10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


IVICA KELAM Osnovna škola »Šećerana«, Beli Manastir, Hrvatska / Primary School “Šećerana”, Beli Manastir, Croatia GMO IZMEĐU MITA I STVARNOSTI Slučaj argentina Pod ovim naslovom želimo progovoriti o problematici GMO-a na primjeru jedne zemlje koja je najdalje otišla u prihvaćanju GMO-tehnologije. Iako se GMO-tehnologija prikazuje kao jedino rješenje za problem gladi u svijetu i sve veću ekološku katastrofu, iskustva iz zemalja koje su usvojile GMO-tehnologiju su zabrinjavajuća. U našem radu želimo se posebno osvrnuti na Argentinu kao primjer zemlje koja je oduševljeno prihvatila GMO-tehnologiju ne razmišljajući o posljedicama. Argentina je 15 godina nakon uvođenja GMO-kultura u poljoprivredu postala zemlja ovisna o GMO-monokulturama, posebno RR soji. Želimo istražiti sve aspekte potpune ovisnosti poljoprivrede o GMO-usjevima, s posebnim naglaskom na negativne aspekte. Mnogi problemi izlaze na vidjelo: od prevelike upotrebe herbicida koji negativno utječu na biološku raznovrsnost i imaju negativan utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje i zdravlje životinja sve do problema masovne sječe šuma pa čak i pojave gladi. Argentina je poučan primjer za Hrvatsku, u svjetlu sve glasnijih zahtjeva za uvođenjem GMO-usjeva u poljoprivredu, iz kojeg mjerodavna tijela mogu izvući pouke. GMO BETWEEN MYTH AND REALITY The Case of Argentina Under this title we want to talk about the GMO issue in the case of a country that has gone furthest in the acceptance of GMO technology. Although GMO technology appears as the only solution to the problem of world hunger and the growing environmental disaster, the experiences of countries that have adopted GMO technology are worrying. In our work we want to make special reference to Argentina as an example of a country that has enthusiastically adopted GMO technology without considering the consequences. Argentina 15 years after the introduction of GMO crops in agriculture has become a country dependent on the particular GMO mo- 98

noculture RR soybean. We investigate all aspects of total dependence on agriculture of GMO crops with special emphasis on the negative aspects. Many of the problems include: the excessive use of herbicides that have a negative impact on biodiversity, as well as on human and animal health, the case of massive deforestation and even famines. Argentina is an instructive example for Croatia in the light of ever-growing demands for the introduction of GMO crops in agriculture, from which the relevant authorities could draw lessons. GÁBOR KOVÁCS Institute for Philosophical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary / Institut za filozofska istraživanja, Mađarska akademija znanosti, Budimpešta, Mađarska NOTIONS OF NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF HANNAH ARENDT Modernity, in philosophical and sociological literature, has ‘traditionally’ been presented as the age when artefacts supplant nature and destroy the originally given natural environment. The process of modernization, from this point of view, is the process of denaturalization. This widely shared conviction has basically been questioned by Hannah Arendt. During the centuries of modern age, in the detriment of the commonly created and uphold human world, process of re-naturalization has been taking place, argues Arendt. This means, seen from other aspect, that modernity is the age of world-alienation. It is one of the results of modern science that human beings lose their confidence in the reliability of their senses. The Arendtian critique of modernity, which has deeply been influenced by Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, takes a difference between the notions of earth and world. In Arendt’s theory technology is the main culprit for the processes of re-naturalization. What are our relations, according to Arendt, to earth and world and what kinds of obligations can be deduced from them? These will be the main questions of my planned paper. 99

noculture RR soybean. We investigate all aspects of total dependence on<br />

agriculture of GMO crops with special emphasis on the negative aspects.<br />

Many of the problems include: the excessive use of herbicides that have a<br />

negative impact on biodiversity, as well as on human and animal health, the<br />

case of massive deforestation and even famines. Argentina is an instructive<br />

example for Croatia in the light of ever-growing demands for the introduction<br />

of GMO crops in agriculture, from which the relevant authorities<br />

could draw lessons.<br />


Institute for Philosophical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,<br />

Budapest, Hungary /<br />

Institut za filozofska istraživanja, Mađarska akademija znanosti,<br />

Budimpešta, Mađarska<br />



Modernity, in philosophical and sociological literature, has ‘traditionally’<br />

been presented as the age when artefacts supplant nature and destroy<br />

the originally given natural environment. The process of modernization,<br />

from this point of view, is the process of denaturalization. This widely<br />

shared conviction has basically been questioned by Hannah Arendt. During<br />

the centuries of modern age, in the detriment of the commonly created<br />

and uphold human world, process of re-naturalization has been taking<br />

place, argues Arendt. This means, seen from other aspect, that modernity<br />

is the age of world-alienation. It is one of the results of modern science<br />

that human beings lose their confidence in the reliability of their senses.<br />

The Arendtian critique of modernity, which has deeply been influenced by<br />

Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, takes a difference between the notions of<br />

earth and world. In Arendt’s theory technology is the main culprit for the<br />

processes of re-naturalization. What are our relations, according to Arendt,<br />

to earth and world and what kinds of obligations can be deduced from<br />

them? These will be the main questions of my planned paper.<br />


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