Constitution - Teamsters Local 399

Constitution - Teamsters Local 399 Constitution - Teamsters Local 399


ART. VIII, SEC. 1-2 accounting professional selected by the Trustees with the approval of the General Executive Board. The independent accounting professional shall not otherwise be employed by the International Union; shall not perform other work for the International Union; and shall not be affiliated with a firm that performs work for the International Union. The independent accounting professional shall be paid reasonable fees and expenses as approved by the General Executive Board. These fees and expenses shall include the assistance of subordinates necessary and appropriate to assist the independent accounting professional, as determined by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall have the right to engage legal and additional accounting assistance at reasonable expense with the approval of the General Executive Board. The Trustees will be afforded training necessary and appropriate to allow them to fulfill their obligations as Audit Committee members. Section 2. The Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the International Union’s books and records on a quarterly basis and shall report its findings directly to the General Executive Board. The review shall include the books and records of all properties, facilities, and accounts under the control of the International Union and/or the General Secretary- Treasurer. The Audit Committee shall have the right to examine and copy all books and records necessary to perform its review. The Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the work and duties of the Union’s Internal Audit Department. The Audit Committee shall communicate regularly with the Union’s outside auditor, shall review the work of the outside auditor and shall insure that the outside auditor is properly performing its func- [ 63 ]

ART. VIII, SEC. 2-3-ART. IX, SEC. 1 tions on behalf of the Union. The Audit Committee shall investigate any complaints involving the International Union’s financial matters or other alleged violations of the Union’s internal code of conduct and shall report its findings to the General Executive Board. The General Executive Board shall adopt an Audit Committee Charter to more fully specify the duties of the Audit Committee and an internal code of conduct for International Union officers, employees, and agents. The General Executive Board shall have the authority to amend the Charter and the internal code of conduct from time to time. Section 3. The Trustees shall have the right to attend all meetings of the General Executive Board and shall be allowed to participate in the meetings as determined by the General President, except that they shall not have the right to vote. Fiscal Year Section 4. The fiscal years of the International and subordinate bodies shall commence on the first (1st) of January. Article IX GENERAL EXECUTIVE BOARD—DUTIES AND POWERS General Section 1. Such powers, duties, and authority as are not otherwise delegated to the General President and General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Union shall be exercised, acted upon, and determined by the [ 64 ]

ART. VIII, SEC. 2-3-ART. IX, SEC. 1<br />

tions on behalf of the Union. The Audit Committee shall<br />

investigate any complaints involving the International<br />

Union’s financial matters or other alleged violations of<br />

the Union’s internal code of conduct and shall report its<br />

findings to the General Executive Board. The General<br />

Executive Board shall adopt an Audit Committee<br />

Charter to more fully specify the duties of the Audit<br />

Committee and an internal code of conduct for<br />

International Union officers, employees, and agents.<br />

The General Executive Board shall have the authority to<br />

amend the Charter and the internal code of conduct from<br />

time to time.<br />

Section 3. The Trustees shall have the right to attend<br />

all meetings of the General Executive Board and shall be<br />

allowed to participate in the meetings as determined by<br />

the General President, except that they shall not have the<br />

right to vote.<br />

Fiscal Year<br />

Section 4. The fiscal years of the International and<br />

subordinate bodies shall commence on the first (1st) of<br />

January.<br />

Article IX<br />



General<br />

Section 1. Such powers, duties, and authority as are<br />

not otherwise delegated to the General President and<br />

General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Union<br />

shall be exercised, acted upon, and determined by the<br />

[ 64 ]

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