10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


čovjeka, koje proizlazi iz njegove stvorenosti na sliku Božju. Čovjeku je život darovan, a on ga ostvaruje kroz slobodu i odgovornost. U zajednici čovjek brusi osobnost koja ne ovisi o životnoj dobi i psihofizičkim danostima, niti se gubi u uterusu ili u snu. CONCEPT OF PERSON IN MODERN BIOETHICAL DEBATE The definitions of person diverge in different disciplines and scientific fields, which also is prominent in contemporary bioethics. The representatives of lay bioethics, Engelhardt and Singer, ignore an important component that Christian theology and personalistic anthropology protect – man’s spirituality. In the dominant desire for improvement of man, these representatives of lay bioethical thought attach the value of human life only if a person is mentally and physically healthy. The same talk of gradient personality if they believe that man in embryonic stage of life, mentally ill or people in coma do not have a personality, because they do not posses self-awareness. Hence, personality is easily lost; it is enough to fall ill or to fall asleep. In contrast, the Christian personalism speaks of an unconditional dignity of man arising from his createdness in the image of God. A life is given to man and he achieves it through freedom and responsibility. In the community, man shapes his own personality, which is not dependent on age, nor the psycho-physical givens, and even less is lost while in uterus or in while sleeping. MARKO TRAJKOVIĆ 1 , NIKO JOSIĆ 2 1 Pravni fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija / Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia 2 Katolička crkva Uzvišenja svetoga križa, Niš, Srbija / Catholic Church of the Raising of the Holy Cross, Niš, Serbia KRŠĆANSKA INTEGRACIJA VRIJEDNOSTI I PRAVO Pravo ne može istisnuti vrijednosti. Dakle, pojavljuje se kao imperativ naše stvarnosti, da odredimo mjesto prava u svijetu vrijednosti. Svijet vrijednosti nije odvojen od naše stvarnosti. U našoj stvarnosti on je svrha svega postojećeg. Zapravo, radi se o zahtjevu da u našu stvarnost unesemo 142

vrijednost. A važenje vrijednosti je apsolutno. Vječnost kršćanske integracije vrijednosti odmah ukazuje na apsolutni red vrijednosti, koji svoju »postojbinu« ima u Tvorcu. Problem određenja mjesta prava u svijetu vrijednosti spada u »predpravne« probleme. Na taj način kršćanska integracija vrijednosti postaje pretpostavka postojanja i razvoja prava. Pravna norma tako postaje formulacija vrijednosti. Pravna norma nije dragocjena sama po sebi, već ukoliko izražava kršćansku integraciju vrijednosti. Ona mora biti logična formulacija, zapravo, mora točno i primjereno prenositi sadržaj vrijednosti, a kao izraz vrijednosne dimenzije pravna norma zadobiva obvezujuću snagu. Imajući pred očima tako određenu pravnu normu, nitko neće moći negirati njenu nužnost u stvarnosti. Tada pravo izražava sadržaj kršćanske integracije vrijednosti i predlaže oblik idealnog vladanja. Tako se pokazuje točnim da vrijednosti imaju »stvaralačku moć«. CHRISTIAN INTEGRATION OF VALUES AND LAW Law cannot superseed values. Thus, it comes as an imperative of our reality to set the place for law in the world of values. The world of values is not apart from our reality. In our reality the world of values is the purpose of everything that exists. Actually, it regards the demand to bring values into our reality. The meaning of values is absolute. The eternity of Christian integration of values immediately points to the absolute order of values, which as such has its “homeland” in Creator. The issue of finding the place of law in the world of values is “pre-legal” issue. Thereby the Christian integration of values is becoming the assumption of the existence and development of law. Legal norm then becomes the formulation of values. Legal norm is not precious in itself, but only if it expresses Christian integration of values. Legal norm has to be the logical formulation, that is to say, it has to deliver the contents of value correctly and appropriately. As an expression of the value dimension, legal norm obtains the binding power. Keeping in mind the legal norm defined in such a way, nobody can deny its necessity in reality. Law then expresses the contents of Christian integration of values and proposes the model of the ideal behaviour. The fact that values have “creating power” is thus proved to be true. 143

čovjeka, koje proizlazi iz njegove stvorenosti na sliku Božju. Čovjeku je<br />

život darovan, a on ga ostvaruje kroz slobodu i odgovornost. U zajednici<br />

čovjek brusi osobnost koja ne ovisi o životnoj dobi i psihofizičkim danostima,<br />

niti se gubi u uterusu ili u snu.<br />


The definitions of person diverge in different disciplines and scientific<br />

fields, which also is prominent in contemporary bioethics. The representatives<br />

of lay bioethics, Engelhardt and Singer, ignore an important<br />

component that Christian theology and personalistic anthropology protect<br />

– man’s spirituality. In the dominant desire for improvement of man, these<br />

representatives of lay bioethical thought attach the value of human life only<br />

if a person is mentally and physically healthy. The same talk of gradient<br />

personality if they believe that man in embryonic stage of life, mentally ill<br />

or people in coma do not have a personality, because they do not posses<br />

self-awareness. Hence, personality is easily lost; it is enough to fall ill or<br />

to fall asleep. In contrast, the Christian personalism speaks of an unconditional<br />

dignity of man arising from his createdness in the image of God. A<br />

life is given to man and he achieves it through freedom and responsibility.<br />

In the community, man shapes his own personality, which is not dependent<br />

on age, nor the psycho-physical givens, and even less is lost while in uterus<br />

or in while sleeping.<br />


1<br />

Pravni fakultet, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija /<br />

Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia<br />

2<br />

Katolička crkva Uzvišenja svetoga križa, Niš, Srbija /<br />

Catholic Church of the Raising of the Holy Cross, Niš, Serbia<br />


Pravo ne može istisnuti vrijednosti. Dakle, pojavljuje se kao imperativ<br />

naše stvarnosti, da odredimo mjesto prava u svijetu vrijednosti. Svijet<br />

vrijednosti nije odvojen od naše stvarnosti. U našoj stvarnosti on je svrha<br />

svega postojećeg. Zapravo, radi se o zahtjevu da u našu stvarnost unesemo<br />


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