10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


vo sve. Problemi se javljaju pri potencijalnoj zamjeni ili ugradnji čipova, uključivo postojanje projekta stvaranja umjetnog mozga. Sve to rađa brojne etičke dvojbe. THE IMPLANTATION OF ORGANS AND EXTREMITIES – CURRENT STATE AND THE FUTURE “The industry of inorganic and organic polymers has decided to use the industries of microchips, plastics and rubber to allow cyborgs to make decisions regarding a ban on the existence of natural people.” Is this just a witty remark or already partial reality? Within the framework of the study of cyborg-ethics, the authors systematise the achievements in the implantation of artificial organs and extremities that have been made and predicted. Starting from the systemic approach to the human body as a system, two subsystems are described. Namely, the executive system which allows for the flow of matter and energy on the one hand, and the information system on the other. Our current understanding of the replacement of parts of organs and extremities allows for the conclusion that soon replacing almost everything will indeed be possible. Problems occur in the potential replacement or implantation of microchips, including the project of creating an artificial brain. All this poses numerous ethical dilemmas. SREĆKO GAJOVIĆ Hrvatski institut za istraživanje mozga, Medicinski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska / Croatian Institute for Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia NEUROGENEZA (STVARANJE NOVIH ŽIVČANIH STANICA) I NJENA ULOGA U LJUDSKOM MOZGU Nastanak i oblikovanje živčanog sustava odvija se prije rođenja, te je dugo smatrano da poslije rođenja ne nastaju novi neuroni, već se razvijaju samo veze među njima. Stoga su pokusi koji pokazuju da u mozgu postoji neurogeneza, tj. nastanak novih neurona, tek nakon desetak godina postali opće prihvaćena činjenica. 174

Uloga neurogeneze u odraslom mozgu proučava se pokusima na životinjama, prvenstveno mišu i štakoru. S obzirom na to da se odvija u hipokampusu, neurogeneza je povezana s pamćenjem i učenjem. Neurogeneza se pojačava s fizičkom aktivnosti životinje, a smanjuje zbog stresa. Miševi kojima je onemogućeno spavanje imaju manju neurogenezu. Također na neurogenezu utječu različite farmakološke tvari. Činjenica da u mozgu postoji endogena neurogeneza ukazuje da terapija matičnim stanicama, koja bi se mogla primijeniti za bolesti mozga, može koristiti mehanizme već inače prisutne u mozgu. Spoznaje o građi i djelovanju mozga mijenjaju naše viđenje djelovanja ljudskog bića, tako da razjašnjenje značenja neurogeneze u ljudskom mozgu postaje važno pitanje za razumijevanje nas samih. NEUROGENESIS (I.E. THE GENERATION OF NEW NEURONS) AND ITS FUNCTION IN THE HUMAN BRAIN It had previously been thought that the number of neurons in the nervous system was determined prior to birth, and that after birth brain development was purely the formation of neural connections. Thus, it took experiments showing adult brain neurogenesis over a decade to become widely accepted. The role of neurogenesis in the adult brain has been studied on laboratory animals, mainly mice and rats. Due to the fact that it takes place in the hippocampus, neurogenesis is associated with memory and learning. Physical exercise increases neurogenesis, while stress decreases it. The mice prevented from sleeping have lower neurogenesis. Moreover, different pharmacological substances influence the rate of neurogenesis. The fact that neurogenesis exists also implies that its natural mechanisms could be advantageous to future stem cell applications for human brain diseases. New insights into brain organisation and function change our views of human actions, thus making our understanding the impact of adult neurogenesis in the human brain an important question for our understanding us as humans. 175

Uloga neurogeneze u odraslom mozgu proučava se pokusima na životinjama,<br />

prvenstveno mišu i štakoru. S obzirom na to da se odvija u hipokampusu,<br />

neurogeneza je povezana s pamćenjem i učenjem. Neurogeneza<br />

se pojačava s fizičkom aktivnosti životinje, a smanjuje zbog stresa. Miševi<br />

kojima je onemogućeno spavanje imaju manju neurogenezu. Također na<br />

neurogenezu utječu različite farmakološke tvari.<br />

Činjenica da u mozgu postoji endogena neurogeneza ukazuje da terapija<br />

matičnim stanicama, koja bi se mogla primijeniti za bolesti mozga,<br />

može koristiti mehanizme već inače prisutne u mozgu. Spoznaje o građi i<br />

djelovanju mozga mijenjaju naše viđenje djelovanja ljudskog bića, tako da<br />

razjašnjenje značenja neurogeneze u ljudskom mozgu postaje važno pitanje<br />

za razumijevanje nas samih.<br />



It had previously been thought that the number of neurons in the nervous<br />

system was determined prior to birth, and that after birth brain development<br />

was purely the formation of neural connections. Thus, it took<br />

experiments showing adult brain neurogenesis over a decade to become<br />

widely accepted.<br />

The role of neurogenesis in the adult brain has been studied on laboratory<br />

animals, mainly mice and rats. Due to the fact that it takes place in<br />

the hippocampus, neurogenesis is associated with memory and learning.<br />

Physical exercise increases neurogenesis, while stress decreases it. The<br />

mice prevented from sleeping have lower neurogenesis. Moreover, different<br />

pharmacological substances influence the rate of neurogenesis.<br />

The fact that neurogenesis exists also implies that its natural mechanisms<br />

could be advantageous to future stem cell applications for human<br />

brain diseases. New insights into brain organisation and function change<br />

our views of human actions, thus making our understanding the impact of<br />

adult neurogenesis in the human brain an important question for our understanding<br />

us as humans.<br />


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