Constitution - Teamsters Local 399

Constitution - Teamsters Local 399 Constitution - Teamsters Local 399


ART. XXII, SEC. 4 counting of the ballots. Voting by writing in the name of a person who was not duly nominated shall not be permitted. Any ballot shall be declared void if it contains any mark other than the voting mark. The Local Union Executive Board shall have the authority to establish all rules and regulations for the conduct of the election to supplement the provisions of the International Constitution and the Local Union Bylaws, including the authority to use mail referendum balloting or absentee balloting without membership approval. Absentee voting by mail shall be permitted only upon application of members who are ill or absent from the city or town where they are normally employed at the time of voting because on vacation or on employment tour of duty. The Local Union Executive Board may permit additional reasons for absentee balloting if they so desire. Application for absentee ballots shall be made to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for election and shall contain the grounds therefor. Absentee ballots shall be valid only if they are received by noon of the day on which the polls close. Absentee voting shall be conducted with all proper safeguards for secrecy of the ballot. The General President shall also have the authority to direct the use of mail referendum balloting or absentee balloting without membership approval, any action of the Local Union Executive Board to the contrary notwithstanding. (c). To be eligible to vote in the election, a member must have his dues paid up through the month prior to the month in which the election is held. The candidate for each office who receives a plurality of the votes cast for the office shall be elected thereto, except in the case of Trustees, in which case the three (3) candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. In [ 167 ]

ART. XXII, SEC. 4 the event of a tie vote the candidates shall resolve such tie by lot except in the case of a tie for the office of principal officer of the Local Union, in which case there shall be a reelection between only the candidates who have tied for the highest number of votes and only for that principal office. The officers-elect shall take office at the end of the term of the incumbent officers regardless of the date of installation, which installation may take place at either the same meeting at which they are elected or, if not elected at a meeting, at the next meeting following their election. Where the nominee is unopposed at the regularly designated nominations meeting, there shall be no necessity for the election of such nominee and he shall be declared duly elected at such nominations meeting, effective as of the conclusion of the term of the previous incumbent. Local Unions whose membership is composed substantially of seasonal workers in the seasonal food industry shall provide for the nominations and election of officers during the peak of the season or, in the alternative, if the nominations and election are to be held at the time set forth herein, shall be governed by the following rules with respect to eligibility to vote: such seasonal workers who (1) were in regular employment during some period of the twelve (12) months prior to the election and (2) produce satisfactory evidence that their dues were paid up through the last month of employment shall be eligible to nominate and vote. Such members of such Local Unions must be permitted to continue to pay dues during periods of seasonal layoff. Any disputes with respect to the applicability of this provision, in any particular circumstances, shall be finally resolved by the General President. (d). The General President is authorized to change the [ 168 ]

ART. XXII, SEC. 4<br />

the event of a tie vote the candidates shall resolve such<br />

tie by lot except in the case of a tie for the office of principal<br />

officer of the <strong>Local</strong> Union, in which case there<br />

shall be a reelection between only the candidates who<br />

have tied for the highest number of votes and only for<br />

that principal office. The officers-elect shall take office<br />

at the end of the term of the incumbent officers regardless<br />

of the date of installation, which installation may<br />

take place at either the same meeting at which they are<br />

elected or, if not elected at a meeting, at the next meeting<br />

following their election. Where the nominee is unopposed<br />

at the regularly designated nominations meeting,<br />

there shall be no necessity for the election of such nominee<br />

and he shall be declared duly elected at such nominations<br />

meeting, effective as of the conclusion of the<br />

term of the previous incumbent.<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Unions whose membership is composed substantially<br />

of seasonal workers in the seasonal food industry<br />

shall provide for the nominations and election of officers<br />

during the peak of the season or, in the alternative,<br />

if the nominations and election are to be held at the time<br />

set forth herein, shall be governed by the following rules<br />

with respect to eligibility to vote: such seasonal workers<br />

who (1) were in regular employment during some period<br />

of the twelve (12) months prior to the election and (2)<br />

produce satisfactory evidence that their dues were paid<br />

up through the last month of employment shall be eligible<br />

to nominate and vote. Such members of such <strong>Local</strong><br />

Unions must be permitted to continue to pay dues during<br />

periods of seasonal layoff. Any disputes with respect to<br />

the applicability of this provision, in any particular circumstances,<br />

shall be finally resolved by the General<br />

President.<br />

(d). The General President is authorized to change the<br />

[ 168 ]

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