Constitution - Teamsters Local 399

Constitution - Teamsters Local 399 Constitution - Teamsters Local 399


ART. XII, SEC. 2 In the event of protest, and if the parties cannot adjust the same, the matter shall be submitted to the General Executive Board for its determination, and no such agreement shall become finally effective as to such Local Unions until the determination by the General Executive Board. All provisions of Section 2(b) and (c) of this Article shall be equally applicable to company-wide negotiations and agreements negotiated on an area, multiemployer, multi-state, multi-area, or national basis. (d). Those affiliates of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters which are named by the General President for such purpose, shall designate such number of representatives of such organizations as shall be established by the General President to comprise the negotiating committees which shall represent those affiliates and/or their constituent bodies in establishing the procedures for, and the negotiations of, master agreements, and for submission of such negotiated master agreements to the membership involved by the proposed agreement for approval or rejection, and to do all things necessary to implement the enforcement of such agreements and compliance by Local Unions with the provisions of this Article and the procedures established thereunder. In circumstances where the General President deems it necessary, the General President shall have the authority to appoint the Union Chairperson of any joint arbitration and grievance panel provided for by master agreements, including any supplements, addenda, riders, and any other agreements established pursuant to and/or made part of any master agreement. In such circumstances, the General President, in his discretion, may consider recommendations for such positions made by [ 95 ]

ART. XII, SEC. 2 Local Unions and other affiliates whose members are covered by any such agreement. The General President, as such and in his capacity as Chairperson of any national negotiating committee, is authorized to do all things necessary to implement this provision. Local Unions and other affiliates with members covered by master and supplemental agreements may recommend representatives to the General President to consider for appointment to any negotiating committee constituted in connection with such agreements. The General President shall appoint the representatives to all committees that negotiate master and supplemental agreements, and shall appoint the Chairperson in circumstances where the General President deems it necessary. Such negotiating committee may order, during negotiations, a secret ballot strike vote to be taken on such basis as it shall determine. Such vote shall be conducted in the manner as provided in accordance with this Section. When in the judgment of the negotiating committee the involved employer has made a final offer of settlement, such negotiating committee shall have the authority, with the approval of the General Executive Board, to conduct agreement ratification votes and strike votes on such area, multi-area, multi-employer, national, company-wide, industry-wide, or Local Union basis as the committee shall determine, except that no such final offer shall be considered to be a contract offer subject to ratification by the membership until it has been reviewed by the Local Unions which are the bargaining representatives of the involved members. In the event a strike is authorized, the said committee shall have the authority, with the approval of the General Executive Board, to [ 96 ]

ART. XII, SEC. 2<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Unions and other affiliates whose members are<br />

covered by any such agreement. The General President,<br />

as such and in his capacity as Chairperson of any national<br />

negotiating committee, is authorized to do all things<br />

necessary to implement this provision.<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Unions and other affiliates with members covered<br />

by master and supplemental agreements may recommend<br />

representatives to the General President to consider<br />

for appointment to any negotiating committee constituted<br />

in connection with such agreements. The General<br />

President shall appoint the representatives to all committees<br />

that negotiate master and supplemental agreements,<br />

and shall appoint the Chairperson in circumstances where<br />

the General President deems it necessary.<br />

Such negotiating committee may order, during negotiations,<br />

a secret ballot strike vote to be taken on such<br />

basis as it shall determine. Such vote shall be conducted<br />

in the manner as provided in accordance with this<br />

Section.<br />

When in the judgment of the negotiating committee<br />

the involved employer has made a final offer of settlement,<br />

such negotiating committee shall have the authority,<br />

with the approval of the General Executive Board, to<br />

conduct agreement ratification votes and strike votes on<br />

such area, multi-area, multi-employer, national, company-wide,<br />

industry-wide, or <strong>Local</strong> Union basis as the<br />

committee shall determine, except that no such final<br />

offer shall be considered to be a contract offer subject to<br />

ratification by the membership until it has been reviewed<br />

by the <strong>Local</strong> Unions which are the bargaining representatives<br />

of the involved members. In the event a strike is<br />

authorized, the said committee shall have the authority,<br />

with the approval of the General Executive Board, to<br />

[ 96 ]

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