Terms & Conditions - HSBC

Terms & Conditions - HSBC Terms & Conditions - HSBC


2.4 The Customer undertakes at all times to maintain the assets and property of a value (according to the determination of the Bank) that exceeds or equals to the value determined by the Bank to be appropriate to secure the amount of Secured Indebtedness from time to time in accordance with the loan-to-asset ratio specified and notified by the Bank to the Customer form time to time. 2.5 The Customer hereby undertakes, during the continuance of the security created hereunder, to maintain absolute title to the Secured Assets and not, without the Bank’s prior written consent, to withdraw, sell, dispose of or deal with or to change, pledge, assign, otherwise encumber or grant or suffer to arise any third party rights over or against any of the Secured Assets, except in the Bank’s favour. Further, if the Customer creates or purports to create any security (whether fixed or floating) over the Secured Assets or any part thereof, the security created by Clause 2 of this Section, to the extent that it may be a floating charge, shall automatically and without notice from the Bank crystallize and operate as a fixed charge instantly when such an event occurs. 2.6 The Customer undertakes to buy insurance or to request the mortgagor to do so (in case of mortgage by a third party) to insure the Security Asset against all covered risks; and to appoint the Bank as beneficiary in the insurance contract based on which the insurer shall pay to the Bank any amount entitled by the Customer upon occurrence of any insurance event under the insurance contract. In case of any insurance amount paid to the Customer in relation to the Security Asset, the Customer shall have to refund such payment to the Bank in accordance with related insurance contract. 2.7 The Customer undertakes, if and when required by the Bank, to execute or do such agreements, assurance, acts and things as the Bank shall require to (i) secure the Secured Indebtedness; (ii) perfect, protect or improve any security created or intended to be created by Clause 2 of this Section; or (iii) facilitate the exercise or proposed exercise by the Bank of any of its rights under this Section. 2.8 The Customer undertakes to pay the Bank, on demand, all the Bank’s expenses (including legal and out-of-pocket expenses) of reasonable amount and reasonably incurred by the Bank in contemplation of, or in connection with, the preservation, enforcement or exercise of any rights under this Section. 2.9 Payments by the Customer shall be made to the Bank as specified by the Bank without any set-off, counterclaim, withholding or conditions of any kind except that, if the Customer is compelled by law to make such withholding, the sum payable by the Customer shall be increased so that the amount actually received by the Bank is the amount it would have received if there had been no withholding. 3. Enforcement of Security: 3.1 If: (a) (b) (c) (d) The Customer has failed to pay any Secured Indebtedness on demand or is in default under any of these Term and Condition; or The Customer is unable or admits the inability to pay debts as they become due; or Any proceedings in or analogous to the bankruptcy, insolvency or composition of the Customer are started; or Legal process is levied or enforced against any of the Customer’s assets. 36

The Bank may, by giving notice (the “Enforcement Notice”) to the Customer and register the Enforcement Notice with the competent authorities in accordance with the laws of Vietnam, legal process or any other action with respect to the Customer, realize or sell the Secured Assets or any of them, at any time and in any way which the Bank may deem expedient, free from and discharged from all the Customer’s trusts, claims, rights of redemption and equities, in or toward settlement of the Secured Indebtedness. The Customer shall not have any right or claim against the Bank with respect to any loss arising out of such realization or sale, howsoever such loss may have been caused. Without prejudice to Clause 2.5 of this Section and insofar as the security created by the Clause 2 of this Section is a floating charge, the Bank may, without prejudice to the above, convert the floating charge into a specific fixed charge at any time and from time to time by notice in writing to the Customer. 3.2 The proceeds of the realization or sale of Secured Assets may be placed by the Bank to the credit of a suspense account with a view to preserving the Bank’s right to prove for the whole of the Bank’s against the Customer in the event of any proceedings in or analogous to bankruptcy, insolvency, winding-up, liquidation and composition and may also be applied by the Bank to such amount, obligations or liability of the Customer as the Bank may, at the Bank’s sole discretion, from time to time conclusively determine. 3.3 No payment to the Bank (whether under any judgment or order of any court or otherwise) shall discharge an obligation with respect to the Secured Indebtedness unless and until the Bank shall have received payment in full in the currency in which such obligation was incurred and, to the extent that the amount of any such payment hall, on actual conversion into such currency, fall short of such obligation expressed in that currency, the Bank shall have a further separate cause of action against the Customer and shall be entitled to enforce the security hereunder to recover the amount of such shortfall. 4. Nature of Security 4.1 The security hereunder shall be a continuing security and shall cover and secure the ultimate balance of the Secured Indebtedness from time to time owing to the Bank by the Customer on each separate account or in any manner whatsoever notwithstanding the Customer’s death, bankruptcy, incapacity or the Bank’s receipt of notice of any such occurrence or any settlement of account or other matter whatsoever. 4.2 The security hereunder is in addition to and may be enforced notwithstanding any guarantee, indemnity, assurance, pledge, lien, bill, note, mortgage, charge, debenture, security or other right, power or remedy now or hereafter held by or available to the Bank. 4.3 Any release, discharge or settlement between the Bank and the Customer shall be conditional upon no security, disposition or payment to the Bank by the Customer or any other person being avoided, reduced or repaid pursuant to any provisions or enactments relating to bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up, insolvency or circumstances analogous thereto and, for such purpose, shall be entitled to retain this instrument for such periods as the Bank may determine and, if such condition shall not the fulfilled, the Bank shall be entitled to enforce the security hereunder subsequently as if such release, discharge or settlement had not occurred. 4.4 If more than one person comprises the Customer, these Terms and Conditions create a security in the Secured Assets to the full extent of their respective interest therein and none of such persons shall be entitled to any rights or remedies of a surety as regards the Customer’s obligations. 37

The Bank may, by giving notice (the “Enforcement Notice”) to the Customer and register<br />

the Enforcement Notice with the competent authorities in accordance with the laws of<br />

Vietnam, legal process or any other action with respect to the Customer, realize or sell<br />

the Secured Assets or any of them, at any time and in any way which the Bank may<br />

deem expedient, free from and discharged from all the Customer’s trusts, claims, rights<br />

of redemption and equities, in or toward settlement of the Secured Indebtedness. The<br />

Customer shall not have any right or claim against the Bank with respect to any loss<br />

arising out of such realization or sale, howsoever such loss may have been caused.<br />

Without prejudice to Clause 2.5 of this Section and insofar as the security created by<br />

the Clause 2 of this Section is a floating charge, the Bank may, without prejudice to the<br />

above, convert the floating charge into a specific fixed charge at any time and from time<br />

to time by notice in writing to the Customer.<br />

3.2 The proceeds of the realization or sale of Secured Assets may be placed by the Bank<br />

to the credit of a suspense account with a view to preserving the Bank’s right to prove<br />

for the whole of the Bank’s against the Customer in the event of any proceedings in or<br />

analogous to bankruptcy, insolvency, winding-up, liquidation and composition and may<br />

also be applied by the Bank to such amount, obligations or liability of the Customer as the<br />

Bank may, at the Bank’s sole discretion, from time to time conclusively determine.<br />

3.3 No payment to the Bank (whether under any judgment or order of any court or otherwise)<br />

shall discharge an obligation with respect to the Secured Indebtedness unless and until<br />

the Bank shall have received payment in full in the currency in which such obligation<br />

was incurred and, to the extent that the amount of any such payment hall, on actual<br />

conversion into such currency, fall short of such obligation expressed in that currency,<br />

the Bank shall have a further separate cause of action against the Customer and shall be<br />

entitled to enforce the security hereunder to recover the amount of such shortfall.<br />

4. Nature of Security<br />

4.1 The security hereunder shall be a continuing security and shall cover and secure the<br />

ultimate balance of the Secured Indebtedness from time to time owing to the Bank by<br />

the Customer on each separate account or in any manner whatsoever notwithstanding<br />

the Customer’s death, bankruptcy, incapacity or the Bank’s receipt of notice of any such<br />

occurrence or any settlement of account or other matter whatsoever.<br />

4.2 The security hereunder is in addition to and may be enforced notwithstanding any<br />

guarantee, indemnity, assurance, pledge, lien, bill, note, mortgage, charge, debenture,<br />

security or other right, power or remedy now or hereafter held by or available to the Bank.<br />

4.3 Any release, discharge or settlement between the Bank and the Customer shall be<br />

conditional upon no security, disposition or payment to the Bank by the Customer or any other<br />

person being avoided, reduced or repaid pursuant to any provisions or enactments relating<br />

to bankruptcy, liquidation, winding-up, insolvency or circumstances analogous thereto and,<br />

for such purpose, shall be entitled to retain this instrument for such periods as the Bank may<br />

determine and, if such condition shall not the fulfilled, the Bank shall be entitled to enforce the<br />

security hereunder subsequently as if such release, discharge or settlement had not occurred.<br />

4.4 If more than one person comprises the Customer, these <strong>Terms</strong> and <strong>Conditions</strong> create a<br />

security in the Secured Assets to the full extent of their respective interest therein and<br />

none of such persons shall be entitled to any rights or remedies of a surety as regards the<br />

Customer’s obligations.<br />


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