directors of the<br />

Society of County Engineers<br />

of Wayne County, a profe,ssional<br />

society for graduate and reg.<br />

istered engineers" architect[l and<br />

lane' surveyors employed by the<br />

Cuntyof Wayne, He i~ current.<br />

ly finishing out'aierm as second<br />

vice-president of the qrganization.<br />

His term as director begins<br />

December ~, Ilnd luts three<br />

years.<br />

r~,~1 ~I,jl "~~eP:a~~~~~ ~~~~~ by<br />

tm<br />

,,{j ~~::;:::~ Roger C. WIlson, will De pflr.<br />

1M formed at Faith Community R~.<br />

,ti~ mE formed Church, Moross at Sam.<br />

U~ ~;:::;:::; lac, 7 p.m. Sunday, December<br />

W)' Kercheval at St. Clair Grosse Pointe tm 11. The chancel choir, directed<br />

~:~ ()pen Thursday Eve"in"s Hl by Donald Vande Bunte of 1953<br />

\$ .. n

??????ssssese .... .-....._ ~ .. ' •••••• _ •••••••••••••• _. • • • t • emF 5 ...'. J-<br />

r£~ sea' fit h<br />

$ 6<br />

..$~ •<br />

" J;'os

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-"t' f.' T~ .... ><br />

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.<br />

~~... ,<br />

, ..<br />

,. December '. 1966<br />

llation. less they be isolated<br />

subjct to legislation.<br />

ilii'J'W'ii'J'W""J<br />

~<br />

Page Four<br />


lHappening' at U-Dleaves City Posts Filled By Park Council<br />

Unl.tl.atea l V.lewer CO'nfosed. Three re-ap~ointments to citYlwas Earl R. Perkins of 760<br />

posts recommended by Mayor Grand Marais boulevard.<br />

_. ----__ Matthew Patterson, were. ap- The terms of all Hlree repre-<br />

~y Elizabeth Stephens I another figure played solitaire proved by the Park COUDCllon sentatives expire on January 1,<br />

Wlth a grinding roar from the in apparent disinterest. Monday, November 28. Tw.o 1967.<br />

loud speakers £h fl' k' f " .. were for seats on the Ment •<br />

n d rb " e l~ ermg 0 Also circhng the dImly ht'l Board and one on the Board of Of!lcials for the posts are reea<br />

I m e I erately mlsfocussed cavernous room was a "pop" R . ommended by the mayor and<br />

to be broken. up by the rafters funeral. Beatnicks made tune. eVlew. .. must receive approval of the<br />

of a. g~mnaslUm, and ths slow less music at the wake of what I Re-appomted to serve anot~er city council, under a provision<br />

revolutions of Wheeled plat .. w:ts apparently a fallen angel four years a~ the representa.tlye of the Park City Charter.<br />

forms upon which rested sheet- _ at least it had feathered of the councll and CIty admmls- .<br />

rl b' '. '. . tnt'on 0 the Merit Board was The Merlt Board hears and<br />

eh 0 Jects of van?us sIzes and Wings and. long gold haIr. K.; th DB Hollldge of 1051 rules on grievances submitted<br />

s apes, A H~ppenlDg began. , ~andles and Incense we:e burn- A~d~~on. . by city employes; the Board of<br />

The occaSIOn was the first 109 and the Clngellookea deader Sit d . t t Review meets once or twice a<br />

presentation in Detroit of a new than dead. P ekec e '1 agam, °thre~e~~~ year to review tax assessment<br />

art form th 1 h A h l' h h ld ar emp oyes on e 08r, ,<br />

versit ' e p a~e was t e 1!ni- g .ou IS • young ma.n "e by the emp~oyes themselves and complaints.<br />

wa y of Detroit and the hme up a. ltv~ chicken at hlS un. backed by the mayor, was John There are five '!lembers on<br />

2 s 9 a.m. Sunday, November co~erlOg. By what we were F. Dodge of 1035 Yorkshire. The the Merit Board, four of whom<br />

O. rel~eved to learn ~ater was a term is also for four years. are appointed by the council<br />

For roughly an hour one plat- s:~l1ght of hand trl.ck, he s?b. Named to another three.year, Ifor four-year terms, and a fifth,<br />

form after another was un- sdtuted a dead chIcken WhlCh term on the Board of RevIew elected' by the Board from the<br />

city.at-large, '. who serves fur two I<br />

years. The latter must be a resident-taxpayer.<br />

,<br />

The Board of Review is comprised<br />

~f three Park re$idents,<br />

all of 'whom must be approved<br />

by the council, and all of whom<br />

serve a three-year ~enUre.<br />

.HEARING<br />

\<br />

\; ;•.~<br />

~;".',<br />

AIDS<br />



.F. p; CUIMO~D<br />

CeTtijied .HeaTi71Y Aid<br />

Audiologist<br />


A Cood Man To Know<br />

Thursday, December I. 1966<br />


Invites You To See George Mumaw<br />

For Your Next New or Used Car<br />

• The Most Complete Facilities!. . ~<br />

in the Detroit .\rea ro U '<br />

• Rental and Leasing Program11li8£<br />

• Chauffeur Service to Your<br />

Downtown Offic) or Down.<br />

town Shopping 1\rea.<br />

Sales up, profits rising ...<br />

18:J3 E. Jefferson<br />

W03-4700<br />


19001 MACK TO 5-2231<br />

covered \lntil aU the spectacles he proceeded to de.feather _<br />

were mixing, separating, mixing through the wh.ole hour. At the<br />

around each other lik~ the in. end h~ was teanng on the bloody<br />

gredients in a slowly stirred entrails. An eve~ m~re complex<br />

pie. Additional flavor W:lSadd. form of pe~erslOo, If both c~n<br />

ed by almost continuous sound b.e so classifle~, was the deplc,<br />

from the loud speakers that t10n of a carmval barker buy.<br />

blared rock and roll, patriotic ing babies for trading s~amps<br />

songs and sometimes ~ust noise - by the pound. These were<br />

and three cameras froi'n the pro- handed :0 a solemn young man<br />

jection booth showing war pic- dressed fu a long black soutane<br />

tures, some backwards. aDd bio. who stirred a lar~e soup !lot.<br />

logical studies. One of the scattermg of adults<br />

A Happening, like the Bossa present, a yo~ng mother. con-<br />

Nova, is still too new on the fessed to havmg to leave the<br />

scene to be readil d f' bl room after contemplating this.<br />

y e lOa e. A ... . ~ d<br />

No one impression was permit- magICian l.mpass.lv~ sawe<br />

ted the audience who must keep o~ a scre3mmg viet! , .the.n<br />

00 the move between the cirel- With tender concer •• tend en his<br />

ing stages to avoid a collision caged live rabbits and watered<br />

especially with several plat~ ~is ilowers. In ~etween sawforms<br />

using "live" paint. The mgs, he sat readmg the newsconcepts.<br />

often garish but some- paper.<br />

times "lever, showed much or- The closest to humor was<br />

igniality. the plight of the young man<br />

The script was written and who painted himself into il cor.<br />

aeted by members of the Arcr.i- .,er. He solved this dilemma by<br />

tectural School under the direc- simply covering himself with a<br />

tion of John Patrick Kenney, coat of the same paint.<br />

a young teacher of Archi.tecture At the p,nd of an hour the<br />

at TJ. of D. and Fine Arts at stages ~topped revolving and<br />

Wayne State University. lined u)> against the wall of the<br />

The four foot high platform room through which the audio<br />

set on large wheels were slowly ence had entered. With : n<br />

propelled around the room by American flag unfurled on the<br />

students under the platforms center platform and the strains<br />

and hardly noticeable in the of "We Shall Overcome" piped<br />

erratic lighting. One by one Dl. through the loud speaker, the<br />

rector Kenney uncovered the lir.e, which exactly spanned th~<br />

concepts: room, moved forward. Like it<br />

Sex was repr~sented by a or not, while the projectors<br />

group of pretty girls dressed as flashed soldiers and bombers<br />

if for an adagio who proposi. and fawns and violets on the<br />

tioned other maie students. It walls, the audience was ignowas<br />

hard at this point to ten miniously saueezed out of the<br />

the actors from the audience, room through the passageway<br />

which was made of approxi. tltat led past the projection<br />

rnately 100 young people. The booths, and it was ilnished.<br />

victims in this pantomine always A discussion period was held<br />

escaped through a hole in the afterwards, at which the tludl.<br />

center of this stage with the ence and cast sat down together,<br />

loss of perhaps a necktie or for those seeking clarification.<br />

shirt. Director Kenney stated his<br />

Medicine was three physicians opinion that much greater un.'<br />

who callously left thdr patient derstanding was possible for<br />

0.1 the operating table and join. those who had attended Friday<br />

ed the throng of spectators. and Saturday evenings' related,<br />

The patient, therefore, per- but not identical, performances.<br />

formed his own operation with They sounded more like A Calodine<br />

and band-aids. reer than A Happening to us,<br />

Politics was depicted by a huge but you couldn't catch even the<br />

poster of President John Fitz. third act of this new art form<br />

gerald Kennedy that one figure without being intrigued, stimu.<br />

continually whitewashed while lated, confused.-and impressed.<br />

•<br />

IPANY<br />

'er<br />

•<br />

I.<br />

rantll<br />

)rake assemblies or<br />

Ibes.<br />

is not transferable<br />

Iy to failures caused<br />

or inadequate mainattempted<br />

by nons,<br />

accidents or other<br />

/6,000 miles: engine<br />

lould be changed.<br />

lir filter cleaned and<br />

axle fluid levels<br />

12 monthsj12,OOO<br />

(closed ventilation<br />

:ontrol valve, thermbreather<br />

cap (1964<br />

changed, and emiscarburetor<br />

spacer<br />

16 monttlsj36,OOO<br />

)en ventilation sys-<br />

Iaced,l'nd universal<br />

dels) repacked. (On<br />

manifold to water<br />

hoke hose should<br />

, 24monthsj30,OOO<br />

6 8-cy1. Mercurys<br />

h air-conditioning.<br />

coIns, manifold to<br />

hould b. replaced.<br />

Is, engine coolant<br />

IVery 24 monthsl<br />

One of those days<br />

when your phone<br />

means so much<br />

Whoops!<br />

The folks.<br />

And earlier than expected.<br />

So, you call the neighbor.<br />

for the roll-away bed you<br />

borrowed last time.<br />

The butcher for a bigger roast.<br />

The girl next door<br />

to pick up the children.<br />

Five calls to cancel the<br />

Neighborhood Mothers' meeting.<br />

And finally, you call<br />

your sister-in-law to tell her<br />

that they've arrived.<br />

What else in your home<br />

does so much for you,<br />

and costs so little?<br />

A well-established business is one of the<br />

most productive and satisfying forms of<br />

wealth a man can create.<br />

And perhap~ the most t:J6rishable.<br />

To endure, a family business, must have<br />

sound successor management. must withstand<br />

the impact of estate taxes.<br />

And because. a business requires excep;.,<br />

tianaIly able. alert handling during estate<br />

administration, particular attention should<br />

be given to the choice of an Executor.<br />

But will his business outlive him?<br />

Succ~s6ful businessmen have found it<br />

highly\p.r.od~ctive to discuss these vital<br />

.matte~.with: their attorneys and a trust<br />

~" .'<br />

officer<br />

,!tom."'theNatiQnal.Bank .<br />

of Detroit.<br />

TRUST<br />


If a business belongs in your family's<br />

future. we invite you to arrange an early<br />

appointment. ~'rite or phone Edgar B. Galloway,<br />

Vice President (965-6000, ext. 2182).<br />



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@ Michigan<br />

Bell<br />

~ Part of the Nltionwid. Bill Syat.<br />

,<br />

l<br />

"<br />

_5 sa ass'" a e; ... ; eOh in.o en" s. so. iz ••• as. betH..ti.,at3 sfbe'te.j 'g'c' "k, .. t .... 'n .. tt .. ,{6<br />

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December 1, 1966<br />

~~~_._- --- -- ------<br />

Thursday, December I, '1966<br />

GROSSE<br />

POINTE<br />

NEWS<br />

• - _ ...... -- ~~ •• w. Em __ • C4 ......... ~ ... __ ..... -e: ~.~.." w .. '1'" """"UZZ4I5' ...,............,<br />

f'<br />

II<br />

i<br />

Page<br />

Five<br />

D SALES<br />

rge Mumaw<br />

Used<br />

Car<br />

The Pennsylvania Assembly<br />

occupied Independence Hall in<br />

Philadelphia in 1735, long before<br />

the Declaration of Inde.<br />

pendenee was adopted in the<br />

building in 1776.<br />

Up-To-The-Minute<br />

.. ;." .'.:.::, .....<br />

....... ;.<br />

Fashions<br />

~he first airplane flight of the IN.C., lasted only 12 seconds and I Capitol pages attend school in I(jongress. Classes begin at 6'30<br />

Wr)ght Brothers at Kitty Hawk, the plane traveled 120 feet. Washington in the Library of a.m. . :<br />

M A Fine Selection of -------~--------<br />

on<br />

Open Sundays 10:00 to 4:00<br />

Thurs. and Frl. Till 9:00 P.M.<br />

II...<br />


on Order of $-5 or More ...<br />

! ROSLYN<br />

I MARKET<br />

i Oldest in tl'e Woods I<br />

! 21020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. i<br />

! 884-3600 !<br />

_._a_a_ ..-.~,.., ....-.~ .......<br />

~,.J<br />

.~-::~~*~1j<br />

I Mrs. John Huntington thought. there 8hOlild be a<br />

clock in the Village for shoppers and business people.<br />

She made the suggestion to her mother, Mrs. William<br />

Rust Pierce. The result is the new clock on the Walton-<br />

Pierce building, corner of Kercheval and- S1. Clair. It is<br />

4' X 4', encased in stainless steel. The face is white translucent,<br />

illuminated plexiglas with dark blue numerals.<br />

You Are<br />

Cordially Invited<br />

To See The All New<br />

Pointers Had Lead Roles<br />

In Torch Drive Su,ccess<br />

our family's<br />

Uge an early<br />

dgar B. Gallo-<br />

0, ext. 2182).<br />

\<br />

I:<br />

1<br />

1967<br />

OPEL<br />

Thursday,<br />

November 17th<br />

at<br />

R- ha dB- k :goal.<br />

15103 KERCHEVAL<br />

VA 1.5400<br />

Grandfather Clocks<br />

a Specialty<br />

Jewelry repairing<br />

diamond remounting<br />

Hoeberling<br />

Jewelry<br />

20 Yeors in Some Location<br />

14933 Kercheval<br />

VA 2.8509<br />


i<br />

Residents in the Eastern<br />

Wayne area, including the<br />

Grosse Pointes, contributed a<br />

total of $413,326 to the 1966<br />

Torch Drive in the house-to.<br />

I house canvass. This figure rep.<br />

i resented 104.8 percent of quota.<br />

I Small businesses contributed<br />

: $56,651or 126.1percent of quota.<br />

Total drive collections soared<br />

I to an all-time high of $27,435,-<br />

I 045, largest amount ever col-<br />

: lected by any united fund' in the<br />

•world. The total represents 110<br />

i percent of the $24.95 million<br />

IC r UIC The money raised in the tricounty<br />

(Wayne, Oakland and<br />

Macomb) area will ur.derwrite<br />

the 1967 budgets of 54 health<br />

-~------ .----------==::.:<br />

and medical services, 68 character<br />

building services, 32 child<br />

II care agencip-s and 25 health re-<br />

I search<br />

In 18 services.<br />

successful campaigns,<br />

the United Foundation has<br />

American and Swiss raised more than $310 million<br />

WATCH d for the voluntary support of<br />

an I health and community services.<br />

CLOCK REPAIRS i Torch Drive General Chair-<br />

I man Ben D. Mills, vice-presi.<br />

dent, purchasing, Ford Motor<br />

Co., said:<br />

"This drive succeeded far bp.-<br />

yond what I believed possible.<br />

It reflects the fact the UF has<br />

built on solid ground and also<br />

Idemonstrates the affection this<br />

community holds for the UF and<br />

I its agencies."<br />

He paid tribute to this year's<br />

\<br />

130,000hard-working volunteers,<br />

the news media, labor, manage.<br />

ment and contributors.<br />

"The contributors of this community<br />

are the most concerned,<br />

best informed and most gener.<br />

ous in the world," he declared.<br />

"It is obvious they appreciate<br />

I the UF, believe in its objectives,<br />

trust it, and' put their<br />

money where their trust is."<br />

UF President Wendell W. An.<br />

derson Jr., of Grosse Pointe,<br />

presented Mills, a Bloomfield<br />

, ,<br />

I<br />

Hills resident, with a silver<br />

plaque "as token of affection<br />

~nd admiration expressing thi"<br />

gratitude of the volunteer workers<br />

and contributors as well as<br />

the thousands who will benefit<br />

from his tJDtiring efforts." .<br />

The Benson Ford Trophy, presented<br />

annually to the unit<br />

achieving the highest percent.<br />

age of quota, was awarded Ben<br />

C. Maibach Jr., chairman of the<br />

Torch Drive building and transportation<br />

unit which attained<br />

111 percent of quota. President<br />

of Barton.Malow Co., Maibach<br />

lives in Redford Township.<br />

The presentation was made by<br />

Ford, honorary chairman of the<br />

UF board of directors and.<br />

chairman of the 1955 campaign.<br />

Under his direction that year,<br />

the Torch Drive passed the $15<br />

million mark and moved to the<br />

top as the world's leading<br />

united campaign. A Grosse<br />

Pointer, Ford is vice president<br />

of Ford Motor Co.<br />

The 1965 Torch Drive under<br />

the chairmanship of Joseph L.<br />

Hudson Jr., another Pointe resident,<br />

raised $25,778,441.<br />


Charles Thompson, crossing<br />

guard at Kercheval avenue and<br />

CadieUX road walked into the<br />

City Police station and request.<br />

ed permission to give chocolate<br />

bar~ on Fridays to the three<br />

patrol boys who help at his<br />

crossing. He said "they're such<br />

nice, hard working kids, I just<br />

wanted to do something for<br />

them."<br />


BETHLEHEM, Pa. - The city<br />

treasury is $4 richer now, and<br />

some New Jersey motorist's<br />

conscience is clearer. The driver<br />

sent the money as 'payment<br />

for two parking tickets, both<br />

issued 13 years ago.<br />


Youre the one who profits<br />

._~--~-~--<br />

-._._~--~<br />

J----a a..<br />

I<br />

•<br />

-,fl<br />

If!<br />

---~----\.<br />

AJf:<br />

• 'III'1A<br />

IlIfffllY<br />

p<br />

345 FISHER ROAD<br />

TUxedo 1-0502<br />

MC)NDAY<br />

.. M!i1!si8litJ<br />

DECEMBER 5<br />

;A<br />

u<br />

.~ MEN'S NIGHT<br />

IS<br />

HY<br />

h'L;ga; &12<br />

I<br />

.. '..:<br />

..<br />

. f'<br />

~<br />

.<br />

i<br />

f,<br />

'1,<br />

l,<br />

.<br />

!fromgood~dependable service';<br />

We're a no-nonsense camera store. We<br />

still believe the customer is al,ways right.<br />

Our carefully<br />


17114 Kercheval<br />

In the Village<br />

selected and highly trained<br />

sales staff will answer any of your photo<br />

questions or help you seiect photo equip.<br />

TU 1-4096<br />

Open Thurs. eves. til 9 p.m.<br />

ment personally suited to your tastes and<br />

pocketbook. And this week we're featuring<br />

special demonstrations of KODAK IN-<br />

STAMATIC still and movie equipment.<br />

Please come by.<br />

A Grosse Pointe Institution<br />

CENTER<br />

I<br />

•<br />

21st ANNUAL<br />


MONDA¥" DEC. 6TH<br />

7:w to 10:00<br />

.NO<br />

WOMEN<br />


ATJacobsons<br />

Gentlemen, this is your evening. Your opportunity<br />

to shop in "peace" in a nowsman's<br />

land reserved exclusively for the<br />

male :mimal. Only our own helpful' salespeople<br />

to assist you in solving those "whatto-give-her"<br />

problems. Bring the boys-they<br />

will enjoy shopping for Mom and sister's<br />

gifts at her favorite store. Gift wrapping on<br />

the spot Monday, December S, 7 to 10 p.m .<br />



I~<br />


,<br />

..' ..'" -" . ' ..~ .....<br />

Pegl<br />

Six<br />

On~.h.lf eut' of ammonia add- II wiil h~lp nmove hltd.t1)-wuh<br />

ed to a tub of riot sudsy water staitls from table liMn8.<br />


LOVER<br />

is barred from riding the ROYAL<br />

COACH MAN Airport Limousine be.<br />

tween Detroit's Ealt Side a~d M.tro<br />

Airport.<br />

H"wey.r, the "Royal" treatment<br />

awaits .11 you lASTS. DIRS livln~<br />

in the Crosse Pointe area who need<br />

dependable, direct, and econ.(>mical<br />


Phone 886.1322 righf now for<br />

fur the r information and reservations.<br />

Santa<br />

Claus Arrives in 'The Villa'ge'<br />

"\Hil~"<br />


.. a<br />

. :.<br />

.. ,.: ..... "<br />

. " ':" "<br />

"!'c'<br />

,..', '.,' .',':-:',:,<br />

""1<br />

. "~<br />

"My<br />

DOCTOR ... /1<br />

This possessive phrase is familiar to all. It<br />

represents the profound confidence<br />

American people have in physicians. But<br />

ao you really have a family physician?<br />

Even though you may have been fortunate,<br />

not requiring tP.~dical care, it is stitch.in.time<br />

wisdom to establish a "family doctor"<br />

relationship.<br />

Simply contact the physician of your choice,<br />

requesting that you would like him to serve<br />

your family should the need arise.<br />

And If such a need. arises, our prescription<br />

department is prepared to serve you and<br />

your family.<br />

Th,,'r,day, December I, 1966<br />

~he only wife of a President ICi ~a8 Martha Washington ..He~ j certificates, seriel 1888, 1811<br />

to_h_av_e_h_e_,_p_or_t.1'~.<br />

a_it_~O_.b_ ... c_u_r_r~e_n_ .•__._p __ic__<br />

o_n~$l~all_ve~~nd 1~~ ~ _<br />

t~~~ _8?~~_a::~._<br />

Thursday, De<br />

Law Off<br />

Unique 1<br />

By EUzabeth S<br />

Unique! Anyone<br />

been on the secol<br />

85 Kercheval avenu<br />

that the name ph<br />

the office of attor!.<br />

delivered piping<br />

your horn<br />

T<br />

Optn Mondly throug<br />

4 p.m. to '.10:01<br />

Sunday 3 p.m. to<br />

25c DELIVERY (I<br />

starrllg ... JUS IPH COTTEN<br />


,odmd by S_ F.'Boe1fI • bled iy NORMANFOSTER. Color By BelUl1l<br />

Exclusive Area Showing I<br />


SUNDAY, 3 P.M.<br />


16451 East Warren at Outer Drive<br />


. Named to W00d8 SEAT1'LE, Wash. - "I think<br />

Ip~ C.. love, patience and understand.<br />

i Jan OmmlSSIOn ing are the key words," de-<br />

I elared Mrs.' John W. Tracy as<br />

Robert J. Domke, an archi.<br />

,<br />

tectural project administrator<br />

.<br />

on the staff of Harley. Ellington,<br />

COWin and Stirton, Inc.,<br />

Detroit-based a~hitects and en~<br />

gineers, has been appointed to<br />

the planning commission of<br />

Grosse P1Io" .... ~ ..... ',.." •••• ',.1t,," .",,-"l "I' A ..... ".. ..... r_ •• ~r•• ", •. ,., •••• ~.,_. '_."~"'"<br />

, ., ,.. ,,, ..... '<br />

,<br />


-<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

./<br />

.0 ..;<br />

per I, 1966<br />

eries 1886, 1811<br />

f--------<br />

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.:.'<br />

':-... ,.<br />

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~.<br />

~JY{';$) ~ "? ~«<br />

;<br />

~<br />

.m.<br />


BANK<br />

& TRUST<br />

0':<br />

, ><br />

ili '.•.~.<br />

,. ,<br />


~'<br />

~11DIC<br />

Mack - Hillcrest<br />

Jefferson<br />

- Piper<br />

Mack - Chalmers<br />

SSSSSSSS?l2??<br />

Il, ...... ,~ .....<br />

s<br />

go<br />

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• OP.O<br />

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..- -'-:- .....,.,..-..:'~ ,.~".~.v:::~ ....,:-:;','.:",'-', l;. ~,; or..: .• "' ••. .. :::..:,:.,'<br />

gic to insect stings and liable to L\mltil@:';:;p', " .<br />

get violent reaction!; to them, ~C:X:;;:>:...:.~ ' :'.';:::<br />

i'~(>uld avoid wearing bright I i:,.,:..>.:::":':'~"~~~'<br />

jewelry and leather which *'':!.~~\<br />

alon~ with .certain odofs, attract 1 ~:'::;;i~:f.".~:.. ~;?::;l::~.<br />

,'grlculture. I ,.. ': ~~.,:,~<br />

J':,~1<br />

I<br />

Students at Marie School Make<br />


Annual Pilgrimage to Nation/s Capital<br />

---,---_ .<br />

. ". ;;_M"" ','," . ",,,!' J'<br />

Thursday. December I, 1966<br />

--..--_ ...<br />

Men Gardener,<br />

Elect Officers<br />

William I. Culli"~ford was<br />

.' elected president of Men's Gar.<br />

':' ..» I den Club of Grosse Pointe at<br />

.."k, .' I the meeting in the War Mem.<br />

';'.','" 1<br />

,,':':~'<br />

"';1<br />

i orial Thursday, November 17.<br />

. . I<br />

,He succeeds Fred Shepherd .<br />

I Other officers chosen for 1967<br />

\ were Sam A. Macy, first vice .<br />

';. : president; Hugh V. Foley, sec.<br />

.;~ .. II ond vice.president; William C,<br />

.' Nill, recording secretary; PhiUp<br />

C. Baker, corresponding sec.<br />

retary; and Edwin "Roehrig,<br />

1 treasurer.<br />

'):';:'';'' I For par!imentarian, Alexan.<br />

,:.':'p; der J. Jemal drew a second<br />

I term, and A. Lymt Zwlckey cen.<br />

tinues as editor of Garden<br />

Pointers.<br />

For two-year terms as dj.<br />

rectors, Michael D. Brady,<br />

, ~' Haeckel G. Boyd and Howard<br />

.A i,( W. Poe were chosen, and Dr.<br />

:IIEdward C. Van Hoot re-elected<br />

Thursd<br />

-<br />

Eighty.five children 'md 38 day night, November 5. 'fhis the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson stop was .Arlington National Miller, Mrs. Wallace Guertler,<br />

adults tired and happy people trip, sponsored by the Maire Memorial, anu ascension of the Cemetery" where they say ~he Mrs. John MacKay, Mrs. WH.<br />

r e t urn e d from the Maire Elementary PTA is the only of Washin.gton Monument where statue (1fl,'flag raising at Iwo Ham Obermeyer, Mrs. William<br />

School's 14th annual sixth grade its kind ill the Grosse Pointe they saw the breath.taking sight Jima, th". impressive viewing of Nichols. Mr. Andrew Hall, Dr.<br />

tour to Washington, D.C., Sun. SchOOl system. of Washington at night. the chaqging of the guard at the and Mrs. William Geer, Mr.<br />

-------------- -~--,---I The group departed at 5:30 Saturday began with a spe- TGmb of~the Unknown Soldier Richard Moore Mrs. Albert<br />

cial conducted tour of tbe White and paid their r~Dects at the '<br />

p.m. Thursday, November 3, ~ I<br />

from the Fort Street station in House, prior to public visiting Kennedy(graVesite. I'<br />

Thinking About a<br />

NEW 1967 CADILLAC?<br />

Ted Angotl<br />

SEE OR CAll<br />

or<br />

the midst of a snow storm and hours. This tour, arranged by They finished the morning I<br />

arrived in Washington Friday Lucien Nedzi, included the with a bus tour through the<br />

morning amid blue skies and private library, the china room, streets of historic Alexandria,<br />

warm sunshine. They proceded and other rooms not mmally Va., and a visit to MOUnt Vel" I<br />

to the Capitol Building for the open to the public. The next non. Mter lunch the group visIt- I<br />

official picture taking then tour. -~~---- --, -~ -- -- ed the Space Center at the!<br />

ed the Capitol.' ISet Book Fa:r Smithsonian Institute w her e I<br />

" d II.- they saw John Glenn's capsule,<br />

After lunch the group Vlslte I ' 11 ed b .. t to thn T t'<br />

i. d EAt M t .th .10 ow y a VISI o and Set-2.00<br />

Donald Prittie. Mrs. Hengen. i • Hoircutting-l. 7':<br />

veldt, Mrs. Ernest .Anderson, Air Conditioned<br />

Nirs . .Tames Carr, Mrs. Raymond 14637 E. Jefferson<br />

Plrklng on C,hurc:h Lor In R~lr<br />

Foresman, Mrs. Palmer Kale- VA 2-4414<br />

glan and Mrs. James McGreevy. I'- ..J<br />




f<br />

for<br />

Everyont!<br />

YOUR'S<br />

FREE<br />

An informltive<br />

guide that will<br />

be of great help<br />

to you in<br />










--I<br />



~:J-'-<br />

• SEQVOYAH.<br />

meCoy Carpeting Co.<br />

'25527 I-Iarper' 3 BL~~S ~C::I~ON MILE 777-7550<br />


OtJJ~I1sIIOI1Jl<br />

, Cor.of Mack & St. (lair MARKET TU 5-1565<br />

This Christm<br />

driver you'v<br />

motoring Sf..<br />

S.rvice ~<br />

aeil Bond<br />

When you gi<br />

Club service<br />

thoughtfulne<br />

ship (tor spo<br />

Memberl is<br />

GROSSE<br />

15415<br />

PHO<br />

George<br />

1liM8ERSHIPS<br />

w<br />

1541<br />

2<br />

MON<br />

t•<br />

when only somethl~9<br />

special will do ••• give<br />

her Hanes hosiery<br />

Luxuriously sheer Stamless stockings in an<br />

;'You (an Always Be Sure of Qualify Fooch af Verbruage's"<br />

. ~<br />

.• FRISKIES<br />

S. S. PIERCE<br />

,=- J.,.<br />

't Meat<br />

Flavor I<br />

. DOG FOOD<br />

\<br />

Net Wt.<br />

1511z-0~. Can<br />

c. 6 7'Sc<br />

for<br />

•<br />


FOR CATS<br />

Net Wt. .. 19c<br />

6-os. Can 6. for<br />

• MINCE<br />


PLAIN<br />

MEAT<br />

1-lb. 8-oz. Jar<br />

• Red label<br />

Ready to Serve<br />


99 c ea.<br />

6S C ea.<br />

RICE OR<br />

CHOCOLATE - 15-oz. Can<br />

PRIME<br />

U.S.D.A.<br />

& CHOICE<br />

Boneless Rolled<br />


Rump or 95C<br />

Antwerp Cut<br />

Ib<br />

•<br />

embossed festive box that adds the<br />

final touch to yt)ur thoughtful gift •.<br />

Jacobsons<br />

,<br />

•<br />

2J~t .QNNlJAL.<br />

MENs NIGHT<br />

""\:/IA\-, UEl alH<br />

, 00 t'l ~, 1'"1<br />

/, . '.' "... ../'<br />

..,.: ~,,.~,y<br />

.'"}'t:~4J~' 1~?' • ~<br />

..:::..~ ,,, .._,,~.<br />

ECKIUCH ..:....Country Style<br />

Roasted, Smoked Sausage<br />

75 C III.<br />

INDIAN - IS-os. !Can<br />

Re,.<br />

89c<br />

FRESH<br />

Fancy<br />

ExtTa<br />


~: 19 c 8a.<br />


La'Ie<br />

Size 2.t~.79 c<br />

•..<br />


'T"<br />

J, CuUingford was<br />

esident of Men's Garof<br />

Grosse Pointe at<br />

ng in the War Memrsday.<br />

November 17.<br />

ds Fred Shepherd.<br />

fficers chosen for 1967<br />

A. Macy. first viee.<br />

: Hugh V, Foley. secpre~ident;<br />

William C,<br />

ding secretary; Philip<br />

• corresponding secand<br />

Edwin . Roebril,<br />

rlimentarian, Alexanemal<br />

drew a second<br />

A. Lymi Zwickey cons<br />

editor of Garden<br />

p<br />

cember I, 1966<br />

ardeners<br />

Officers<br />

o.year terms as di-<br />

Michael D. Brady.<br />

G, BOyd and Howard<br />

W('fe chosen. and Dr.<br />

. Van Hoet re-elected<br />

year term.<br />

nC!J S<br />

air Fashions<br />

ENE HALL. Prop.<br />



pen 8:00 to 5:00<br />

1\1on thru Sat,<br />

uesday Evenings<br />

by Appointment<br />

00 ond Set-2_00<br />

ttlng--1_75<br />

Air Conditioned<br />

E. Jefferson<br />

on C.hurch Lot In R•• r<br />

VA. 2-4414<br />

OUR<br />

OUR<br />

TURE,<br />

ERY<br />

•••<br />

T.~~~~I<br />

THE<br />

FFER-<br />

ET<br />

U R<br />

DAY<br />

"/0.<br />

777-7550<br />

---------<br />

5-1S65<br />

.A.<br />

CHOICE<br />

Rolled<br />

OAST<br />

t<br />

95~<br />

J<br />

;<br />

Thursday, December I, 1966<br />



This Christmas. give a membership in the Automobile ChJb of Michigatl. The<br />

driver you've remembered will unwrap 12 full m~s 01 the world's finest<br />

mOlOring services .•. WorldwIde Travai Servicll • Emergency Rold<br />

Service. NewlY"llpanded Perlonal Accident Inlurenee • $5.000<br />

Seil Bond Protection • Monthly llsue of Motor News m.gazin ••<br />

When you give an Auto Club gilt membership you give the advantage of every<br />

Club service. And. the AM rnernbersh'I'.cerd is a 365 day reminder of your<br />

thoughtfulness. A gilt i\laster Membership is $1B; a gilt Associate Member.<br />

sh'!J /for spouse. unroalliall son or d/lughter living in the home Ilf the Master<br />

Member) is just $9.<br />


15415 E. JEFFERSON<br />

PHONE 821-6300<br />

George Measel, Manager<br />


~~~ ~----- -~-------<br />

"rea' Yourse'f •••<br />

1967 MERCEDES-BENZ<br />


1I0nly Minutes Away from the Pointes"<br />

•<br />

•<br />

• •<br />

-<br />

By Pepper Whitelaw<br />

With yo~r purse full of<br />

charge-a-plates and your spirits<br />

. high you start out to do youJ;<br />

Christmas shopping. Christmas<br />

shopping, that's that wonderful<br />

exercise geared to have any<br />

intelligent person clear out of<br />

his mind by the time the happy<br />

day arrives.<br />

FinJing what you want to<br />

give is problem enough, but<br />

locating a salesperson willing<br />

to sell it t{) you is rea 11y<br />

a major accomplishment. In<br />

fact the entire procedure is a<br />

•<br />

Worn in Your Ear<br />

! NfW "SOLITAIRE"<br />

i NO CORD - NO TUBE<br />


!<br />

1'H - ':LiVI"'G SOUND"<br />

. ..1 HEARING AIOS<br />

~<br />

"EAST<br />

SIDE<br />


. 17907 E. Warr~n TU 1.3600<br />

, Open Thurs. & Fri. Evenings<br />


Her most cherished<br />

by Morcel<br />

scent engagingly<br />

Refillable<br />

GIVING<br />

fragrance<br />

Rochas .•. 0 delicate<br />

feminine,<br />

completely moderti, light, and<br />

gay .•. $0 right for every<br />

mood.<br />

Spray Cologne, 4 oz. 6.50<br />

.'j<br />

Purse Petfume<br />

spray, l~ drams. 6,.50<br />

Dusting Powder, 9 oz .. 5.00<br />

Jacobsons<br />


Seeing Where The Mqney Goes<br />

.I::""<br />

:..:'.•-:.:.::.:;:;:::.:!,W~!:.;'t:!lf'"<br />

~-~.n.fri! .<br />

Photo by E4df~ McGrath. Jr.<br />

A check for. $732.79, money raised Department, explain the mysteries of<br />

by members of the local Megate, (Omega . the Clinic's Electromyograph machine,<br />

Eta Tau), Grosse Pointe University fra- are. CHUCK WRIGHT, president of<br />

ternity, was presented recently to the Megate, and MRS. JOHN BOOTH, rep-<br />

Detroit Orthopaedic Clinic. Watching resenting Sigma Gamma: Association,<br />

SARAH JANE HOUTZ, consultant in whiah founded and still sponsors the<br />

the Clinic's Educational and Research Clinic, a Torch Drive agency.<br />

. l<br />

The hair coloring industry es.<br />

timates that 38 per cent of all<br />

American womert color thei.r<br />

hair.<br />



15415 Gratiot at 8 Mile 521-6600<br />

t•<br />

21Mt ANNUAL<br />

MIm NIGHT<br />

MONDAY. DIle. ~>rH<br />

7:110 t'l 10:00<br />

•<br />

•<br />

FRESH<br />

xtra Fancy<br />


19 c ea.<br />

.. •<br />

ERINES<br />

oJ:.<br />

79 c<br />

For<br />

• •<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

tFROM<br />

I- ,<br />

Adiust Your Philosophy<br />

For Christmas Shopping<br />



demoralizing experience unless<br />

you use the "deck-the-halIs"<br />

philosophy.<br />

This philosor-hy is one of.com.<br />

plete disreg&rd for 'Such minor<br />

details l'S ii the item will fit<br />

the person you're buying for,<br />

if they have one ~llready, and<br />

if they would like tlo have it.<br />

You just jolly into the store<br />

and pick up the first item that<br />

your hand touches and say<br />

"charge it." Count tbe number<br />

of people on your list and do<br />

this that number of time.<br />

Then when you get home put<br />

them all in a big box and as<br />

you call out a name, pull a<br />

package out of the box. It's<br />

game time for you and surprise<br />

time for the recipient. In fact it<br />

works out to be a barrel of<br />

fun if the entire family par.<br />

ticipates. .<br />

The salesclerks would be<br />

happier, you would be happier<br />

and the charity that receives<br />

an your non.,fitting gifts will<br />

probably be more deserving<br />

than those you are buying the<br />

gifts for anyway. Think of all<br />

the fun you have without having<br />

to make any decisions,,-as<br />

to what you are going to give.<br />

We might initiate this as a<br />

regular part of the Chrilltmas<br />

buying story and call it "Keep.<br />

ing sane if the name of the<br />

game.~!<br />

And imagine the look on<br />

grandmother's face when she<br />

opens her gift . . . a black lace<br />

nightie in a six twelve . . .<br />

or grandpa's when he opens his<br />

comb and brush set, which pur-<br />

I pose hus long since eluded him,<br />

I or your sister's f&ce when she<br />

sees her after.shaving lotion;<br />

or the children's faces when<br />

they open their- cigarette cases<br />

and'lighters; or your dear hus.<br />

band's face as he open the<br />

Chanel NO.5.<br />

Heavens, all kinds of things<br />

could happen after gift-giving<br />

of this sort and just think<br />

you've given yourself the best<br />

gift 01 all, a "frustration free<br />

shopping spree."<br />

As an extra pre.Christmas<br />

bonus I'd like to add here a<br />

I Christmas Dictionary which<br />

should help you through the<br />

.holiday season.<br />

Evergreen-That's what yOil<br />

will be when you find out your<br />

neighbor got a mink stole for<br />

I Christmas and you got an elec.<br />

i tric mixer.<br />

I Christmas Cards-Your gay<br />

. neighbors who stop in for a<br />

holiday tisit.<br />

Mistletoe - that which you're<br />

usually found unner when the<br />

I biggest boor in the block ap-<br />

, pears.<br />

I Christmas cookies-The secretaries<br />

in your husband's office<br />

I ;~~y~ttend the office Christmas'<br />

Fruitcake-that's what you'll<br />

he nutty as comes December 25.<br />

Christmas spirit-it comes in<br />

fifths and quarts.<br />

Bells-what we'll all have to<br />

Ply in January.<br />

With these pre-holiday thoughts<br />

I prQIIlise you that all will be<br />

, calm, all will be bright.<br />

I I - , ~- ------.-----<br />


LADIES' g:tE~~:::y<br />

• AN EXPERT<br />

I remodel old jewelry into<br />

the finest, lateBt Btyleff.<br />

• dreat, Values In Fin. Dla•<br />

monds, Watches anel all<br />

Gold Jew.1 •<br />

eHi Grall. Watch lepOl,lng<br />

For 30 vear'<br />

Alfred E. Zier<br />

on the Eatt SIC».<br />


16437 E. W......... TU 1-4981'<br />

We buy old gold, Jewelry<br />

ond diamonds.<br />

.<br />

'".lL~''- ,<br />

.'."lft""<br />

-.'./f; l"<br />

with quality<br />


POCKET<br />

from<br />


20148 Mack Ave.<br />


Electric<br />

ZOOM<br />

S-COPE<br />

.<br />

Powered<br />

Smart, new styling in a<br />


$2 95<br />

HfJre's new plensure, new<br />

ease in reading, hobby-craft,<br />

fine-detailstudy.<br />

87 Kercheval, on the Hill<br />

Great Gift Idea for Sports Lovers-Hunters and Travellers<br />


;<br />



.. .<br />



~@~<br />

.<br />



AT, '9. 95 !<br />

Mov, close up at sports ,vents. VIeetlon<br />

scenes, on nature trips and<br />

even the moonl Here's big IO-power .<br />

.range with optical quality never before<br />

offered at this price. Balscope Ten (only lOW. long, 9 ounces) Is I<br />

made by Bausch & lomb-world- If<br />

famous Amarican makers ~f blnoclJo f(<br />

lars, microscopes. CinemaScopeI<br />

lenses and other preCision optical<br />

,!!uipment. See one today at<br />

~ SI¥_~-.<br />

Sun,/alltl for ."",on'<br />

The world's finest sun<br />

glasses are also the best<br />

looking.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

,<br />

.,<br />

GlarelelB light<br />

reveals full easy-to-l!ee magnified<br />

detail, regardless of room light<br />

conditions. Standard 110-115 volt;<br />

.. .'<br />

6-ft. cord. Get one now for deflk, workbench,<br />

telepho:l8 stand; perfect gift, too.<br />

Electrically<br />

powered.<br />

Magnifications<br />

from<br />

21/2 to 8 times.<br />

Stays in focus<br />

all the wzy.<br />

--_.-<br />

Wi,lI<br />

Carrying<br />

Case<br />

Under $200<br />

. .<br />

Comp'et.<br />

The 3-power lens slides<br />

out for use - clicks<br />

shut for carrying. Not<br />

:much larger than a<br />

packette of matches.<br />

Made by Bausch &<br />

Lomb.<br />

NEW<br />

EASE<br />

READING!'.:I<br />

For newspapers, magazines; books,<br />

telephone directories<br />

only $1 19<br />

The Magna-Bar is a unique magnifier which<br />

rests direC'Jy on the printed page-no focusing.<br />

Covers several lines at a time, full width.<br />

Doubles height without changing width. Crystal-clear,<br />

optIcal.quality plastic 5U" long,<br />

I" wide. With pocket case.<br />

Johnston Optical Co.<br />

2014e Mac.k Ave. at Oxford<br />

87 Kercheval 9ft the Hill<br />

Page<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

Nine<br />

••<br />

..<br />

, I<br />

TU 1-8681<br />

Tu 2-5950<br />

4<br />

, J<br />

a. e ••••••••••• - •• t .rtn.<br />

T ,. lif57 ,tid<br />

- ,

._- ~.~~~~--<br />

- - ~ TY' ... on ...... --~ ... ~ .... - ~~ .............. , ..... if'" W= ......... ~_ •• p Wi e.... ' ........... -wa pes 4 •• > •• a OS. • a a • bEDe = &<br />

.5 $ a<br />

5<br />

a<br />

a 0 .»<br />

»<br />

PW ... -"<br />

"<br />

l<br />

.. ,. ,<br />

J<br />

tI<br />

Page Ten<br />


Boys 11 years & older<br />

Westwortl HO-1961<br />


14th s~mmer camping and exploring expedition of the<br />

West, conducted by Otto C. Leu's Handpicked successor,<br />

his co-magonmaster, teacher Edward Leland.<br />

16 states - 7 National Parks - Lake Tahoe - Mark<br />

Twain Cave - Disneyland - Knott's Berry Farm<br />

Pacific Ocean Beaches<br />


TV's Bonan~a<br />

Register Now - App'ication and 'nf(lrmation<br />


100 Kercheval Ave., Grosse Pointe<br />

TU 5-7510<br />

Giye Your Fir.eplace a N-EW LOOK<br />

QUALITY fireplace furnishings<br />


USE YOUR<br />

•<br />

and accessories<br />

for your home or gift giving at reasonable<br />

prices at your neighbo7'hood Trustworthy<br />

Hours: 9.6 p.m.<br />

Mon. & Fri. 9.8 p.m.<br />

01 Beauty ~n SECONDS!<br />


19483 MACK AVE.<br />

dealer.<br />

3 Blocks N. of Woods Theatre<br />

TU 5.4767<br />


This Christmas<br />

Everyone Wants<br />

"SUPER 8" MOVIES<br />

Michael J. Downey, 28, of<br />

20217 Valera, st. Clair Shores,<br />

was arrested by Woods police on<br />

Wednesday, November 15, and<br />

charged with driving under the<br />

influence' of liquor.<br />

The arresting officer, Patrolman<br />

Theodore Hinz, said while<br />

patrolling Mack. avenue, he observed<br />

Downey traveling north<br />

on the avenue, and going<br />

through a red signal light at<br />

high speed, and then drive in<br />

an erratic manner. Hint. gave<br />

chase.<br />

At Fairholme, Downey turned<br />

east onto the street, at which<br />

time he lost control and the' car<br />

"fish-tailed," and the driver<br />

brought it to a stop,. with the<br />

vehicle facing north-south. The<br />

street is east-west.<br />

The officer said that in: trying<br />

to straighten out the car, Dow.<br />

ney drove o'ver the, south curb,<br />

and then drove down and over<br />

to the north side of the street,<br />

and then from curb.to-curb,<br />

narrowly missing a parked automobile<br />

in front 'Of 1455 Fairholme,<br />

but bounced off a curb<br />

in front of it.<br />

Hinz said Downey sped through<br />

a stop street at Holiday at 40<br />

miles an hour, then drove left<br />

of center and into the path of a<br />

car traveling west, forcing the<br />

driver to veer to avoid a collision.<br />

The policeman said he stopped<br />

Downey between Ghesquiere<br />

court and Berns court, and<br />

placed him under arrest. A passenger<br />

in the car was relea'3ed.<br />

Downey was taken to the station,<br />

where he was given a violation<br />

ticket for driving while<br />

under the influence of liquor.<br />

He was later released on $150<br />

bond, pending a court appearance.<br />

Kappa Kappa Gammas<br />

To Hold Arlnual Party<br />

Kappa Kappa Gamma's an.<br />

nual Christmas and quarterly<br />

birthday party at the Rehabili.<br />

tation Institute in Mack avenue<br />

will be held Tuesday evening,<br />

December 6, at 7:30 o'clock.<br />

The Junior Group will entertain<br />

all patients whose birth.<br />

days fall in OCtober, November<br />

and December. Mrs. Frank<br />

Penirian and Mrs. J 0 h n H.<br />

Smith are in charge of gifts<br />

and refreshments.<br />

The Senior Kappas' Christmas<br />

Party will follow the birthday<br />

celebrations. Mrs. Hunter<br />

H. Comley is chairman of volunteer<br />

work at the Institut~. Mrs.<br />

Rob e r t T. Herdegen, Jr., is<br />

president of the Detroit area<br />

branch of the fraternit-y.<br />

Hostesses for the evening<br />

will i n c Iud e Mrs. Calloway<br />

Smith, Ivirs. Louis J. Asmus,<br />

Mrs. Edward D. Mail'e, Mrs. C.<br />

Upton Shreve, Mrs. James E.<br />

Thomas and Miss Etta Jean<br />

Craig.<br />

ONLY $149 50<br />

,<br />

..<br />

dlst ANNUAL<br />


Here NOW!<br />



Dr. Henry Lande/Reckless Driver<br />

To Speak Here Nahhed in Woods<br />

Man versus the machine . . .<br />

who will be the master, is the<br />

provocative theme of an address<br />

to be delivered at 8 p.m. on<br />

December 7 by Dr. Henry F.<br />

Lande at the. Grosse Pointe<br />

Unitarian Church, 17150 Maumee.<br />

He will discuss the impact<br />

of Technology on individual life<br />

and social organization.<br />

Dr. Lande, an eminent industrial<br />

engineer and economist,<br />

is currently manager of planning<br />

systems development for<br />

International Business Machines.<br />

He has been in the forefront<br />

in the use of computers in business<br />

planning and has been a<br />

frequent consultant to industry<br />

and the profession.<br />

Dr. Lande's address is part<br />

of the Grosse Pointe Unitt'rian<br />

lecture series entitled "The<br />

Dir~ction of Human Development."<br />

The lectures are on the<br />

first Wednesday of every month<br />

through May, and feature such<br />

distinguished speakers as Dr.<br />

Lande, Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher,<br />

president of the planned parenthood-World<br />

Population association,<br />

Author-Historian Peter H.<br />

Putnam and Economics Profes.<br />

sor Kenneth E. Boulding, from<br />

the University of Michigan.<br />

'Others are Psychiatrist Graham<br />

Blaine, Jr., from Harvard,<br />

and Dr. Samuel H. Miller, dean<br />

of the Harvard Divinity School.<br />

Tickets are $1.50 and are available<br />

at the door. Student admissions<br />

are 75c. .<br />

Accuse Motorist<br />

Of Drunk Driving<br />

A Detroit motorist who nearly<br />

collided with a Park police car<br />

while speeding east on Mack<br />

avenue Saturday evening, November<br />

26, was arrested and<br />

charged with driving while intoxicated.<br />

Patrolmen Charies Petrie and<br />

Gary Mitchell reported that<br />

they were cruising east on the<br />

a~'enue when they observed Ed-<br />

I ward F. Darlak, 44, of 2951<br />

Heade, Detroit, crossing over<br />

the double yellow line, at the<br />

Balfour interseeti'On, and into<br />

the path of oncoming traffic.<br />

In swerving b~ck to the proper<br />

lane, Darlak nearly collided<br />

with their scout car, as<br />

he cut in front of them, the<br />

officer said.<br />

Darlak was paced at 40 miles<br />

an hour and was stopped at<br />

Three Mile drive. He was placed<br />

under arrest and taken to<br />

the station, where he was booked<br />

and charged.<br />

The motorist was given a violati'On<br />

ticket for driving while<br />

under the influence of liquor,<br />

and later released on $150 bond .<br />

His court appearance was scheduled<br />

for yesterday, November<br />

30, before Municipal Judge C.<br />

Joseph Belanger.<br />

~~~ __ ~:J:!B~_:J:!B~:J:!B:J:!B_:JlS:J:!B~~:J:!B_ll!Si_~ Glue a piece of cork on the top<br />

W . ~ of your recipe file box. With a Two members of President<br />

~ ~ knife cut a slit across the cork Tyler's c.abinet, the Secretaries<br />

~ )IJ at a slight angle and insert rec- of State and Navy, were killed<br />

tI: lA ipe cards as you use them. in 1884 when a gun aboard the<br />

~ ! Cards will stand at a readable steamer Princeton accidentally<br />

Vi ~ _a_ng_l_e. e_x_p_Io_de_d_d_ur_in_g_a_s_a_lu_te_.<br />

__<br />

~ ~<br />

~ ~<br />

~ ~.<br />

i ~<br />

~ ~<br />

~ ~<br />

~ ~<br />

i ~<br />

W ~<br />

~ J<br />

~ ~<br />

~ !<br />

~ ~<br />

W ~<br />

W ~<br />

U ~<br />

~ ~I<br />

i ~<br />

~ !<br />

! Welcome I<br />

~t ~<br />

i 0 !<br />

I • • • ~<br />

~ ~<br />

i !<br />

W<br />

J<br />

~ Hospitality Center ~<br />

~ J<br />

I !<br />

! MEN~S !<br />

~ NIGHT I<br />

~ i ~<br />

Monday, December 5th I<br />

~ * I<br />

See Our Christmas<br />

; Gilt Display !<br />

I !<br />

I ~<br />

~ I<br />


i ~<br />



Y<br />

Iy<br />

-<br />

ber " 1966<br />

-~--<br />

IT RIGHT<br />

ERY. Ala, - Lack<br />

onunciation hurts<br />

lling. a language<br />

t declared at a<br />

xth grade teachers<br />

.<br />

e<br />

S<br />

30<br />

nger~<br />

A.<br />

CE<br />

ath's<br />

lack<br />

awk<br />

acon<br />

5~<br />

Thursday, December I, 1966<br />

MENs.NIGHr<br />

MONDAY ... DX!::. 6't11<br />

7:uu to 10:00<br />

an invitation<br />

for<br />

• Plus a hundred<br />

other ideas<br />

Burglar Visits Farms Residence'<br />

A burglar forcibly entered the<br />

home of the Kenneth Teitzes<br />

2135 Beaufait, on Sunday, No:<br />

vember 27, and escaped with<br />

approximately $400 in cash and<br />

several items, the values of<br />

which were not given. '<br />

for<br />

MEN ONLY<br />

when you're tired of shopping<br />

on MEN'S NIGHT.<br />

Mon., Dec. 5th<br />


Peter Pan, Ine.<br />

/70/5 Kerchevol, in the Viilage<br />

~-<br />

J5th Yeor of Serving Grossa Pointe<br />


TRAVEL<br />

100 Kerchevol<br />

TUxedo 5.7510<br />

~~~~--_._--~_._-------~~--~-_._-----------<br />

We're BRIMMING OVER With Great Ideas for<br />

Christmas Gifting and Decorating ... ESJiecially<br />

for ,the EARLY SHOPPER<br />

Be."~C.ORATIONS<br />

i>RNAM~l'\'tS _ ' . ~<br />

CHRlSTMA<br />

the do it yourself<br />

decorators<br />

Fruit<br />

and one<br />



Your Christmas Flower & Decora.tion Center<br />

Allemon<br />

FIOi'ist<br />

ot<br />

17931 I.t WARREN<br />

,...u ",r", Ir."kl<br />

TU 4.f)lZQ<br />

Thomas Teitze, 26, who discovered<br />

the breakin, told police<br />

that he was the last to lea\Te<br />

the house, and before leaving,<br />

at 8:10 p.m., Saturday, he<br />

turned on the light in the family<br />

room. When he returned. at<br />

12:5(} a.m. Sunday, he said he<br />

found the house in darkness<br />

and three upstairs bedrooms<br />

in complete disorder.<br />

He said he checked his bed.<br />

room to see If anything was<br />

missing, and found $80 he had<br />

placed atop his bedroom dresser<br />

gone.<br />

His father, Kenneth, 51, who<br />

came home shortly after, told<br />

police that the thief took $130<br />

from his' dresser drawer, plus<br />

his wallet containing $60 in' currency<br />

and credit cards, and a<br />

paper bag with approximately<br />

$30 in change.<br />

His wife told police that missing<br />

from the front bedroom was<br />

$100 in cash, a walker, and' a<br />

gold colore(i travel clock.<br />

Also taken from the house,<br />

the Teitzes said, was a blue<br />

shark skin suit belonging to the<br />

elder Teltze, an undetermined<br />

amount of liquor from the up.<br />

stairs closet, and a tape recorder.<br />

The burglar entered<br />

the house by prying open the<br />

door at the east side of the<br />

house.<br />

Monteith P.T A.<br />

Meeting Dec~ 6<br />

The second P-TA meeting pf<br />

Monteith School will be held<br />

Tuesday evening, December 6,<br />

at 8 o'clock. In conjunction with<br />

the P-TA meeting will be a<br />

Book Fair beginning at 7:30<br />

o'clock December 6.<br />

The Fair will be open for the<br />

rest of that week from 12 noon<br />

to 8 every evening. The books<br />

will be displayed in the foyer at<br />

Monteith School, (this is an excellent<br />

opportunity for you to<br />

purchase attractiv~ books as<br />

Christmas presents for children).<br />

"Your Public Libraries in<br />

Action" will be presented by<br />

Robert M. Orr, director o~<br />

Grosse Pointe Public Libraries.<br />

Assisting Mr. Orr will be Miss<br />

Harriet Helms, chief of Children's<br />

Services; Mrs. Vincent<br />

Leonard, chief of Processing;<br />

Mrs. Robert Booth, acting chief<br />

of the Central Library; James<br />

Titterington, Audio-Visual Department<br />

head; Mrs, Jay Mc-<br />

Cormick, Circulation De'Jartment<br />

head; :i\Irs.Donald Seifert,<br />

Woods Branch librarian; and<br />

Miss G e r d a Bielitz,. Park<br />

Branch librarian. They will pictorially<br />

present the work of the<br />

departments.<br />

The presentation, has been<br />

prepared as an official report<br />

to the Board of Education on<br />

the work of the Public Library.<br />

While the Public Lihrary staff<br />

firmly believes in the impor.<br />

tance of the printed word, they<br />

also realize there is truth in the<br />

adage "A picture is worth a<br />

thousand words."<br />

I Mr. Orr states that the many<br />

groups which have seen the<br />

presentation have been very<br />

much impressed with the scope<br />

of the services available at the<br />

public librar}, and especially<br />

the emphasis given to non-book<br />

materials. Use of the public<br />

libraries' films, records, tape<br />

music, tools and framed art<br />

prints, for example, has been<br />

booming.<br />

The Monteith P.TA cordially<br />

invited everyone to attend the<br />

Book Fair and look over the<br />

excellent collection of approxi.<br />

mately 600 children's books<br />

Iwhich hav.e. been assembled<br />

purchase ..<br />

ii<br />

-------<br />

Vandals<br />

for<br />

~ (Continued from Page 1)<br />

~ a breaking and entering of the<br />

~ home of ihe Leo F. Drolaha 7<br />

~ gens, Sr., 1370 Berkshire, and<br />

~ found the same situation as at<br />

~ the Latimer residence.<br />

The burglary and vandalism<br />

were discovered by the Drolshagens'<br />

son, Leo, Jr., who re-<br />

sides next door to his parents. ,<br />

The younger Drolshagen told<br />

Ipolice that no one had been in<br />

the house from 4 p.m. Friday,<br />

November 25, to about 5:17 p.m.<br />

I Saturday, at which time he dis.<br />

~ covered what had taken place.<br />

~ Entry into the bouse w~s<br />

II made by breaking the glass of<br />

I the French doors at the rear of<br />

I the house. The house was com-<br />

pletely ransacked.<br />

I Det. Lt. Arnold Hough said<br />

that there is no doubt that the<br />

l4 Latimer and Drolshagen burlA<br />

glaries were by the same. per-<br />

M son, or persons, apparently<br />

ill looking only for money. Nothing<br />

B else appeared to be missing.<br />

~ Probably because of frustra.<br />

Ition, the bu~glar slashed the<br />

,living room sofa and chair<br />

seats. and gouged other furni.<br />

I<br />

14 . ture, besides scattering flour,<br />

)J sugar and other ingredients<br />

~ throughout the kitchens of botb<br />

~ homes. the detective said .<br />

I IB<br />

~<br />

~<br />

II<br />

~:<br />

~.<br />


PT A. ~t Ferr)' Meets Dec. 6<br />

Sea the New Lifelike Nativity Scene<br />

Life size figures of the Shepherds with<br />

Mary and Joseph and the Infant Jesus<br />

whose birthday is the reason 'We celebrate<br />

Christmas.<br />

Take a "Trip"<br />

,'ISEE<br />

if) our Roekft Ship<br />

Just imagine you':re blasting off for the<br />

moon! There are weird sound effects and<br />

flashing lights to make it all seem thrill.<br />

ingly real.<br />

Our Space Ship is Exciting, Too.<br />

Just climb in and thipg& siart to happen.<br />

Y()q won't really take off but you'll think<br />

you are really a ~paceman for sqre-and<br />

that is great fun.<br />

;u •• 'n .....";<br />

ing on their committee will be<br />

Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Nt)yes,<br />

I\1'~.an4 Mrs. William Martin,<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rice.<br />

The Tuesday night, December after the .short business meet-<br />

6, meeting of the Ferry School ing at 8:15, the parents, teach-<br />

P.T.A. will take on an' international<br />

flair thr\:lugh the at- ers and guests are invited to Traffic accidents are the i!adtendance<br />

and program presept. the Activities Room for re- ing cause of death among pered<br />

by the eight foreign ex. freshments. Co-chairman for sons from ages 5 to 31, the<br />

change students who are a~;- the social hour a:e Mr. and President's Committee for Traf.<br />

tending Grosse Pointe High Mrs. Harvey Pickford and servo fie Safety reports.<br />

ScilOOIas members of the S'en- -----------------------<br />

ior Class. : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• eee ••••••<br />

There are seven countries .1. i.<br />

represented by the eight 5tu- Q I-t<br />

dents; four under the Ameri- ua I Y<br />

can Field Service program, and I<br />

four affiliated with the Youth : :<br />

For Understanding program.. Counts •<br />

The four AFS students are : Fer:de Alp from Turkey, Lee •<br />

Johnson from South Africa I I<br />

Pauline Loong from Malaysi~<br />

and Kurt Stefaner from Ger- •• At<br />

I<br />

many. The four YFU students • •<br />

are Margareta Nyberg from •.<br />

:i Lan,g's' VI-Iloge Mea' Is II<br />

~~:~~r;;y~Us~~k~tal~~~~r:e~<br />

from Finland, and Masashi<br />

Taehibana from Japan.<br />

Thll students will each have<br />

•• 17045 Kere:heval ' TU 2-5777 :.\<br />

an opportunity .to talk before: ' ..'CENTER CUT .... -------... :<br />

the memb~s of the PTA about • BONELESS, ROLLED •<br />

the various Christmas customs • k. 'H I':<br />

and traditions ()f their' 'native : Por LOin orme..<br />

land. It will be one of the first .: " Roast Sliced I<br />

appearances of the group before<br />

an audience since they : I<br />

started to, school here this fall • .79C Bacon<br />

and with the theme of "Christ. : Ib<br />

mas in My Country," the pro- • '. ,f<br />

gram should be one that every-,: 79C Strictly Fresh, Whole<br />

I<br />

;<br />

one will enjoy.. :<br />

Before coming to the school: BEEF TENDERLOINS lb.<br />

gymnasium f'Or the program, : $1 19 Ib<br />

parents will have a chance to • ••<br />

visit their children's rooms. :<br />

These visits will staft at 7:30.. New York Strip Steaks & Sirloins At All Times ("<br />

After the program", which is : •<br />

schedul~d to take p~ce right I~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.<br />

• •<br />

~<br />

Suburban maintenance<br />


Featuring<br />

PR 6-3038<br />

• Compl....<br />

Clean!nl<br />

• Loeb<br />

Sew.r<br />

R.poiraci<br />

• Wall Wa.hing<br />

• Doors cut<br />

oH<br />

• Co,",1'" P.lntinl<br />

on4 D•• orotin,<br />

• Wood FOllce<br />

lopolrs<br />

• Tile<br />

• Plctwfe.,<br />

Hun,<br />

Pag. EJev6n<br />

Tb~re are more t11an. 4,000 I So live that when yoU ~<br />

collectors of e10cks in the help you cau be your GWD fir"<br />

nation.<br />

aid to the injured.<br />

•<br />

Com~lete Home Repairs<br />

& Maintenance<br />

With One Phone Call<br />



tl<br />

• Window Glazing • Cumin Rods Reanel<br />

WOlhinl ,oired & Cord.<br />

R.placed<br />

• Gutt.rs Cle.n.~<br />

and Instollad • Cleon Exhault<br />

Fanl<br />

• C.i1inl<br />



,..'Leave it to good old Santa Claus to bring something new and thrilling<br />

}<br />

''',when he comes to Eastland. You'll find his TreaEure Cave really<br />

peat fun-with chests and barrels just loaded with gifts from<br />

'lSanta's workshops. So come soon. Santa is waiting for YOU! He has<br />

'~acandy cane and a coloring book he wants to give to you.<br />

Tilo<br />

• New Storm DObr.<br />

Gnd Windows<br />

• Stonn Wi"ciowl<br />

It Scro.n $en'i,.<br />

Grout!nl<br />

• Lamp Re,.l"<br />

etc.,<br />

Plul Many Other Services, Including Fr.e Adylce<br />


W, Ar, Insur,", licens." & Bon"," Bull".r.<br />

(Color pictU~B tire 8no.pped of all children with Santa. You,. ~<br />

are optional.)<br />

c<br />

../<br />

I<br />

, ... .. ... ,

I<br />

~1<br />

I<br />

Ị!<br />

I<br />

i<br />

f,<br />

. I<br />

. ,<br />

", !<br />

~------------------_."'._.__.IIlI'P""'.p s_<br />

Page<br />

Twelve<br />

Kalvelage Stars<br />

As Chiefs Win<br />

By William A. Gill<br />

The Grosse Pointe Chiefs beat<br />

the Mt. Clemens hOCkeyteam by<br />

the score of 9 to 2 in a game<br />

plSlyed at Gord Howe Hockey-<br />

1~lld Sunday night.<br />

Doug Kaivelage scored three<br />

?oah, which in hockey jargon<br />

IS. ~nown as the "Hat Trick".<br />

Ju\'emle dlvlSlon and he is I<br />

.4dult Ski Club Sets Gatherings<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial's<br />

Adult Grosse Pointe Ski Club<br />

is planning a conditioning get<br />

together Monday evening, December<br />

5, at 8 o'clock in Fries<br />

Ballroom.<br />

Personnel fro m Head Skis<br />

and tht:. Grosse Pointe Ski Shop<br />

will be in charge of the program<br />

which will featur~<br />

--- ---------~<br />

group<br />

participation and conditioning<br />

for the slope.<br />

Shirts and sweaters and slacks<br />

are de rigueur for membeI s<br />

and prospective members of<br />

both sexes. After a good workout<br />

the group will adjourn to<br />

another location to refresh and<br />

revive themselves.<br />

Another occasion is scheduled<br />

by the club at st. Clair<br />

Yacht Club at Keane Harbor,<br />

foot of Meadowbrook, where<br />

the club will gather from 4<br />

p.m. on Sunday, December 11<br />

to get in practice for the social<br />

side of skiing. Cocktails and<br />

"na~ks or dinners if desired<br />

will be strictly by subscription.<br />

All members are urged to attend.<br />

Guests are welcome too.<br />

Brownell Pupils<br />

Plan for Future<br />

,!ltis ~s Dou.(s. first year in the ILibrary' Offers<br />

pla~.ing . like an old pro. Y ule Movies<br />

1-.IS fIrst goal was at 2:07 of<br />

the first period on fine passing I<br />

from George Mercer and Tom The special Christmas Film<br />

Buckman. The second score Programs will be held at Cenwas<br />

at 2:51 of the second period tral Library in the Exhibition<br />

on ~nother good passing job Room on December 2 at 6:30<br />

From George Mercer and George and 7;3~ p.m. The same pro-<br />

Griffi:t. The third goal was on a gralY' WIll be repeated on Sat.<br />

br'eak-away at the 1:05 mark of urclay, December 3, at 10:30<br />

the last period. This scoring a.m. at the Woods Branch and<br />

spree makes Doug the highest at 2:3~ p.m. at the Park Branch.<br />

scorer the Chiefs have with 4 The fIlm progrClm has bet!l esgoals<br />

and 3 assists. pecially planned to add to the . .<br />

The undefeated Chiefs wasted excitGment and enchantment of HIgh school may stlll be 10<br />

no time in scoring. They scored the holiday season for both months away by the .calert~ar<br />

i!1 the first minute of play when I children and adults. for B,I' 0 ~ n ell JUIDor Hlgh<br />

Tom Buckman took a pa1>"Sfrom SANTA AND THE FAIRY School s ~mth grade student~,<br />

George Mercer and slammed the 'I SNOW QUEEN - The Fairy bbUeg .Pl~n~ng'gfhotrfuture t<br />

Tstu~YhltS<br />

k ','t th t F'ft SQ' lif t S' mm b<br />

puc rl now. orog,<br />

I•• a e ne. 1 een see-I now ueen gIves e 0 an. Thu~sda De bIt 8<br />

onds later Tom Buckman scored ta's dolls on Christmas Eve. o'cl~ k ~ll .c~~ ger d' a .<br />

8"ain on a pass out from Doug Jack-in-the-box, toy soldier, mu- th . Crt run . r~t edrs t anO<br />

K 1 1 . 1 d 1 ell' pa en s are mVI e 0 an<br />

a ve age. . . SiCa? 1, and other dolls da~ee informational m e e tin g with<br />

The Grosse Pomters JUS t and smg for Santa. MUSIcal counselors to learn £ b .<br />

rO:led over the Mount Clemens ~ackground: .Ts,c;haikowsky's course requirements fO~ gr:J~~<br />

~edm With goals by Gre.g Car- Nutcracker SUl!e. ation from Grosse Pointe High<br />

.enter, Adam PerkowskI, Tom CHRISTMAS C US TOM S, S c h 0 01. Brownell Counselors<br />

Bradley and George Mercer. NEAR AND FAR - Origins of Robert Clark Neil Curtis a d<br />

!he nex.! garf,\~for the Grosse many of our Christmas customs, Mrs. Mary VJernet will b'e :So<br />

POlllte ChIefs Will be played at Children of German, S'wedish, sisted by counselors from the<br />

Gord Howe Hockeyland at 10 Mexican, Italian and Chinese high sch(}l)l who will answer<br />

p.IT1:. Sunday, De c e m b e r 4, descent enact typical Christmas questions on specific courses as<br />

a'!ams~ War.ren. celebrations oJ: those countries. wen as college and university<br />

ChIefs Scormg Record: SANTA CLAUS SUIT _ Ex- requirements .<br />

G A P ts. per.ience.s of one who woul.d rot Bas i c preparation for the<br />

Doug Kalvelage 4 7 b<br />

Gec. :.vIercer 1 3 4 el~eve I~ S~nta Claus 'Nlthout thre~-ye.ar _plan of high school<br />

Tom Buckman 2 3 5 seemg hIm m person. An un- studIes IS being made in Brown-<br />

Randy ~iel 0 3 3 s~ccessful attempt to .fool him ell's ninth: grade g u i d a n c e<br />

:\Iarv Larivee 1 1 2 WIth a Santa Claus SUlt; a sur. classes usmg profiles of the re"<br />

"II 1 0 1 prising Clill'laX awakens him tl) cently administered Kuder Inay<br />

C .1 J<br />

Rill Acker 1 0 1<br />

t<br />

rue<br />

Ch . t ..<br />

tIS mas spmt. terest Inventory and per-centile<br />

r:!"eg Carpenter 1 0 1 The evening program is for score~ from the Differential<br />

Tom Bradley 1 0 1 children acoompanied by adults; Apt It u de Tests, which we?e<br />

Adam Ptrkcwski 1 0 1 the tWf) daytime programs on tak~n last year, In addition,<br />

Steve Maxon 0 1 1 December 3 are for adults and achievement test scores in math<br />

Geo. Griffin 0 1 1 children too but may be at- and reading will be furnished<br />

'" '" '" tended by ch~ldren unaccom-. students by their. counselors,<br />

SOUTHERN M{CHIGAN panied by adults. ' enabliil.g them to plan realistic.<br />

HOCKEY ASSOCIATION The Grosse Pointe Public a!ly With llarents for specific<br />

Juvenile Division Standings I.ibrary has Christmas records hIgh .s('~hoolcourses.<br />

TE<br />

"M and tapes available for the Indlv,ldual appointments will<br />

~.'11 W L T b d d .<br />

Grosse Pointe Chiefs 2 0 0 holiday season. These items are e ma e urmg January and<br />

Grosse Point!:'Warriors 1 0 1 listed by title and composer in February so that pa~ents, stu-<br />

St. Clair Shores 1 0 1 special drawers at the general ~ents, ~nd counselors may final-<br />

Royal Oak "B" 0 0 2 public catalog in each building. Ize the three-year plan.<br />

Lathrup 1 0 0<br />

Waterford 1 0 0 day, November 27th.<br />

:\It. Clemens 1 1 0 Pontiac 2, Waterford 4<br />

Utica 0 1 0 Lathrup 2, Madison Hts. 1<br />

Royal Oak "A" 0 1 0 Gr. Pte. Chiefs 9, Mt. Cl2mens<br />

~Iadison Heights 0 1 0 2<br />

Pontiac 0 1 0 Gr. 1'te. Warriors 2 Warren 1<br />

Warren 0 2 0 I St. Clair Shrs. 2. Royal Oak<br />

Scores of Games Played Sun- "B" 2<br />

Pointers Get Sports<br />

Awards at DePauw<br />


Greenoastle, Ind. (Spl.) _<br />

Rick Tomlcinson and Bruce Fox<br />

en Grosse Pointe have earned<br />

varsity athletic awards at De-<br />

Pauw University, where they<br />

are OO'Phomores.<br />

Tomkinson picked up his first<br />

varsity letter as a: sea,rter on<br />

DePauw's . first inter~llt!giate<br />

soccer team. He is the son of<br />

Mr. and MI\S. Richard F, TomkinsOiIl,<br />

86 Moran road. He attended<br />

Western Reserve Academy.<br />

Fox earned a varsity "D"<br />

sweater for hds work on the coo}.<br />

lege's varsity ~ross country<br />

team. Fox is the son of Mr, and<br />

MTs. ThOlll'!lS Fox, 11 Radnor<br />

circle. He attended Grosse<br />

Poinoo High School.<br />

BRUNSWICK FROM $275.00<br />

FISCHER EMPIRE ..... $565.00<br />

Prices include accessories and professional<br />

insta!lation. We do not use misleading<br />

advertising to .:iraw customers.<br />

Our complete package is a better deal.<br />


=-0 --<br />


Brunswick Black Beauty .. $19.95<br />

Starfire, was $27.95 .$21.95<br />

Tracmaster .$29.95<br />

AMF 3-Dot Classic ' $22.95<br />

Brunswick<br />

BLACK<br />

GOLF<br />

Bag-Boy Carts from<br />

All Mens Coif Shoes<br />

Were 16.~5 to 21.95<br />

:., Golf Ball Cift Packs<br />

BlID./IJwick IIJJ PRO<br />

WOODS<br />

& AM F Bags & Shoes<br />

Ball Prices Indude Drilling<br />

DEALER<br />

$19.95<br />

12.00<br />




OPEN EVENINGS TO 8:00 P.M.<br />

__ s _.II!" N__ .. __ •__ ~.--"'1Fl""""'I .._.l$lIPll"""'----;o:a O"""!ii.-_u ._a"'plU'l$ ell!' .•• __ •• _ _.II!P IIIl DII.-. ,..,.,_ _ _._ ••_. __ ••_s __ ._ __ _..__ -~_. __ .........---~- - -- .- ~---....-<br />

Our month<br />

A Family<br />

'ru 5-2550<br />

LUXU R/DUS 1-06E SEATS<br />

NOW<br />

- Exclusive -Area Showing -<br />

Exclusive Area Showing<br />

Tony Curtis, Vimi Lis!<br />

George C. Scott<br />


YOU DON'T"<br />

1'1 Color<br />



MATINEE .<br />

Saturday and Sunday Only<br />

Doors Open at 12:45 p.m.<br />



All Main noor Seats 50c<br />

end special<br />

Friday, Saturday and Sunday Only<br />

Moy's Combination<br />

Plate<br />

Egg Roll, Subgum Chow $225<br />

Mein, Fried Rice, Sweet and<br />

Sour Pork including Soup,<br />

Dessert and Beverage.<br />

E. Jefferson and Marter Road<br />

V2 Mile South of 9 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores<br />

Carry.OL'ts, PR 2-6662-0pen Dally from 11 a,m. to 11 p.m.<br />


WOODS Theatre<br />

Evening Dinners<br />

Luncheons<br />

Business Men's<br />

Weddings<br />

Breakfasts<br />

Banquets<br />

Open Sundays<br />

RES' AURANT.<br />

Home of Famous Banana Cream Pie<br />

Your Hosts: PETER and DAN MASOURAS<br />

Our new Phone Number - VA 3-2022<br />

12230E. Warren Ave..at Conner<br />

No connection with any other Cupid's Restaurant<br />

~-r ,<br />

$~'~~> "To<br />

Presents<br />

-* Travel<br />

*.<br />

ON THE STAGE : ~~<br />

~~~~~ -'1~~<br />

ON THE SCREEN ..ii&<br />

(J'-' "'*-:;;w,t<br />

2<br />

Performances<br />

Wed., Dec. 7<br />

ONlY!<br />

1:00 p.m.<br />

$1.50<br />

8:15 p.m.<br />

$2.00<br />

Tickets On<br />

Sale Nowl<br />


St. Paul High's Ice Team Gives<br />

Cage Teams Win Coach Present<br />

By Jim Brunson The Grosse Pointe Warriors<br />

Last year's East Side runner. 'Juvenile Hockey team cele.<br />

up, st. Paul High opened the brated their coach Larry Courregular<br />

basketball season on noyer's birthday by defeating<br />

November 25 by toppling the the Warren hockey team by a<br />

defending champ, St. Ladislaus, score of 2 to 1.<br />

--~._----------4_- ..... __.... _---..... - ..._- ....._...._•. plI!I.s •. ~..... - ... ----' ... -3-...3....<br />

--<br />

••----- •••••• 11& ••••••••• 0•••• a.q<br />

ember '. 1966<br />

. WARREN i<br />


INCH<br />

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PRICE<br />

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BLADES<br />

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SIE<br />

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.19<br />

n.H<br />

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6~<br />

GES-rAID<br />

ROOM<br />

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SISTOR<br />

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Pa09 .,<br />

Fourteen<br />

Feafuring<br />


Grosse Pointe News<br />




Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan<br />


Phone TU 2-6900<br />

Member MlchNlganPress Assoclatlon 8nQ National Editorial Association<br />


404 Fifth A Weekly ~ewspaper Representatives, Inc. \<br />

venue, New York 19, New York BYrant 9.7300<br />


333 North Michigan Avenue Phone FInanclal 8-2214<br />

Kitchens of Distinction<br />


Transform your present kitchen into a sparkling food<br />

pret~ration center ... individually ~signed and built<br />

to ')£our specifications. Complete planning and installatioF\<br />

by professional builders. Architectural service,<br />

Gall for tree estimates. Visit our showroom 8:00 a.m.<br />

to 5:00 p.m.<br />

~.~ ..•.~<br />

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Appliances<br />

Thiele Cons ruction Co.<br />

CustomHo.. 8uli~iil' I •• NtIl... AfI~iflo••<br />

24145 Little Mack Ave., at Stephen. Rd.<br />

St. Clair Shores in our 3Ot. year PI 5-2i2J<br />

I Memorial Center Schedule<br />

Gift Suggestion<br />

Ray-Ban sunglasses<br />

Also Ground to Your Prescription<br />

ION<br />

OPTICI.4.NS<br />

20183 MACK AVENUE<br />

Between Osford Rd. aDd Norwood<br />

TUxedo 4-5770<br />


W,hal' Goes On<br />

at<br />

Your Lihrary<br />

By Virginia Leonard<br />

• Comet.<br />

$6 a ,DAY M~i.<br />

• Mercury •<br />

$8 a DAY M~i •<br />

• Cougar.<br />

$8 a Day JI~e<br />


OR<br />


l<br />

How many .of you Grosse South Pacific, il1cluding extend.<br />

Pointe 'Public Library patrons ed travel in New Zealand and<br />

have known Melitta E. Roemer? Australia. As almost an anti-<br />

Many, I am sure. Since 1932, climax, our peripatetic friend<br />

when she started working in hastily reminded me that she<br />

our System, she has influenced has also travelled all over the<br />

many lives and given invaluable United States and Canada.<br />

service to our community. She And whai of hobbies? Well,<br />

has a1::o had a long association there's always gardening on<br />

with the Frien~ of the Grosse Hampton Road! Also, there's a<br />

Pointe Public Library, serving, project to get reacquainted with<br />

as its secretary since it was relatives and 0 I d friends.<br />

first organized. And now, she There's the theater, music,<br />

is retiring, to travel and pursue reading-and who knows? -<br />

hobbies such as reading, attend. maybe there will be trips to all<br />

ing the theater, gardening-and or some of our Libraries! I'm<br />

read~g all the bOoks she has not at all sure that we would<br />

never had time to read!' classify the astronauts as "hob.<br />

Miss Roemer is a,' third-gen. bies", but you can bet your<br />

eration Detroiter. She attended bottom dollar that eJich time<br />

Eastern . High School, earned there has heen a "liftoff", both<br />

her' library 'degree from Sim. of the Roemer sisters were sit.<br />

Mrs., mons c-Ollege and did graduate<br />

The Detroit Post 0 f f ice is<br />

looking for additional trucks to<br />

help deliver the Christmas mail.<br />

Postmaster E. L. Baker has<br />

asked that truck-owl.ers inter-j<br />

eSted in hiring out their vehicles<br />

for this Christmas period con.<br />

tact the Post Office at 965.3750,<br />

Ext. 291, or call at the Post<br />

Office Main Garage, 1770-14th<br />

Street. as soon as possible.<br />

About 100 trucks are needed, \<br />

:primarily for parcel post delivery,<br />

including station wagons,<br />

panels, covered pickups and<br />

small stakes.<br />

and cO-;lUthor of a geography<br />

teX't-book, has helped spark the CONTRACI' AWARDED<br />

wanderlust these two ladies At its regular mee-ting held I<br />

have had for many years. They on Monday, November 28, the I<br />

have been to Europe (",,,tensively<br />

in the 1920s), South awarding a contract to the firm<br />

Park council approved the<br />

America, around the world - of O'Brien Brothers for the<br />

have taken a trip to the North washing and painting of the<br />

Cape countries, including Russia-and<br />

now, in March will b

--------~---~-------------------,.-~--....,.--..,.--~~.....--..--.~___.,,_~~,<br />

"". !:-c:-~-,~7_"~",----.---~--~-------------------------<br />

~I<br />

Thursday, December I. ~966<br />

WOMEN'S<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of View<br />

There are so many wonderful things happening right<br />

now, we hardly know where to begin tell~ng you about<br />

them .•.<br />

First off, let's mention two balls, one nicknamed<br />

ltWhite Christmas," the other "Snowflake," (how are<br />

THOSE for seasonable names?).<br />

The White Christmas BalJ is a really BIG party,<br />

annual event sponsored by the Fontbonne Auxiliary<br />

an<br />

of<br />

S1. John Hospital. It will be htld this year December<br />

at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club.<br />

10<br />

'<br />

Th~ Snowflake Eall is slightly more intimate, but no<br />

less delIghtful: It's the Women's Auxiliary to Cottage<br />

Hospital's annual "Thank You," (to all<br />

teers and their friends), dinner-dance.<br />

Cottage volun-<br />

Art Collecting<br />

Dinner Theme<br />

Short and to<br />

The Pointe<br />


Resting Up For The Christmds Walk<br />

,<br />

><br />

.4 "lo"; ~ ..... 4<br />

m~.1121; ......... ~ I II<br />

..:..:::.... ::::::;:;::.):(:):;:;;:~ ..:./.::.:::<br />

, . , •• ... '"

:-"' •• ~':~ :'~ ~.~~:. :;"., .. 6<br />

':;~,' .<br />

"<br />

Page Sixteen<br />

-<br />

I<br />

"<br />

Suburbia Club<br />

Plans Meeting<br />

Suburbia Garden Club members<br />

will meet ;or their annual<br />

Christmas party at the Wind.<br />

mill Pointe drive home of Mrs.<br />

Henry Domzalski next Tuesday,<br />

December 6.<br />

\<br />

Christmas gifts, wrapped for<br />

judging, will be exchanged.<br />

Donatiolls for tbe Ruth Alden<br />

Dress Drive will be accepted<br />

by Mrs. Bruce Grubb, charities<br />

chairman.<br />

l<br />


81 Kercheval Ave. on the hiU<br />

BmE<br />

PRESENTSan<br />

opportunity for that special<br />

personalized gift.<br />


2 to 5:30 P.M.<br />

Pointer of Interest<br />


will autograph copies of his new book<br />

liThe Cat That Went Woof"<br />

Easy and fun foi' 4 to 7 year old~ -<br />

At the Same Time<br />

And Same Place -<br />

Talented<br />

..<br />

PRUDEN<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Artist<br />

Institute Plan,<br />

Treasure Hunt<br />

A Patron Party highlighted<br />

by a Treasure Hunt in the gal.<br />

leries of the Detroit Institute of<br />

Arts Is on the museum's calen.<br />

dar for December 12 at 6 p.m.<br />

I<br />

8.<br />


Mrs. Joseph G. Feutz<br />

Society president William M.<br />

Day's belief that Patron members<br />

should receive special rec- Married to Mr. Feutz Saturday; in St. Clare de<br />

ognition acknowledging their Montefalco Church, was SUZANNE MARIE GRANEY,<br />

support of the Detroit Institute daughter of the Paul L. Graneys, of Buckingham road.<br />

of Arts. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald A.<br />

The Committee hopes to cu. Feutz, of Grand Rapids.<br />

roll a number of new Patron 1------------------------<br />

members in the Founders Society,<br />

in order to make them<br />

eligible to attend the evening<br />

event December 12. Patron<br />

members contribute $100 annual<br />

membership dues to the<br />

Founders Society. 'Interested individuals<br />

are invited to contact<br />

the membership office at 831-_<br />

0360.<br />

CAPTAIN and MRS, MICH-<br />

AEL TRADER USA (Linda<br />

Anne Losee, of Milwauker:,<br />

Wis.), of Fort Bragg, N.C., an- I<br />

nounce the birth of a son.<br />

BRA D WILLIAM, November<br />

25. Paternal grandparents are<br />

the WILLIAM TRADERS, of<br />

Windmill Pointe drive.<br />

b.<br />

-J.<br />

Senior Ladies<br />

Club Sets Tea<br />

QIrtu~intttb~£stttttn<br />

by 14uri Niespnln<br />

h.<br />

e.<br />

Thursday, Deeember I, 1966<br />

,.i8ocietyNews Gathered from All of the I>ointes<br />

. Miss Graney Wed<br />

::T0 Joseph G. Feutz<br />

Alencon Lace Accents Bride's "Ivory Peau de Soie<br />

Gown; Attendants Wear Lace-Trimmed<br />

Invitations to nearly 700 individuals-including<br />

prospective<br />

Red Velvet Empire Frocks<br />

. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Graney entertained at a recep- Patron members of the Founders<br />

Society-have been extend.<br />

, lion in their Buckingham road home following the Satur- ed by the party committee:<br />

'day ceremony at which their daughter, Suzanne Marie Mrs. M. M. Burgess, 1155 Country<br />

Club Dr1.ve, Bloomfield<br />

Graney, and Joseph Gerald Feutz exchanged marriage<br />

vows. 0----------- Hills; Mrs. HatTY W. Anderson<br />

:. Officiating at the lo'clock circlets. Their bouquets were of 5460 GP.ddes road, Ann Arbor;<br />

Mrs. Henry B. Frank, 8411<br />

> rites, in St. Clare de Monte- fashioned of pale yellow mums<br />

'~talco C h u r c h, was The and wheat.<br />

L i n c 0 I n drive, Huntington<br />

Woods; Mrs. Hilbert H. De.<br />

Reverend Norman H. Van Acting as her sister's maid of<br />

Lawter, 2081 West Valley road,<br />

,.Sile, of San Antonio, Tex., honor was Elizabeth Joan<br />

Bloomfield Hills; Mrs. Max<br />

a f r i end of the bride's Gra~ey. Bridesmaids were Mrs.<br />

Fisher, 27751 Fairway Hills<br />

'family. Stan~ey Byd~lek, of, ~rand<br />

drive, Franklin; Mrs. Robert P.<br />

For her wedding, the former Rapids, the brIdegroom s SUiter, Scherer, Jr., 60 Lochmoor,<br />

Miss Graney chose an ivory Kathleen Don~v~n, of Kalamapeau<br />

de soie gown. AIencon lace zoo, and Pa?,lcla Graney. su- O. Yntema, 3950 Franklin road,<br />

Grosse Pointe Shores; Mrs. T.<br />

, accented her natural waistline ter of the brIde.<br />

Bloomfield Hills; Mrs. Gnylord<br />

~'!1dformed a deep border on Junior bridesmaid was Mary W. Gillis, Jr., 124 Merriweather<br />

her sheath skirt, and matching Margaret Graney, another sislace<br />

appliques trimmed her ter of the bride, and ring bearer Mrs. James I. McClintock, 37<br />

road, Grosse Pointe Farms;<br />

,,--Colonial cuHed sleeves and was Jerry Graney, the bride's Beveri1 road, Grosse Pointe<br />

, Chapel train. brother.<br />

Farms. Committee members<br />

Her illusion vell fell from a William A Feutz of Kalama- will be hostesses on the festive<br />

,. high lace pillbox, and she car- zoo served as his brother's best evening.<br />

ried a bouquet of white and red ma~. They are the sons of Mr. This is the third event honoX'.<br />

ing the museum's Patron members,<br />

in keeping with Founders<br />

roses. and Mrs. Gerald A. Feutz, of<br />

Her attendants wore floor I Grand Rapids.<br />

length, Empire gowns of red Ushering were John Owens,<br />

velvet, trI~med with ecru lace, of Y.:alamazoo, David Calver, of<br />

and matchmg red velvet head Birjoingham, and Paul M.<br />

'.<br />

j<br />

" "<br />

with [.~~.~t<br />

~.. "<br />

MIL ~<br />

TOZIR • &<br />

~ ~<br />

To fortify j"Our health and<br />

beauty against tM ills that<br />

occur from iey weat.'ler, stick<br />

to your Beauty Diet, take<br />

vitamins when ordered by<br />

your doctor, walk in fresh<br />

air on good days, wear warm<br />

, but not cumbersome cloth-<br />

. ing, be faithful to night care<br />

of your skin, tri'ple your<br />

. hand and body lotion applica-<br />

, - tiona, go to bed early two<br />

niglrts each week and interweave<br />

'Play with work.<br />

_ ti:alr Coloring _ Permlnents<br />

_ W1g Consultations<br />

?1laqi£]D.ur.h<br />

s:x~r~~;~t:r BEAUTY SALON<br />

Phone 884-0661<br />

GroNe Po,,,t. Woods, Mich.<br />

Graney and Edward<br />

the bride's brothers.<br />

J. Graney.<br />

A pale pink brocaded jacket<br />

dress and I, pink-shaded flowered<br />

hat were, chosen by Mrs.<br />

Graney for her daughter's wed.<br />

dLg and the reception. The<br />

bridegroom's mother wore an<br />

aqua mist ensemble, and a<br />

matching ha1.<br />

Both mothers pinned Sweet.<br />

heart rose corsages to their<br />

handbags.<br />

The newlyweds, vacationin~<br />

in Western Michigan, will be<br />

making their home in Norfolk,<br />

Va., after December 3.<br />

Romanesque Decor highl ights oor<br />

unique beauty salon ... make your appointment now<br />

HOURS: MON. & TUeS. 9-6<br />

WED., THURS., FRI. 9.9<br />

SAT. 9-5<br />

d.<br />

Book Organist .Johnson, Wed<br />

For 50 Years<br />

t own a -.<br />

A T<br />

H II<br />

The Senior Ladies Club of the Mr. and Mrs. R I C h a r d M.<br />

G P . t W M . I' . . £ n. Johnson of 18930 Alstead, (De.<br />

rosse OlD e ar emoria Ricbvd LeIbert, chle orga troit residents for 43 years)<br />

will hold the annual Christmas ist at Radio City Music Hall, were honored December 3, fol:<br />

Tea Wednesday, December 14, will present a concert, "Chril't.llowing their 50th wedding an.<br />

~~~;:~Oh:~:~oa:d~he Center. 32 mas at Town Hall," for Detroit Iniversary, by t~eir two f.Qns<br />

Following tea m' the dmmg" Town Hall at 11 a.m. Wednes./ and daughter (RIChard 0., John,<br />

Iand Phoebe) at the home of<br />

room of Alger House, they will day, Decen:be!' 7. 'John Johnson of ~ittlestone<br />

be entertained at a conc-ert by The concert will be held at avenlle. .<br />

the Junior League Chorus given 11 a.m. :in Fisher Theater. After Fifty friends and neighbors<br />

in the great hall. The program Decemoc"!'-? Town Hall Ui!ces a as well as the six grand'Children<br />

will be made up of light hearted recess until January 11, when were present.<br />

and traditional Christmas mu. Rome restaurateur Vernon Jar.<br />

sic. rart speaks. . Mr. Jo.hnson, Sr., ~as asso-<br />

Following the program the Leibert bas made some -iozen clate~ ~th the publIc schools<br />

ladies will return to tb£' dining 'records and has performed WIth of. M.lchxg~n for. 38 ye~: as<br />

room to wish each other the the major U.S. orchestral'. He p~m~lpal. In Saginaw, a~Q be.<br />

greetings of the season, ex. is widely known for his M'Jsical gm~mg In 1923 ~s ~ng~lSh de.<br />

change gifts and enjoy cards. cootributions to the annual par~ent. head 10 Jumor a~d<br />

The Senior Ladies Club is Easter broad~ast from Radio semor high schools of DetrOit<br />

open to all women residing in City Music Han and the annual Since 1953 until hi:; retirp.<br />

Grosse Pointe who are sixty Christmas t r e e lighting at ment at age 70 he represented<br />

years of age or over. They meet Rockefeller Plaza. Scholastic Educational Pub.<br />

twice monthly and enjoy a very -.----- lishers in Southeastern Michl.<br />

oW" ,.. pleasant relationship between A very Happy Birthday to gan.<br />

';;;:W;:,:;:t;~; meetings. Those having a trans. DR. E. H. SICHLER, of Pem-<br />

~:t'::;~~~;\L ,portation problem can usually berton road, born hl Detroit MRS. OMAR FIELD RAINS.<br />

~""". I arrange rides with other memo December 4, 1875, a residlmt of Iof Mapleton road, spent the<br />

A Sign of Christmas<br />

! ! I , q:~<br />

'I I f 1\ t,11<br />

bers of their families or find Grosse Pointe for approximately Thanksgiving holiday in Wash.<br />

a plac,e in a taxi pool. 40 years! ingtan, D.C.<br />

1-----------------------------'------<br />

TUxedo 6..6020<br />

1929 VERNIER, Comer Mack<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

~,<br />

i~<br />

!<br />

1<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I t<br />

\<br />

wThursd<br />

ChurcJ<br />

Meet]<br />

The Won<br />

Christian SE<br />

Pointe MetJ<br />

having its<br />

program<br />

C<br />

at<br />

Tuesday, Dl<br />

in<br />

There<br />

the<br />

wil<br />

parI<br />

and dinner<br />

7 o'clock. TI<br />

a presentat<br />

mons," deci<br />

be hung in<br />

candlelight (<br />

by<br />

Charles<br />

Mrs. R<<br />

Sort<br />

Moin.<br />

"Chrismon<br />

monograms<br />

Christ<br />

and<br />

Moore,<br />

and I<br />

teachill<br />

Mrs.<br />

their comrni<br />

meeting on<br />

since last sp<br />

age-old 15 y 11<br />

beads, pearll<br />

The<br />

the<br />

tree '\1<br />

Sanctua<br />

parlor, whell<br />

vited to vi~<br />

~ony.<br />

There are<br />

cities in the<br />

100,000 popul<br />

410<br />

CIYIC.CE~<br />

Ponfdlal<br />

J<br />

will do portraits<br />

in charco~1 while you wait<br />

$5<br />

The perfect opportunity to present Mother<br />

and Dad with an unusual and most wel.<br />

co~ gift that will last 'forever.<br />

.- Starting Monday, December -5<br />

Internationally<br />

Known<br />


will present her collection of pen<br />

and ink and watercolor prints.<br />

Available during the entire<br />

month of December.<br />

Better Hurry!<br />

Shurle's' Prints Are Very Popular<br />

,<br />

Ī.<br />

a. S~lver Sala~ Servers: 5.50.a pair. b. Brass Lamp.by Stufel:. 57.50. c. Plaid Picnik Kit by Thermos: 14.95. d. Game Pair Glasses: set of eight 12.00. e. Owl by<br />

CyblS Porcelam: 22:00. f. Chnstmas glasses: set of eight 6..00. g. Wallet by Mark Cross: 16.00. h. Cutting board by Dansk Designs: 12.95. L Carving set by<br />

Gerber: 22.50. j. Men's Toilet Kits by Ma,rk Cross:. 14.00 & up. Free gift wrapping service. Open till 9:00 Friday nights. -<br />

.'<br />


• I

'., • • • _ •••• , J<br />

mber I, 1966<br />

Ites<br />

Jns Wed<br />

Years<br />

Mrs. Ric h a r d M.<br />

18930 Alstead, (DE'-<br />

ts for 43 years),<br />

ed December 3, folr<br />

50th wedding anby<br />

their two sons<br />

r (Richard 0., John,<br />

) at the hom~ of<br />

son of Littlestone<br />

nds and neighbors<br />

he six grandchildren<br />

t.<br />

son, Sr., was assathe<br />

PUblic schools<br />

n for 38 years: as<br />

Saginaw, and be.<br />

1923 as English de.<br />

ead in junior and<br />

schools of Detroit.'<br />

53 until his retire.<br />

e 70 he represented<br />

Educational P u ~<br />

Southeastern Michl.<br />


n road. spent th~<br />

9 r.oliriay in Wash.<br />

..<br />

now<br />

/ Corner "~ck<br />

nte Woods<br />

.... "<br />

____ Thursday, December I1<br />

1.966<br />

Woman's Page<br />

Church Women<br />

Meet Tuesday<br />

Will Wed<br />

rr~e. Women's So c i ety' of<br />

C~lstlan Service of the Grosse<br />

POl~te .Methodist C h u r chis<br />

havmg Its Christmas dinner and<br />

program<br />

Tuesrlay,<br />

at the C h u r c h next<br />

December 6.<br />

There will b~ a wassail bowl<br />

in the parlCir at 6:30 o'clock<br />

and dinner will be served at<br />

7 o'clock. The program will be<br />

a presentation of the "Chrismons,"<br />

decorative symbols to<br />

be hung in the Saoctuary in a<br />

candlelight ceremony conducted<br />

by Mrs, Robert Shover, Mrs.<br />

Charles<br />

Moin.<br />

Sortor and Mrs. Wilson<br />

"Chrismons" means Christ's<br />

mo~ograms. T h f' Y represent<br />

Christ and portions of His lif~ Photo by Pieronek studlos<br />

and teachings. Mrs. Warren At a family dinner party Sun-<br />

Moore, Mrs. Jack Purcell and day, Mr, and Mrs. Harry J.<br />

their committee h a v e bee n Chancey, of Grand Marais boulemeeting<br />

on Monday mornings vard, announced the engage.<br />

si~e last spring to m .: •• \.: : ,'.<br />

~,~~ i~~ ...... ft~A-r\-~,~\ ~~.A ••<br />

~:,.:." " ~~~ 't.f::.;i:~~.:fr;~'V.~: ..

--- ...... _--.<br />

~."<br />

.'.'."; ....... ,' ••• :) I,' - •• _:!'"<br />

.' ,<br />

.....~r-~~_.- ........... _ .......,'n•...<br />

. \<br />

. ,.------.,""-:"'- ..~<br />

" '<br />

mber I, 1966<br />

tes<br />


Thursday. December I, 19"<br />

Society News Gathered from All of the I)ointes<br />

ns Wed<br />

Years<br />

rs. Ric h a r d M.<br />

8930 Alstead, (De.<br />

ts for 43 years),<br />

December 3, fo1.<br />

50th wedding an.<br />

y their two sonll<br />

r (Richard 0., John,<br />

) at the home of<br />

on of Littlestone<br />

nds and neighbors<br />

e six granochildren<br />

1.<br />

on. S:;:.. was assothe<br />

public schools<br />

for 38 years: as<br />

Saginaw, and be-<br />

923 as English de.<br />

ad in junior and<br />

schools of Detroit.'<br />

until his retire-<br />

70 he represented<br />

Educational P u 1>outheastem<br />

Michl.<br />


road. spent the<br />

g holiday in Wash.<br />

now<br />

, Corner Mack<br />

te Woods<br />

Miss Barr Marries<br />

Carl James Young<br />

Newlyweds to Rt5ide in Rhode 'sl.nd While Bridegroom<br />

Completes Studies At Brown U"i"ers;ty;<br />

Bride W e~rs Heirloom Loce Veil<br />

A go~n of antique ivory satin and an heirloom ven<br />

of RosepQlOt lace were Mary Knight Barr's choices for<br />

the. Saturday afternoon ceremony, in Christ Church, at<br />

whIch she became the bride of Carl James Young.<br />

The daughter of Mr. andt ' ,<br />

Mrs. An.drew Wilson Barr, were her ~iite!'~, IUth~ripe G.<br />

o~ Merriweather road, car- Barr and Mrs. Howard H, Wi}-<br />

fled a.n arangement of step- liams, HI. Bridesmaid6 were<br />

hanobs, ivy and orchids. BliSJi Caulkin.. Elixflbet.'t Endi-<br />

Kenneth'Scherer<br />

Will Take Bride<br />

Planning a JaJluary 14 w,a.<br />

din, &1n~Sue Ellen Eickboff arm<br />

KeDneth 8ehf;trer, wbo.se engag,-<br />

m~nt bas bl!l8ll announced by<br />

the bride.eleet',s parents, Mr.<br />

and )frs. Hury Eickotf, of Milndon,<br />

Mich. . .<br />

Milis Eiekboff was graduated<br />

from MendoJl H~.b SCOOQI.alld<br />

Borgeu SChool of N"r~ing. and<br />

is pre~ent1y employed at too<br />

University (If Micbigan HoJpita1.<br />

Her {iance, .on ,Df ~,. and<br />

Mrs. Elmer Scherer. of .Kerby<br />

road, was jt1adu/lted from AuJS'<br />

tin Catholie Prep SchoQl. Harvard<br />

U"ivenity ~md the Uni.<br />

versity of Michlasn Law School.<br />

Officiating at the 4:30 o'clock cott, Suzanne May~, N.IlCY of rose crepe and ear,ried bourites,<br />

which were followed by a I Hamilton, of Pittsburgh, Pl.,<br />

reeeption at the Grone Pointe Ilnd Naue)' 'Silver, of Charleston.. gueta of pink and red earn.-<br />

Club, was Dr. Erville Maynard. S.C. tioru.<br />

The bride's honor aUendanis They wore floor length frocks Tbe bride"room. 5Qn of )lr.<br />

~ ---.--------- --~--~--~-,-~ . - flnd Mr&, Harvey Jame~ Young,<br />

1..~'TC~CI(.H1TCH")CJ(H.JLLS.")1ol}4. of Spartll, N.J., asked Stephen<br />

Perlman, of Fall River, MlflS,.<br />

to act as be..t man.<br />

Genuine<br />


one of AmlTica's<br />

great names in<br />

quality furniture<br />

at<br />



Enjoy Being a Girl<br />

with One of Our<br />

Brand New<br />

Hairdos!<br />

19027 M.ck<br />

at 7 Mil. Road<br />

I'Ywlaoi Jl<br />


Belmont Furniture<br />

'20507 MACK AVE.telephone TV 4.0i~3<br />

Women, from little Sis .to Grandma, love<br />

to look pretty. Our talented beauticians<br />

cut, style, and set your hair to suit your<br />

taste, the newest trends arid your face.<br />

'We Curl Up and Dye for You"<br />



AT<br />

Bobelle~s<br />

Usbering were the bride's<br />

br~her, Andrew H. Barf. of<br />

New York City, Howard H. Wil.<br />

liamB, III, 01 Rye, N,Y., the<br />

bridegroom'i brother, Bruce<br />

Young, Robert Nead, Joseph<br />

Santariallci and Thomas Ramsey.<br />

A dress and matching coat of<br />

pale green brocade. were chosen<br />

by Mrs. Barr for her dau~hter's<br />

weddinB and reception.<br />

Mrs. Youna, the bri~8room'5<br />

mother, wore a ligb.! blue sUk<br />

wor,ted dreli~ and coat. Both<br />

mothers' flowen were Eucbarhl<br />

lilies. '<br />

The newlyweds 'are making<br />

their home in Providence, R.I.,<br />

while the bridegroom completes<br />

hilSstudies at Brown Univer.ity.<br />

T.I.phone<br />

TU 4.1130<br />

Miss Horan<br />

To Be Bride<br />

Mrs. Carl J. YOlJng<br />

PJJoto by E4di~' ~r.tb,<br />

Setting, for the 8aturday afternoq~ ~edding of<br />

MARY KNIGHT BARR, daughte'r of' Mr., a,:ld Mrs.<br />

Andrew Wilson .Barr,of Merriweath~r toad, and Mr.<br />

Young, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey James Young, of<br />

Spartal N.J., was Christ Church, Grosse Pointe.<br />

The engagement of Gail<br />

Horan to Richard C. McKnight<br />

has been announced. She 1$<br />

tbe d a u g 11t e r of EdWin P. ,;<br />

Horan, of Detroit, 10rmerly of ;y,<br />

Trombley road, and the late' l"'::,<br />

Mrs. Horan. Mr. McKnight is<br />

the s(,n of Mr. and Mr•• Carl<br />

J. McKnight, of Harbor Beach.<br />

Miss Horan is a 1963 graduate<br />

of the AcadeU1Y of the<br />

Sacred Heart. -She is presently<br />

completing her senior year at<br />

the Unlvenlty of Detroit, where<br />

she is affiliated with Alpha<br />

Sigma Tau, nat10nal social<br />

sorority and Ganuna Pi Epsilon.<br />

national<br />

women.<br />

Jesuit honorary for<br />

Mr. McKnigl1t attends the<br />

University of Detroit Law<br />

School and is also affiliated<br />

with Associated Newspapers.<br />

lie is a 1966 graduate of the<br />

University of Detroit, where he<br />

Was the president of Tau Kappa<br />

Ep.iIon, national social fraternity,<br />

and vice-pr~sident of<br />

Sii'ma Delta Cbi, professional<br />

journalism society.<br />

The couple has selected a<br />

May 20 wedding date.<br />

, To.Be Wed<br />

Pboto bY Edd~ JicGr.th Jr.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Mc-<br />

Kinley, of Ballant)'lle road, an.<br />

nounced the engagement of their<br />

daugh'ter, PEGGY JEAN, to E.<br />

Martin Gulewicz" lion of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Edmund M. Gulewicz"<br />

of Hillcrelt avenue, Detroit at<br />

a -dinner party at their home<br />

on Saturday, November, 26.<br />

Miss McKinley is a graduate<br />

of Our .Lady Star of the Sea<br />

SChool and is presently attend.<br />

ing Mercy College, where she<br />

is majoring as a Medical Records<br />

Librarian and to; a member<br />

of Delta Pi Iota.<br />

Mr. GuJewicz was graduated<br />

from Austin Catholic Preparatory<br />

School alld is a senior at<br />

John Carroll University, Upon<br />

graduation, he plans to attend<br />

Wayne State Univel'Jity Law<br />

School. He is a member of the<br />

University Club and is president<br />

of the Detroit Club of<br />

John, Carroll University. .<br />

A December,<br />

being planned.<br />

Jr.<br />

1967 wedding is<br />

Bay windows became pOPular<br />

in England in the mid-1400s<br />

Iwhen they were built at Oxford<br />

and CambrldJe Colleges and in<br />

many C.ftle •.<br />

Group to See'<br />

Rembrandt ... 4rt<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial<br />

Aliwciation is planning a char.<br />

ter bus mul' to the Toledo Art<br />

Museum to view the very rare<br />

and distinguished Jtembrandt<br />

ExhiBit, on Wednesday, December<br />

14.<br />

The charter bus will leave<br />

Groliie Pointe War Memorial at<br />

10:30 a.m returning at 4:30<br />

p.m. Coffee and box lunch will<br />

be served en route. •<br />

The Smith College grollP and<br />

Grol,e Pointe Arti$ttl AssociatiCg<br />

are joining the War Me.<br />

morial in l!!'llng the vieWing of<br />

thl. ifeat exhibit, a never.tobe-forgotten<br />

experience.<br />

Reservations are limited to<br />

35 and paid reservations .are<br />

being accepted at the Center's<br />

opice now. The cost .1$ $4.50<br />

includiJl, round trip transportation<br />

and lunch. December 12<br />

is the deadliM for sign.up.<br />

Married<br />

Newport, R.I.<br />

~-~--~----~---------~---~ ------------<br />

Special ,<br />

__<br />

,------THIS<br />



19487 MACK AXENUE<br />

Onl,<br />

of !.fr.• nd Mrs. Jolut L. 1knIl,<br />

of Shore Club drive, it. Clair<br />

Shores; formef'ly of GroiN<br />

Pointe.<br />

The wedding took place pt<br />

7:30 o'clock October 8, It tM<br />

I Randolph Heightl P.re.bYlerian<br />

," i Church, in St. Plut, Minn" witb<br />

':;~ Th" aeverend Donald JrfcClur-<br />

~) ,kin officiatine at the caJldk.<br />

,light servke.<br />

I Att.endinc Mr. Mar.h WII Dr.<br />

! Allan Becker. of W.e.t Bend.<br />

I Wis. Eli?J8.bellh Tofte, of J~.$'<br />

. ville, Wili., served .. maid of<br />

honor.<br />


'<br />

, .Mr. Marsh iJ a grtd~te of<br />

.. :Grosse Points Htlh SdtooJ.<br />

where he was captain of the<br />

•swimming team. He was &rId.<br />

, 'uated from the University of<br />

. i,A .WisCQnsin in June, 1966. with a<br />

"'''«-:'.'''~'' ..

. gf ; ri 'm<br />

-, '<br />

age Seventee~<br />

en<br />

embers<br />

of the need for<br />

e at this time, and<br />

do everything they<br />

strengthen the nat<br />

today's challenge<br />

. As a member of<br />

n Legion AlJxiliary<br />

d a place in which<br />

erve effectively for<br />

this time of great<br />

ld make every ell<br />

all eligible women<br />

his cause and place<br />

hasis on the Junships.<br />

Our future is<br />

nds vi our young<br />

ar:, interest in the<br />

f ti'le American Lery<br />

should instill pa.<br />

them at an early<br />

ft can be contacted<br />

77 for further incellulose<br />

sponge or<br />

scouring pad with- a<br />

ap of material to<br />

incushion for your<br />

keto<br />

~pttial<br />

rrsou<br />

your<br />

iGist<br />

Large Selectiem<br />

Cards & Holiday<br />

apn Goods<br />

Gift ond<br />

Lomp Shop<br />

TU 5.8839<br />

NG<br />

E<br />

Thursday, December I, 1966<br />

Woman's Page<br />

Com madore's BaII<br />

Is Slated At GPYC<br />


Page Nii1eteen<br />

by, of and for Pointe 'Women'<br />

• • •<br />

~m Another Pointe of View<br />

(Continued frODl Page 15)<br />

(they'll be' open between 1and 5 in the afternoon), or in<br />

advance by contacting Mrs. Richard Noyes, 881-0329.<br />

Festivities To Honor New Commodore And Mrs. Harry And if you're not too tired Friday ... Get ~>uthose<br />

J. Chapman; Closed-Circuit TV Will walking shoes again, and travel over Birmingham way,<br />

Link Party Rooms At Club for the Second Installment of Christmas Walk '66' a<br />

------ tour o~ seven North End' residences.<br />

Members and guests at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club * ' * *<br />

w.i1l step into the start of holiday festivities Saturday Relax, Sip A Cup of'Tea<br />

nIght at the annual Commodore's Ball. .<br />

The evening of formal ~- -------- Mrs. Robert M. Powers is opening her Whittier road<br />

elegan~e w~ll. begin with \1 Moreland. Frank P. McBride, home next Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, for the<br />

~ocktaI1s, g 1VI n g visiting Jr. will be the Master of Cere- Seven Eastern Women's Colleges, Inc., annual meeting<br />

commodores and the i r monies. and tea.<br />

wives an opportunity to Ball commh:tee co-chairmen 'A new slate of officers lor thE coming year will be<br />

meet 1\ GPYC's Commodore are Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. presented, headed by general chairman Mrs. Keith Leiband<br />

~~rs. Harry J. Chap- Shalla and Mr. and Mrs. Walter brand, of Fisher road, (Wellesley College).<br />

man and other new officers L. Van Goethem, Jr. Another Pointer whose name appears is correspond.<br />

of the cl,,!-b.. . . Committee members include ing secretary Mrs. John Fennessy, of Rivard boulevard,<br />

Closed-CIrcUIt .televlSlon will the Bryan A. Chaplows, the' (Radcliffe). Mrs. Fennessy is chairman of the tea, at<br />

~llow memb~r~ m the Terr~ce Frank Colkers, the Frank which plans for a scholarship fund. raising project, a<br />

thounge. or d~I?t~ ro?m to VIew Calkers, the Frank Colombos, concert to be given by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra<br />

e mam ac IV}les In the ball- j Past Commodore and Mrs. with Arthur Fiedler as guest conductor April 15 will be<br />

room. b " Harold E. Cross, 1.!le John L. fonnulated '<br />

T~o .ands will provlde dance Drummys, Past Commodt>re' • .<br />

mUSIC m the ball and dining I and Mrs. J. Earl Fraser, the The Gro:up is also pre~armg a College InfonnatlOn<br />

rooms. Charles D. LaFonds and the Day, for whIch Mrs. Maunce Longsworth, of Lothrop<br />

Toastmaster for the Ball Willi Haford Kerbawys. road, (Smith), is serving as pat!'oness chairman, Mrs.<br />

be Past Commodore Paul 1. I More are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry !Jruce St.einhauer,. of Bishop road, (Bryn Mawr), is serv-<br />

for shoes . . .<br />

Qtqristmas •<br />

• Arrangements<br />

.. Flowering Plants<br />

• Door Swags<br />

••<br />

. . . place your out-oj-town orders now ...<br />

•<br />


FLORIST Est. 1893<br />

18590 ~l1ack Ave. at In~:S~~tion TU 1-7800<br />

~~----~-~~----,_.,--------------<br />

I Kirsc!l, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. mg as ticket chaIrman, nad Mrs.' H. James Gram, of<br />

! ~lcBride, Jr., Past Commodore Moran road, (Vassar),is serving as program vice-chairman.<br />

I and Mrs. PaulL Moreland, the * * , • .<br />

I<br />

~~g;~h~id~i~:~t t~~m~~J~: I Dinner-Symposium<br />

and Mi.'s. Edward J. Schoen- Some 600 invitations are in the mail for what sound's<br />

I herr, the Joseph E. Schoeniths like a truly fascinating eve11ing,the Junior Council of<br />

I and the Cle-tus J. Wellings. the Founders Society Detroit Institute of .Aits~' dinner.<br />

I ----- symposium, "Insights Into Collecting," scheduled, Fri-<br />

Some of the finest soil in the day December 9 in the Sculpture Court of the Museum's<br />

world exists in Iowa where South Wing. " "<br />

more than 90 per cent of the ' . . .<br />

In the Village. . land is devoted to farming Followmg cocktaIls and dmner, Mrs. Barnett Mal-<br />

...~ ... " ..... ,.~ -.- ,- ---'--_._-.----.- . bin, (who has made collecting a personal endeavor), and<br />

Albert Landry, (who has made it his profession),\ will<br />

speak and answer questions. .<br />

Hostess chairman for the evening Mrs. Walter :Rob.<br />

inson will have as her assistants the Mesdames Ro'bett H.<br />

Kanzler, Hayes Cottrell, Stanley R. Day, John Jenqings,<br />

Harry Jewett, II, Robert Scherer, Jr., S.' Robert Scott,<br />

Henry M. Woodhouse, Thomas O. Muer and Harvey C.<br />

Luggage for Christmas<br />

Fruehauf, Jr., (Pointers all, including Mrs. Robinson). '<br />

Membership in the Junior Council is open to young<br />

married and single individuals who would like to participate<br />

in a variety of activities as a means of increasing<br />

their familiarity with the Detroit Institute of Arts. The<br />

only prerequisite is me!nbership in the museum's Founder's<br />

Society. _<br />

* *<br />

Slate Dominican<br />

The Dombican High Mothers'<br />

Club will hold its monthly<br />

meeting in the school cafeteria<br />

at 8 o'clock, with president Mrs.<br />

Neil Patterson 'presiding, next<br />

\ Wednesday evening, December<br />

17.<br />

The Dominican Higll Senior<br />

Choral Group is scheduled to<br />

present a special program of<br />

•<br />

W,elcome Home!<br />

So far, we've concentrated on wonderful things<br />

about.to-happen-but we'd like to take a moment to tell<br />

I you about a wonderful, and very personal, thing that<br />

DID happen: .<br />

Marine Private First Class Daniel L. McCarthy was<br />

wounded in Vietnam last August, evacuated to The .<br />

Philippines and then to the military hospital at Great<br />

ILakes, Ill.<br />

This Thanksgiving weekend, he arrived at the Audu.<br />

bon road home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.<br />

McCarthy, for his first hospital leave . . . and all the'<br />

n~ighbon turned out, bearing American f1ag~ Jlnd good<br />

\ I Wishes, to wel~ome him home!<br />

Now that's a nice kind of upbeat note on which to<br />

end a tolumn ...<br />

Moms', Meeting<br />

Christmas music under the<br />

guidance of Sr. Francis Alice,<br />

O.P., in the school auditorium<br />

following the Motilers' business<br />

session.<br />

Refreshments will be served<br />

by Mrs. Kenneth Cummins,<br />

sophomore vi1:e' president, and<br />

her hostesses.<br />

Film to Show<br />

Arts of Norway<br />

A special film showing at 8<br />

p.m. Friday, December 9, will<br />

carry members of the Founders<br />

Society Detroit Institute of Arts<br />

to Norway, Sweden, Finland<br />

and Denmark, courtesy of<br />

George Pierrot's World Adventure<br />

Series.,<br />

The 90-minute color film<br />

cruise "Yankee Sails to Scandinavia"<br />

by explorer and sea<br />

captain Irving M. Johnson will<br />

be shown in the museum ciuditorium:<br />

.<br />

Founders members are offered<br />

$1.50 reserved seat tickets<br />

free, except for a 35c per ticket<br />

handling charge. Tickets are<br />

available at the Detroit Institute<br />

of Arts Ticket Office. Call TE<br />

2-7675 for additional informa.<br />

tion.<br />

District ~ursing Society<br />

To Meet,Wednesday<br />

.. .<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

(jift Ideal<br />

To'Marry<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf 1. Hestad,<br />

of Fleetwood drive, have announced<br />

the engagement of<br />

their daughter, CHRISTINE<br />

RUTH, to Stephen Hendrick<br />

Hartkop, son of Dr. and Mrs.<br />

Henry Hartkop, of South exford<br />

road.<br />

The next regular meetial'g

-: y.<br />

Page Twenty<br />


Thursday, December It 1966<br />

Society News Gathered' from All of thc~Pointes<br />

Thurs<br />

w<br />

!:<br />

I ,<br />

( ,<br />

"'<br />

,.<br />

.<br />

'<br />

Weissert-Am Iuxen<br />

Nuptials Celebrated.<br />

P.ir Will Return To Pointe'After Vacation In New York<br />

. City: Lochmoor Club Reception Follows<br />

Saturday Ceremonies<br />

Karen Louise Amluxen chose a gown of candlelight<br />

slipper satin, fashioned with an Empire bodice and<br />

Chapel train and accented with Alencon lace, for her<br />

marriage Saturday to William Frederick Weissert.<br />

A cluster of slipper satin ~~---' ----~--------<br />

rosebuds held her elbow IMr. and' Mrs. Clinton R. Am.<br />

length illusion veil, and she luxen, of Whittier road. Her<br />

carried an arrangement Of'/ husband ill the son of Mr. and<br />

white roses and miniature Mrs. Charles H. Weissert, of<br />

carnations~ IDallas, Tex.<br />

The Reverend Father William I Honor attendant during the<br />

J. Downie officiated at the 9:30 o'clock ceremony in St.<br />

morning wedding ceremony, in Paul's was Mrs. Kerry P.<br />

St. Paul's on the Lakeshore, Schaeffner, during the cereand<br />

The Reverend Erville B. mony in Christ Church, Mrs.<br />

Maynard presided at an 11 Gary W. Wilson, sister of the<br />

o'clock marriage blessing, in bride.<br />

Christ Episcopal Church. Bridesmaids w ere Mrs.<br />

The bride is the daughter of Lauren L. Bowler, another sis.<br />

~-~---------~--~------~--<br />

M@nnffil ~OO(j\)Uil~ffi\ Newest In Mutschl.er's<br />

JJ UUU ~ UU gallery of beautiful<br />

(ii)~m ~~M(ii). "n kitchens, Mediterral.!9WUU<br />

UUUU\:H~U aD D,nean will retain its<br />

Medllerranean<br />

lov~lin~ss through<br />

a lifetime of serby<br />

vice. Walnut and maple finishes, four pther<br />

fashionable Mutschler styles-and a long line<br />

of convenient storage featl!res-are<br />

yours to choose<br />

Mutschlerl<br />

from whenyou visit our Mutschler Design<br />

Specialist. With our professional<br />

assistance, your new or remodeled<br />

kitchen wlH be. custom planned to<br />

make your work easier and your<br />

home more beautiful. Visit us soon!<br />

~Iutsehler Kit(!heD8,In~.<br />

20227 Mack Ave. TU 4..3700<br />

-<br />

--------------_.-~-~._------------~~~~--<br />

Jast between you and your skis<br />

•<br />

ember I, 1966<br />

[ltes<br />

Thursday, December I, 1966<br />

Woman's Page<br />

.' . •<br />

Page<br />

Twenty.One<br />


by, of and for Pointe 'Women<br />

~usic Educators<br />

tmas Program<br />

And About Detroit<br />

'ators Club will hold<br />

is luncheon and pro,<br />

day. De~ember 3, at<br />

le Sheraton-Cadillac<br />

19 will be the Dance,<br />

:entral High School'<br />

s. Vera Embue, di:<br />

Detroit Community<br />

Andreson White. dithe<br />

Bentley High<br />

ir of Livonia, Jerry<br />

:tor.<br />

c'itional community<br />

~hristmas carols will<br />

-farry Langsford. dithe<br />

Wayne State'<br />

Men's Glee Club.<br />

e pastlings<br />

as they come'<br />

them as a profit is<br />

m of succesi.<br />

---------<br />

Girls to Bid Boys to Party<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial's<br />

teenage night dub "ThE'<br />

O.ther Side" which is usually<br />

given over to non-date affairs<br />

will become girls invitational on<br />

Saturday evening, December 10,<br />

when guests will be limited to<br />

Grosse Pointe girls in grades<br />

10-12 and thl' dates they have<br />

asked.<br />

This is the first "Hag" dance<br />

in over a year that the W(}.r<br />

Fri., Sat. Only!<br />




save up some money and the<br />

~irls can give them a hint who<br />

to spend it on.<br />

This hag dance as all "Other<br />

Sides" will be ca~ual, feature<br />

live bands and have refresh.<br />

ments. Admission will be 75c a<br />

couple. To avoid embarrass.<br />

ment at the door girls are advised<br />

to bu}' tickets ahead of<br />

time at the Center's office.<br />

Memorial's Youth Council has In this jet-age everybody is<br />

spo.ns')red. I~ is timed as a pre- under the impression that they<br />

holiday affaIr so the boys can I are hard'plessed for time.<br />

~~<br />

~<br />

t..-<br />

Mrs.Edward<br />

1~~.,<br />

In 81. Ambrose Church Friday<br />

Christian<br />

Photo by<br />

Gene Butler<br />

evening, JUDITH<br />

Note: ':ou Must Mention This Ad to Receive This Week's Speclll! ANN DALLAIRE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey<br />

19700 Mack Ave. at Blossom Lane Dallaire, of Bishop road, was married to Mr. Christian,<br />

TU 6-3600 son of the William Edward Christians, of Barrington<br />

~<br />

I foad.<br />


_____________ -- Slate Polish Aid Party-Bou:ique<br />

Judith<br />

Ann Dallaire<br />

Says. Vows Friday<br />

Newlywed Edward Kieren Christians Making Their<br />

Home In St. Clair Shores; Bride's<br />

Sister Is Flower Girl<br />

A reception at the Gourmet House followed the<br />

Friday evening ceremony, in 81. Ambrose Church, at<br />

which Judith Ann Dallaire, daughter of the Dewey Dallaires,<br />

of Bishop road, became the bride of Edward<br />

Kieren Christian. 0-----------<br />

For the 6:30 o'clock rites, I maids Kristine Anderson, San.<br />

the former Miss Dallaire I dra Schnetzky, Nancy Todd and<br />

chose a white velvet gown, Karen Savory.<br />

trimmed with white satin They carried green velvet<br />

and styled with a satin muffs, accente~ with chrysantrain.<br />

themums and lVY •.<br />

Her mantilla was fashioned Janice Dallaire, who served<br />

of Portuguese lace, and she car. as, her sister's flower girl, .wore<br />

ried a bouquet of gardenias a moss green velvet. and Ivory<br />

and ivy. lace dress, and. earned a bas-<br />

Her attendants, in moss green k.et, accented. WIth ~reen velvet<br />

velvet and aqua silk Ii n en rIbbon and flll~d With chrysan.<br />

,frocks, were maid of honor themums and IVY.<br />

Bal'bara Wilmer and brides- The bridegroom, son of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. William Edward Chris.<br />

tian, of' Barrington road, asked<br />

Dl.nald Meldrum to act as best<br />

man. Ushers were Robert Dal.<br />

laire, the bride's b rot her,<br />

George Thorn, Ed Buscil and<br />

John Benish.<br />

Mrs. Dallaire chose, for her<br />

daughter's wedding and the reception,<br />

a floor length gcwn of<br />

pale blue crepe, styled with a<br />

beaded nylon net overl.louse.<br />

The bridegroom's mother wore<br />

a floor length ensemble 0:: aqua<br />

alaskine. Both mG~ers chose<br />

cymbidium orchid corsages.<br />

The newlyweds are making<br />

their hom€ in St. Clair Shores.<br />

Valparaiso<br />

Guild Tea<br />

The Detroit Cha}Jter (,f the<br />

Valparaiso University G u i 1d<br />

will hold its traditi"nal Christ.<br />

mas Tea and Musicale at noon<br />

Monday, Decembe'r 5, at Christ<br />

Lutheran Church, Iroquois at<br />

Vernor. The program wlll include<br />

Carolyn Jewell Anderson,<br />

pianist, who has appeared with<br />

a number of well known musical<br />

groups, including t\\ 0 ap.<br />

pearances with the Detroit Symphony<br />

Orchestra.<br />

Shores Garden<br />

Branch To Meet<br />

The Grosse Pointe Shores<br />

Branch of the Woman's Na.<br />

tional Farm and Garden Asso.<br />

ciation will hold its Christmas<br />

meeting December 2, at the<br />

Moran road home of Mrs. Paul<br />

Giffin.<br />

An exchange of gifts, with a<br />

prize for the most unusual<br />

wrapping, is planned, and a<br />

Christmas reading by Mrs. Peter<br />

,0. Peterson will comprise the<br />

program for the day.<br />

Conducting the bus i n e s s<br />

meeting will be the Branch president,<br />

Miss Winifred Eliason.'<br />

MR. and MRS. ROSS B. MAC.<br />

DONALD, (Lynne Andrews), of<br />

New Canaan, Conn., announce<br />

the birth of a son, CHISHOLM<br />

ANDREW, Noverr.ber 4. The<br />

father is thtl son of the late<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Chisholm N. Mac-<br />

Donald, formerly of Mirabeau<br />

place.<br />

,-<br />

lers<br />

TON RD.<br />

-, i<br />

PUBLIC<br />


TO<br />

*<br />

*<br />


Featuring Choice Items from<br />


BE HE'-O<br />

TUESDAY Afterp-~on, December 6, at 1<br />

Evening at 8 p.m. - ALSO<br />

WEDNESDAY Evenidg, December i, at 8<br />

* *<br />

p.~.<br />

p.m.<br />

To many, this will offer on exceptional opportunity to buy<br />

for Christmas gifts! We are sorry we cannot mentIon the<br />

names of the estate

7 ••<br />

Pa,ge Twenty-Two GROSSE PO INTE NEWS Thursday, December I, 1966<br />

Society News Gathered froID All of th,e .Pointes<br />

La Petite Fair<br />

Set At St. John<br />

April Bride<br />

ITo Fix Favors<br />

IFor Yule Trays<br />

"La Petite Fair," sponsored I Once again it. is Christmas,<br />

annuaHy ,by Fontbonne Auxil- I ,and Windmill Pointe Garden<br />

Iary for the benefit of Sf. John! I Club me m bel's will be busy<br />

Hospital. will be held this year I 'once more (as they have been<br />

Wednesday. December 7, from I : for the ,past 12 years), fixing<br />

9 in the morning until 4 in the I favors for patients at the United<br />

afternoon. on the ground floor I Statef. Public Health Service<br />

of the hospital. ,! Hospital and M i chi g '\ n Me.<br />

There will be a large selec- i moria I Institute.<br />

tion of ho~-baked goo d 5,1 In addition to the tray favors,<br />

candy. fancy work, Christmas: ,the Junior League has asked<br />

?ecorations, and many other i : the club's help in making cor-<br />

Hems. j sages for the League for the<br />

Th(" Auxiliary's reg u I a r Handicapped ChristJTlas Party.<br />

monthl~: meeting is also sched- The members will meet at<br />

uled December 7, at 1:30 o'clock, 10:30 o'dock Wednesday, Deand<br />

will be preceded by Mass cember 7, at the home of Mrs.<br />

in St. Edward Chapel at noon Frank Wilton in Oxford road.<br />

for all Fontbonne members. ! 'Following iuncheon at 12:30<br />

o'clock the r a die s will play<br />

And, on the same date, the b 'd d . Ch . t<br />

Georgian East's doorway has excited admira.<br />

tion. It was i'1Spired by an elegant English example<br />

created in 1708 by Sir Chrigtopher Wren.<br />

It was designed by Gerald R. Watland, specialist<br />

in 18th Century American arehitecture.<br />

Georgian East'8 doorway is notable for its<br />

strength and purity, its richnes~ of detail. The<br />

Corinthian column,;, topped by the traditional<br />

acanthus capitals, are hand-carved in perfect<br />

pine. The exquisite fan light, the dac;sic archi.<br />

trave that swoops up to a carved Georgian urn,<br />

the curved cornice enriched by bracket. like m04<br />

dil1ions-th~e are but some of the many au~<br />

thentic details that make up Georgian East's<br />

exceptional doorway.<br />

True, the design of its doorway is not the<br />

most important thLig about a convalescentnursing<br />

residence. But our doorway is important<br />

because it is typical of Georgian East,<br />

where the care provided patient-guests meets<br />

only one standard: The best.<br />

We would be pleased to have you inspect our<br />

facilities. Please telephone or visit us at your<br />

convenience.<br />

I<br />

To Be Bride<br />

annual Christmas Tea for Aux-; Photo bv Eddie McGrath, Jr.' .n ~e an e n JOy rIB mas I<br />

'1' 'Th . f OR I musIc Photo by Bransby Studio<br />

I lary members, volunteers and e engagement 0 . N MA' _ and Mrs. Robert D.<br />

Red Cross volunteers, will take I JEA~ DEAL and ~lIchael H. I "-----.-. Mr.<br />

place between 2 and 4 o'clock. Miller ?as bee~ announced by M,lk Fund AsSOCIation Gould, Jr., of Fairway drive,<br />

,<br />

the brIde-elect s parents, Mr. To" jeet December 6 have announced the engagement<br />

F I d M R I h N D I f IV! of their daughter, CYNTHIA<br />

eteIng her par c n t 5, the an . rs, a p ~. ea, 0 MARIE GO'ULD, to Gilbert L.<br />

PHILIP C. BAKERS. of Oxford II Somerset road.<br />

road, at a 40th wedding an- Miss Deal attended Elmhurst Mrs. Carroll M, Boutell will Moorman, Jr., son of Mr. and<br />

niversary party Saturday, at the! College, Elmhurst, Ill. open her Tonnancour place Mrs. Gilbert L. Moorman, of<br />

Country Club were the DAVID I Her fiance, son of Mr. and home for a meeting of the Milk Trombley road. ,-<br />

L. GA.\1BLES. of Renaud road. M~s. Harold L .. Miller, of Lake-I Fund Association T~esday, De- The engagement was revealed<br />

The Bakers and Mr. Gamble's I pomte avenue, IS an alumnus o~ cember 6, at 12:30 0 clock. Saturday, Novemher '26, at a<br />

parents, )lR. and MRS. SIDNEY I Michigan S tat e University I'. family dinner in Cincinnati,<br />

GA:'.fBLE, of New York, joined I where he affiliated with Delta Compliments are not always 0., honoring the 25th wedding<br />

the young Gambles for the Sigma Pi fraternity. I g~nuine, but fau~t-finding ad. anniversary of the prospective<br />

Thanksgiving Day celebration.' I An April wedding is planned. I diCts are alv:ays smeere. bridegroom's parents, Mr. and<br />

-----,---- ---------------------- ----- ! Mrs. Gilbert L. Moorman.<br />

IJike the rest of<br />

Georgian East ...<br />

Even Our Door<br />

Is The Finest!<br />

All rooms with private bath • Charges in most cases are tax-deductible<br />

! The bride-to-be is a student at<br />

IWayne State University. Her<br />

iiance is attending Eastern<br />

! Michigan University.<br />

A summer wedding is planned.<br />

i<br />

IPlan Welcome<br />

I Wagon Meeting<br />

A Christmas "Show and<br />

Tell" display will be featured at<br />

the next meeting of Welcome<br />

Wagon Club of Grosse Pointe<br />

Thursday morning, December I,<br />

at 11 o'clock in the Grosse<br />

Pointe War Memorial.<br />

Each member has been in.<br />

vited to bring to the meeting a<br />

decorative holiday item which<br />

she has made, such as tree Ofnaments,<br />

candles, wreaths, cen. •<br />

terpieces and mantel arrangements.<br />

Items will be displayed<br />

and name cards will be provided<br />

to identify the owner of<br />

each item, so one member can<br />

ask another how it was done.<br />

Mrs. Charles Bick, program<br />

chairman, is in charge of arrangements,<br />

assisted by Mrs.<br />

Frank Giblin.<br />

Bridge an.d canasta will fol-<br />

IloW the luncheon.<br />

Engaged<br />

Photo by Bennett Studio<br />

Planning a J'une 3 wedding,<br />

in Christ Church. Grosse Pointe,<br />


DONALD and Thomas Edward<br />

Hansz, whose engagement has<br />

been announced by her parents,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth<br />

MacDcnald, of A r I i n g ton<br />

Heights, Ill., formerly of Lakeland<br />

court<br />

The bride-elect is a student at<br />

Westerp' ldichigan University,<br />

where she is affiliated with<br />

Alpha Chi Omega sorority.<br />

Her fiance, son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Edward Hansz, of Pontiac,<br />

is majoring in Architecture<br />

at Lawrence Institute of<br />

Tt!chno~o.8Y.<br />

SAVE ON:<br />




7 Mile near Mack Avenue. Open Every EvenIng<br />

Exhibit of A.rt<br />

At Scarab Club I<br />

~ I<br />

The Scarab Club of Detroit is I'<br />

exhibitio6 50 years of prize.winning<br />

paintings and sculpture',<br />

from Michigan Artists Exhibitions,<br />

beginning December 9 and<br />

continuing through January 6.<br />

The Michigan Artists Exhi- I<br />

bition was founded 55 years ago<br />

,by The Scarab Club and was<br />

j sponsored by Th~ Scarab Club<br />

I f;)r its first 27 years.<br />

In 1928, the Detroit Museum<br />

of Arts became the sponsor. The<br />

Exhibition has continued to be a<br />

yearly event oJ. great interest to<br />

all who appreciate art.<br />

"Fifty Years Of Prize Winners"<br />

represents the best of the<br />

work of Michigan Artists. William<br />

P. Mart-mer, of Washington<br />

road, chairman of the Arts committee<br />

and -in c h a I' g e of the<br />

gallery of The Scarab Club,<br />

with Bernice Carmichael has<br />

selected the paintings and sculp- i<br />

ture which will be exhibited<br />

from the permanent collection<br />

of the Detroit Institute of Arb:<br />

The Scarab Club Gallery will<br />

be open from 10 to 5 o'clock<br />

weekdays, 2 to 5 o'clock Sun.<br />

day's. It is closed Saturdays and .<br />

holidays.<br />

Among the exhibitors will be I<br />

Iris (Mrs. William Norton) Miller,<br />

of Vendome road, the only f<br />

woman whose work-two paint- I<br />

ings-will be represented.<br />

":Your Plamonds Restyled by Our Peslgners. Guaranteed Watch and"<br />

J~w.lry .Repal~. "<br />

~ ..<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

"<br />

I<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian L.<br />

DeWindt, of Audubon roan,<br />

are announ.::ing the engage.<br />

ment of their daughter, MAR.<br />

THA JANE to Frank Gavin<br />

Dengler, son of Mrs. Richard<br />

A. Wagner, oj Devon, Pa., and<br />

the late Frank Crotsll'Y Wagner.<br />

Miss DeVl'indt, a graduate<br />

of Friends Central SChool,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa" is now attending<br />

Pl incipia College,<br />

Elur, Ill.<br />

Mr. Dengler was .;:raduated<br />

from Blair Academy, Blah'stown,<br />

N.J.,. and is now an<br />

ROTC student at Miami University,<br />

Oxford, O.<br />

Miss DeWindt is the grand.<br />

daughter of Mrs. Edward A.<br />

DeWindt, 0: Santa Monica,<br />

Calif., and of Martin E. Gold.<br />

l<br />

:<br />

man, of Philadelphia.<br />

Mr. Dengl('r is the grancson<br />

cf the late Dr. and Mrs. Clarence<br />

K. Dengler, of PhiladeJ..<br />

11 DAYS<br />

t1t1U~<br />

FROM<br />

$461.80<br />

Bride-Elect<br />

HOUOAY<br />

I<br />

phia, and the !are Dr. and<br />

Mrs. Gavin Walker, of Bryn<br />

Mawr, Pa.<br />

....<br />

'.;i,:."<br />



complete<br />

.1Ir..:~<br />

'i' .,..<br />

~A 'lIl".A..I I<br />

15 DAYS<br />

FROM<br />

$534.00<br />

Including Round Trip Jet Air fare & Hotels<br />

Dec. 17th, 24th or 31st<br />

Deport Detf)it Saturday morning, step into the Woikiki surf<br />

Saturday ofternoon. Have on unforgettable Hawaiian Holiday<br />

ot an unbelievable VI price.<br />

KAL'A/<br />

O.lll!:<br />

viiI<br />

VISIT the<br />

beautiful<br />

Em?<br />

ISLANDS.<br />

Outer<br />

Available in IS.day packages,<br />

5-doy, 4.r.ight jet<br />

tour of Outer islar.ds. Deluxe<br />

hotels and sight seeing<br />

included,<br />



20930 Mack A.ve., Grosse Pointe Woods,<br />

Michigan, 48236<br />

(A.rea Code 313) 886-0122<br />

Mi<br />

Com<br />

now<br />

all c<br />

cordi<br />

SOD,<br />

"A<br />

tion<br />

ed a<br />

tome<br />

seaso<br />

home<br />

worki<br />

vaDe<br />

thoro<br />

caref<br />

selec<br />

Cen<br />

D.ays<br />

IJ<br />

16~<br />

21401 Mack Avenue, Grossc Pointe,<br />

Michilitan 48236. (Area 313) 778-0800<br />

-----~-_.~-~- -~--~,-------------------------~-~-~-~<br />

She<br />

it<br />

Offerings like this are hard to find, particularly when near the lake and<br />

bus, and on a tree lined street arnong equally fine homes.<br />

Futures and accommodations include 4 bedroo",s (one with dreulng<br />

room), 2 boths, nice Iib'lOry, shorp modern kitchen with Ion of built.ins;<br />

breakfort room, lavatory, glassed and ,creened te.race, paneled games<br />

room with bar; worksho, all!d a 3-cor gOrGge.<br />

The house is homelike, nicely landscaped, and one we<br />

think you will enjoy seeing. May we show it to you?<br />

~:<br />

,,<br />

,<br />

i<br />


We ~ijl De pleased to make an inspection of same<br />

and advise the price we feel can be obtained. You<br />

are under no obligation for this service. 90% of<br />

our listings are sold within 30 days. Why not let<br />

us sell yours?<br />

.'~r""<br />

~'~f;<br />

;:); •• IIIIIl;.e ,;;;L, I I<br />


TU 4-0600<br />


-~-----~----~--------<br />

,<br />

~----........--~ - -<br />

lecember I, 1966<br />

Thursday, December !, 1966 G Rass E P a IN TEN EWS<br />

Page Twenty ..Three<br />

-----------------'-------------_.~----=-~.:.....<br />

nles Woman's Page • • •<br />

by, of.and for Pointe Women<br />

t<br />

and t..'le late Dr. aDd<br />

avin Walker, of Bryn<br />

Pa.<br />



mplete<br />

~-*,<br />

"IlIl".A.I I<br />

15 DAYS<br />

ISIT the<br />

beautiful<br />

SLANDS.<br />

FROM<br />

$534.00<br />

Fare & Hotels<br />

31 st<br />

i"to the Woikiki surf<br />

ble HawaiIan Holiday<br />

Outer<br />

able in IS-day pack-<br />

S-day, 4-night iet<br />

of Outer Islands. DehNels<br />

and sight seeing<br />

led.<br />

S CALl. OR WRITS:<br />


Grosse Pointe Wood"<br />

n, 48236<br />

1]) 886-0822<br />

New Cookbook ADuilable Free,<br />

Micbig~n Consolidated Gas ,'year's recipe collection contains<br />

Company 8 Holiday Cookbook is many new recipes as well as<br />

now available to the ~ublic in some old favorites. Included are<br />

all company branch offices, ae- recipes for holiday appetizers<br />

corciing to Mrs. Peggy T~omj)' be -.;era g e s, yeast and quick<br />

son, director of hom~ service. breads cookies cakes a de.<br />

"All reci~s in thIs year's edi- lig~tfui recipe' for T~nnessee<br />

tion have been carefully select:. Fruitcake, main dishes, vege.<br />

ed and te~ted to help our cus- tables, salads, and desserts.<br />

tomers ,enJoy a h~ppier holiday There is also a poultry chart<br />

season,' she saId. Graduate Showing time required for roasthorne<br />

economist!! have beel'l. ing poultry of various kinds and<br />

working nearly a year in ad- sizes.<br />

vance; sorting countless recipes,<br />

thoroughly testing them, and these holiday cookbooks are<br />

carefully choosing the ones available free and may be pickselected<br />

.for publication. ed up at any company branch<br />

CenterIng arount! the .''twelve office, or at the main office<br />

-<br />

-~~---_._--- --<br />

2ht<br />

ANNUAL<br />

MENs NIGHT<br />

MLl:~DA\'. Dgl. :ITa<br />

:.,~~ t"'l 1 (l.d U )<br />


this Christmas<br />

Gift Certificates<br />

Available<br />

In Any Amount for Any<br />

Place In The World!<br />

for j'urther information come in or call<br />

Shop Thurs.<br />

rYOU<br />

are invited<br />

to an informal<br />

oj the<br />

showi,ltg<br />

holidav and resort collection<br />

0/<br />

& Fri. Evenings<br />

Mrs. Thompson points out that<br />

Days of Christmas" theme, this One Woodward avenue. '<br />


in the Village<br />

[/Jat 8andler<br />


10:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.<br />

Jacobsons 1<br />

July Bride<br />

Photo by Bramsby Studjo<br />

Making pl-ans for a July 1<br />

wedding are DIANNE ELAINE<br />

MALCOLM and William Davies<br />

Stockard, Jr., whose engage.<br />

ment has been announced by<br />

the bride.elect's parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Bruce H. Malcolm, of<br />

Huntington boulevard.<br />

Mr. Stockard is the 90n of<br />

Mrs. Lewis Stockard, of York.<br />

shire road, and the late William<br />

Davies Stockard.<br />

Both the bride-elect Clindher<br />

fian('e are currently attending<br />

the University of Michigan. She<br />

will receive her Bachelors de.<br />

I gree .in Education in April and<br />

I he will receive his Masters de.<br />

I gree in Business Administration<br />

.in June.<br />

Among the 28 entering<br />

fresh.<br />

New Bride<br />

Married Saturday evening,<br />

in Christ C h u r c b, Detroit,<br />

were KATltLEEN ANN<br />

K E L SON, daughter of Dr .<br />

. and and Mrs. Malcolm Kel.<br />

son, of 1iarvard road,<br />

David Harold Stymtiist,<br />

and<br />

son<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stymeist,<br />

of Allen Park.<br />

The Reverend Frank J.<br />

Haynes off\ciated at the 6:30<br />

o'clock ceremony, which was<br />

fonowed by a receptidn at the<br />

Detroit Boat Club.<br />

Linda Short attended the<br />

bride. John StymeiSt served<br />

as his brother's -.best matt,<br />

and Richard Ba1set~ Jr., ushered.<br />

.<br />

Following a vacation in<br />

Toronto,. O~t.;...~,e~l!weds<br />

will make their home m Detroit.<br />

Both are 9tudents at<br />

Wayne State University.<br />

men admitted 10 Wayne State<br />

UniversitYis College of Liberal Clark Woman's Club<br />

Arts ,Honors Program for the -Will Meet Mondav<br />

sUpertor student are Grosse I 4.<br />

Pointe High School graduates<br />


Brys drive, and TIMOTHY A.<br />

ROBERT, of Hampton road, and<br />

'-<br />

BUD DAY, President<br />

16847 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe-TU 6-0111<br />

• of Fedford road.<br />

--------------------_._--------------<br />

S't. Paul High School graduate<br />


Clark Werman's Club will<br />

meet on Monday, December 6,<br />

at Christ Metr.odist Church at<br />

12 nl)on. This festive occasion<br />

will be the Club's annual holiday<br />

pet-luck luncheon.<br />

In keeping with the season,<br />

Club members will enjoy Christmas<br />

music and a gift exchange.<br />


of Edg~mere road, has returned<br />

from a two-week vacation in<br />

San Antonio, Texas.<br />

Spring Bride<br />

Chi O~e9a Alumnae<br />

Sets Christmas Session<br />

Members of Chi Omega Soror.<br />

ity will hold their December<br />

meeting at the home of Mrs.<br />

Thomas Blakely, of Kensington<br />

road Wednesday evening, De.<br />

cember 7 at 8 o'clock.<br />

A representative from the<br />

Michigan Consolidated Gas Company<br />

will give a demonstrat~on<br />

of Christmas foods, after whIch<br />

members will exchange Christ.<br />

mas decoraiin-g ideas. Reservations<br />

may be made by caning<br />

Mrs. John Reinhard, of Lexington<br />

road, by December 4.<br />


• LAMps & SH~DES<br />




Center to Hold English Evening on December 3<br />

Grosse Pointe War M~morial's<br />

annual pre-holiday "Evening<br />

In Britain" will take place<br />

in the Center's Crystal Ball.<br />

rOOm and Fries Auditorium the<br />

evening of Tuesday, December<br />

13, at 7 o'clock.<br />

For the first time the Center's<br />

Christmas lights wi! be turned<br />

on and its big Christmas Trees<br />

be up and trintmed.<br />

Adding to the glamor of i;he<br />

occasion will be the Grosse<br />

Pointe Chamber singers direct-<br />

:(: ed by William Y. Gatd, They<br />

will appear in Elizabethan costume<br />

and will begin the dinner<br />

with the traditional boar's<br />

head procession.<br />

Followlng dinner the~' will be<br />

heard in a concert of traditional<br />

PhOto by Tarza studio English airs in Fries Theater,<br />

At a family dinner Thanksgiv. which concert will be concluded<br />

ing Day, Mr. and Mrs. William with guests joining in singing a<br />

, Court, of Barrington road, an- round of carols.<br />

nounced tl~e engagement of<br />

their daughter, ELIZABETH Color movies of Britain will<br />

HABERKORN (Betsy) COURT, be shown to complete the eve.<br />

to Karl CluDe Davis, son of Mr .. Ding's entertainment.<br />

and Mrs. A. A. Davis, III, of. ---------------------,-----------------<br />

Bound Brook, N.J.<br />

Betsy, a 1965 Mathematics<br />

graduate of the University of<br />

Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., is<br />

presently a Systems Analyst in<br />

New Brunswick, N.J.<br />

Karl, also a 1965 graduate of<br />

the University of Rochester,<br />

with a B.S. in Physics, is currently<br />

working toward his Ph.D.<br />

in Physics at Princeton<br />

sity. .<br />

Univer.<br />

They plan to be married next<br />

spring.<br />


F~NE CARPETING FROM '5!~sq,Yd.<br />



Opal<br />

16380<br />

19 KERCHEVAL<br />

(next to Pun.ch & Judy Theatre)<br />

Dinner fare will be roast beef 1 Banquet. com'ert and movie<br />

and Yorkshire pudding with all are all included for $4 (no tax<br />

trimmings. The Lleal will be or service added). Paid re!;erconcluded<br />

with holly-de:xed, vations are requested at the<br />

flaming plum pudding. Center by December 10.<br />

MAXON<br />



TU 2-6000<br />

FOR<br />


Exceptional sales aids supplied by salaried supports<br />

such as: (1) pre~sale reproduction appraisals to help<br />

qualify your properties. (2) Floor plans and photo.<br />

graphs to help qualify your prospects and reduce<br />

waste showir.gs. Very complete information exchange.<br />

Office frictions minimized by high grade.<br />

personnel and mutually developed office regulations,<br />

Deal closings under experienced supervision. You<br />

must be able and cooperative, between 25 and 50<br />

years old, well educated, and an east side resident.<br />

Only<br />

the house was created by the architect. The fresh snow merely adds the<br />

final touch to this "picture home" located in the heart of Grosse Pointe.<br />

Its 4 bedrooms and 21/2 baths and 3rd floor bedroom and bath will accommodate<br />

a houseful during the holidays. Center hall floor plan. Large Lot.<br />

Priced under $40,000.<br />

Exclusiv~ by<br />

'-i-'~ 0 LAN-n<br />

• .-:. EARTV.<br />

. .J!. EAlTORs •<br />

•',.><br />

~.<br />

TU 6.3800<br />

To Mr. and M.... HOUle Hunter:<br />





If you are in the early stages of searching for the right house, the<br />

Maxon Plan can save you time. An excellent odvance idea of an<br />

offer-ing can be conveyed by a photograph:-<br />

twinkling<br />

in the night<br />

•.. Dolton's white<br />

or block woo!<br />

knit cocktail<br />

dress, dozzled<br />

by poillettes<br />

neckline and<br />

hemline.<br />

Sizes 6 to 14.<br />

65.00<br />

at<br />

.'.fA~~'r~\,<br />

.% ~ , ..<br />

J:~'~':-:- ~.:~;'<br />

. ~ ...~.. 'J..: ..~ ' ,;.:<br />

: .~~';<br />

Jacobson~ ~<br />

//<br />

-<br />

GIBB'S<br />



BEER & CIGARS .. >".' .<br />

With Christmas holidays here again, gift'bUying for yallr ~riends<br />

and entertaining become the most imllC~nt_. thoughts t~ aur<br />

r-1inds. Most folks like wines, and this ccitl\ ~ on easy gift. to<br />

buy and always welcome. The first step ~6Uld be t~ set Q pn~e<br />

for each gift of wine. For folks who u~e wine wfth ~he morn<br />

course of dinner, dry wines would be rlght..••A combinatIon, some<br />

whiles like, Chablis, Pinot-Chordonay, Wt:ilt~ Burgundy, German<br />

Rhine & Mosel, etc., all these are on )f.i~\dry side'; Then me<br />

reds, like French Burgundies, Bordeaux, Beou!olois, R~one, etC.<br />

California Varietal ~eds like, Caber ..~et-SalIVlgnon, P,not-Nolr,<br />

Zinfondel, etc., 01/ on tht! dry side. Champagne makes on<br />

excellent gift, there are Semi-Sweet" Extra-Dry, Brut (ge~ero"y<br />

ver'{ dry', Pink, Cold-Duck, Sporkllng~.B~rgundy, etc., In 011<br />

sizes." /.<br />

We spedalize. 1rk flne wines from all ove'" the "world such as,<br />

from Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, -ltoly, Switzerland, Denmark,<br />

Holland, Israel, Greece, YugoslaviO,

__ ....00..- ~ _<br />

----.....- .......~""'<br />

....<br />

..... Jt;."<br />

l<br />

!<br />

!,<br />

i<br />

t<br />

L<br />

Page<br />

Classified<br />

Twenty-Four<br />

pIE• , Ii' 21. 1- '14 I CLASSIFIED<br />

;<br />

g<br />

I<br />

* ?<br />

~n~~ ~<br />

I<br />

ill<br />

@<br />

r~<br />

Iw ~ ~ m<br />

Call TUxedo 2.6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly ;<br />

K Your Ad Can Be Charged i:&<br />

~,,-~<br />

~-------~. 2A-MUSIC. EDUCATION<br />

~ I<br />

Deadline<br />

Is .Tuesday noon, 12 p.m.,<br />

for all new copy, changes of<br />

copy and cancel1:ltions. It 1s<br />

st.ggested that all real estate<br />

copy be submitted to our of. I<br />

fice by Monday 5 p.m.<br />

Charge Ads- J 2 Words for $1.25<br />

J Dc each additional word<br />

Call<br />

TUXEDO 2-6900<br />

3 Trunk lines<br />



111941Kercheval at Notre ~ame<br />

TV 5-9698"In The Village"<br />



Grand Circus Park New. Stand<br />

Majestic News Stand<br />

Family Theater News Stand<br />


Alden Park Manor, E. Jefferson<br />

and VanDyke I<br />

Park Drugs, City Limits<br />


M1ller Pharmacy,<br />

Kercheval<br />

Wayburn and<br />

SulUvan Pharmacy,<br />

and Kercheval<br />

Beaconsfield<br />

Lou's Party Store<br />

and Lakepolnte<br />

on CharlevoIx<br />


Kopp', PharmacY, CaCUeux and<br />

KercheVal<br />

Cunningham's Drug;, Notre Dame<br />

and Kercheval<br />

Notre Dame Pharmacy, Notre<br />

Dame and Kercheval<br />

Bon Secour Hospital on Cad!el,1x<br />


Trail Pharmacy, Kerchevlll on<br />

the Hill<br />

Fanns nruP. Fisher M. and<br />

KercheVal<br />

Schettler3 Dru~., J'tJher Rd. and<br />

Maumee<br />

Cunningham Drugs, Mack and 7<br />

Mile Road<br />

Cottage Hospital on Kercheval and<br />

Muir<br />

Merit-Woods Drug Center, Mack<br />

and Bournemouth<br />


GrOSlMJPointe Phannacy, Mack<br />

llnd Manchester<br />

Harkness Pharmacy. Mack and<br />

Lochmoor<br />

Howard Johnaons, Mack and 8.<br />

Mila<br />

Arnold's Drug, Mack and Haw-<br />

UJome<br />

Bob's Drugs. Mack and Ru5lyn<br />


Brl,g. DN' Store, Mac\: and<br />

Touraine<br />

Rlind. Medical Service PharMaCy,<br />

Mack and Mor....<br />

G.P. Post Offlce, Mack and Wal'.<br />

ren<br />

Parklcs Drug Store, Mack and St.<br />

Clair<br />

Devonshlr. Drull. Mack a.od<br />

~vol1mJre<br />

L &: L Pharmacy, Mack and Beaeonan.ld<br />


Arnold Drug, Marter Road and<br />

Lakeshore<br />



None finer. No minimum<br />

charge. Select from over '/0<br />

beautiful proofs. For appoint.<br />

ment in your home to see<br />

Grosse l'ointe's most creative<br />

photography, call J. S. De<br />

Forest, 884-4852.<br />


Mich. Music Teachers Assoc.<br />

Certified Piano Teacher<br />

Theory Classes<br />

Studio 15 Kercheval<br />

TU 1.7747<br />

Home: 1023 Roslyn Rd.<br />

TU 4-2832<br />

LEARN MUSIC the proper way.<br />

Experienced instructor will<br />

come to your home. TWin..<br />

brook 1.9687 or 731.8839.<br />


Classical GUitarist<br />

Studio D~ La Guitarra<br />

882-0544<br />




IN<br />


All subjects; all grades.<br />

Adults and children. Certified<br />

teachers.<br />

Call:<br />



KE 7-4653<br />

28- TUTORING<br />

--_._-----_.-<br />


TOR Tutoring by degree teach.<br />

ear~ available in all sub~ects for<br />

grades high school, college and<br />

adult education.<br />

339 Merriweather<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

TUxedo 4-2820<br />


14-HELP<br />

-<br />

WANTED<br />


Doctor's office. Type a little.<br />


After 6, call TV 4-4501<br />

WO 3-8606, WA 5-4765<br />

2627 David Stott WO 2.7160<br />

27500 Harper PR 2.5600<br />

Yale Bldg.<br />


SUPPLEMENT family income<br />

with steady, part time work.<br />

Cffice backgrounJ and t~.P'<br />

ing essential. Good pay. Write<br />

giving qualifications, Box B-8,<br />

Grosse Pointe News.<br />

RNs - LPNs<br />

Georgian East invites you)O<br />

inspect our facilities at 21401<br />

Mack Ave. Positions available.<br />

-<br />

INTERESTING posi,tion avail.<br />

able at la,rge car dealership<br />

and leasing C'Ompanyfor full<br />

time clerk-typist, good we'ekly<br />

rate, insurance, hospitaliza.<br />

tion and paid vacations plus<br />

many other benefits. Typing<br />

should be accur'ate and mod.<br />

~rately fast. Call W. P. Kerr<br />

at 568-0450.<br />

SEC'Y, $500<br />

Top girl for top firm.<br />


After 6, call TU 4.4501<br />

WO 3-8606, WA 5.4765<br />

2627 David Stott WO 2-7160<br />

27500 Harper PR 2-5600<br />

Yale Bldg.<br />

MAN to work in yard, later in<br />

TEACHER, female, 1.0years ex- house, 2 days per week.<br />

perience, will tutor after 881.8320.<br />

school hours, reading and<br />

phonics, grades 1 through 8. NURSE for surgeon's office, 3<br />

Grosse Pointe area only. days per week. TUxedo 4.<br />

Phone evenings. 778.6504. 3773.<br />

3-LOST<br />


LOST: Dental retainer, semi-<br />

Circular pink plastic. Mack.<br />

7 Mile stores, Friday. TUxedo<br />

4.5115.<br />

4-HELP<br />

WANTED<br />


4-12 12.8<br />


(Domestic)<br />


LIVE IN<br />

Grosse Pointe Fanns familY-3<br />

school-age children. Private<br />

room, top wages. Other help<br />

emplored. References<br />

sary. TUxedo 1-4255.<br />

neces.<br />

Experienced preferred. WANTED-Experienced cooks,<br />

Call for interview. waitresses and couples. Grosse<br />

Mrs. Brown 778-0800 POillte Employment Agency,<br />

GEORGIAN EAST TUxedo 5-4576.<br />

.<br />

Pl.RT-TIME clerk.typist. We GENERAL domestic helper for<br />

have opening for female typo 6 hours, Mon., Tues., Fri.,<br />

ist who is good with numbers, Sat. TUxedo 2-0763, after 3<br />

4 hours per day, with AM or p.m. ,<br />

PM, 5 days per week. Insur- I .DEPENDABLE woman for genance<br />

plan, good hourly rate<br />

and other benefits. Located eral housework Wednesday<br />

part way downtown on Jeffer- and Friday. Three school-age<br />

son Ave. Call W. P. Kerr, 6722. children. References. 881-<br />

568-0450.<br />

J R. CLERKS $315<br />

Company will train.<br />

WANT TO take a vacation?<br />


After 6, call TU 4-4501<br />

WO 3-8606, WA 5-4'/135<br />

Leave your bouse and pet 2627 David Stott WO 2-7160<br />

problems to a competent 27500 Harper PR 2-5600<br />

Grosse Pointe widow, fond of Yale Bldg.<br />

animals. Excellent refer. I<br />

ences. Call 886-2099, ask for MOTOR ROUTE for Free Press.<br />

Mrs. Hyde.<br />

Must have car. Between k 7<br />

- --- - Mile to Deeplands along La e.<br />

ARE YOU SURE those old shore Drive. It''rank Doyle,<br />

stock certificates are WQrth. 882-5139 between 6-8 p.m.<br />

less? We check them and report.<br />

$7.50 each. 884-9187<br />

evenings.<br />

RECORD your group for that I<br />

perfect Chr!stmas gift. Cus.<br />

tom musicia:. or party recordings<br />

at home, school, church<br />

or private studio. Tape or disc<br />

available. TU 5.4366.<br />

lA-MUSIC<br />

EDUCA'TlON<br />



Guitar, Classic Guitar,<br />

Bass Guitar, Banjo,<br />

Guitar Rental and Sales<br />

!5 Kercheval<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

TU 4.4440 Res. 372-8994<br />


GENERAL cleaning-Tuesdays<br />

or Thursdays. Must have reo<br />

cent Grosse Pointe references.<br />

TU 4-4164.<br />


WANTED<br />

• Typing • Mimeo.Prmting<br />

• Resumes<br />

• Theses<br />

• Specifications<br />

Telephone answering lJy<br />

WRIGHT-IDEAS 885.2727<br />


WANTED.<br />

PRIVATE d u t y, nursing in<br />

home. Grosse Pte. Referenees.<br />

867.7124, 8 to 10 mornings. 7<br />

to 9 evenings.<br />


(Domestic)<br />

-<br />

EXPERIENCED lady wants<br />

Wednesday. Good Reference.<br />

Call after 6. 869.7012.<br />

RELIABLE lady desires Saturdays<br />

- general. References.<br />

. 894.7087.<br />


BUREAU<br />

IF YOU are seeking employment<br />

and have good references<br />

call the Efficient Workers<br />

Employment Agency.<br />

LOrraine 8-3118.<br />



GEBO.S<br />


"Residential & Commercial"<br />


Prepare your family and rec.<br />

reation rooms now! For the<br />

hOlidays ahead. Floors strip.<br />

ped and waxed, polished.<br />


PHONE 778-5219<br />


ments, recreation ronms. Com.<br />

mercial and residential. Free<br />

estimates. SL 7-2031; SL 7.<br />

5256.<br />

.<br />

6-FOR RENT<br />


GROSSE POINTE - Nottingham,<br />

corner. Attra'ctive 5-<br />

room upper. Adults. $115.<br />

VAlley 3-5113.<br />


76 Willow Tree Place<br />

NEW 4 bedroom Colonial, fully<br />

carpeted, 2 year lease, no<br />

pets, over $400 per month,<br />

available after January 1st.<br />

881-4174.<br />

POINTE<br />

6C-OFFICE<br />

NEWS<br />

FOR RENT<br />

AVAILABLE NOW-3 'new air-<br />

-<br />

'r I, 1966<br />

FOR<br />

)RGANIST<br />

BROS.<br />

10S<br />

RECOND.<br />

ed.<br />

~ed.<br />

'anean green.<br />

'hite and gold.<br />

nahogany.<br />

~S - GUAR.<br />

>395<br />

d studio.<br />

:h provincial.<br />

provincial.<br />

lrovincial.<br />

TR 3-6800<br />

MI 7-1177<br />

FE 4-4721<br />

irmingham<br />

:lay 1-5<br />

) Encyclo.<br />

sonable. PRes.<br />

classical 43"<br />

ype, 3 months<br />

used. Origin.<br />

sell for $9.<br />

'lONAL<br />

r ,<br />

SALE<br />

NS - USED<br />

2 AGO pedal.<br />

tlarp and fine<br />

~ $2.800.<br />

'ood. 25'pedal.<br />

pedals built-in<br />

sion. $1,795.<br />

II, 18 pedals,<br />

lual. 13 pedals.<br />

% length coat<br />

lent condition.<br />

17.<br />

amp, 31" high,<br />

)" prisms with<br />

;e. Originally<br />

$60. TUxedo<br />

) train, comlY<br />

accessories.<br />

lies, fit 8-8¥.!<br />

nake. Koflach,<br />

~d one season<br />

57.<br />

-----_._-<br />

Spanish type<br />

. bedroom set,<br />

,mplete. Large<br />

mirror, end<br />

asional table.<br />

oouble bed<br />

ttractive black<br />

~d. TUxedo 6-<br />

and evenings.<br />

t. refrigerator.<br />

Inge. vertical<br />

aneous furni-<br />

~401.<br />

lIs (for Skiers<br />

just arrived!<br />

'ffi at Person.<br />

the Hill.<br />

fer reducing<br />

silver, linens,<br />

clothes 16-18-<br />

~d cloth coat.<br />

~ blocks south<br />

"riday, Satur-<br />

0-6 p.m. Lots<br />

BAL Land<br />

$50 tc $1:50<br />

llcction DEC:<br />

S, art goods,<br />

paintings, $1<br />

or organ pur-<br />

~EE! Full size<br />

s-pianos from<br />

~r week; See<br />

'L ff Woodward<br />

:;0 3 blocks to<br />

:onducted by<br />

11. proprietor.<br />

. Shop, Ro)"al<br />

painting by<br />

(\ondseape.) •<br />

JS 3 J 4" wood.<br />

autiful condj.<br />

. $200. TUx.<br />

..<br />

"<br />

Thursday, December I, 1966<br />

Ir~'--------..3.2••_i •._!_a.U __ I.J!~!E_.l.I.IJ:.:.:.w.u._:: •••,_rI13-RULUUTE<br />

m ,:' FOR SALE<br />


9-ARTICLES<br />

WANTED<br />

WANTED - Home of furni.<br />

ture or odd pieces. WA 1-<br />

8575.<br />

TYPEWRITERS and a rl din ~ CORVETTE LOT<br />

machines, new, rebuilt. Rea. Fall<br />

sonable prices. National Of. SPORTS CAR<br />

fice Equipment, 16R33 Harper REDUCTION SALE<br />

at Bishop. TUxedo 1-7130.<br />

SB__ A-N--r-IQUES---- 30 VETTES<br />

- .-.---.--.~ - -- .-.---~ 60 SPORTS CARS<br />

UN.USU~L .pieces of jewelrr, 2 Jaguars, M.G.s, VWs, Healey,<br />

011 pamtmgs, 4 .yard ltnen Porsche, Datsun, Triumph, Spit.<br />

banqu~t clot~, miscellaneous \'fires, Mercedes, Sunbeam, Re.<br />

china and SIlverware. 187~9 nault, Alfa Romeo.<br />

Roselawn, North West DetrOIt.<br />

Sunday 11 to 5 p.m. or cali I All cars a.re 100% guaranteed<br />

Ui';iversity 3-3104. before deltvery. Rllad test and<br />

-- -- -~- -~ -- - --- mechanic check welcomed.<br />



On parchment with lead medallion,<br />

year about 1775 AD.<br />

Approximate size 11th "xI3",<br />

framed, has two.sided plastic<br />

window. N eve r translated.<br />

HANEY'S<br />


15200 Gratiot Dealer DR 2-1777<br />


"alue estimated at $5,000. ~ _<br />

MaKe offer. Box Q.29, Grosse 1966 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville,<br />

?ointc News. white. black padded top, air-<br />

FOR'C'HR'is-TMAS -gif~- th;tare conditioned, E-Z Eye Glass,<br />

the "most" be sure and visit AM-FM, twilight sentinel, tilt<br />

the "Switching Post." Antique wheel, 8,800 miles. Kept inglass,<br />

pewter. Tole, mirrors, side. Owned by hotel execuscon~es,<br />

middle 19th Ce.ltury tive. 'FU 4-8961, after 6 p.m.<br />

paintings by G. Benda. Marie '1-960 . CHEVROLET Impala a<br />

Phillips Weber. A modern<br />

painting by Diebball. Lovely door hardtop, 8 cylinder, raone<br />

by Evelyn Brackett. Etch. dio, heater, good whitewall<br />

ing by Arthur Wm. Heintzel- tires, excellent transportation,<br />

good condition. Reason.<br />

man. able. PRescott -9-1282.<br />

TH E<br />

SWITCH ING POST land. Diesel engine. Good con-<br />

19163 Livernois dition. Eve n i n g s, VAlley<br />

-19~54AUSTIN-t-ax-ic-a-b~fr-o-m-E-n-g--<br />

l,2 blk. North of 7 Mile 3-0640.<br />

Parkin~ in Rear UN 2-1812 -P-O-N-T~I-A-C-'-64-C-us-to-m-c-o-u-p-e-, e-x--<br />

11-' AUTOS FOR SALE<br />

1963 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville,<br />

Palomino, air conditioning,<br />

new tires, loaded with extras.<br />

TUxedo 5.3074.<br />

CHEVY II, '63, Red, converti.<br />

ble, white top, excellent con~<br />

dition. Good 2nd family car.<br />

TU 2-5604.<br />

BRAND NEW Corvette fast.<br />

back, red, four.speed. Call<br />

after 6, VA 1-6597. .<br />

B 0 R G WAR D Combi, 1960,<br />

sound, inexpensive, attractive<br />

transportation, 0 n e owner,<br />

garaged, $395. Call 881.3112.<br />

THE NEXT<br />

Best Th ing to a New<br />


IS a<br />

Pre-Owned<br />

Cadillac<br />

Visit America's most beautiful<br />

display of pre-owned Cadill~cs<br />

in a dazzling array of color.<br />

There's bound to be one to fit<br />

your budget. So why not "Go<br />

Cadillac" with<br />



Michigan's Largest<br />

Cadillac Dealer<br />

6161 Woodward TR 5-0309<br />

CHRYSLER 1962 4.door automatic,<br />

radio, power steering,<br />

, brakes; good condition. 884-<br />

0963.<br />

,<br />

62 OLDS 85 Convertible, auto.<br />

matic transmission, power<br />

steering, new top, $475, firm.<br />

881-0933, Saturday only.<br />

1964 RAMBLER American hardtop,<br />

automatic transmission,<br />

radio, low mileage, excellent<br />

condition, original owner. TU<br />

1-7054, after 5 p.m.<br />

,<br />

63 OLDSMOBILE 98 air conditioning;<br />

etc,; Excellent condition,<br />

$1,095. Call 881-1938.<br />

,<br />

64 CORV AIR Monza Conververtible,<br />

power glide, radio,<br />

excellent condition. $900. VAlley<br />

1-8753.<br />

1,968 ME..RCURY hardtop, power<br />

brakes, steering, 14,000 miles,<br />

$1,850. Call TU 6-4037.<br />

1968 CHEVROLET' Caprice, 4-<br />

d 0 0 r hardtop. Immaculate.<br />

Loaded, G.M. executive 8,600<br />

miles. Asking $2,795. Privat~<br />

825-4957 or 825-2336.<br />

1962 TEMPEST 2-door, radio,<br />

heater, automatic transmission.<br />

New tires, clean. $550.<br />

Call after 6 p.m., 772-9011.<br />

BUICK '64 convertible, automatic,<br />

power steermg, best<br />

eIfel' Over $1,000, 881.2162.<br />

1965 FORD XL convertible,<br />

8,000 miles, like new, $1,900.<br />

886-5375.<br />

,<br />

65 CHEVY Impala Super Sport,<br />

B-cylinder. stick, warranty.<br />

(Drafted.) $1,875. LA 7.a669.<br />


Call 886-6151.<br />

12-AUTOS<br />

WANTEI)<br />

WANTED. Falcon Esquire '62-<br />

'63, in good condition. PRescott<br />

8-0890.<br />

12A-BOATS AND<br />

MOTORS<br />


Dukw - Camper,<br />

canvas top, enclosed toilet,<br />

turn signals, marine and high.<br />

way running lights, 2 ton<br />

winch and (boQm. Ideal for<br />

duck 'hunting and outings.<br />

Only one of its kind, G.M.<br />

parts readily available. 882-<br />

42~9, after 6 p.m.<br />

~--~.- ------<br />

GLASS bottom boat 9' unsipk.<br />

able, ideal for children. TUxedo<br />

2-0279 after 4 p.m.<br />


FOR SALE<br />


ON A HIGH bank of a beautiful<br />

trout stream, suitable for<br />

plush club or family use. Will<br />

accommodate 17 guests in<br />

main building. This is one of<br />

the better lodges in lower<br />

Michigan. Formerly owned by<br />

the Mitchell Bentley Corp,<br />

893-2291.<br />

,'.<br />


'1206 Balfour Rd.<br />

I ICENTER HALL Colonial, 4 bed.<br />

ADS :.,.:.~.i.i.<br />

(~i '.j<br />

tached to 2-car garage. Formerly<br />

Dr. Usher's Qffices.<br />


FOR SALE<br />

BEDROOM SET. maple. Call BOOKS, art objects, paintings.<br />

after 6 p.m., 821.8816. Immediate cash.<br />

PASTEL mink jacket, ~ze 12, B. c. Claes Book Shop<br />

from Roberts. 23" long. $500. Since 1928<br />

Excellent condition. 886.0545. Certified Appraisals<br />

- -.. ~- --.-- __ . ._ WO 3-4267.<br />

CHILD'S roll.top maple desk We have excellent books and<br />

a~d chair, $25. Artist's deluxe delightful paintings for lale.<br />

tnpod easel for outdoor --~ .<br />

sketching, adjustable legs' GIRL SCOUT uniforms for sen-<br />

$10. 881.0558. ' ior troupe: Various sizes in<br />

JUNIOR O1ympique 5' skis<br />

with bindings, size 6 boots<br />

and poles. Got)d condition.<br />

$25 881-6963.<br />

SOF A and matching chair, new.<br />

ly custom slip covered in<br />

olive green. $35 fo: both. 882-<br />

5601.<br />

------------<br />

BOY'S 20" bicycle, girl's 20"<br />

bicycle, $10 each. HO train<br />

layout, extensive ('quipment,<br />

$70. 886-1768.<br />


FOR SALE<br />

good condition. TUxedo 4-<br />

5563.<br />

BOOKS purchased. Er.tire lip<br />

braries, fine sin g 1e items.<br />

Midwes'c BOOK Service. TUx.<br />

edo 5.2450.<br />


Grands, Spinets ,and small Upri~hts.<br />

Highest' cash paid.<br />

- ------ --~ '-_. -------- VE 7.0506<br />

SIMMONS studio couch, like ~ __._. _<br />

new, green, $35. TU 1-6531. WE BUY old goB, jewelry and<br />

------~- ..- ---.- .. ---- silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377<br />

DREXEL Italian Pro vi n cia 1 Moross Road.<br />

sol i d mahogany furniture.<br />

Highboy. dresser, 6 drr.wers; USED portable typewriter for<br />

framed mirror, 2 night tables, student, reasonable. 884-1144.<br />

large book table, cigarette: ----.- .<br />

table. Good condition. Long! WA~TED -. Gocart WIth ?:<br />

gold couch. barrel chair, I WIthout engme. Contact DavIQ<br />

lounge chair, black tooled I DeWald, at 885.3802.<br />

le~ther desk, a.ssorted lamps. I LEADTOY soldier ~~lds. TU;<br />

MI,>cel1"-neous Items. TUxedo<br />

1-2898. Please omit calls ~<br />

edo 1.3550<br />

• ~_. _<br />

Thursday after 4 p.m. and all WANTED--Desk, standard size,<br />

d:lY Sunday. good condition and reason-<br />

----.--- able. TUxedQ 1-7047.<br />

Hour;; 10 to 5 cellent condition, one owner<br />

All Monies 10 to Charity. car, $1250. TUxedo 4-11U.<br />


BY<br />

ANIEL<br />

20225 Mack TU 6-1 190<br />

BEnFORD, Grosse Pointe Park<br />

- Center entrance English<br />

Colonial. 4 bedrooms, family<br />

kitchen, schools, churches and<br />

transportation.<br />

WEBER &<br />


TU 2-2100<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

502 BARRINGTON<br />

N ced 2-3-4 bedropms?<br />

I ENGLISH Cottage. Fine cor-didition.<br />

2 bedrooms-bath on<br />

1st floor. Heat, plumbing al.<br />

ready installed for 2 bedrooms-bath<br />

on 2nd .. Finish it<br />

off yourself and save $$$!<br />

$29,500.<br />

IN LARGER, executive type<br />

man$ions . we offer the best<br />

"buy" in G r 0 sse Pointe<br />

Farms. 7 r'ooms,.4 paths on<br />

2nd floor. Paneled library, as<br />

well as Family Room on 1st.<br />

There is no other .comparable<br />

home for sale facing ,the lake<br />

at this low price of $110,000.<br />


..\/<br />

TU 5.322q<br />

Grosse<br />

Pointe<br />

WHITTIER. First advertised.<br />

Georgian Colonial in excel.<br />

lent condition. Five bedrooms<br />

three and one half baths. Recreation<br />

room. Modern 'kitchen.<br />

$38,500.<br />

HAMPTON. First advertised.<br />

Sharp Colonial. Four beqrooms.<br />

Extra good Family<br />

room. ~Iodern kitchen. Under<br />

$30,000.<br />

BALFOUR. Truly s ~_p e l' i 0 l'<br />

Georgian Colonial on large lot<br />

near lake. Five spacious :aedrooms,<br />

four and one half<br />

baths. Dressing room. Paneled<br />

Library with bar. Many<br />

expensive and attractive features.<br />

Lovely garden.<br />

YORKSHIRE n ear Maumee.<br />

Immaculate Colonial. Three<br />

large bedrooms, two and one<br />

half baths. Family rpom. Special<br />

recreation room. Early<br />

possession.<br />

WASHINGTON. Excellent opportunity<br />

for sizeable family.<br />

FOUf bedrooms at the reasonable<br />

pri~e of $26,000.<br />

UNIVERSITY near Charlevoix.<br />

One story with expansion attic.<br />

Two' bedrooms. Fine condition.<br />

$26,500.<br />

THREE MILE. Fine Colonial.<br />

Three large bedrooms two<br />

and one half baths. Paneled<br />

library. Glassed porch. Rec.<br />

reation room. Many attrac.<br />

tive features.<br />

BIRCH LANE. Extra good<br />

modified ranch. Three bedrooms<br />

two bath. Studio Living.<br />

room. Expansion attic.<br />

Fine Kitchen. Beautiful decor.<br />

Built 1958. Well landscaped.<br />

MOORLAND. Exceptionnl ranch<br />

built 1958. Three twin.sized<br />

bedrooms two and one half<br />

baths. Full Dining Room,<br />

Paneled Family Room. Beautiial<br />

garden.<br />

BEACON HILL at Lake Shore.<br />

Appealing New Orleims Colonial.<br />

Four bedrooms three<br />

baths plus maid's quarters<br />

with bath. Family room. Pan.<br />

eled libr~ry. VtUity room.<br />

Two lavatories, Deluxe house<br />

in fine condition.<br />

LAKEPOINTE. Cl~se to Lake.<br />

Lovely modern Colonial built<br />

1957. Three twin.siz~d bedfooms.<br />

Paneled Librjlry and<br />

Recreation Room. L~rge lot<br />

beautifully landscapeo. Early<br />

possession. :price recuced.<br />

FAIRWAY. Attractive ranch.<br />

T h r e e spacious bedrooms.<br />

Two baths. Recreation room.<br />

Glassed porch. Built 1956.<br />

n<br />


ON OTHER<br />


Stop in fOIl a time saving list<br />

ta.ilored to your requirements<br />

from our comprehensive Grosse<br />

. Pointe catalog of photographs<br />

LEXINGTON Heights, Mich. and small floor plans.<br />

.Lake Huron, 73~7 Maple Rd.<br />

Summe~ or year 'round home<br />

Well insulated, 4 bedrooms<br />

plus faimly room. All interior<br />

in knotty pine and cedar.<br />

Completely furnlmed, mutt be<br />

seen. Sell at sacrifice. TUxedo<br />

~5747 .<br />

MAXON<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Grosse<br />


Solidly built 6 - bed l' 0 0 m<br />

"English." Beamed ceiling in<br />

living, room, large den with<br />

fireplace. 3-car garage, wood.<br />

ed lot. Best value in Grosse<br />

Pointe for large fa mil y.<br />

$46,900. TU 1-6300.<br />


Move .right in! Lovely a.bedroom<br />

RANCH. Att1\ched garage,<br />

family room, extra laVAtory,<br />

games room. Can't be<br />

beat! $29,900. TU 1-6300.<br />


Spacious older horne in excellent<br />

conditfon.4 bedrooms,<br />

1~ baths, newly modernized<br />

kitchen. Ferry,P arc e II s<br />

schools. 50x316 f 0 0 t site.<br />

Extraordinary value, $26,500.<br />

TU 1-6300.<br />

LAKESHORE LAN E, 66 -<br />

Off Lakeshore Drive. Exceptional<br />

custom-built 3 bedroom<br />

ranch on 90 foot site. Paneled<br />

library, paneled family room,<br />

powder room. Att~ched' garage.<br />

Beautifully landscaped.<br />

Complete sprinkler system.<br />

Immediate occupancy. TU 1-<br />

42,00.<br />

YORKSHIRE, 1246 - Attractive<br />

English Cottage on a<br />

60x156 site. All large rooms.<br />

Newly decorated. 3 bedrooms,<br />

1~ baths, breakfast room,<br />

gas heat. Carpet and draperies,<br />

2-car garage. TU 1-4200.<br />

13.,.;..ItEAL 1STATE<br />

FOR.SALE<br />



Will Buy Outright<br />

Any Properties<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />

Ha.rper Woods<br />

St. Clair Shores<br />

Detroit<br />


HOLLYWOOD - Spacious 3<br />

bedrooms, 1~ baths. Den and<br />

sunrQom. 70.ft. lot. Near bus<br />

and schools. Updated condition.<br />

Under $30,000.<br />

LEXINGTON - Ranch. 3 bed.<br />

rooms, 2 bat h s. Excellent<br />

floor plan. Model house fea.<br />

tured by "House Beautiful."<br />

5~ % mortgage can be assumed.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30.5:00<br />

CLOVERLY 319-4 bedrooms, 2<br />

baths or 3 bedraoms and li.<br />

brary. -New $5,000 kitchen.<br />

House decorated in and out,<br />

1966.<br />

CRESTWOOD 90, Open Satur.<br />

day, 2:30-5:0o-Almost new.<br />

4 bellrooms, 2 bat~s. Activities<br />

room, enclosed terrace,<br />

racreation room. Access to<br />

Shores and Woods park8. 1m.<br />

mediate occupancy. Will take<br />

land contrad.<br />

886-3060<br />


FOR SALE<br />


19113 Washtenaw. 4 large liedrooms,<br />

~ batb.g~ 25' Jiving<br />

room, 20' bedroom or family<br />

room on first floor, kitchen,<br />

dining. area 15x24. 3 large<br />

bedrooms up, full buement,<br />

gas hot water heat. Garage<br />

with loft. Priced far helow<br />

duplication costs. Will trade<br />

for smaller. Open daily 2 to<br />

5. Owner, 881-8515.<br />

ANIEL<br />


20225 MACK TU 6.1190 70 NORTH EDGEWOOD D1UVE<br />

RENAUD SOUTH 1428--Sharp<br />

3 spacious bedrooms, 2. baths.<br />

Den. Kitchen with beiltins.<br />

Recreation roo m. Terrace.<br />

Outstanding garden. COllvenient<br />

location.<br />

WASHINGTON 988 - Semiranch.<br />

3 bedrooms, 2~ baths,<br />

3 car garage with extra high<br />

doors. Large, irregular lot.<br />


fl3 Kercheval<br />

A SMALLER HOUSE in the<br />


center of the Farms, has<br />

just been reduced in price<br />

to $44,500. When you consider<br />

that this new price is<br />


far less than the average<br />

market value of every other<br />

house in the block, you will<br />


understand why we call it<br />

nial ideally located for a<br />

the "b est buy" in the<br />

family with school age children.<br />

Library, ~ bedrooms, 2<br />

Pointe. Per f e c t for thp.<br />

couple or small family who<br />

baths, attached garage, 50 ft.<br />

require two bedrooms but<br />

lot. St. Paul and Richard I<br />

want 1 a r g e demonsioned<br />

districts. $34,500.<br />

rooms.<br />

TOLES<br />


TU 1-9098<br />

First Offering<br />

Exclusive<br />

Realtors<br />

Pointe<br />

I'~~~!~~ts~;~:::~~~i~:;~<br />

t, c.n TUxedo 2-6'00 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You ~uickly Bonus 2 tedrooms, I1h bath<br />

:~ 1C 2i apartment Above gar~ge. Must<br />

~~ ::;. be sold to close estate.<br />

;:~ Your Ad Can B. Char,ed<br />

~m¥.a £ "Mill : &sii3nll'fl~Ri ",iiii~BlEl!lim1lii iiWfJ!i!!<br />



SPECIALS 1196-5~HO-NDA-SO Super Sport,<br />

In celebration of the opening of black. Excellent condition.<br />

our new APOLLO MUSIC TUxedo 5-8132,<br />

CENTER, 322 S. Main. Ann<br />

Arbor, the following specials l1-AUTOS FOR SALE<br />

also available at our Gratiot ------~------<br />

store. 1 '59 DODGE, Coronet V-8, exce!leRt<br />

condition, -$275. TUx-<br />

GUITARS edo 5-5605.<br />

Harm?ny Guitar,. $~.24.50. I MERCU-R'-Y-.-,-'-66--C-o-m-m-ut-e-r-s-t-a-<br />

Electrtc Used GUItars from $49 tion wagon, 13,7OU miles.<br />

AMPS $2,395. TUxedo 1-8500.<br />

------ - ---------<br />

• With electric guitar, buy Amp, '60 T.BIl~D hardtop. excellent<br />

only $1.00 condition, leather interior,<br />

DRUMS best offer. 777-2800.<br />

- "-- - ~--<br />

4-piece sparkle set, $144. TRIUMPH, '63, TR 3B-Black,<br />

t:sed seb (2, 3, 4 pc.) from $69 m i n t condition, reasonable.<br />

TUxede 2-9465.<br />

SHOP M.C. today<br />

22933 Gratiot near 9. Hrs. 10.9 1965 PONTIAC Bonneville hard-<br />

Sun. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. II toP. power steering, brakes,<br />

windows. E lee t r i c antenna<br />

-- .-~~--.--~.----.- ---- AM-FM radio; vinyl top,<br />

SKIt BOOTS, ~ pair, sl~e 12, 9, I whitewalls. Excellent condi-<br />

6 ~, 5, ;. BIg Boy gnll, strol- tion. TUxedo 4-3403.<br />

ler. 88.",4629. . __ . ~ . _<br />

. ---~.---.~'.~--.---------ICHEVELLE 6 hardtop, 1964,<br />

ATTENTION: Buffet With lea?- low mileage, excellent condi.<br />

ed glass doors, .co c k t a III tion, original owner. Phone<br />

glasses, famous pIctures, cro-I 884-4534.<br />

cheted placemats, beautiful _. ~_~ _<br />

flatware, china setting for I '63 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, good<br />

card table, miscellaneous. I condition. $8l50. Call 884.41)18.<br />

VAlley 3.0681, -------.----~<br />

. .__ ~ __ ~.______ PORSCHE, '55. Classic speed-<br />

W ALL C L 0 C K, collector's ster. Concourse winner. Also<br />

item. Eclipse regulator (Seth '58, 550.RS Spyder, spares.<br />

Thomas) calendar dial indio 881-9796.<br />

cates the month's date. 12"<br />

dial with long glass door '64 DART GT convertible, 225,<br />

showing pendulum. Keeps 6 cylinder, automatic, excelperfect<br />

time; in excellent con. lent condition, 24,000 miles,<br />

dition, very rare. Beautiful radio, he ate r, whitewalls,<br />

with any decor. $125. TUx- I ga2-8212.<br />

edo 2-1142. ;60 DODGi-gpassenger station<br />

ELECTRIc" ~ STOv"i-2-~ve;;s~ wagon, V.8, a.utomatic, power<br />

$40. TUxedo 5-9054. ste{'.ri~~._$2~0. T~xedo 1.943!~<br />

13-0Y ,-SRi K E,~~~;d ~ LOTUS Elite series. I RHD,<br />

Schwinn, $15. Call 835.1872. classical beauty. Excellent<br />

..... condition, never titled, $3500.<br />

Call 881-3112.<br />

BISHOP, 1420 - ExceptIonally<br />

well-kept 3 bedroom Colonial.<br />

Close to schools, shops and<br />

bus. Priced low for quick<br />

sale. TU 4-0600.<br />

CALVIN, 418 - Colonial, 1~<br />

story. Near bus. Walk to<br />

shops and schools. 3 bed.<br />

rooms 2. baths, heaps of stor.-<br />

age. S to v e, refrigerator,<br />

washer and Bryer. TV 4.0600.<br />

FAIR ACRES, 46 - Beautiful<br />

Mt. Vernon Colonial. Well<br />

designed and functional. 3<br />

bed roo m s, owner's suite,<br />

maid's room and bath. 1st<br />

floor laundry, elegant powder<br />

roo m. Few like it in the<br />

Farms. TU 1-4200.<br />

Our 2~th Year in Grosse Pointe<br />

74 KERCHEVAL TUxedo 5-4100<br />

Grosse Pte. Farms<br />

27 PRESTON<br />

NEW COLONIAL - 5 bed.<br />

rooms, 4 baths. Center hall,<br />

marble floor, circular stairs,<br />

2 first floor powder rooms.<br />

Approximately 35 ft. living<br />

room, large dining room, gar.<br />

den room, library, kitchen, 4<br />

car garage. $125,000. Call<br />

builder.<br />

YOU MIGHT be the see.-ond<br />

proud owner of this 4 bedroom,<br />

2'h bath older roomy<br />

center hall Colonial. Richard<br />

and $t. Paul elementary<br />

school~' Convenient location.<br />

Contact -one of our consul.<br />

tants for additi

Page<br />

Twenty-Six<br />

GROSSE<br />

POINTE<br />

NEWS<br />

Thursday, December I, 1966<br />

!<br />

1<br />

(,<br />

ị<br />

;, .,<br />

~.<br />

~<br />

, ,<br />

/<br />

•<br />

,I<br />

!<br />

~il [Ed<br />

13-REAL<br />

FOR<br />


Call TUxedo 2.6900 -<br />

ESTATE<br />

SALE<br />

••<br />

INCOME 5 & 5<br />

5903 KENSINGTON near Harper.<br />

Rooms aloe all good size,<br />

plus lOwer has a sunroom, 3-<br />

car garage.<br />


ANIEL<br />

20225 Mack TU 6-1 190<br />


TAPPA~~<br />


WOODS<br />

Canterbu.ry 838, near Wedgewood,<br />

larger new home in<br />

new area north of Vernier<br />

Rd. 4 bedroom, 2 1 h bath<br />

Colonial with !;oth panelled<br />

Study and spacious Family<br />

Room. First floor laundry,<br />

self cleaning G.E. oven, Thermopane<br />

aluminum wiIi.dows,<br />

marble foyer, latest features,<br />

$55,000. Also have a new 5<br />

bedroom same street and<br />

price. 881-7550.<br />

Lloyd<br />

Marks<br />

TAPPAN<br />

Builder<br />

"Happier Holiday entertaining<br />

can be yours in anyone<br />

of our distinctive listings.<br />

May we sh()w you one of<br />

these!.','<br />




BETTER<br />

On.the-Hill<br />

JOB?<br />

Saysj<br />

8lStaumm&<br />

iO\~7m;i<br />

13-RE~L ESTATE<br />

fOR SALE<br />


2 bedroom brick semi-ranch,<br />

large expansion attic, air conditioning,<br />

attached garage.<br />

CRESTWOOD - Grosse Pointe<br />

Shores. Custom built elegant<br />

3 bedroom, Ph bath ranch.<br />

Family room, plus activities<br />

room. E x cell e n t decor<br />

throughout. Attached 2-car<br />

garage. Many extras. Call<br />

today for full particulars.<br />

HOLIDAY RD.. - 2 bedroom<br />

ranch, formal dining room,<br />

family room, recreation room,<br />

attached garage.<br />

ELFORD CT. Custom built 3-<br />

bedroom brick ranch. 2 natural<br />

fireplaces. Rec room with<br />

lav. Attached breezeway, 2-<br />

car garage. Many extras_<br />

Carter & Co.<br />

CALL TU 4-4400<br />


IROQUOIS - T r l! e American<br />

brick Colonial. 5' bedrooms.<br />

2lh baths, library, $2,500<br />

down FHA monthly payments<br />

$250 including taxes.<br />


TUxedo 5.5788<br />


&<br />

MOORE<br />

TU 1-6800<br />


94,4HIDDEN LANE<br />


Air conditioned 2.bedroom, custom<br />

built 1anch, 2 baths, dandy<br />

21'x14' family room, kitchen<br />

with 1100k and built-ins,<br />

carpeting throughout, ~.car attached<br />

garage. Situated on<br />

nice 80' lot.<br />

I<br />

ADS<br />

3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly<br />

Your Ad Can Be Charged<br />

within walking distance of st.<br />

Paul and Kerby Schools. Immediate<br />

possessi()n. Priced in<br />

upper 20's. Won't last long.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 to 5.00.<br />

SUNNINGDALE - Situated on<br />

% acre overlooking Lochmoor<br />

Golf Club, beautiful semi.<br />

ranch with 2 bedrooms, 2<br />

baths, powder room on fir.;t I<br />

floor; 2 1ge. bedrooms, bath<br />

up, space for 3rd bedroom.<br />

bath. Pan. recreation room I<br />

bar, complete kitchen.<br />

in excellent condition.<br />


YOlOr Letter Can<br />

Spell Success<br />

Let Us tfelp You Write It<br />

House<br />

NEWPORT, 685 - 2 family flat<br />

~ home plus income - each<br />

unit has 2 bedrooms, gas heat, .<br />

separate basements, separate<br />

entrances. Open to offer.<br />


or DOCTOR<br />

CHALMERS, 888 - Ideal location<br />

for young doctor. Upper<br />

~ow occupied by dentist.<br />

Ample parking space, immediate<br />

occupancy, just off<br />

Jeffen-,on Ave. Priced for<br />

quick sale at $2!,500.<br />

AVALON - First Offering •<br />

neat, sharp 3 bedroom con.<br />

temporary, close to schools<br />

transportation, quick posses:<br />

Si()D.<br />

90 Kercheval<br />


Open Eves., Weekends TU 4-1930<br />

Wli<br />

13-REAl ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />


5 Bedrooms<br />

3 Bathrooms<br />


WEBER &<br />


TU 6-4200<br />


FINEST<br />

Christma~<br />

is Coming!<br />

SHORES<br />

55 FONTANA LANE, new 4.<br />

bedroom Cape Cod, Master<br />

bedroom and bath on first.<br />

floor. Library, spacious foyer,<br />

living room, formal dining<br />

room, IXL kitchen, 1a r g e<br />

breakfast area and panelled<br />

family room, laundry room,<br />

sp~cious dosets.<br />

FONTANA.<br />


TU 4-2750<br />

Open Daily 12 to 6. Sunday 2 to 6.<br />


285 MORAN RD., Colonial.<br />

Three large bedrooms, 11,2<br />

baths, formal dining room,<br />

breakfast room, enclosed terrace,<br />

recreation room, finished<br />

basement, 2-car garage.<br />

Excellent condition. $34,000.<br />

Vacant. Owner, TU 6-0866.<br />

Open Sunday 2.5 or by appointment.<br />

LIBRARY, large living room,<br />

2-car attached garage, 75<br />

ft. lot. $42,500.<br />

Agent<br />

TU 2-0120<br />

WOODS<br />

Rltr.<br />


FOR SALE<br />

COMPLETE piano service. Tuning,<br />

rebuilding, refinishing,<br />

MACK-CADIEUX area. 17145<br />

Detroit 'St. 2 bedrooms, attic, de-mothing. Me. m b e r Piano<br />

no basement, gas heat, $7,7C3 Technicians Guild. R. Zecb,<br />

F .B.A. or land contract, 731-7707.<br />

Terms. Owner, 881-8515.<br />

21-. MOVING & STORAGE<br />

BROADSTONE in the "Woods,"<br />

large 7 room home, 3 bedrooms,<br />

Ilh baths, large paneled<br />

family room. Complete<br />

bar and recreation room. For<br />

sale by owner. Call for appointment.<br />

TUxedo 4-0276.<br />


YOU consult us before listing<br />

your home for sale. Free sales<br />

advice and consultations from<br />

the best full time, experienced<br />

sales force in your neighbor<br />

hC'ld. Extensive advertising<br />

given e a c h property. Ask<br />

about our .guaranteed sales<br />

program.<br />

LEE<br />

Call T...ee and start<br />

LOTS OF LOTS'4<br />

packin'<br />

18118 MACK TU 6-3030<br />

13A-LOTS<br />

FOR SALE<br />


Roslyn Rd. 80', $8,500<br />

Roslyn Rd. 35', $4,000<br />

Rid,gemont Rd. 35', $2,500<br />


Manchester 55\ $6,000<br />


Allard Rd. 45', $12,000<br />

BROKER TU 1-3000<br />

ABCO M 0 v i n g and Storage.<br />

$9.50 an hour, 2 men, $13.50<br />

an hour, 3 men. Anytime.<br />

Anywhere. Time starts at<br />

your home. 775.5320, aUD<br />

Walnut 4-5~88.<br />

21A-GENERAL<br />




HOOVER<br />


Stair Carpet Shifted<br />

Repairs of All Types<br />

Cigaret Burns Re-Woven<br />

LEO and BOB TRUDEL<br />

TU 5.0703<br />

INTERIOR.; exterior painting<br />

floor tiling, carpenter repairs:<br />

Quality materials used. Free<br />

estimates. Lakeview 7-5318.<br />



Residential & Commercial<br />

Free Estimates<br />

Phone 778-5219<br />



Complete Home Services<br />

Interior. and Exterior Painting<br />

a Specialty<br />

IJR 6-3038<br />



We specialize in Dry Cleaning<br />

and Re-Iustering fine upholstered<br />

furniture 'and oriental rugs.<br />

PLANS OF A 2 FAMILY FLAT Guaranteed. insured, no harm,<br />

PLUS MAID'S QUARTERS no odor an,d,nO'pr;ce increase!<br />

O~ER GARAGE included in Grosse Ppinte Furniture<br />

prIce of lot, $22,500.For furth- CI' C<br />

er information. ean Ing O.<br />

CALL<br />

9226 Bishop Rd.<br />

TU 6-4444<br />

GEORGE PALMS, Rltr. J<br />

I<br />


Lennon, a p pro x i mat e 1y trical o. mechanical. 884.<br />

40'xI20', $7,000. Call 778-1520. 1986.:<br />

LOT near Dodge Estate. 100'x 21 C-ELECTRICAL<br />

160', close to lake, $26,000. ~ERVICES<br />

Owner. 821-5735.<br />

LOT-Harper Woods adjacent<br />

to Grosse Points Woods. 35<br />

ft. frontage. Only $2,500.<br />


93 Kercheval 886.3060<br />

DOYLE PLACE EAST, 19930<br />

Unusual value in 3 bedroom lS-BUSINESS<br />

Colonial, den, lovely kitchen, OPPORTUNITIES<br />

enclosed terrace overlooking<br />

swimming pool. Many extras.' GROSSE POINTE-GRILL, ex.<br />

Immediatt: occupancy. Call ceptionally good bus i It e s s .<br />

owner, WOodward 5-1700 or Completely equipped, perfect<br />

TUxedo 1-6733. condition.<br />

ing.<br />

Possession at clos-<br />

HIDDEN LANE, 575<br />

Plush rambling brick ranch<br />

hugging entire corner of<br />

Morningside. 3 bedrooms<br />

formal dining room, beauti:<br />

fnl family room, 2112 baths,<br />

2lh car attached garage, Star<br />

of the Sea parish. A gem _<br />

terrific buy! Open Sunday<br />

2-5.<br />


3-bedroom ranch, Ilh baths<br />

fIlmily room, 2.car attached<br />

garage. Carpeting, draperies.<br />

$39,000. 886-0768.<br />


777-4580<br />

8% PAID<br />



Deposit $1,000 or $2,000 with<br />

us . and your money starts<br />

earning 8%. We own a nice<br />

25 family apartment building<br />

near beautiful Grosse Pointe<br />

on Lake St. Clair that pays<br />

us 8% per year on our in.<br />

vested money. So that is how<br />

we can pay you 8% on the<br />

money that you would have<br />

on deposit. Then too, you can<br />

draw our your money any<br />

time you wish. Very m u c h<br />

like a batik. For more interesting<br />

information telephone<br />

us, thE.'owners, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

H arm s, 936 Beaconsfield,<br />

Harms, any evening from 6<br />

to 10. Telephone 821-8985. Or<br />

write us, Mr; and Mrs.<br />

G r 0 sse Pointe, Detroit 30,<br />

Mich. Don't hesitate to telephone<br />

us. We just like to talk<br />

to people, and have them ask I<br />

POST REALTY LA 7-9800<br />

LUXURIOUS 6-bedroom home<br />

of top construction on 2 well us questions.<br />

landscaped acres, featuring from you.<br />

marble foyer with gold.flock<br />

So let us hear<br />

LAKESHORE LANE 59 - 29' wallpaper; built-in intercom<br />

living room with fireplace, and hi-fi; 1800 running feet 16-PETS FOR SALE<br />

dining room, screened terrace,<br />

3 bedrooms, 3 baths. that flows into 1200 sq. ft. and small black female, all<br />

of closet space; giant patio POODLES, AKC, black males<br />

All on a 100'x120' lot in low entertainment area with 2 six weeks. Will hold for<br />

40'~.<br />

flreplac€::l and professional Christmas. 882.7867 after 7<br />

size bar; imported draperies,<br />

FONTANA 54 - Exquisite 10-<br />

p.m. and Sunday.<br />

fi:;tures and solid brick exterior.<br />

This home is the epi-<br />

BEAUTIFUL close .curl 16"<br />

room ranch with air-conditioning,<br />

carpeting, dJ:'aperies, tome of excellence. $110,000. poodle. Stud. Family pet. 756-<br />

and many extras. Can be purchased<br />

with $10,000 down on<br />

9763 morQings.<br />

land contract to professional<br />

man.<br />

We are Realtors - We are<br />

members of the National<br />

Association of Real Estate<br />

Boards.<br />

Ruth<br />

Associates<br />

of Grosse Pointe<br />

ITU 6.4060 Evenings 'ro 5-4060<br />



r...r__f Every Style of fence<br />

~ .~ • ~ ended for you<br />

WA..1-6282<br />

InCludIng<br />

Chain Link All-Steel<br />

Rustic Style.<br />


PHON E: 884-6200 l"c I T Y" - Early American.<br />

I Charm is featured in this<br />

TOURAINE ROAD - ESPecial., 4 bedroom Colonial plus<br />

ly fine 5 bedroom colonial in bedroom down, family room,<br />

the heart of the Farms with I $38,500.<br />

everything ~ large family<br />

could desire. "FARMS" - Half-block from<br />

lake. A '\?alk to pier and<br />

RIDGEMONT, 231-Three bed.<br />

ilew swimming pool. Magnificently<br />

conditioned 4<br />

rooms plus family room ranch<br />

built in 1~51, on newer street<br />

bed roo m Colonial, oversized<br />

family roo m, centrally<br />

air.conditioned.<br />

"WOODS" - Two interesting<br />

ranches. One 2 bedroom at<br />

$27,500, a doll house for<br />

adults; the other, 3 bedrooms,<br />

a real buy at $14,.<br />

900. Call today.<br />

and<br />

CO.<br />



25 N. Washington St.<br />

Oxford, Mich.<br />

Oxford Lake Orion<br />

1-628.2515 1-692-2291<br />

TREAT yoursillf to this cozy<br />

Cape Cod located in the heart<br />

of the Farms. Featuring that<br />

all ~mportant bedroom and<br />

bath downstairs plus den or<br />

second bedroom. Large living<br />

room with natural fireplace,<br />

dining L, screened and covered<br />

porch, roomy kitchen.<br />

Bedroom and bath plus storage<br />

on second floor. St. Paul<br />

parish. $37,500.,<br />

ALSO<br />

2 ATTRACTIVE lots near the<br />

lake.<br />

For Further Information<br />

CALL<br />


TU 6-'1444<br />


and REPAIRS<br />


TU 2.5900<br />







17176 E. Warren TU 1-1122<br />

East Side Vacuum<br />

Formerly Harper Vacuum<br />

ONLY<br />


~RVIC.E<br />

PO:NTE<br />

VACUUM<br />



TU 1-1014<br />

21E-CUSTOM<br />

21002 MACK<br />

PR2-4050<br />


INDlVIDUALLY de sl g 0 e d<br />

Spencer girdles and surgical<br />

supports. Over 30 years experience.<br />

M a u d e Bannert.<br />

TV 5-40.'.7 VE 9-1385<br />

21G-ROOFING<br />



Caulking, chimney repairs.<br />

Gutters cleaned<br />


TU 2-5539<br />

J. D. Candler<br />


co.<br />

rNC.<br />

Michigan's Oldest Roofer<br />

Residential Imd Commercial<br />

All types of Roofs and Decks<br />

Gutters and Conductors<br />

Repairs. No job too large<br />

or too small.<br />


CALL 899-2100<br />

Free Estimate<br />

POODLE puppies. A.K.C. Also<br />

stud service, all sizes 'and colors.<br />

PRescott 6-1534.<br />

storms, doors, remodeling,<br />

ALL ROOFING, gutters, siding,<br />

repairs. Terms. VA 4-7109.<br />

BEAGLE-registered. 6 months<br />

old male, all shotf>.TU 1-7921. 21 H-RUG CLEANING<br />

,<br />

S C H:N'A U Z E R S, miniatures,<br />

AKC, 9 weeks. Com pie t e<br />

grooming service. Private.<br />

776-2142.<br />


needs adoption due to allergic<br />

child. Black and white<br />

altered male, de-clawed, has<br />

all shots, patient, gentle disposition.'<br />

Will keep until<br />

Christmas if necessary. VAlley<br />

1.6880.<br />

POODLE and Cocker mix.ed<br />

puppies. 7 weeks, shots, 5318<br />

Harvard. 882-2758.<br />


weeks. j\.KC. TUxedo 2-8522,<br />

after 6 p.m.<br />

D A C H S HUN D S, miniature,<br />

AKC, choice pups. Order for<br />

C.hristmas. 772-2754.<br />

KIND HOME neede': for beautiful<br />

young male dog, part<br />

Sheltie. Gentle and affectionate.<br />

823-5446.<br />

KITTENS, 1 Siamese, 1 part<br />

Siamese. Need good homes.<br />

TUxedo 5-5004.<br />

PRIDE<br />

Carpet & Furniture ,<br />


Our Plant or Your Home<br />


J..0615 CADIEUX<br />

TUxedo 5-5700<br />

)<br />

21H-RUG<br />



Carpets, rugs, tacked down or<br />

loose and upholstered fu,'ni.<br />

ture cleaned and moth proofed,<br />

in your home the modern<br />

way with the latest Rug De.<br />

terger, dries overnight. Repairing,<br />

serge binding, throw<br />

rugs and runners, picked up<br />

and delivered. Free estimates,<br />

reasonable prices. DR 1.3133.<br />

,<br />




•<br />

4 4<br />

mall jobs,<br />

screens.<br />

ott 1-3729.<br />

erations<br />

s<br />


enclosures.<br />

attics con.<br />

G<br />

uction<br />

o.<br />

erations<br />

ization<br />

air<br />

tea<br />

actor<br />


SURED<br />

NST.<br />

rren<br />

son)<br />

824-5504<br />

ING<br />

d<br />

ad<br />

1966<br />

WORK<br />

carpenter<br />

'c rooms.<br />

big jobs.<br />

do 5-5892.<br />

RT<br />

I1ITHS<br />

LEVOIX<br />

. Chalmel'l<br />

318<br />

"PING<br />


~!:~G<br />

1172<br />

aewinl.<br />

deliver.<br />


ens. Quick<br />

(Furs). TV<br />

, adults and<br />

zippers, pil.<br />

users cuffed.<br />

and hems.<br />

dresses. 1114<br />

lley 2-9743.<br />

r plumber.<br />

odeling, etc.<br />

trlc 5 ewe r<br />

oemer. TU<br />

NG and Heat-<br />

Dishwashers,<br />

r more fmedom. We now .<br />

grow.n~ t.1rlngs. But we left a live ~ow. San. Francisco, and<br />

v~ry fine area to accomplish the tWlns flDd.hlgh school much<br />

this as well as our families and more demandmg.<br />

frie~ds. Grosse Pointe critics should<br />

. feel ashamed of themselves just<br />

Too tr!llny peop~e m our COlm. opening your Novembe~ 10 is.<br />

try ~ust be. getting an :~rrone. sue, showing the members of.<br />

ous Impre~slon. The c~tics of the Board of Education laying<br />

Gros~e POlnt.e act .as If every the cornerstone for the new hJgh<br />

res Ide n t lS a ru:h man or school.<br />

woman.. They overlook the Hats off to Mr. Vincent Peterw<br />

~a?y fme people of .soD1~what son, my former history ~aeher.<br />

lImIted means who lIve m t?e for understanding that Grosse<br />

small houses. They don',; wr~te Pointe does not consist of uuabout<br />

the very good li?ran2lJ feeling. alcoholic millionaires!<br />

and wonderful parks. .flow 1 Sincerely<br />

miss the swimming facilities C;ntbia Allington LeidJeh<br />

you all have! The pool! here<br />

are privately owned or \l sed by<br />

high school students. ThE-ocean<br />

is very cold and not very safe Brave Editor<br />

in this area. The critics of<br />

Grosse Pointe never mention At Town Hall<br />

the many worthwhile activities<br />

that go on at the War Memo.<br />

rial, or that a new Neighbor.<br />

hood Club wm be huilt. They<br />

pass ov~r the really friendly<br />

relationship between G r 0 sse<br />

Pointe sales people and customers.<br />

The helpful Police are<br />

ignored, except that I l"'et'd of<br />

them in your paper. And your<br />

schools; they're wonderful!<br />

When we left, February 1,<br />

1964, our twins had completed<br />

the first half of the 6th grade at<br />

Maire. In southern. California<br />

they found theraselves ahead of<br />

the class for months. Besides<br />

missing friends and familiar<br />

surroundings, they had two real<br />

adjustments to make. One, the<br />

realization that they had left a<br />

superior school behind and that<br />

their form~r classmatEs were<br />

now ahead of them. The other<br />

was an adjustment to a heavily<br />

racially mixed school. Their<br />

Spanish class was a fia sco be.<br />

cause the Mexican American<br />

boys made it hnpossible for the<br />

teacher to be heard. This was<br />

our children's first ex~rienr.:e<br />

at a teacher's problems. I heard<br />

the principal of their school say<br />

Hazel Brannon Smith, eruaading<br />

editor and publisher of the<br />

Lexington Advertiser and three<br />

other Mississippi weeklies, dfs.<br />

cussed IIA ltfississippi EdItclr<br />

looks at Human Rights" at 4er<br />

Detroit Town Hall appearance<br />

in Fisher Theater, Wednesday.<br />

November 30.<br />

Mrs. Smith. who has bee!lIOIing<br />

white advertisers steadily<br />

since her battles began with<br />

local White Citizens Councils,<br />

i3 1965 PulItzer Prize winner for<br />

"editorial excellenee." Speaking<br />

out regularly on her front pages<br />

against violenee and fear has<br />

cost her husband, a county hos.<br />

pital administrator, his job;<br />

vandals have damaged her<br />

bome, a eross was burned on<br />

her lawn, and an office wu<br />

bombed..<br />

In recent months, however,<br />

local Negroes collected S2.8G2<br />

and presented it to her at an<br />

Editor's Appre

l<br />

---<br />

~ -. - "....<br />

..<br />

.... -_ __ ._ .... _." II<br />

Page<br />

T~enty.Ei9ht<br />

5ROSSE PO INTE NEWS Thursday, Deeember ". '966<br />

* * * * Feature Page * * * *<br />

who!,where aad whatnot<br />

by Ulbooa;<br />

Did you know that ... among the hors d'oeuvres<br />

Circumnavigators Club members and guests will be nibbling<br />

at their Salute to Canada banquet tomorrow evening,<br />

m the Sheraton-Cadillac's G ran d Ballroom, is<br />

Hudson Bay White Whale!'? Another item on the menu is<br />

Artie Char, (we're not even going to try to GUESS what<br />

that is . . .).<br />

• * *<br />

Just about the most charming • • • ehlldren's. story<br />

we've read all year is Robert Allen McBride's "The cat<br />

That Went Woof,'; (it's perfect for reading-aloud), now<br />

available at Mr. Sherid!fn Books, (there'll be a Meet-the-<br />

Author autographing party there this Saturday afternoon,<br />

from 2 until 5 o'clock), and in the Juvenile Fiction<br />

Section of the Main Branch Grosse Pointe Public Library.<br />

It's the tale of a non-conformist Clit named Puffy, illustrated<br />

:Ily Arthur Taylor, written originally for the<br />

author's twG sons, Bob, almost six, and Derek, age four.<br />

Mrs. McBride, the former Colleen "JUt" Kennedy, a<br />

longtime Pointer, is credited by her husband with contributing<br />

many fine ideas to the manuscript • _ • The<br />

MeBrides live in Mount Vernon road. He is the son of<br />

Mrs. Nelson McBride, of SllDDingdale drive, grew up in<br />

The Pointe, attended St. Paul High School and the University<br />

of Detroit Law School, is presently an advertising<br />

agency associate director for television and radio. His<br />

hobbies are writing, special intuest cars and "playing<br />

Green Hornet with my sons."<br />

* * •<br />

Wish we were as talented . as Linda Charvat,<br />

Grosse Pointe High School Class of 1967, whose trio of<br />

round-mouthed carollers serves as frontispiece for invitations<br />

to today's GPHS Mother's Club Christmas Tea.<br />

'" * *<br />

"The day was nice and sunny • • • and there was an<br />

inch of snow on the ground." So wrote Ledger Louis<br />

Trombley, recording his marriage to Josephine Julian 55<br />

years ago November 21. On that day, bride and bridegroom<br />

rose well before dawn to make the long, slow<br />

trip to St. Paul's on the Lakeshore by horse and buggy<br />

from the bride's home at Townsend and Kercheval avenue.<br />

Mass was celebrated at 7 o'clock in the moming by<br />

Father Alonzo H. B. Nacy • • • On the Sunday before<br />

Thanksgiving, the Trombleys' five married sons and<br />

daughters, 25 grandchildren and 1~ great-grandchildren<br />

gathered at the Anniversary Couple's home in Beaconsfield.<br />

avenue to commemorate the Golden Wedding-plus-<br />

Five. The day was nice and sunny. Nobody missed the<br />

snow.<br />

Music is an interest Mark shares with all the<br />

other members of his family. His mother, Lois, is concertmistress<br />

of the S1. Clair Shores Symphony and director<br />

of the Stringej Instrument program in the Lakeview<br />

School System. His younger brother, Raymon, 14, plays<br />

cello with the S1. Clair Shores and Grosse Pointe SyItphonies,<br />

(both boys have performed for the Chamber<br />

Music Players of Grosse Pointe and the Detroit Chamber<br />

Music Workshop). His father, Howard Lawrenca, teacher<br />

of World <strong>History</strong> at Grosse Pointe High School, occasionally<br />

lend~ a tenor voice to the family music circle . . .<br />

* * *<br />

_ • • In addition to his musical interests, Mark confesses<br />

to being a Civil War buff, with a growing collection<br />

of books about the War Between The Siates. A trip<br />

to Gettysburg lut summer gave him a chance to reconnoiter<br />

the battlefield terrain personally.<br />

* * •<br />


No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick<br />

goldfisb. - Kin Hubbard<br />

Complete Shoe Service WO 2-7989<br />

New York Custom Shoe Shop<br />

133 E. Grand River<br />

We make shoes any strle and color;<br />

skatin~, ski. golf, bowl1ng shoes and<br />

riding boots. Lasts from plaster<br />

casts. arches and extensions.<br />

45 years experience. Doctor's<br />

orders filled.<br />

MOLDED SHOES for that<br />

s p e cia 1 s i ze and shape<br />

designed to fit those odd<br />

shaped feet.<br />

Wm. E. Hintz, Prop.<br />

Pointer of Interest<br />

Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr.<br />


Good Ta3te<br />

Favorite Recipes<br />

of<br />

People in The Know<br />


Contributed by<br />

Mrs. John S. Sweeney, Jr.<br />

2 packages smok~d sliced<br />

beef or chipped beef<br />

(6 oz.)<br />

1 tblsp. butter<br />

1 pt dairy sour cream<br />

% cup dry white wine<br />

1 tblsp. grated Parmesan<br />

cheese<br />

Dash cayenne<br />

1 can artichoke hearts,<br />

drained (12 oz.)<br />

1 tsp. arrowroot<br />

Heat butter in double boiler,<br />

then add sour cream, cheese,<br />

cayenne, aad wiDe. mixing<br />

well. Gently stir in dried beef<br />

and artichoke hearts. Add<br />

arrowroot and stir again until<br />

thickened. May be served on<br />

toast or cookttdwhite rice.<br />

By Janet Mueller Program layout co.chairman,<br />

"I've giggled a lot in the last few months," Terry is Ann (Mrs, W. Gerald) War.<br />

Treiber, up to her ears in Junior Women's' Association ren, of Saddle lane, who stepped<br />

fer the Detroit Symphony Orchestra Souvenir Program. magnificently into the breach<br />

To Star Poole,<br />

M,isckakoff<br />

work, and imminently<br />

child, admit..;, smiling.<br />

expecting<br />

~<br />

the arrival of her second<br />

-<br />

when the original Layout co-<br />

chairman, Mrs. Wilbur Busse, Conductor Valter Poole :md<br />

announced that her husband had violinist Mischa Mischakoff,two<br />

"I knew I was pregnant last work she'd previously done in been traDSferred to Chicago, h<br />

M h I d to tak 40 h<br />

. th d of t e most influential figures<br />

ay, w en agree e on ours m e agree .upon 20 (and that' she, of course, was .<br />

O<br />

th<br />

'S . P ho 10 Detroit's musical life, will<br />

IS year S ouvemr rogram urs! moving to the Windy City with<br />

h<br />

. hi b t I d'd 't be featured at the Detroit Sym.<br />

co-c aumans p -. u I n Terry would like to return to him-there's a' noint<br />

r<<br />

at which h<br />

1m to g<br />

pony concert Thursday eveow<br />

we were gomg 0 out<br />

a full- or part-time J'ob some loyalty to an organization MUST .<br />

I" nmg, ,December 8, at 8:30<br />

an d b. uy a farm. time in the future, when her take second place). o'clock in Ford Auditorium.<br />

The Treibers found their children no longer demand all- "This,' '(the Busses' deparf<br />

80 d ' th d tt t'<br />

arm, an -acre sprea ree ay a en IOn.<br />

R'<br />

Ig<br />

ht<br />

now,<br />

Ch<br />

ris ture), is the sort of thing that's<br />

Poole, the Symphony's asso,<br />

il th f P rt S il<br />

. ull . h ciate conductor, will introduce<br />

m es sou 0 0 an ac, IS a f -bme job in imself. always n, lippe'ning in volunteer<br />

" h If<br />

JUSl: a a.m<br />

il<br />

e<br />

f<br />

rom<br />

L<br />

a<br />

k<br />

e<br />

A<br />

n<br />

d th<br />

en<br />

th<br />

ere<br />

'<br />

s t<br />

h<br />

e farm, and organizations,'" Terry observes,<br />

to local audiences the American<br />

H on d 'd d.t th S . P composer Charles Ives' comur<br />

, IS summer, eCI e I e ouvemr rogram'... "but then, Ann's stepping for-<br />

thO<br />

a tl h t th h d b "Wh I f'<br />

w s exac y w a ey a een en was lrst approac<br />

h<br />

e<br />

d<br />

ward to \ake charge-and doing<br />

plete "Three Places in New<br />

10 'oking for, bought I't and' Im- about the S ouvemr . P rogram a beau#1ul J'ob-is the sort of England." Poole had conducted<br />

med . lately.... l>'Lae rt d a farm house ch all'mans . h' Ip, I sa~, 'd' N(), thank thing th'lt's always happening, a portion of the work here<br />

remodeling program. you, I'm awfully sorry, but I'm too." with the Detroit Symphony in<br />

h . this b b ' 1959. He also will conduct the<br />

"Bert grew up on a farm," avmg a y ... As a Workm"rs co~" Wife, """"rryad. H dn S h<br />

1 S lit U<br />

ay ymp ony No. 101 ("The<br />

Terry exp aiDS, "and we both - p p Duties ~its she was slightly prejudiced Clock"),<br />

feel children need plenty of "Then, a few weeks later, I against "club women;" now she<br />

'running space.' we started sub- got a second call. The chair- believes she was prejudiced Mischakoff, concertmaster of<br />

scriping to a local newspaper Manship has been 'split;' in- against a stereotype. the Symphony, will be soloist<br />

in a farming community, look- stead of having one general in the Beethoven Violin Con,<br />

ing for property " . . When we Souvenir Prog!"am chairman, "I'm surprised at the number .certo.<br />

found 'our; farm, we knew we as the Junior Woman have had of people who truly CARE about In t rod u c in g an orchestral<br />

had to buy it ... " 'in past years, there were now the organizations occupying work previously unheard in De-<br />

Busy Summer Weekends going to be two co-chairman, t.heir volunteer time," she says. troit is no novelty for Poole.<br />

So buy it they did-and spent one basically concerned with "I've found people are more He led the first local hearings<br />

the summer weekends painting collecting advertising, the other than willing to give tremendous of Shostakovich's first, third<br />

'" * * walls, knocking down walls, basically concerned with the help-and they're darn good and fifth symphonies, Proko-<br />

W II hi t 1<br />

. . lid the<br />

e on sway<br />

workers, too!"<br />

0 a prom smg mUSIca career • • . panelling, staining, wallpaper- ayout an makeup of book. fieff's suites "The Love of Three<br />

is 18-year-old Grosse Pointe High School senior Mark ing. . . . "Well ... I still wasn't too Terry Treiber doesn't believe Oranges" and "Lieutenant Kiji,"<br />

La They "officially" moved in anxious to serve as even a half- in spreading herself too thin. William Grant Still's "Mrowrence,<br />

St. Clair Shores Symphony's first trombonist, the end of October. "We plan chairman, especially since the She wants time alone, ("I was American Symphony," Charles<br />

who has played with GPHS Stage Band, (a 17-member to use the farm on weekends, advertising deadline this year born in May, and I'm convinced Griffes' "The Pleasure Dome<br />

ensemble which provides music for the School's sporting maybe live up there in the sum- is today, December 1, and Terry I'm a true split personality of Kubla Khan" and "Roman<br />

t i 'rl mers," Terry explains. "Even- is due to arrive in a week or Gemini," she smiles. "Part of Sketches" and Aaron Copland's<br />

even s), s pres! ent of the G,PHS Band, Orchestra and tually, perhaps, we'll try to two, but I finally said 'All right' me likes nothing better than "El Salon Mexico," among<br />

Concert Band, a member of th2 Chamber Music Players raise things-corn, wheat, beans -with the understanding that I lazing in bed, reading maga~ other works.<br />

of Grosse Pointe, and last summer held second position -no animals, of course; ani. would use my area chairmen zines, papers, anything-even Mischakoff will be making<br />

in the five-man trombone section of the Detroit Concert mals require eve r y day more than they had ever been the Sears catalogue! Still, when his i9th appearance as soloist<br />

care ... " used before, that I might 'flake I'm involved in sQmething,have on the Symphony's annual,<br />

Band, which, performs during tbe Warm Months on Belle Besides the house, they have out' at any time, and that I a job t6 do, I want to get at it, win t e r subscription series,<br />

Isle, (at 17, Mark was the youngest member of the Detroit several other farm buildings: couldn't be expected to run get it done .. ."). though he has made dozens of<br />

Concert Band) • • • He started studying trombone in A barn, an "enormous" chicken around as much as comeone Have Skiing Weekends solo appearances with the Or.<br />

coop, a small stone structure who wasn't carrying 20 extra She makes sure she is avail- chestra on tour and in special<br />

the fifth grade; his teachers have included Carlos Rivera the Trelbers think originally pounds of awkward flesh." able for skiing weekends with concerts at home.<br />

and, more recently, Allen Chase, first trombonist with might have been m.-.::das a So far, Ten:y hasn't 'flaked her husband, for play-times with Both Poole and Mischakoff<br />

the Detroit Symphony; he's attended the Michigan State smokehouse. out' even a little bIt. And those Chris. She has a house to keep, were named to their current<br />

U' 't SM' E . (. It's a grand place for explor- 20 extra pounds may have pre- meals to cook. She won't join Symphony posts in 1952. Poole<br />

mvers! y ummer USIC Camp at ast Lans!Dg, a ing, just roaming about, as 22- ~'en~edher from running around any organization just to join it; had been a violist with the<br />

three-week August session), for two summers, the second month-old Chris Treiber, ("His phYllically, but they haven't she insists on being "active." Orchestra since 1927. Mischayear<br />

on a scholarship which accompanies the Band Citi. full name is Berthold Christian, stopped her mental perambula- Consequently, she's only in- koff was a newcomer, however,<br />

h' A d t d t hi b f 11 t d ts G but we're not going to tell him tions, ,or kept her from travel-' volved in one large volunteer and had just completed a 15-<br />

ze~s Ip .war , vo e 0 m y e ow s u en at rasse about it until he's old ellough ing via telephone .all over the organization: The J un i 0 r year tenure as concertmast~r<br />

POInte HIgh • • • to cope"), will begin to dis- metropolitan Detroit area. Women's Associationfor the De. of the NBC Symphony under<br />

lit * * cover in the next year or so. Is Big Operation troit Sytnphony Orchestra. Toscanini.<br />

•.• As a result of his performance at the Michigan'Farming may be "old hat" to The Souvenir Program is one Terry "kind of fell wo" the Poole is an especially familiar<br />

State Band and Orchestra Association's Soh; and En- Bert, but it's a relatively new, 0.£ the Junior Wom~n's Associa- Sympnony Juniors' group. She figure to thousands of Detroit<br />

semble Festival, held this year at Jackson, Mark was one experi~nce for T~rry, who's bon for t~e D~trolt Symphony likes music, (she and Bert !loth students and to summer music<br />

of 50 students selected to go to Lansing for further ~ved m ?rosse Pomte all her O~c~estras. maJor annual fund- fool around with the piano, but audiences. Each year he concompetition.<br />

There, before a group of 30 judges, the field life. B~rt s ~oth~r maktts her raIsmg proJects. It has grown neither daims piano-playing as ducts the Symphony Young<br />

was narrowed to 20, then to 10 finalists _ of whom Mark ho.me. m UmonvIlle! a 1small from a $3,500. to ~, m?re tha~ an accomplishment - "We buy People's Concerts, numerous<br />

-was the only brass instrumentalist The 10 finalists then MIchIgan ~wn. HIS brother $27,0(}i) operation, (. This year, pianos for our friends to play," concerts for metropolitan area<br />

. runs the family farm. Terry observes drily, "we set they say) school cl-:tdren and the 0<br />

soIoe d,as part of Michigan Youth Week, with the Inter- Se:t Makes No Difference our goal at $40000 then timed '. lll, r-<br />

lochen Arts Academy Orchestra. Mark pl~yed the Hand'!l Terry's parents are Mr and this new, high goai to coincide J S~e ha~ frIe~s who .w~re ~::~~~g~~~~a~~ ~~C:;;gar~~:~<br />

Trombone Concerto in F minor . . . These honors per- Mrs. Terry W Kuhn of Loch- with a slight Recession. We mumo~ ?~en s ~ss~lation and Belle Isle park.<br />

formances are attended by music teachers who "scout" moor ~uleva~d. "T~rry" is a thbught it was very clever of so~mot;:~up I ::~z:t~.ike1th~ He also conducts special confor<br />

universities. On the basis of his playing, Mark was family name, (Not short for any- us . . ."), Net proceeds are in without totally c~=f~e g certs by the Orchest:-a in Ford<br />

offered a ~cholarship to the University of Michigan. He thing," Terry Treiber explains), do~ated to the Symphony's myself," Terry reminisces. n Auditorium and on tour. Poole<br />

plans to enter next fall as ;a Music major ... although already assIgned to the newest MaIntenance Fund, I d " is the Symphony's educational<br />

he admits he's strongly attracted to Pre-Law too I Treiber: "Boy or girl, it'll be The program will be diMrib- T t prfovedth o be J Ju~t that-

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