Constitution - Teamsters Local 399

Constitution - Teamsters Local 399 Constitution - Teamsters Local 399


ART. III, SEC. 5 Election of Delegates and Alternates Section 5(a)(1). Delegates to any International Convention in which any International Union officers are nominated or elected shall be chosen by secret ballot vote of the membership in accordance with Article XXII and applicable law relating to the nomination and election of union officers. During the month of July of the year preceding the Convention, the General Secretary- Treasurer shall notify each Local Union of the number of delegates that it may be entitled to send to the Convention, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article VII, Section 5. Local Unions having regularly scheduled officer elections during the fall of the year preceding the Convention may elect delegates and alternate delegates at the same time as officers are elected, provided that separate secret ballots are utilized for the delegates and alternate delegate election. Candidates for Local Union office may also run for delegate or alternate delegate. All Local Unions not conducting delegate and alternate delegate elections in connection with their regular officer elections shall conduct separate secret ballot elections for those positions. Nomination meetings for delegates and alternate delegates shall be conducted not more than six (6) months nor less than four (4) months prior to the month in which the Convention is held. Secret ballot elections shall be held not less than thirty (30) days after the nomination meeting. Section 5(a)(2). Subject to the provisions of Article IV, Section 4 of this Constitution, if then in effect, the General Executive Board shall have the authority to establish rules and procedures to govern the election of Local Union delegates to any International Union Convention at which candidates for International Union office are nominated, and for the election of [ 21 ]

ART. III, SEC. 5 International Union officers occurring after 2001. The rules shall provide for the appointment of an independent election supervisor, who shall conduct and supervise such elections of delegates to the International Convention, the nomination of candidates for International office at the Convention and the election of International officers. The authority of the election supervisor shall include the authority to supervise all phases of the International Union delegate and officer elections and to hear and determine any protest arising pursuant to such rules. No individual serving as the election supervisor may be a candidate for any delegate position or International office. Nor may the election supervisor be affiliated with any candidate for any delegate or International office. Nor may the election supervisor be a present or former International Union officer, a present or former paid or non-paid International Union appointee, or an individual who has been an employee of the International Union within the previous ten year period. The rules governing the International Union delegate and officer elections shall be designed to ensure a fair, free, and democratic election, and shall be fully consistent with the provisions of this Constitution requiring the election of delegates and International Union officers by direct membership vote. Section 5(a)(3). Local Unions in Trusteeship may send delegates to the Convention only if a secret ballot election is conducted in accordance with Article XXII. The General Executive Board may exercise its authority under Article II, Section 4(h) in connection with any such election conducted for delegates or alternate delegates. Section 5(a)(4). Delegates to the Convention meet to legislate on matters affecting the entire International [ 22 ]

ART. III, SEC. 5<br />

Election of Delegates and Alternates<br />

Section 5(a)(1). Delegates to any International<br />

Convention in which any International Union officers<br />

are nominated or elected shall be chosen by secret ballot<br />

vote of the membership in accordance with Article XXII<br />

and applicable law relating to the nomination and election<br />

of union officers. During the month of July of the<br />

year preceding the Convention, the General Secretary-<br />

Treasurer shall notify each <strong>Local</strong> Union of the number<br />

of delegates that it may be entitled to send to the<br />

Convention, in accordance with the procedures set forth<br />

in Article VII, Section 5. <strong>Local</strong> Unions having regularly<br />

scheduled officer elections during the fall of the year<br />

preceding the Convention may elect delegates and alternate<br />

delegates at the same time as officers are elected,<br />

provided that separate secret ballots are utilized for the<br />

delegates and alternate delegate election. Candidates for<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Union office may also run for delegate or alternate<br />

delegate. All <strong>Local</strong> Unions not conducting delegate and<br />

alternate delegate elections in connection with their regular<br />

officer elections shall conduct separate secret ballot<br />

elections for those positions. Nomination meetings for<br />

delegates and alternate delegates shall be conducted not<br />

more than six (6) months nor less than four (4) months<br />

prior to the month in which the Convention is held.<br />

Secret ballot elections shall be held not less than thirty<br />

(30) days after the nomination meeting.<br />

Section 5(a)(2). Subject to the provisions of Article<br />

IV, Section 4 of this <strong>Constitution</strong>, if then in effect, the<br />

General Executive Board shall have the authority to<br />

establish rules and procedures to govern the election of<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Union delegates to any International Union<br />

Convention at which candidates for International Union<br />

office are nominated, and for the election of<br />

[ 21 ]

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