10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


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stvarne svrhe za čovjeka. Najopasnijim se nadaje gubitak svijesti o istinskom<br />

značenju čovjeka i višem smislu života. Ono najvrednije u svijetu<br />

ljudskog opstanka izloženo je diktatu logike biološkog redukcionizma,<br />

lišavano svake duhovne okomice i ontološke hijerarhije bića. Izgleda da<br />

čovjek, nakon zaborava Boga, živi opasni zaborav sebe, da gubi sposobnost<br />

da ozbiljuje puninu svoje ljudskosti i da se punoljetno brine o svom<br />

dostojanstvu. Zaboravio je da je on smisao Zemlje i svrha života na njoj.<br />

U radu autor obrazlaže stav po kojem bi središnja zadaća suvremenog<br />

<strong>filozofsko</strong>g, teološkog i, napose, etičkog mišljenja trebalo biti rehabilitiranje<br />

svijesti o fundamentalnom značenju čovjeka i višem smislu života. On<br />

argumentira zbog čega bi to trebala biti i središnja zadaća <strong>bioetike</strong>.<br />


Our world has reached the most critical phase of its existence. The<br />

nature, man and life are endangered to death; dangers and threats are suspending<br />

the hope and suppressing the possibility for salvation. The fate<br />

of the world is decided and it is governed by intellectually unenlightened,<br />

immoral and greedy people who act as if they are allowed everything that<br />

is possible. Science and technology continue to develop without any restraints<br />

or moral control, and disregard the real purpose of man. However,<br />

the most dangerous seems to be the loss of consciousness about the true<br />

meaning of man and the higher meaning of life. Most valuable aspects in<br />

the world of human existence are exposed to the dictates of logic, biological<br />

reductionism, being deprived of spiritual axis and ontological hierarchy<br />

of being. It seems that the man, after the oblivion of God, is dangerously<br />

starting to forget oneself, to lose the ability to actualize the fullness of her/<br />

his own humanity and to maturely care about her/his dignity. The man has<br />

forgotten that he is the meaning of Earth and the purpose of life on it.<br />

The author elaborates on his position that the central task of contemporary<br />

philosophical, theological and, especially, ethical thinking should be<br />

the rehabilitation of awareness of the fundamental importance of man and<br />

the higher meaning of life. He argues why that should be the central task<br />

of bioethics.<br />


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