2000 HSS/PSA Program 1 - History of Science Society

2000 HSS/PSA Program 1 - History of Science Society

2000 HSS/PSA Program 1 - History of Science Society


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<strong>HSS</strong> <strong>2000</strong> <strong>Program</strong><br />

Friday, 3 November<br />

9:00 a.m.—11:45 a.m.<br />

*indicate session organizer(s)<br />

Friday, 3 November<br />

The Values <strong>of</strong> Interdisciplinarity<br />

(Oxford Room)<br />

Jeremiah␣ L. James, Harvard University, Disparate Bonds: Ends and Means<br />

in Early Quantum Chemistry<br />

Silvan␣ S. Schweber, Brandeis University, Interdisciplinarity, Theory, the<br />

Computer and the Physical <strong>Science</strong>s<br />

*Jamie␣ N. Cohen-Cole, Princeton University, The Cognitive Revolution and<br />

the Culture <strong>of</strong> Interdisciplinarity<br />

Timothy Lenoir, Stanford University, Accelerating Discovery: Bioinformatics<br />

and Interdisciplinarity<br />

CHAIR AND COMMENTATOR: Cathryn␣ L. Carson, University <strong>of</strong> California,<br />

Berkeley<br />

Cultures <strong>of</strong> 20th-Century Astronomy<br />

(Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales)<br />

Matthew Stanley, Harvard University, <strong>Science</strong> and the Spiritual Quest:<br />

Religion, Epistemology, and Eddington’s Stellar Models<br />

Keith␣ R. Lafortune, University <strong>of</strong> Notre Dame, Pickering’s Harem and the<br />

New Sociology <strong>of</strong> Astronomy, 1877-1919<br />

Abha Sur, Massachusetts Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology, Identity and Ideology in<br />

Meghnad Saha’s Physics<br />

David␣ P.␣ D. Munns, Johns Hopkins University, Becoming Astronomy: Why<br />

Cosmic Noise became Radio Astronomy<br />

JoAnn Palmeri, Independent Scholar, Sagan and Shapley: The Astronomer<br />

as Prophet <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong> in the Twentieth Century<br />

CHAIR: Pamela␣ E. Mack, Clemson University<br />

Friday 3 November<br />

12:30 p.m.—1:30 p.m.<br />

Regency Centre<br />

Forum for the <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong> in America<br />

Distinguished Lecture<br />

Estella Leopold, University <strong>of</strong> Washington<br />

“Ecologists and the Land Ethic”<br />


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