Submitted Public Comments - Hampton Roads Transportation ...

Submitted Public Comments - Hampton Roads Transportation ...

Submitted Public Comments - Hampton Roads Transportation ...


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Attachment to Mr. Cairn's Message Regarding<br />

Termination for Convenience of the P3 Contract for the Midtown Tunnel/Downtown Tunnel/MLK Extension Project<br />

Loraye Jones Chesapeake VA 23325 United States<br />

I am against tunnels, build tall bridges that do not lift for river traffic. In favor in gas tax so all share in the cost of<br />

2/10/2012 bridges, roads, tunnels in <strong>Hampton</strong> <strong>Roads</strong>..<br />

bob tuleya Portsmouth VA 23707 United States<br />

What does this "leveraging" mean.?. This was never explained how this would save the DOT from financing road<br />

projects. Sounds like putting more burdens on residents regardless of their ability to pay. Have we ever paid a toll<br />

before the project was completed? Have we ever paid a toll for another project somewhere else?? This is not a<br />

2/10/2012 Republican or Democrat idea this is an untestedand questionable one<br />

Severn Kellam Norfolk VA 23517 United States 2/10/2012 These tolls will drive our port business to Savanah and Charleston.<br />

Tayra Stevens Portsmouth VA 23702 United States<br />

Live in Portsmouth, work in VA Beach. Lucky to be employed part time (hrs cut) but no COL raise in years. What are<br />

2/10/2012 we to do? How much more can we cut from our home budgets. Food?<br />

Terry Smith Chesapeake VA 23321 United States<br />

I live in the Western Branch area of Chesapeake and started a small business in Northern Suffolk 4 months ago. Tolls<br />

will have a definite adverse impact on my business, as many of our customers live in Norfolk. And it will definitely be<br />

a hardship on one of my top employees, who lives near and attends ODU. And then let's talk about the traffic<br />

backups! You think they're bad now??? Make everyone slow down or stop and pay a toll and see what happens!<br />

Why don't you add a few cents onto the gasoline tax and put the $$$ into public transportation and get some of<br />

these cars off the road! Do you know how embarassing it was for the news to report that the area that boasts the<br />

largest Naval Base in the WORLD was test‐driving bus service to and from our airport???? And I don't understand<br />

why I only see the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth voicing concern. Where are Suffok and Chesapeake? Your<br />

citizens are affected every bit as much. We've all been asleep at the wheel over this issue. It's time to wake up and<br />

voice our concerns and come up with some viable alternatives that don't put us in a worse situation than we're<br />

2/10/2012 already in.<br />

I do not feel that tolls in areas where people have no real choice but to have to pay them is the right way to go with<br />

Alvin W Anderosn Jr Suffolk VA 23434 United States 2/10/2012 this, I do agree that it is needed and should be considered for state funding prior to other road projects.<br />

Jeanne Hanewich Chesapeake VA 23320 United States<br />

my husband commutes to Portsmouth daily to the CG building and this will negativly affect his commute... $$$ which<br />

2/10/2012 way too high is one thing, extended commute times, increased accidents and traffic backups are going to be horrible!<br />

Jean Sparrow Virginia Beach VA 23452 United States<br />

Because people are already suffering enough financially. We pay taxes for the roads. The commute is already beastly,<br />

2/10/2012 and a new toll will make it much worse.<br />

M. Patricia Walsh Norfolk VA 23508 United States<br />

we need to come up with another way to improve the tunnels, and traffic in this area in general, without having all<br />

the burden on those who commute to work and school and are barely making ends meet as it is. There's got to be a<br />

2/10/2012 better way!<br />

Shaun Russell Portsmouth VA 23704 United States<br />

As an adult student in a single‐income home, tolls will add significant hardship to both my wife and I in our daily<br />

2/10/2012 travels from Portsmouth to Norfolk.<br />

Adrienne Lynch Virginia Beach VA 23464 United States<br />

Because I am a single parent and I already pay taxing on everything I do in this state I don't feel i should pay a toll just<br />

2/10/2012 to go across the water to visit family and friends and business.<br />

Danny J O'Galvin Virginia Beach VA 23456 United States<br />

Funding should come from the ending of wasteful spending first and foremost. We can argue as to what is wasteful<br />

and what isn't wasteful spending but we can all agree wasteful spending does occur. In this economy I am against<br />

any burden being placed upon the middle class if such a class even exists anymore or on the backs of the working<br />

2/10/2012 poor! This includes tolls and also the equally dumb idea of additional gas taxes!<br />

Danny J O'Galvin Virginia Beach VA 23456 United States<br />

We can argue what is wasteful spending but all agree waste continues to occur. In this economy I cannot support<br />

2/10/2012 tolls but additional gas taxes is also not the answer!!<br />

Dawn Atkinson‐Schwab Virginia Beach VA 23452‐3229 United States<br />

I live in Virginia Beach but work in Portsmouth so I go through the downtown tunnel twice a day. Gas prices have<br />

gone high enough let alone adding tolls. Not to mention "no cost of living" pay raises. What's left to live off of? Not<br />

much. Besides The lottery was supposed to be for roads and education but I don't see it going there; so where's that<br />

2/10/2012 money? It time to put the foot down. Enough already.<br />

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