10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


egulation in the HACCP system applied on the problems of production of Dalmatian prosciutto. Further on, this paper will provide analysis of all the steps of the technological process of producing Dalmatian prosciutto. This paper is an attempt at the integration of several dimensions of this issue: ecological, health, food production and the issue of preservation of traditional ways of food production. Considering the imperative of integration of these perspectives, we have come closer to the area of bioethical discussions, especially because the problem of food production is an important bioethical issue. BARDHYL ÇIPI, EDUARD GJIKA, REZART ÇIPI Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana, Albania / Medicinski fakultet, Sveučilište u Tirani, Albanija ASPECTS OF MEDICAL ETHICS IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY Orthopaedic surgeons face many ethical issues during their clinical practice. In this paper, the following principles of medical ethics in orthopaedic surgery are presented: physician–patient relationship, confidentiality, informed consent, conflicts of interest, medical errors and responsibility, etc. The physician–patient relationship has a contractual basis on confidentiality, trust and honesty. Both the patient and the orthopaedic surgeon are free to enter or discontinue the relationship within any existing constraints of a contract with a third party. An orthopaedic surgeon has the obligation to render care only for the conditions that he or she is competent to treat. Orthopaedic surgery cases are presented to illustrate the manner that ethical issues are typically addressed. The importance of understanding and awareness of ethical issues by orthopaedic surgeons is emphasized. These studies and their successful application by orthopaedic surgery doctors would raise the quality of the health care in Albania. 76

ASPEKTI MEDICINSKE ETIKE U ORTOPEDSKOJ KIRURGIJI Ortopedska kirurgija suočava se s mnogim etičkim pitanjima u svojoj kliničkoj praksi. U ovome radu će se izložiti principi medicinske etike u ortopedskoj kirurgiji: odnos liječnik–pacijent, povjerljivost, informirani pristanak, konflikt interesa, medicinske pogreške i odgovornost, itd. Odnos liječnik–pacijent ima svoj ugovorni temelj u povjerljivosti, pouzdanju i iskrenosti. I pacijent i ortopedski kirurg mogu slobodno započeti ili prekinuti taj odnos unutar bilo kojeg postojećeg ograničenja ugovora s trećom stranom. Ortopedski kirurg ima obvezu pružiti brigu samo za stanje koje je kompetentan liječiti. Prezentirat će se primjeri iz ortopedske kirurgije koji su ilustrativni za način na koji se uobičajeno pristupa etičkim pitanjima. Naglašava se važnost razumijevanja i osviještenosti etičkih pitanja kod ortopedskih kirurga. Takve studije i njihova uspješna primjena od strane ortopedskih kirurga u Albaniji podigla bi kvalitetu zdravstvene skrbi. MLADEN DOMAZET Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, Croatia / Institut za društvena istraživanja, Zagreb, Hrvatska WICKED OR NORMAL UNDERSTANDING? Explanatory conceptualisations of science for sustainability The article aims to set up a general conceptual framework for explaining the combined natural and social conditions associated with global environmental change. Based on the premise that these conditions defy traditional problem solving methods and explanatory conceptualisations, alternative explanatory strategies are tentatively outlined. Within a research programme of Post-normal Science, an ontology of systems and their characteristics and interactions is proposed as a foundation for an explanatory discourse addressing the problems of sustainability and survival. Such a proposal is prompted by the case-study of explanations in quantum theory, a fundamental formalised physical theory with long-standing incontestable empirical adequacy and physical foundation of understanding based on sci- 77



Ortopedska kirurgija suočava se s mnogim etičkim pitanjima u svojoj<br />

kliničkoj praksi. U ovome radu će se izložiti principi medicinske etike u<br />

ortopedskoj kirurgiji: odnos liječnik–pacijent, povjerljivost, informirani<br />

pristanak, konflikt interesa, medicinske pogreške i odgovornost, itd.<br />

Odnos liječnik–pacijent ima svoj ugovorni temelj u povjerljivosti, pouzdanju<br />

i iskrenosti. I pacijent i ortopedski kirurg mogu slobodno započeti<br />

ili prekinuti taj odnos unutar bilo kojeg postojećeg ograničenja ugovora s<br />

trećom stranom. Ortopedski kirurg ima obvezu pružiti brigu samo za stanje<br />

koje je kompetentan liječiti.<br />

Prezentirat će se primjeri iz ortopedske kirurgije koji su ilustrativni za<br />

način na koji se uobičajeno pristupa etičkim pitanjima.<br />

Naglašava se važnost razumijevanja i osviještenosti etičkih pitanja kod<br />

ortopedskih kirurga. Takve studije i njihova uspješna primjena od strane<br />

ortopedskih kirurga u Albaniji podigla bi kvalitetu zdravstvene skrbi.<br />


Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, Croatia /<br />

Institut za društvena istraživanja, Zagreb, Hrvatska<br />


Explanatory conceptualisations of science for sustainability<br />

The article aims to set up a general conceptual framework for explaining<br />

the combined natural and social conditions associated with global<br />

environmental change. Based on the premise that these conditions defy<br />

traditional problem solving methods and explanatory conceptualisations,<br />

alternative explanatory strategies are tentatively outlined. Within a research<br />

programme of Post-normal Science, an ontology of systems and their characteristics<br />

and interactions is proposed as a foundation for an explanatory<br />

discourse addressing the problems of sustainability and survival. Such a<br />

proposal is prompted by the case-study of explanations in quantum theory,<br />

a fundamental formalised physical theory with long-standing incontestable<br />

empirical adequacy and physical foundation of understanding based on sci-<br />


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