2004 - Hiap Teck Venture Berhad

2004 - Hiap Teck Venture Berhad

2004 - Hiap Teck Venture Berhad


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The Board of Directors of <strong>Hiap</strong> <strong>Teck</strong> <strong>Venture</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong><br />

acknowledges the importance of the systems of internal<br />

control and affirms that it is their responsibility to<br />

maintain a sound system of internal control including<br />

review of its adequacy and integrity in order to safeguard<br />

the shareholders’ investment and the Group’s assets. In<br />

this respect, the Board assumes its responsibility for<br />

identifying principal risks, ensuring the implementation of<br />

appropriate systems to manage these risks and reviewing<br />

the adequacy and integrity of the Group’s internal control<br />

system. However, it should be noted that such system of<br />

internal control is designed to manage rather than<br />

eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business<br />

objectives. Therefore these systems can only provide<br />

reasonable but not absolute assurance against material<br />

misstatements or losses.<br />

The following summarises the processes used by the<br />

Board on its reviews of system of internal controls.<br />

These processes were carried out on an on-going basis<br />

and were accorded with the Guidance on Statement on<br />

Internal Control.<br />

The process of identifying, evaluating and managing<br />

significant risks faced by the Group was dealt with as<br />

part of the operation management. Meetings are held<br />

regularly at the management level to monitor changes in<br />

the business environment and their impact on the<br />

operations. Significant corporate matters are brought to<br />

the attention of the Board for further deliberation to<br />

ensure that risks are appropriately considered and<br />

reasonably addressed. At this level, business strategies<br />

are considered by the Board to ensure that strategies are<br />

in-line with the corporate objective and direction.<br />

In order to assist the Board in reviewing the internal<br />

control system of the Group, the Audit Committee is<br />

tasked with the review of compliance, control and audit<br />

issues with the assistance of statutory and internal<br />

Auditors. Issues and findings are then reported by the<br />

Audit Committee to the Board. Annual budget is also<br />

used as a yardstick of measurement of the Group<br />

performance and risks are insured when appropriate to<br />

mitigate financial exposures to the Group.<br />

To further strengthen the current risk management<br />

practices in the Group, Internal Auditor was tasked to<br />

facilitate the management in risk documentation<br />

exercise. This risk documentation exercise aims to<br />

supplement management risk awareness and to provide<br />

inputs for the risks discussion at the management level.<br />

In addition, to ensure the quality control of services and<br />

production, the management has successfully initiated<br />

an ISO program during the financial year for one of its<br />

major production plants in the Group.<br />

Other key control practices in the Group include<br />

definition of management reporting structure,<br />

segregation of duties and generation of financial<br />

information for Audit Committee’s review and Board<br />

approval.<br />


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