10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo

10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo 10. Lošinjski dani bioetike - Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo


KIRIL TEMKOV Skopje, Makedonija / Skopje, Macedonia INTERNACIONALIZACIJA BIOETIKE Za razliku od starih vremena, u posljednjim stoljećima pojavljuju se ideje i moralni principi koji pretendiraju na univerzalno važenje, a od kraja XIX. stoljeća razvija se globalna etika, u kojoj se inzistira na internacionalizmu moralnih sudova i normi. Sama bioetika od svojih početaka nagovještava, a u svojem razvijenijem obliku nužno dobiva univerzalno značenje, te su joj načela opća za cijeli svijet. U stvari, danas je već nemoguće razmišljati o ljudskom zdravlju, prvoj temi bioetike, kao rasnom, nacionalnom ili obiteljskom pitanju. To je još naglašenije u pitanjima okoliša i zaštite Prirode, koja se tiču svih suvremenih zajednica i čovječanstva u cjelini. I integrativna bioetika je veoma važan prilog razvoju globalne etike. Ova dinamička bioetička vizija ukazuje na supstancijalnu univerzalnu dimenziju bioetičke/etičke spoznaje i prakse, otkrivajući tako njihovu novu univerzalnost i unapređujući ih. Integrativna bioetika ne depersonalizira, nego znači stvaralačko uključivanje svih u bioetičko mišljenje i djelovanje. Takve etičke rasprave s različitih pozicija, ali s jedinstvenim ciljem, daju važan impuls internacionalizaciji bioetike kao njenoj bîti. INTERNATIONALISATION OF BIOETHICS Unlike the old times, in the last centuries we can found ideas, as well as moral principles, which aspire to universal validity, and since the end of the 19th century a global ethics has been developing, which insists on internationalisation of moral attitudes and norms. From its very beginnings, bioethics declares, and in its developed form necessarily receives universal importance, and its principles become generally valid for the entire world. In fact, today is impossible to consider human health, the first subject of bioethics, as different racial, national, or family issue. It is even more accented in the aspects of the environmental crisis and the protection of the Nature, which is important for all contemporary communities and the humanity as a whole. 138

Integrative bioethics is also a very important contribution to the development of global ethics. This dynamic bioethical vision shows the substantiality of the universal dimension of bioethical/ethical knowledge and praxis, with them uncovering their new universality as well as advancing them. Integrative bioethics does not depersonalise, it is rather a creative inclusion of all people in bioethical thinking and acting. Those numerous authors and ethical works from different positions, but all with a unique goal, are giving important impulse to internationalisation of bioethics as its essence. ZORAN TODOROVIĆ, BRANISLAVA MEDIĆ, KATARINA SAVIĆ VUJOVIĆ, MILICA PROSTRAN Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia / Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija COMMUNICATION ABOUT DRUG SAFETY Safety of medicines is an important ethical issue at all stages of drug development, from the discovery to the end of its application. The issue of drug safety plays the crucial role in communication between health workers and patients. Adverse drug reactions become the subject of discussion in public only when it comes to serious consequences (e.g., increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases due to inadequate security assessment of coxibs). On the other hand, the risk of adverse drug reactions may be overestimated, which can have equally serious consequences for public health (e.g., influenza vaccine). There are standards in the communication of data on drug safety (an acronym ABOUT), but the data are often contradictory, and the possibility of misuse is considerable. Also, we often neglect the safety of herbal remedies and medicines obtained without a prescription (OTC). KOMUNIKACIJA O SIGURNOSTI LIJEKOVA Sigurnost lijekova je važno etičko pitanje u svim fazama razvoja lijeka, od otkrića do kraja njegove primjene. Pitanje sigurnosti lijekova ima dominantno mjesto u komunikaciji između zdravstvenih radnika i pacijenata. 139

Integrative bioethics is also a very important contribution to the development<br />

of global ethics. This dynamic bioethical vision shows the substantiality<br />

of the universal dimension of bioethical/ethical knowledge and<br />

praxis, with them uncovering their new universality as well as advancing<br />

them. Integrative bioethics does not depersonalise, it is rather a creative<br />

inclusion of all people in bioethical thinking and acting. Those numerous<br />

authors and ethical works from different positions, but all with a unique<br />

goal, are giving important impulse to internationalisation of bioethics as<br />

its essence.<br />



Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia /<br />

Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija<br />


Safety of medicines is an important ethical issue at all stages of drug<br />

development, from the discovery to the end of its application. The issue of<br />

drug safety plays the crucial role in communication between health workers<br />

and patients. Adverse drug reactions become the subject of discussion<br />

in public only when it comes to serious consequences (e.g., increased mortality<br />

from cardiovascular diseases due to inadequate security assessment<br />

of coxibs). On the other hand, the risk of adverse drug reactions may be<br />

overestimated, which can have equally serious consequences for public<br />

health (e.g., influenza vaccine). There are standards in the communication<br />

of data on drug safety (an acronym ABOUT), but the data are often<br />

contradictory, and the possibility of misuse is considerable. Also, we often<br />

neglect the safety of herbal remedies and medicines obtained without a<br />

prescription (OTC).<br />


Sigurnost lijekova je važno etičko pitanje u svim fazama razvoja lijeka,<br />

od otkrića do kraja njegove primjene. Pitanje sigurnosti lijekova ima dominantno<br />

mjesto u komunikaciji između zdravstvenih radnika i pacijenata.<br />


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